Exemplo n.º 1
func describeDeploymentPodSummaryInline(deploy *kapi.ReplicationController, includeEmpty bool) string {
	s := describeDeploymentPodSummary(deploy, includeEmpty)
	if len(s) == 0 {
		return s
	change := ""
	if changing, ok := deployutil.DeploymentDesiredReplicas(deploy); ok {
		switch {
		case changing < deploy.Spec.Replicas:
			change = fmt.Sprintf(" reducing to %d", changing)
		case changing > deploy.Spec.Replicas:
			change = fmt.Sprintf(" growing to %d", changing)
	return fmt.Sprintf(" - %s%s", s, change)
Exemplo n.º 2
// reconcileDeployments reconciles existing deployment replica counts which
// could have diverged outside the deployment process (e.g. due to auto or
// manual scaling, or partial deployments). The active deployment is the last
// successful deployment, not necessarily the latest in terms of the config
// version. The active deployment replica count should follow the config, and
// all other deployments should be scaled to zero.
// Previously, scaling behavior was that the config replica count was used
// only for initial deployments and the active deployment had to be scaled up
// directly. To continue supporting that old behavior we must detect when the
// deployment has been directly manipulated, and if so, preserve the directly
// updated value and sync the config with the deployment.
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) reconcileDeployments(existingDeployments *kapi.ReplicationControllerList, config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	latestIsDeployed, latestDeployment := deployutil.LatestDeploymentInfo(config, existingDeployments)
	if !latestIsDeployed {
		// We shouldn't be reconciling if the latest deployment hasn't been
		// created; this is enforced on the calling side, but double checking
		// can't hurt.
		return nil
	activeDeployment := deployutil.ActiveDeployment(config, existingDeployments)
	// Compute the replica count for the active deployment (even if the active
	// deployment doesn't exist). The active replica count is the value that
	// should be assigned to the config, to allow the replica propagation to
	// flow downward from the config.
	// By default we'll assume the config replicas should be used to update the
	// active deployment except in special cases (like first sync or externally
	// updated deployments.)
	activeReplicas := config.Spec.Replicas
	source := "the deploymentConfig itself (no change)"

	activeDeploymentExists := activeDeployment != nil
	activeDeploymentIsLatest := activeDeploymentExists && activeDeployment.Name == latestDeployment.Name
	latestDesiredReplicas, latestHasDesiredReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentDesiredReplicas(latestDeployment)

	switch {
	case activeDeploymentExists && activeDeploymentIsLatest:
		// The active/latest deployment follows the config unless this is its first
		// sync or if an external change to the deployment replicas is detected.
		lastActiveReplicas, hasLastActiveReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(activeDeployment)
		if !hasLastActiveReplicas || lastActiveReplicas != activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas {
			activeReplicas = activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas
			source = fmt.Sprintf("the latest/active deployment %q which was scaled directly or has not previously been synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(activeDeployment))
	case activeDeploymentExists && !activeDeploymentIsLatest:
		// The active/non-latest deployment follows the config if it was
		// previously synced; if this is the first sync, infer what the config
		// value should be based on either the latest desired or whatever the
		// deployment is currently scaled to.
		_, hasLastActiveReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(activeDeployment)
		if hasLastActiveReplicas {
		if latestHasDesiredReplicas {
			activeReplicas = latestDesiredReplicas
			source = fmt.Sprintf("the desired replicas of latest deployment %q which has not been previously synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(latestDeployment))
		} else if activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas > 0 {
			activeReplicas = activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas
			source = fmt.Sprintf("the active deployment %q which has not been previously synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(activeDeployment))
	case !activeDeploymentExists && latestHasDesiredReplicas:
		// If there's no active deployment, use the latest desired, if available.
		activeReplicas = latestDesiredReplicas
		source = fmt.Sprintf("the desired replicas of latest deployment %q with no active deployment", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(latestDeployment))

	// Bring the config in sync with the deployment. Once we know the config
	// accurately represents the desired replica count of the active deployment,
	// we can safely reconcile deployments.
	// If the deployment config is test, never update the deployment config based
	// on deployments, since test behavior overrides user scaling.
	switch {
	case config.Spec.Replicas == activeReplicas:
	case config.Spec.Test:
		glog.V(4).Infof("Detected changed replicas for test deploymentConfig %q, ignoring that change", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		oldReplicas := config.Spec.Replicas
		config.Spec.Replicas = activeReplicas
		var err error
		config, err = c.osClient.DeploymentConfigs(config.Namespace).Update(config)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		glog.V(4).Infof("Synced deploymentConfig %q replicas from %d to %d based on %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), oldReplicas, activeReplicas, source)

	// Reconcile deployments. The active deployment follows the config, and all
	// other deployments should be scaled to zero.
	for _, deployment := range existingDeployments.Items {
		isActiveDeployment := activeDeployment != nil && deployment.Name == activeDeployment.Name

		oldReplicaCount := deployment.Spec.Replicas
		newReplicaCount := 0
		if isActiveDeployment {
			newReplicaCount = activeReplicas
		if config.Spec.Test {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Deployment config %q is test and deployment %q will be scaled down", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), deployutil.LabelForDeployment(&deployment))
			newReplicaCount = 0
		lastReplicas, hasLastReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(&deployment)
		// Only update if necessary.
		if !hasLastReplicas || newReplicaCount != oldReplicaCount || lastReplicas != newReplicaCount {
			deployment.Spec.Replicas = newReplicaCount
			deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentReplicasAnnotation] = strconv.Itoa(newReplicaCount)
			_, err := c.kubeClient.ReplicationControllers(deployment.Namespace).Update(&deployment)
			if err != nil {
				c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeWarning, "DeploymentScaleFailed",
					"Failed to scale deployment %q from %d to %d: %s", deployment.Name, oldReplicaCount, newReplicaCount, err)
				return err
			// Only report scaling events if we changed the replica count.
			if oldReplicaCount != newReplicaCount {
				c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeNormal, "DeploymentScaled",
					"Scaled deployment %q from %d to %d", deployment.Name, oldReplicaCount, newReplicaCount)
			} else {
				glog.V(4).Infof("Updated deployment %q replica annotation to match current replica count %d", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(&deployment), newReplicaCount)

	return c.updateStatus(config)
Exemplo n.º 3
// Deploy starts the deployment process for deploymentName.
func (d *Deployer) Deploy(namespace, deploymentName string) error {
	// Look up the new deployment.
	to, err := d.getDeployment(namespace, deploymentName)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get deployment %s/%s: %v", namespace, deploymentName, err)

	// Decode the config from the deployment.
	config, err := deployutil.DecodeDeploymentConfig(to, latest.Codec)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't decode deployment config from deployment %s/%s: %v", to.Namespace, to.Name, err)

	// Get a strategy for the deployment.
	strategy, err := d.strategyFor(config)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// New deployments must have a desired replica count.
	desiredReplicas, hasDesired := deployutil.DeploymentDesiredReplicas(to)
	if !hasDesired {
		return fmt.Errorf("deployment %s has no desired replica count", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(to))

	// Find all deployments for the config.
	unsortedDeployments, err := d.getDeployments(namespace, config.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get controllers in namespace %s: %v", namespace, err)
	deployments := unsortedDeployments.Items

	// Sort all the deployments by version.

	// Find any last completed deployment.
	var from *kapi.ReplicationController
	for _, candidate := range deployments {
		if candidate.Name == to.Name {
		if deployutil.DeploymentStatusFor(&candidate) == deployapi.DeploymentStatusComplete {
			from = &candidate

	// Scale down any deployments which aren't the new or last deployment.
	for _, candidate := range deployments {
		// Skip the from/to deployments.
		if candidate.Name == to.Name {
		if from != nil && candidate.Name == from.Name {
		// Skip the deployment if it's already scaled down.
		if candidate.Spec.Replicas == 0 {
		// Scale the deployment down to zero.
		retryWaitParams := kubectl.NewRetryParams(1*time.Second, 120*time.Second)
		if err := d.scaler.Scale(candidate.Namespace, candidate.Name, uint(0), &kubectl.ScalePrecondition{Size: -1, ResourceVersion: ""}, retryWaitParams, retryWaitParams); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Couldn't scale down prior deployment %s: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(&candidate), err)
		} else {
			glog.Infof("Scaled down prior deployment %s", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(&candidate))

	// Perform the deployment.
	if from == nil {
		glog.Infof("Deploying %s for the first time (replicas: %d)", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(to), desiredReplicas)
	} else {
		glog.Infof("Deploying from %s to %s (replicas: %d)", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(from), deployutil.LabelForDeployment(to), desiredReplicas)
	return strategy.Deploy(from, to, desiredReplicas)
Exemplo n.º 4
// reconcileDeployments reconciles existing deployment replica counts which
// could have diverged outside the deployment process (e.g. due to auto or
// manual scaling, or partial deployments). The active deployment is the last
// successful deployment, not necessarily the latest in terms of the config
// version. The active deployment replica count should follow the config, and
// all other deployments should be scaled to zero.
// Previously, scaling behavior was that the config replica count was used
// only for initial deployments and the active deployment had to be scaled up
// directly. To continue supporting that old behavior we must detect when the
// deployment has been directly manipulated, and if so, preserve the directly
// updated value and sync the config with the deployment.
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) reconcileDeployments(existingDeployments []kapi.ReplicationController, config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	latestIsDeployed, latestDeployment := deployutil.LatestDeploymentInfo(config, existingDeployments)
	if !latestIsDeployed {
		// We shouldn't be reconciling if the latest deployment hasn't been
		// created; this is enforced on the calling side, but double checking
		// can't hurt.
		return c.updateStatus(config, existingDeployments)
	activeDeployment := deployutil.ActiveDeployment(existingDeployments)
	// Compute the replica count for the active deployment (even if the active
	// deployment doesn't exist). The active replica count is the value that
	// should be assigned to the config, to allow the replica propagation to
	// flow downward from the config.
	// By default we'll assume the config replicas should be used to update the
	// active deployment except in special cases (like first sync or externally
	// updated deployments.)
	activeReplicas := config.Spec.Replicas
	source := "the deploymentConfig itself (no change)"

	activeDeploymentExists := activeDeployment != nil
	activeDeploymentIsLatest := activeDeploymentExists && activeDeployment.Name == latestDeployment.Name
	latestDesiredReplicas, latestHasDesiredReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentDesiredReplicas(latestDeployment)

	switch {
	case activeDeploymentExists && activeDeploymentIsLatest:
		// The active/latest deployment follows the config unless this is its first
		// sync or if an external change to the deployment replicas is detected.
		lastActiveReplicas, hasLastActiveReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(activeDeployment)
		if !hasLastActiveReplicas || lastActiveReplicas != activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas {
			activeReplicas = activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas
			source = fmt.Sprintf("the latest/active deployment %q which was scaled directly or has not previously been synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(activeDeployment))
	case activeDeploymentExists && !activeDeploymentIsLatest:
		// The active/non-latest deployment follows the config if it was
		// previously synced; if this is the first sync, infer what the config
		// value should be based on either the latest desired or whatever the
		// deployment is currently scaled to.
		_, hasLastActiveReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(activeDeployment)
		if hasLastActiveReplicas {
		if latestHasDesiredReplicas {
			activeReplicas = latestDesiredReplicas
			source = fmt.Sprintf("the desired replicas of latest deployment %q which has not been previously synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(latestDeployment))
		} else if activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas > 0 {
			activeReplicas = activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas
			source = fmt.Sprintf("the active deployment %q which has not been previously synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(activeDeployment))
	case !activeDeploymentExists && latestHasDesiredReplicas:
		// If there's no active deployment, use the latest desired, if available.
		activeReplicas = latestDesiredReplicas
		source = fmt.Sprintf("the desired replicas of latest deployment %q with no active deployment", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(latestDeployment))

	// Bring the config in sync with the deployment. Once we know the config
	// accurately represents the desired replica count of the active deployment,
	// we can safely reconcile deployments.
	// If the deployment config is test, never update the deployment config based
	// on deployments, since test behavior overrides user scaling.
	switch {
	case config.Spec.Replicas == activeReplicas:
	case config.Spec.Test:
		glog.V(4).Infof("Detected changed replicas for test deploymentConfig %q, ignoring that change", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config))
		copied, err := deployutil.DeploymentConfigDeepCopy(config)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		oldReplicas := copied.Spec.Replicas
		copied.Spec.Replicas = activeReplicas
		config, err = c.dn.DeploymentConfigs(copied.Namespace).Update(copied)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		glog.V(4).Infof("Synced deploymentConfig %q replicas from %d to %d based on %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), oldReplicas, activeReplicas, source)

	// Reconcile deployments. The active deployment follows the config, and all
	// other deployments should be scaled to zero.
	var updatedDeployments []kapi.ReplicationController
	for i := range existingDeployments {
		deployment := existingDeployments[i]
		toAppend := deployment

		isActiveDeployment := activeDeployment != nil && deployment.Name == activeDeployment.Name

		oldReplicaCount := deployment.Spec.Replicas
		newReplicaCount := int32(0)
		if isActiveDeployment {
			newReplicaCount = activeReplicas
		if config.Spec.Test {
			glog.V(4).Infof("Deployment config %q is test and deployment %q will be scaled down", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), deployutil.LabelForDeployment(&deployment))
			newReplicaCount = 0
		lastReplicas, hasLastReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(&deployment)
		// Only update if necessary.
		var copied *kapi.ReplicationController
		if !hasLastReplicas || newReplicaCount != oldReplicaCount || lastReplicas != newReplicaCount {
			if err := kclient.RetryOnConflict(kclient.DefaultBackoff, func() error {
				// refresh the replication controller version
				rc, err := c.rcStore.ReplicationControllers(deployment.Namespace).Get(deployment.Name)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				copied, err = deployutil.DeploymentDeepCopy(rc)
				if err != nil {
					glog.V(2).Infof("Deep copy of deployment %q failed: %v", rc.Name, err)
					return err
				copied.Spec.Replicas = newReplicaCount
				copied.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentReplicasAnnotation] = strconv.Itoa(int(newReplicaCount))
				_, err = c.rn.ReplicationControllers(copied.Namespace).Update(copied)
				return err
			}); err != nil {
				c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeWarning, "DeploymentScaleFailed",
					"Failed to scale deployment %q from %d to %d: %v", deployment.Name, oldReplicaCount, newReplicaCount, err)
				return err

			// Only report scaling events if we changed the replica count.
			if oldReplicaCount != newReplicaCount {
				c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeNormal, "DeploymentScaled",
					"Scaled deployment %q from %d to %d", copied.Name, oldReplicaCount, newReplicaCount)
			} else {
				glog.V(4).Infof("Updated deployment %q replica annotation to match current replica count %d", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(copied), newReplicaCount)
			toAppend = *copied

		updatedDeployments = append(updatedDeployments, toAppend)

	// As the deployment configuration has changed, we need to make sure to clean
	// up old deployments if we have now reached our deployment history quota
	if err := c.cleanupOldDeployments(existingDeployments, config); err != nil {
		c.recorder.Eventf(config, kapi.EventTypeWarning, "DeploymentCleanupFailed", "Couldn't clean up deployments: %v", err)

	return c.updateStatus(config, updatedDeployments)
Exemplo n.º 5
// reconcileDeployments reconciles existing deployment replica counts which
// could have diverged outside the deployment process (e.g. due to auto or
// manual scaling, or partial deployments). The active deployment is the last
// successful deployment, not necessarily the latest in terms of the config
// version. The active deployment replica count should follow the config, and
// all other deployments should be scaled to zero.
// Previously, scaling behavior was that the config replica count was used
// only for initial deployments and the active deployment had to be scaled up
// directly. To continue supporting that old behavior we must detect when the
// deployment has been directly manipulated, and if so, preserve the directly
// updated value and sync the config with the deployment.
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) reconcileDeployments(existingDeployments *kapi.ReplicationControllerList, config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	latestIsDeployed, latestDeployment := deployutil.LatestDeploymentInfo(config, existingDeployments)
	if !latestIsDeployed {
		// We shouldn't be reconciling if the latest deployment hasn't been
		// created; this is enforced on the calling side, but double checking
		// can't hurt.
		return nil
	activeDeployment := deployutil.ActiveDeployment(config, existingDeployments)
	// Compute the replica count for the active deployment (even if the active
	// deployment doesn't exist). The active replica count is the value that
	// should be assigned to the config, to allow the replica propagation to
	// flow downward from the config.
	// This takes into account resources predating the propagation behavior
	// change, as well as external modifications to the deployments (e.g.
	// scalers).
	activeReplicas := config.Template.ControllerTemplate.Replicas
	source := "the deploymentConfig itself (no change)"
	if activeDeployment != nil {
		activeDeploymentIsLatest := activeDeployment.Name == latestDeployment.Name
		lastActiveReplicas, hasLastActiveReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(activeDeployment)
		if activeDeploymentIsLatest {
			if !hasLastActiveReplicas || lastActiveReplicas != activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas {
				activeReplicas = activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas
				source = fmt.Sprintf("the latest/active deployment %q which was scaled directly or has not previously been synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(activeDeployment))
		} else {
			if hasLastActiveReplicas {
				if lastActiveReplicas != activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas && activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas > 0 {
					activeReplicas = activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas
					source = fmt.Sprintf("the active deployment %q which was scaled directly", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(activeDeployment))
			} else {
				if activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas > 0 {
					activeReplicas = activeDeployment.Spec.Replicas
					source = fmt.Sprintf("the active deployment %q which has not been previously synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(activeDeployment))
				} else {
					latestDesiredReplicas, latestHasDesiredReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentDesiredReplicas(latestDeployment)
					if latestHasDesiredReplicas {
						activeReplicas = latestDesiredReplicas
						source = fmt.Sprintf("the desired replicas of latest deployment %q which has not been previously synced", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(latestDeployment))
	} else {
		latestDesiredReplicas, latestHasDesiredReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentDesiredReplicas(latestDeployment)
		if latestHasDesiredReplicas {
			activeReplicas = latestDesiredReplicas
			source = fmt.Sprintf("the desired replicas of latest deployment %q with no active deployment", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(latestDeployment))
	// Bring the config in sync with the deployment. Once we know the config
	// accurately represents the desired replica count of the active deployment,
	// we can safely reconcile deployments.
	if config.Template.ControllerTemplate.Replicas != activeReplicas {
		oldReplicas := config.Template.ControllerTemplate.Replicas
		config.Template.ControllerTemplate.Replicas = activeReplicas
		_, err := c.osClient.DeploymentConfigs(config.Namespace).Update(config)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		glog.V(4).Infof("Synced deploymentConfig %q replicas from %d to %d based on %s", deployutil.LabelForDeploymentConfig(config), oldReplicas, activeReplicas, source)
	// Reconcile deployments. The active deployment follows the config, and all
	// other deployments should be scaled to zero.
	for _, deployment := range existingDeployments.Items {
		isActiveDeployment := activeDeployment != nil && deployment.Name == activeDeployment.Name

		oldReplicaCount := deployment.Spec.Replicas
		newReplicaCount := 0
		if isActiveDeployment {
			newReplicaCount = activeReplicas
		lastReplicas, hasLastReplicas := deployutil.DeploymentReplicas(&deployment)
		// Only update if necessary.
		if !hasLastReplicas || newReplicaCount != oldReplicaCount || lastReplicas != newReplicaCount {
			deployment.Spec.Replicas = newReplicaCount
			deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentReplicasAnnotation] = strconv.Itoa(newReplicaCount)
			_, err := c.kubeClient.ReplicationControllers(deployment.Namespace).Update(&deployment)
			if err != nil {
				c.recorder.Eventf(config, "DeploymentScaleFailed",
					"Failed to scale deployment %q from %d to %d: %s", deployment.Name, oldReplicaCount, newReplicaCount, err)
				return err
			// Only report scaling events if we changed the replica count.
			if oldReplicaCount != newReplicaCount {
				c.recorder.Eventf(config, "DeploymentScaled",
					"Scaled deployment %q from %d to %d", deployment.Name, oldReplicaCount, newReplicaCount)
			} else {
				glog.V(4).Infof("Updated deployment %q replica annotation to match current replica count %d", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(&deployment), newReplicaCount)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 6
func (c *DeployerPodController) cleanupFailedDeployment(deployment *kapi.ReplicationController) error {
	// Scale down the current failed deployment
	configName := deployutil.DeploymentConfigNameFor(deployment)
	existingDeployments, err := c.deploymentClient.listDeploymentsForConfig(deployment.Namespace, configName)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't list Deployments for DeploymentConfig %s: %v", configName, err)

	desiredReplicas, ok := deployutil.DeploymentDesiredReplicas(deployment)
	if !ok {
		// if desired replicas could not be found, then log the error
		// and update the failed deployment
		// this cannot be treated as a transient error
		kutil.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("Could not determine desired replicas from %s to reset replicas for last completed deployment", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment)))

	if ok && len(existingDeployments.Items) > 0 {
		for index, existing := range existingDeployments.Items {
			// if a newer deployment exists:
			// - set the replicas for the current failed deployment to 0
			// - there is no point in scaling up the last completed deployment
			// since that will be scaled down by the later deployment
			if index == 0 && existing.Name != deployment.Name {

			// the latest completed deployment is the one that needs to be scaled back up
			if deployutil.DeploymentStatusFor(&existing) == deployapi.DeploymentStatusComplete {
				if existing.Spec.Replicas == desiredReplicas {

				// scale back the completed deployment to the target of the failed deployment
				existing.Spec.Replicas = desiredReplicas
				if _, err := c.deploymentClient.updateDeployment(existing.Namespace, &existing); err != nil {
					if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
						return nil
					return fmt.Errorf("couldn't update replicas to %d for deployment %s: %v", desiredReplicas, deployutil.LabelForDeployment(&existing), err)
				glog.V(4).Infof("Updated replicas to %d for deployment %s", desiredReplicas, deployutil.LabelForDeployment(&existing))

	// set the replicas for the failed deployment to 0
	// and set the status to Failed
	deployment.Spec.Replicas = 0
	deployment.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusAnnotation] = string(deployapi.DeploymentStatusFailed)
	if _, err := c.deploymentClient.updateDeployment(deployment.Namespace, deployment); err != nil {
		if kerrors.IsNotFound(err) {
			return nil
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't scale down the deployment %s and mark it as failed: %v", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment), err)
	glog.V(4).Infof("Scaled down the deployment %s and marked it as failed", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(deployment))

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 7
// Deploy starts the deployment process for rcName.
func (d *Deployer) Deploy(namespace, rcName string) error {
	// Look up the new deployment.
	to, err := d.getDeployment(namespace, rcName)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get deployment %s: %v", rcName, err)

	// Decode the config from the deployment.
	config, err := deployutil.DecodeDeploymentConfig(to, kapi.Codecs.UniversalDecoder())
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't decode deployment config from deployment %s: %v", to.Name, err)

	// Get a strategy for the deployment.
	s, err := d.strategyFor(config)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// New deployments must have a desired replica count.
	desiredReplicas, hasDesired := deployutil.DeploymentDesiredReplicas(to)
	if !hasDesired {
		return fmt.Errorf("deployment %s has already run to completion", to.Name)

	// Find all deployments for the config.
	unsortedDeployments, err := d.getDeployments(namespace, config.Name)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("couldn't get controllers in namespace %s: %v", namespace, err)
	deployments := unsortedDeployments.Items

	// Sort all the deployments by version.

	// Find any last completed deployment.
	var from *kapi.ReplicationController
	for _, candidate := range deployments {
		if candidate.Name == to.Name {
		if deployutil.IsCompleteDeployment(&candidate) {
			from = &candidate

	if deployutil.DeploymentVersionFor(to) < deployutil.DeploymentVersionFor(from) {
		return fmt.Errorf("deployment %s is older than %s", to.Name, from.Name)

	// Scale down any deployments which aren't the new or last deployment.
	for _, candidate := range deployments {
		// Skip the from/to deployments.
		if candidate.Name == to.Name {
		if from != nil && candidate.Name == from.Name {
		// Skip the deployment if it's already scaled down.
		if candidate.Spec.Replicas == 0 {
		// Scale the deployment down to zero.
		retryWaitParams := kubectl.NewRetryParams(1*time.Second, 120*time.Second)
		if err := d.scaler.Scale(candidate.Namespace, candidate.Name, uint(0), &kubectl.ScalePrecondition{Size: -1, ResourceVersion: ""}, retryWaitParams, retryWaitParams); err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(d.errOut, "error: Couldn't scale down prior deployment %s: %v\n", deployutil.LabelForDeployment(&candidate), err)
		} else {
			fmt.Fprintf(d.out, "--> Scaled older deployment %s down\n", candidate.Name)

	if d.until == "start" {
		return strategy.NewConditionReachedErr("Ready to start deployment")

	// Perform the deployment.
	if err := s.Deploy(from, to, int(desiredReplicas)); err != nil {
		return err
	fmt.Fprintf(d.out, "--> Success\n")
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 8
// TestHandle_updateOk ensures that an updated config (version >0) results in
// a new deployment with the appropriate replica count based on a variety of
// existing prior deployments.
func TestHandle_updateOk(t *testing.T) {
	var (
		config              *deployapi.DeploymentConfig
		deployed            *kapi.ReplicationController
		existingDeployments *kapi.ReplicationControllerList

	controller := &DeploymentConfigController{
		makeDeployment: func(config *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) (*kapi.ReplicationController, error) {
			return deployutil.MakeDeployment(config, api.Codec)
		deploymentClient: &deploymentClientImpl{
			createDeploymentFunc: func(namespace string, deployment *kapi.ReplicationController) (*kapi.ReplicationController, error) {
				deployed = deployment
				return deployment, nil
			listDeploymentsForConfigFunc: func(namespace, configName string) (*kapi.ReplicationControllerList, error) {
				return existingDeployments, nil
			updateDeploymentFunc: func(namespace string, deployment *kapi.ReplicationController) (*kapi.ReplicationController, error) {
				t.Fatalf("unexpected update call with deployment %v", deployment)
				return nil, nil
		osClient: testclient.NewSimpleFake(),

	type existing struct {
		version  int
		replicas int
		status   deployapi.DeploymentStatus

	type scenario struct {
		version          int
		expectedReplicas int
		existing         []existing

	scenarios := []scenario{
		{1, 1, []existing{}},
		{2, 1, []existing{
			{1, 1, deployapi.DeploymentStatusComplete},
		{3, 4, []existing{
			{1, 0, deployapi.DeploymentStatusComplete},
			{2, 4, deployapi.DeploymentStatusComplete},
		{3, 4, []existing{
			{1, 4, deployapi.DeploymentStatusComplete},
			{2, 1, deployapi.DeploymentStatusFailed},
		{4, 2, []existing{
			{1, 0, deployapi.DeploymentStatusComplete},
			{2, 0, deployapi.DeploymentStatusFailed},
			{3, 2, deployapi.DeploymentStatusComplete},
		// Scramble the order of the previous to ensure we still get it right.
		{4, 2, []existing{
			{2, 0, deployapi.DeploymentStatusFailed},
			{3, 2, deployapi.DeploymentStatusComplete},
			{1, 0, deployapi.DeploymentStatusComplete},

	for _, scenario := range scenarios {
		deployed = nil
		config = deploytest.OkDeploymentConfig(scenario.version)
		config.Triggers = []deployapi.DeploymentTriggerPolicy{}
		existingDeployments = &kapi.ReplicationControllerList{}
		for _, e := range scenario.existing {
			d, _ := deployutil.MakeDeployment(deploytest.OkDeploymentConfig(e.version), api.Codec)
			d.Spec.Replicas = e.replicas
			d.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusAnnotation] = string(e.status)
			existingDeployments.Items = append(existingDeployments.Items, *d)

		err := controller.Handle(config)

		if deployed == nil {
			t.Fatalf("expected a deployment")

		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("unexpected error: %v", err)

		desired, hasDesired := deployutil.DeploymentDesiredReplicas(deployed)
		if !hasDesired {
			t.Fatalf("expected desired replicas")
		if e, a := scenario.expectedReplicas, desired; e != a {
			t.Errorf("expected desired replicas %d, got %d", e, a)