Exemplo n.º 1
func validateAndGetNetworkPluginName(originClient *osclient.Client, pluginName string) (string, error) {
	if sdnplugin.IsOpenShiftNetworkPlugin(pluginName) {
		// Detect any plugin mismatches between node and master
		clusterNetwork, err := originClient.ClusterNetwork().Get(sdnapi.ClusterNetworkDefault)
		if kerrs.IsNotFound(err) {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("master has not created a default cluster network, network plugin %q can not start", pluginName)
		} else if err != nil {
			return "", fmt.Errorf("cannot fetch %q cluster network: %v", sdnapi.ClusterNetworkDefault, err)

		if clusterNetwork.PluginName != strings.ToLower(pluginName) {
			if len(clusterNetwork.PluginName) != 0 {
				return "", fmt.Errorf("detected network plugin mismatch between OpenShift node(%q) and master(%q)", pluginName, clusterNetwork.PluginName)
			} else {
				// Do not return error in this case
				glog.Warningf(`either there is network plugin mismatch between OpenShift node(%q) and master or OpenShift master is running an older version where we did not persist plugin name`, pluginName)
	} else if pluginName == "" {
		// Auto detect network plugin configured by master
		clusterNetwork, err := originClient.ClusterNetwork().Get(sdnapi.ClusterNetworkDefault)
		if err == nil {
			return clusterNetwork.PluginName, nil

	return pluginName, nil
Exemplo n.º 2
func StartNode(nodeConfig configapi.NodeConfig, components *utilflags.ComponentFlag) error {
	config, err := kubernetes.BuildKubernetesNodeConfig(nodeConfig, components.Enabled(ComponentProxy), components.Enabled(ComponentDNS))
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// In case of openshift network plugin, nodeConfig.networkPluginName is optional and is auto detected/finalized
	// once we build kubernetes node config. So perform plugin name related check here.
	if sdnplugin.IsOpenShiftNetworkPlugin(config.KubeletServer.NetworkPluginName) {
		// TODO: SDN plugin depends on the Kubelet registering as a Node and doesn't retry cleanly,
		// and Kubelet also can't start the PodSync loop until the SDN plugin has loaded.
		if components.Enabled(ComponentKubelet) != components.Enabled(ComponentPlugins) {
			return fmt.Errorf("the SDN plugin must be run in the same process as the kubelet")

	if components.Enabled(ComponentKubelet) {
		glog.Infof("Starting node %s (%s)", config.KubeletServer.HostnameOverride, version.Get().String())
	} else {
		glog.Infof("Starting node networking %s (%s)", config.KubeletServer.HostnameOverride, version.Get().String())

	_, kubeClientConfig, err := configapi.GetKubeClient(nodeConfig.MasterKubeConfig, nodeConfig.MasterClientConnectionOverrides)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	glog.Infof("Connecting to API server %s", kubeClientConfig.Host)

	// preconditions
	if components.Enabled(ComponentKubelet) {
		config.EnsureLocalQuota(nodeConfig) // must be performed after EnsureVolumeDir

	if components.Enabled(ComponentKubelet) {
	if components.Enabled(ComponentPlugins) {
	if components.Enabled(ComponentProxy) {
	if components.Enabled(ComponentDNS) {

	config.RunServiceStores(components.Enabled(ComponentProxy), components.Enabled(ComponentDNS))

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 3
func BuildKubernetesNodeConfig(options configapi.NodeConfig, enableProxy, enableDNS bool) (*NodeConfig, error) {
	originClient, _, err := configapi.GetOpenShiftClient(options.MasterKubeConfig, options.MasterClientConnectionOverrides)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	kubeClient, _, err := configapi.GetKubeClient(options.MasterKubeConfig, options.MasterClientConnectionOverrides)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	// Make a separate client for event reporting, to avoid event QPS blocking node calls
	eventClient, _, err := configapi.GetKubeClient(options.MasterKubeConfig, options.MasterClientConnectionOverrides)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	if options.NodeName == "localhost" {
		glog.Warningf(`Using "localhost" as node name will not resolve from all locations`)

	clientCAs, err := kcrypto.CertPoolFromFile(options.ServingInfo.ClientCA)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	imageTemplate := variable.NewDefaultImageTemplate()
	imageTemplate.Format = options.ImageConfig.Format
	imageTemplate.Latest = options.ImageConfig.Latest

	var path string
	var fileCheckInterval int64
	if options.PodManifestConfig != nil {
		path = options.PodManifestConfig.Path
		fileCheckInterval = options.PodManifestConfig.FileCheckIntervalSeconds

	kubeAddressStr, kubePortStr, err := net.SplitHostPort(options.ServingInfo.BindAddress)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse node address: %v", err)
	kubePort, err := strconv.Atoi(kubePortStr)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse node port: %v", err)

	if err = validateNetworkPluginName(originClient, options.NetworkConfig.NetworkPluginName); err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// Defaults are tested in TestKubeletDefaults
	server := kubeletoptions.NewKubeletServer()
	// Adjust defaults
	server.RequireKubeConfig = true
	server.PodManifestPath = path
	server.RootDirectory = options.VolumeDirectory
	server.NodeIP = options.NodeIP
	server.HostnameOverride = options.NodeName
	server.AllowPrivileged = true
	server.RegisterNode = true
	server.Address = kubeAddressStr
	server.Port = int32(kubePort)
	server.ReadOnlyPort = 0        // no read only access
	server.CAdvisorPort = 0        // no unsecured cadvisor access
	server.HealthzPort = 0         // no unsecured healthz access
	server.HealthzBindAddress = "" // no unsecured healthz access
	server.ClusterDNS = options.DNSIP
	server.ClusterDomain = options.DNSDomain
	server.NetworkPluginName = options.NetworkConfig.NetworkPluginName
	server.HostNetworkSources = []string{kubelettypes.ApiserverSource, kubelettypes.FileSource}
	server.HostPIDSources = []string{kubelettypes.ApiserverSource, kubelettypes.FileSource}
	server.HostIPCSources = []string{kubelettypes.ApiserverSource, kubelettypes.FileSource}
	server.HTTPCheckFrequency = unversioned.Duration{Duration: time.Duration(0)} // no remote HTTP pod creation access
	server.FileCheckFrequency = unversioned.Duration{Duration: time.Duration(fileCheckInterval) * time.Second}
	server.PodInfraContainerImage = imageTemplate.ExpandOrDie("pod")
	server.CPUCFSQuota = true // enable cpu cfs quota enforcement by default
	server.MaxPods = 250
	server.PodsPerCore = 10
	server.SerializeImagePulls = false          // disable serialized image pulls by default
	server.EnableControllerAttachDetach = false // stay consistent with existing config, but admins should enable it
	if enableDNS {
		// if we are running local DNS, skydns will load the default recursive nameservers for us
		server.ResolverConfig = ""
	server.DockerExecHandlerName = string(options.DockerConfig.ExecHandlerName)

	if sdnplugin.IsOpenShiftNetworkPlugin(server.NetworkPluginName) {
		// set defaults for openshift-sdn
		server.HairpinMode = componentconfig.HairpinNone
		server.ConfigureCBR0 = false

	// prevents kube from generating certs
	server.TLSCertFile = options.ServingInfo.ServerCert.CertFile
	server.TLSPrivateKeyFile = options.ServingInfo.ServerCert.KeyFile

	containerized := cmdutil.Env("OPENSHIFT_CONTAINERIZED", "") == "true"
	server.Containerized = containerized

	// resolve extended arguments
	// TODO: this should be done in config validation (along with the above) so we can provide
	// proper errors
	if err := cmdflags.Resolve(options.KubeletArguments, server.AddFlags); len(err) > 0 {
		return nil, kerrors.NewAggregate(err)

	proxyconfig, err := buildKubeProxyConfig(options)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	deps, err := kubeletapp.UnsecuredKubeletDeps(server)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// provide any config overrides
	//deps.NodeName = options.NodeName
	deps.KubeClient = clientadapter.FromUnversionedClient(kubeClient)
	deps.EventClient = clientadapter.FromUnversionedClient(eventClient)

	// Setup auth
	authnTTL, err := time.ParseDuration(options.AuthConfig.AuthenticationCacheTTL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	authn, err := newAuthenticator(deps.KubeClient.Authentication(), clientCAs, authnTTL, options.AuthConfig.AuthenticationCacheSize)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	authzAttr, err := newAuthorizerAttributesGetter(options.NodeName)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	authzTTL, err := time.ParseDuration(options.AuthConfig.AuthorizationCacheTTL)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	authz, err := newAuthorizer(originClient, authzTTL, options.AuthConfig.AuthorizationCacheSize)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	deps.Auth = kubeletserver.NewKubeletAuth(authn, authzAttr, authz)

	// TODO: could be cleaner
	if configapi.UseTLS(options.ServingInfo) {
		extraCerts, err := configapi.GetNamedCertificateMap(options.ServingInfo.NamedCertificates)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		deps.TLSOptions = &kubeletserver.TLSOptions{
			Config: crypto.SecureTLSConfig(&tls.Config{
				// RequestClientCert lets us request certs, but allow requests without client certs
				// Verification is done by the authn layer
				ClientAuth: tls.RequestClientCert,
				ClientCAs:  clientCAs,
				// Set SNI certificate func
				// Do not use NameToCertificate, since that requires certificates be included in the server's tlsConfig.Certificates list,
				// which we do not control when running with http.Server#ListenAndServeTLS
				GetCertificate: cmdutil.GetCertificateFunc(extraCerts),
			CertFile: options.ServingInfo.ServerCert.CertFile,
			KeyFile:  options.ServingInfo.ServerCert.KeyFile,
	} else {
		deps.TLSOptions = nil

	iptablesSyncPeriod, err := time.ParseDuration(options.IPTablesSyncPeriod)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("Cannot parse the provided ip-tables sync period (%s) : %v", options.IPTablesSyncPeriod, err)
	sdnPlugin, err := sdnplugin.NewNodePlugin(options.NetworkConfig.NetworkPluginName, originClient, kubeClient, options.NodeName, options.NodeIP, iptablesSyncPeriod, options.NetworkConfig.MTU)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("SDN initialization failed: %v", err)
	if sdnPlugin != nil {
		deps.NetworkPlugins = append(deps.NetworkPlugins, sdnPlugin)

	endpointFilter, err := sdnplugin.NewProxyPlugin(options.NetworkConfig.NetworkPluginName, originClient, kubeClient)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("SDN proxy initialization failed: %v", err)

	config := &NodeConfig{
		BindAddress: options.ServingInfo.BindAddress,

		AllowDisabledDocker: options.AllowDisabledDocker,
		Containerized:       containerized,

		Client: kubeClient,

		VolumeDir: options.VolumeDirectory,

		KubeletServer: server,
		KubeletDeps:   deps,

		ServicesReady: make(chan struct{}),

		ProxyConfig:    proxyconfig,
		EnableUnidling: options.EnableUnidling,

		SDNPlugin:                 sdnPlugin,
		FilteringEndpointsHandler: endpointFilter,

	if enableDNS {
		dnsConfig, err := dns.NewServerDefaults()
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("DNS configuration was not possible: %v", err)
		if len(options.DNSIP) > 0 {
			dnsConfig.DnsAddr = options.DNSIP + ":53"
		dnsConfig.Domain = server.ClusterDomain + "."
		dnsConfig.Local = "openshift.default.svc." + dnsConfig.Domain

		services, serviceStore := dns.NewCachedServiceAccessorAndStore()
		endpoints, endpointsStore := dns.NewCachedEndpointsAccessorAndStore()
		if !enableProxy {
			endpoints = kubeClient
			endpointsStore = nil

		// TODO: use kubeletConfig.ResolverConfig as an argument to etcd in the event the
		//   user sets it, instead of passing it to the kubelet.

		config.ServiceStore = serviceStore
		config.EndpointsStore = endpointsStore
		config.DNSServer = &dns.Server{
			Config:      dnsConfig,
			Services:    services,
			Endpoints:   endpoints,
			MetricsName: "node",

	return config, nil