Exemplo n.º 1
func noAction(kubeClient *fake.Clientset, originClient *testclient.Fake) string {
	if len(kubeClient.Actions()) != 0 {
		return fmt.Sprintf("unexpected actions: %v", kubeClient.Actions())
	if len(originClient.Actions()) != 0 {
		return fmt.Sprintf("unexpected actions: %v", originClient.Actions())
	return ""
Exemplo n.º 2
func extractDeletedGroups(tc *testclient.Fake) []string {
	ret := []string{}
	for _, genericAction := range tc.Actions() {
		switch action := genericAction.(type) {
		case core.DeleteAction:
			ret = append(ret, action.GetName())

	return ret
Exemplo n.º 3
func extractActualGroups(tc *testclient.Fake) []*userapi.Group {
	ret := []*userapi.Group{}
	for _, genericAction := range tc.Actions() {
		switch action := genericAction.(type) {
		case ktestclient.CreateAction:
			ret = append(ret, action.GetObject().(*userapi.Group))
		case ktestclient.UpdateAction:
			ret = append(ret, action.GetObject().(*userapi.Group))

	return ret
Exemplo n.º 4
func TestDeletingImagePruner(t *testing.T) {

	tests := map[string]struct {
		imageDeletionError error
		"no error": {},
		"delete error": {
			imageDeletionError: fmt.Errorf("foo"),

	for name, test := range tests {
		imageClient := testclient.Fake{}
		imagePruner := NewDeletingImagePruner(imageClient.Images())
		err := imagePruner.PruneImage(&imageapi.Image{ObjectMeta: kapi.ObjectMeta{Name: "id2"}})
		if test.imageDeletionError != nil {
			if e, a := test.imageDeletionError, err; e != a {
				t.Errorf("%s: err: expected %v, got %v", name, e, a)

		if e, a := 1, len(imageClient.Actions()); e != a {
			t.Errorf("%s: expected %d actions, got %d: %#v", name, e, a, imageClient.Actions())

		if !imageClient.Actions()[0].Matches("delete", "images") {
			t.Errorf("%s: expected action %s, got %v", name, "delete-images", imageClient.Actions()[0])
Exemplo n.º 5
func checkResult(t *testing.T, err error, c *testclient.Fake, admitter *StatusAdmitter, targetHost string, targetObjTime unversioned.Time, targetCachedTime *time.Time, ingressInd int, actionInd int) *routeapi.Route {
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)
	if len(c.Actions()) != actionInd+1 {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected actions: %#v", c.Actions())
	action := c.Actions()[actionInd]
	if action.GetVerb() != "update" || action.GetResource() != "routes" || action.GetSubresource() != "status" {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected action: %#v", action)
	obj := c.Actions()[actionInd].(ktestclient.UpdateAction).GetObject().(*routeapi.Route)
	if len(obj.Status.Ingress) != ingressInd+1 || obj.Status.Ingress[ingressInd].Host != targetHost {
		t.Fatalf("expected route reset: expected %q / actual %q -- %#v", targetHost, obj.Status.Ingress[ingressInd].Host, obj)
	condition := obj.Status.Ingress[ingressInd].Conditions[0]
	if condition.LastTransitionTime == nil || *condition.LastTransitionTime != targetObjTime || condition.Status != kapi.ConditionTrue || condition.Reason != "" {
		t.Fatalf("%s: unexpected condition: %#v", targetHost, condition)

	if targetCachedTime == nil {
		if v, ok := admitter.expected.Peek(types.UID("uid1")); ok {
			t.Fatalf("expected empty time: %#v", v)
	} else {
		if v, ok := admitter.expected.Peek(types.UID("uid1")); !ok || !reflect.DeepEqual(v, *targetCachedTime) {
			t.Fatalf("did not record last modification time: %#v %#v", admitter.expected, v)

	return obj
Exemplo n.º 6
func makePass(t *testing.T, host string, admitter *StatusAdmitter, srcObj *routeapi.Route, expectUpdate bool, conflict bool) *routeapi.Route {
	// initialize a new client
	var c *testclient.Fake
	if conflict {
		c = testclient.NewSimpleFake(&(errors.NewConflict(kapi.Resource("Route"), "route1", nil).ErrStatus))
	} else {
		c = testclient.NewSimpleFake(&routeapi.Route{})

	admitter.client = c

	inputObjRaw, err := kapi.Scheme.DeepCopy(srcObj)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

	inputObj := inputObjRaw.(*routeapi.Route)
	inputObj.Spec.Host = host

	err = admitter.HandleRoute(watch.Modified, inputObj)

	if expectUpdate {
		now := nowFn()
		var nowTime *time.Time
		if !conflict {
			nowTime = &now.Time
		return checkResult(t, err, c, admitter, inputObj.Spec.Host, now, nowTime, 0, 0)
	} else {
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

		// expect the last HandleRoute not to have performed any actions
		if len(c.Actions()) != 0 {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected actions: %#v", c)

		return nil