Exemplo n.º 1
func (s *ManagerTestSuite) TestLogService(t *C) {
	config := &log.Config{
		File:  s.logFile,
		Level: "info",
	pct.Basedir.WriteConfig("log", config)

	m := log.NewManager(s.client, s.logChan)
	err := m.Start()
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	relay := m.Relay()
	t.Assert(relay, NotNil)

	logger := pct.NewLogger(relay.LogChan(), "log-svc-test")
	logger.Info("i'm a log entry")

	// Log entry should be sent to API.
	got := test.WaitLog(s.recvChan, 3)
	if len(got) == 0 {
		t.Fatal("No log entries")
	var gotLog proto.LogEntry
	for _, l := range got {
		if l.Service == "log-svc-test" {
			gotLog = l
	t.Assert(gotLog, NotNil)
	expectLog := proto.LogEntry{Ts: test.Ts, Level: proto.LOG_INFO, Service: "log-svc-test", Msg: "i'm a log entry"}
	if same, diff := test.IsDeeply(gotLog, expectLog); !same {
		t.Logf("%+v", got)

	// Since there's a log file, entry should be written to it too.
	size, _ := test.FileSize(s.logFile)
	test.WaitFileSize(s.logFile, size)
	var content []byte
	content, err = ioutil.ReadFile(s.logFile)
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	if !strings.Contains(string(content), "i'm a log entry") {
		t.Error("Writes log entry to log file, got\n", string(content))

	// Can't stop log service, but Stop() should work and not return error.
	err = m.Stop()
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	 * Change log level and file

	newLogFile := s.logFile + "-2"
	defer os.Remove(newLogFile)

	config = &log.Config{
		File:  newLogFile,
		Level: "warning",
	configData, err := json.Marshal(config)
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)

	cmd := &proto.Cmd{
		User:    "******",
		Service: "log",
		Cmd:     "SetConfig",
		Data:    configData,

	gotReply := m.Handle(cmd)
	expectReply := cmd.Reply(config)
	if same, diff := test.IsDeeply(gotReply, expectReply); !same {
		t.Logf("%+v", gotReply)

	// Log entry should NOT be sent to API if log level was really changed.
	logger.Info("i'm lost")
	got = test.WaitLog(s.recvChan, 3)
	if len(got) != 0 {
		t.Logf("%+v", got)
		t.Error("Log level changed dynamically")

	got = test.WaitLog(s.recvChan, 3)
	gotLog = proto.LogEntry{}
	for _, l := range got {
		if l.Service == "log-svc-test" {
			gotLog = l
	expectLog = proto.LogEntry{Ts: test.Ts, Level: proto.LOG_WARNING, Service: "log-svc-test", Msg: "blah"}
	if same, diff := test.IsDeeply(gotLog, expectLog); !same {
		t.Logf("%+v", got)

	// Entry should be written to new log file if it was really changed.
	size, _ = test.FileSize(newLogFile)
	test.WaitFileSize(newLogFile, size)
	content, err = ioutil.ReadFile(newLogFile)
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)
	if !strings.Contains(string(content), "blah") {
		t.Error("Log file changed dynamically, got\n", string(content))

	// Verify new log config on disk.
	data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(pct.Basedir.ConfigFile("log"))
	t.Assert(err, IsNil)
	gotConfig := &log.Config{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, gotConfig); err != nil {
	if same, diff := test.IsDeeply(gotConfig, config); !same {

	 * GetConfig

	cmd = &proto.Cmd{
		User:    "******",
		Service: "log",
		Cmd:     "GetConfig",
	reply := m.Handle(cmd)
	t.Assert(reply.Error, Equals, "")
	t.Assert(reply.Data, NotNil)
	gotConfigRes := []proto.AgentConfig{}
	if err := json.Unmarshal(reply.Data, &gotConfigRes); err != nil {
	expectConfigRes := []proto.AgentConfig{
			InternalService: "log",
			Config:          string(configData),
			Running:         true,
	if same, diff := test.IsDeeply(gotConfigRes, expectConfigRes); !same {

	 * Status (internal status of log and relay)

	status := m.Status()
	t.Check(status["ws"], Equals, "Connected")
	t.Check(status["log-file"], Equals, newLogFile)
	t.Check(status["log-level"], Equals, "warning")
Exemplo n.º 2
func (s *RelayTestSuite) TestLogFile(t *C) {
	 * This test is going to be a real pain in the ass because it writes/reads
	 * disk and the disk can be surprisingly slow on a test box.  On top of that,
	 * there's concurrency so we also have to wait for the CPU to run goroutines.

	r := s.relay
	l := s.logger

	// Online log should work without file log.
	l.Warn("It's a trap!")
	got := test.WaitLog(s.recvChan, 1)
	expect := []proto.LogEntry{
		{Ts: test.Ts, Level: proto.LOG_WARNING, Service: "test", Msg: "It's a trap!"},
	t.Check(got, DeepEquals, expect)

	log, err := ioutil.ReadFile(s.logFile)
	if !os.IsNotExist(err) {
		t.Error("We haven't enabled the log file yet, so it shouldn't exist yet")

	// Enable the log file.
	r.LogFileChan() <- s.logFile

	// Online log should work with the file log.
	l.Warn("It's another trap!")
	got = test.WaitLog(s.recvChan, 1)
	expect = []proto.LogEntry{
		{Ts: test.Ts, Level: proto.LOG_WARNING, Service: "test", Msg: "It's another trap!"},
	t.Check(got, DeepEquals, expect)

	// Log file should exist.
	size, _ := test.FileSize(s.logFile)
	test.WaitFileSize(s.logFile, size)
	log, err = ioutil.ReadFile(s.logFile)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("Log file should exist: %s", err)

	if !strings.Contains(string(log), "It's another trap!") {
		t.Error("Log file contains entry after being enabled, got\n", string(log))
	if strings.Contains(string(log), "It's a trap!") {
		t.Error("Log file does not contain entry before being enabled, got\n", string(log))

	if strings.Contains(string(log), "Hello") {
		t.Error("Log file should respect the log level")

	// We should be able to change the log file.
	newLogFile := s.logFile + "-new"
	defer func() { os.Remove(newLogFile) }()
	r.LogFileChan() <- newLogFile

	size, _ = test.FileSize(newLogFile)
	test.WaitFileSize(newLogFile, size)
	log, err = ioutil.ReadFile(newLogFile)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("New log file should exist: %s", err)

	if !strings.Contains(string(log), "Foo") {
		t.Error("New log file contains only the new log entry, got\n", string(log))
	if strings.Contains(string(log), "It's another trap!") {
		t.Error("New log file should contain only the new log entry")

	log, err = ioutil.ReadFile(s.logFile)
	if err != nil {
		t.Errorf("Old log file should still exist: %s", err)

	if strings.Contains(string(log), "Foo") {
		t.Error("Old log file should not contain the new log entry")