Exemplo n.º 1
func TestRecoverEncodings(t *testing.T) {
	constr, key := testConstruction()
	fastConstr := fastTestConstruction()

	baseConstr := saes.Construction{key}
	roundKeys := baseConstr.StretchedKey()

	outAff := getOutputAffineEncoding(constr, fastConstr, 1, 0)

	// Manually recover the output encoding.
	Q, Ps := RecoverEncodings(fastConstr, 1, 0)

	if fmt.Sprintf("%x %v", outAff.Linear, outAff.Constant) != fmt.Sprintf("%x %v", Q.Linear, Q.Constant) {
		t.Fatalf("RecoverEncodings recovered the wrong output encoding!")

	// Verify that all Ps composed with their corresponding output encoding equals XOR by a key byte.
	id := matrix.GenerateIdentity(8)
	for pos, P := range Ps {
		outAff := getOutputAffineEncoding(constr, fastConstr, 0, unshiftRows(pos))
		A, b := DecomposeAffineEncoding(encoding.ComposedBytes{outAff, P})

		if fmt.Sprintf("%x", id) != fmt.Sprintf("%x", A) {
			t.Fatalf("Linear part of encoding was not identity!")

		if roundKeys[1][unshiftRows(pos)] != b {
			t.Fatalf("Constant part of encoding was not key byte!")
Exemplo n.º 2
// FindPartialEncoding takes an affine encoded F and finds the values that strip its output encoding.  It returns the
// parameters it finds and the input encoding of f up to a key byte.
func FindPartialEncoding(constr *chow.Construction, f table.Byte, L, AtildeInv matrix.Matrix) (number.ByteFieldElem, byte, encoding.ByteAffine) {
	fInv := table.Invert(f)
	id := encoding.ByteLinear(matrix.GenerateIdentity(8))

	SInv := table.InvertibleTable(chow.InvTBox{saes.Construction{}, 0x00, 0x00})
	S := table.Invert(SInv)

	// Brute force the constant part of the output encoding and the beta in Atilde = A_i <- D(beta)
	for c := 0; c < 256; c++ {
		for d := 1; d < 256; d++ {
			cand := encoding.ComposedBytes{
				TableAsEncoding{f, fInv},
				encoding.ByteAffine{id, byte(c)},
				encoding.ByteMultiplication(byte(d)), // D below
				TableAsEncoding{SInv, S},

			if isAffine(cand) {
				a, b := DecomposeAffineEncoding(cand)
				return number.ByteFieldElem(d), byte(c), encoding.ByteAffine{encoding.ByteLinear(a), byte(b)}

	panic("Failed to strip output encodings!")
Exemplo n.º 3
func generateMask(rs *RandomSource, maskType MaskType, surface Surface) matrix.Matrix {
	if maskType == RandomMask {
		label := make([]byte, 16)

		if surface == Inside {
			copy(label[:], []byte("MASK Inside"))
			return rs.Matrix(label, 128)
		} else {
			copy(label[:], []byte("MASK Outside"))
			return rs.Matrix(label, 128)
	} else { // Identity mask.
		return matrix.GenerateIdentity(128)