Exemplo n.º 1
// cleanupOldDeployments deletes old replication controller deployments if their quota has been reached
func (c *DeploymentConfigController) cleanupOldDeployments(existingDeployments []kapi.ReplicationController, deploymentConfig *deployapi.DeploymentConfig) error {
	if deploymentConfig.Spec.RevisionHistoryLimit == nil {
		// there is no past deplyoment quota set
		return nil

	prunableDeployments := deployutil.DeploymentsForCleanup(deploymentConfig, existingDeployments)
	if len(prunableDeployments) <= int(*deploymentConfig.Spec.RevisionHistoryLimit) {
		// the past deployment quota has not been exceeded
		return nil

	deletionErrors := []error{}
	for i := 0; i < (len(prunableDeployments) - int(*deploymentConfig.Spec.RevisionHistoryLimit)); i++ {
		deployment := prunableDeployments[i]
		if deployment.Spec.Replicas != 0 {
			// we do not want to clobber active older deployments, but we *do* want them to count
			// against the quota so that they will be pruned when they're scaled down

		err := c.rn.ReplicationControllers(deployment.Namespace).Delete(deployment.Name, nil)
		if err != nil && !kapierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
			glog.V(2).Infof("Failed deleting old Replication Controller %q for Deployment Config %q: %v", deployment.Name, deploymentConfig.Name, err)
			deletionErrors = append(deletionErrors, err)

	return kutilerrors.NewAggregate(deletionErrors)
Exemplo n.º 2
				e2e.Logf("%02d: triggering a new deployment with config change", i)
				out, err := oc.Run("set", "env").Args("dc/history-limit", fmt.Sprintf("A=%d", i)).Output()

			o.Expect(waitForLatestCondition(oc, "history-limit", deploymentRunTimeout, checkDeploymentConfigHasSynced)).NotTo(o.HaveOccurred(),
				"the controller needs to have synced with the updated deployment configuration before checking that the revision history limits are being adhered to")
			deploymentConfig, deployments, _, err := deploymentInfo(oc, "history-limit")
			// sanity check to ensure that the following asertion on the amount of old deployments is valid

			// we need to filter out any deployments that we don't care about,
			// namely the active deployment and any newer deployments
			oldDeployments := deployutil.DeploymentsForCleanup(deploymentConfig, deployments)

			// we should not have more deployments than acceptable
			o.Expect(len(oldDeployments)).To(o.BeNumerically("==", revisionHistoryLimit))

			// the deployments we continue to keep should be the latest ones
			for _, deployment := range oldDeployments {
				o.Expect(deployutil.DeploymentVersionFor(&deployment)).To(o.BeNumerically(">=", iterations-revisionHistoryLimit))

	g.Describe("with minimum ready seconds set", func() {
		g.AfterEach(func() {
			failureTrap(oc, "minreadytest", g.CurrentGinkgoTestDescription().Failed)