Exemplo n.º 1
func (bi BlobInfo) String() string {

	b1 := new(bytes.Buffer)
	b1.WriteString("FN: " + util.LowerCasedUnderscored(bi.Filename))
	b1.WriteString(" Type: " + bi.ContentType)
	b1.WriteString(" " + fmt.Sprintf("%v", bi.Size/1024) + "KB")
	b1.WriteString(" BlobKey:" + fmt.Sprintf("%v", bi.BlobKey))

	return b1.String()

Exemplo n.º 2
// This was an attempt, to "catch" the uploaded blob
// and store it by myself into the datastore -
// where I would be able to delete it.
// But this failed - the actual blob data does not even reach the appengine.
// Only the blob-info data.
func dataStoreClone(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request,
	blob0 *BlobInfo, otherFormFields url.Values) {


	wbl := dsu.WrapBlob{}
	wbl.Category = "print"
	wbl.Name = otherFormFields["title"][0] + " - " + otherFormFields["descr"][0]
	wbl.Name += " - " + util.LowerCasedUnderscored(blob0.Filename)
	wbl.Desc = fmt.Sprintf("%v", blob0.BlobKey)
	wbl.S = blob0.ContentType
	if len(otherFormFields["post_field_file"]) > 0 {
		filecontent := otherFormFields["post_field_file"][0]
		wbl.VByte = []byte(filecontent)
	keyX2 := "bl" + time.Now().Format("060102_1504-05")
	_, errDS := dsu.BufPut(w, r, wbl, keyX2)
	util_err.Err_http(w, r, errDS, false)

Exemplo n.º 3
func parseFurther(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, saveImages bool) {

	c := appengine.NewContext(r)

	b := new(bytes.Buffer)
	defer func() {
		w.Header().Set("Content-type", "text/plain; charset=utf-8")

	// Get the item from the memcache
	wb1 := new(dsu.WrapBlob)
	ok := dsu.McacheGet(c, keyLatest, wb1)
	util_err.Err_http(w, r, ok, true)

	if ok {
		b.WriteString(sp("name %v\n", wb1.Name))
		b.WriteString(sp("S (boundary): %q\n", wb1.S))

		// dumps the entire body
		// b.WriteString(sp("B: %v\n", string(wb1.VByte)))

		// instead we split it by multipart mime
		vb := bytes.Split(wb1.VByte, []byte("--"+wb1.S))
		for i, v := range vb {
			h := ""  // header
			fn := "" // filename
			s := string(v)
			s = strings.Trim(s, "\r \n")
			ctype := ""

			b.WriteString(sp("\n___________mime boundary index %v___________\n", i))
			if strings.HasPrefix(s, "Content-Type: image/png;") ||
				strings.HasPrefix(s, "Content-Type: image/jpeg;") {

				if start := strings.Index(s, sepHeaderContent); start > 0 {
					h = s[:start]
					vh := strings.Split(h, "\r\n")
					for _, v := range vh {
						v := strings.TrimSpace(v)
						// b.WriteString("\t\t" + v + "\n")
						if strings.HasPrefix(v, "name=") {
							vv := strings.Split(v, "=")
							fn = util.LowerCasedUnderscored(vv[1])
					s = s[start+len(sepHeaderContent):]
					if posSemicol := strings.Index(h, ";"); posSemicol > 0 {
						ctype = h[0:posSemicol]

			if ctype == "" {
				b.WriteString("unparseable: " + util.Ellipsoider(s, 400))
			} else {
				b.WriteString(sp("\n\tctype=%v\n\t------------", ctype))
				if fn != "" {
					b.WriteString(sp("\n\tfilename=%v\n\t------------", fn))
				if saveImages {
					rE := resEntry{}
					rE.when = util.TimeMarker()
					rE.contentType = ctype
					rE.fn = fn
					rE.b64Img = &s
					Images[reservoirRevolver%reservoirSize] = rE
					c.Infof("Put image into reservoir %v %v", fn, ctype)


