Exemplo n.º 1
// InsertBefore inserts at the end, when NextSibling is null.
// compare http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4793604/how-to-do-insert-after-in-javascript-without-using-a-library
func InsertAfter(insPnt, toInsert *html.Node) {
	if insPnt.Parent != nil {
		insPnt.Parent.InsertBefore(toInsert, insPnt.NextSibling)
	} else {
		log.Printf("\nInsertAfter - insPnt has no Parent\n")
Exemplo n.º 2
func RemoveNode(n *html.Node) {
	par := n.Parent
	if par != nil {
	} else {
		log.Printf("\nNode to remove has no Parent\n")
Exemplo n.º 3
// Path is the directory, BName contains the base name.
func (fs *dsFileSys) saveFileByPath(f *DsFile, name string) error {

	dir, bname := fs.SplitX(name)
	f.Dir = dir
	// bname was only submitted in the fileobject
	// correct previous
	if f.BName != "" && f.BName != bname {
		dir = dir + bname // re-append
		if !strings.HasSuffix(dir, sep) {
			dir += sep
		bname = f.BName
		f.Dir = dir
	f.BName = common.Filify(bname)

	// f.MModTime = time.Now()
	f.fSys = fs

	// -------------now the datastore part-------------------------

	foDir, err := fs.dirByPath(dir)
	if err == datastore.ErrNoSuchEntity {
		return err
	} else if err != nil {
		aelog.Errorf(fs.Ctx(), "Error reading dir for file %v => %v", dir+bname, err)
		return err

	suggKey := datastore.NewKey(fs.Ctx(), tfil, f.BName, 0, foDir.Key)
	f.Key = suggKey

	effKey, err := datastore.Put(fs.Ctx(), suggKey, f)
	if err != nil {
		aelog.Errorf(fs.Ctx(), "Error saving file %v => %v", dir+bname, err)
		return err
	if !suggKey.Equal(effKey) {
		aelog.Errorf(fs.Ctx(), "file keys unequal %v - %v; %v %s", suggKey, effKey, f.Dir+f.BName, f.Data)

	// f.MemCacheSet()

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 4
func Nd(ntype string, content ...string) *html.Node {

	nd0 := new(html.Node)

	if ntype == "text" {
		nd0.Type = html.TextNode
		if len(content) > 0 {
			nd0.Data = content[0]
	} else {
		nd0.Type = html.ElementNode
		nd0.Data = ntype
		if len(content) > 0 {
			log.Printf("Element nodes can't have content")

	return nd0

Exemplo n.º 5
// Some websites have url paths like
// 	.../news/some--title/32168.html
// 	.../news/other-title/82316.html
// We want to condense these to
// 	.../news/some--title-32168.html
// 	.../news/other-title-82316.html
func condenseTrailingDir(uri string, n int) (ret string) {

	switch n {
	case 0:
		return uri
	case 1:
		return uri
	case 2:
		base1 := path.Base(uri)
		rdir1 := path.Dir(uri) // rightest Dir

		base2 := path.Base(rdir1)

		rdir2 := path.Dir(rdir1)

		ret = path.Join(rdir2, base2+"-"+base1)
		log.Fatalf("not implemented n > 2 (%v)", n)


Exemplo n.º 6

var spf func(format string, a ...interface{}) string = fmt.Sprintf // plain and unchanged

var epf func(format string, a ...interface{}) error = fmt.Errorf

var pfOld func(format string, a ...interface{}) (int, error) = fmt.Printf // no more, old style

var pf = func(format string, a ...interface{}) (int, error) { // new - a wrapper

	s := spf(format, a...)

	if len(appStageLogs) == 0 || len(appStageLogs) < currStage-1 {
		fmt.Printf("Premature pf() or appStageLogs too small (%v,%v) %s\n", len(appStageLogs), currStage, s)

	buf := appStageLogs[currStage]

	if strings.HasSuffix(buf, "\n\n") {
		buf = buf[0 : len(buf)-1]

	if strings.HasPrefix(s, "sameline") && strings.HasSuffix(buf, "\n") {
		buf = buf[0 : len(buf)-1]
		s = s[len("sameline"):]

	buf += s