Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: main.go Projeto: phzfi/RIC
// ServeHTTP is called whenever there is a new request.
// This is quite similar to JavaEE Servlet interface.
func (h *MyHandler) ServeHTTP(ctx *fasthttp.RequestCtx) {

	// In the future we can use requester can detect request spammers!
	// requester := ctx.RemoteAddr()

	// Increase request count
	count := &(h.requests)
	atomic.AddUint64(count, 1)

	if ctx.IsGet() {

		url := ctx.URI()
		operations, format, err, invalid := ParseURI(url, h.imageSource, h.watermarker)
		if err != nil {
		if invalid != nil {
			ctx.Error(invalid.Error(), 400)
		blob, err := h.operator.GetBlob(operations...)
		if err != nil {
		} else {
			ctx.SetContentType("image/" + format)
			logging.Debug("Blob returned")

	} else if ctx.IsPost() {
		// POST is currently unused so we can use this for testing
		logging.Debug("Post request received")
Exemplo n.º 2
// Tests getting images. c.Testfn is treated as GET string (filename?params).
// Executes the tests supported by TestCaseAll.
func testGetImages(cases []testutils.TestCaseAll) (err error) {

	s, ln, srverr := startServer()
	defer stopServer(s, ln, srverr)

	tolerance := 0.002

	// Todo: this threading is copied from common_test.go unify it to single implementation (DRY)
	sem := make(chan error, len(cases))
	for _, c := range cases {
		go func(tc testutils.TestCaseAll) {
			logging.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Testing get: %v, %v, %v, %v, %v", tc.Testfn, tc.Reffn, tc.Resfn, tc.W, tc.H))
			blob, err := getBlobFromServer(tc.Testfn)
			if err != nil {
				sem <- err

			sem <- testutils.TestAll(tc, blob, tolerance)

	for range cases {
		var verr = <-sem
		if verr != nil && err == nil {
			err = verr
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: main.go Projeto: phzfi/RIC
func main() {

	cpath := flag.String("c", "config.ini", "Sets the configuration .ini file used.")
	// CLI arguments

	conf := config.ReadConfig(*cpath)

	mem := flag.Uint64("m", conf.Server.Memory, "Sets the maximum memory to be used for caching images in bytes. Does not account for memory consumption of other things.")
	defer imagick.Terminate()

	log.Println("Server starting...")
	logging.Debug("Debug enabled")

	server, handler, ln := NewServer(8005, *mem, conf)
	handler.started = time.Now()
	err := server.Serve(ln)
	end := time.Now()

	// Get number of requests
	requests := strconv.FormatUint((*handler).requests, 10)

	// Calculate the elapsed time
	duration := end.Sub(handler.started)
	log.Println("Server requests: " + requests)
	log.Println("Server uptime: " + duration.String())

	// Log errors
	if err != nil {
Exemplo n.º 4
func (i ImageSource) searchRootsInternal(filename string, visitPath, visitURL func(string) error) (err error) {
	if len(i.roots) == 0 && len(i.webroots) == 0 {
		logging.Debug("No roots")
		err = os.ErrNotExist

	// Search requested image from all roots by trial and error
	for _, root := range i.roots {
		// TODO: Fix escape vulnerability (sanitize filename from at least ".." etc)
		err = visitPath(filepath.Join(root, filename))
		if err == nil {

	for _, root := range i.webroots {
		logging.Debugf("Attempting to load %s", root+filename)
		err = visitURL(root + filename)
		if err == nil {
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: roots.go Projeto: phzfi/RIC
func (roots *roots) Add(r string) error {
	logging.Debug("Adding root: " + r)
	if roots.HasRoot(r) {
		return ErrRootAlreadyAdded

	*roots = append(*roots, r)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 6
Arquivo: main.go Projeto: phzfi/RIC
// Create a new fasthttp server and configure it.
// This does not run the server however.
func NewServer(port int, maxMemory uint64, conf *config.ConfValues) (*fasthttp.Server, *MyHandler, net.Listener) {
	logging.Debug("Creating server")
	imageSource := ops.MakeImageSource()
	// Add roots
	// TODO: This must be externalized outside the source code.
	logging.Debug("Adding roots")
	if imageSource.AddRoot("/var/www") != nil {
		log.Fatal("Root not added /var/www")

	if imageSource.AddRoot(".") != nil {
		log.Println("Root not added .")
	logging.Debug("Reading server config")
	//setting default values

	watermarker, err := ops.MakeWatermarker(conf.Watermark)
	if err != nil {
		log.Printf("Error creating watermarker: %v\n", err.Error())

	// Configure handler
	logging.Debug("Configuring handler")
	handler := &MyHandler{
		requests:    0,
		imageSource: imageSource,
		operator:    operator.MakeDefault(maxMemory, "/tmp/RICdiskcache", conf.Server.Tokens),
		watermarker: watermarker,

	// Configure server
	server := &fasthttp.Server{
		Handler: handler.ServeHTTP,

	logging.Debug("Beginning to listen")
	ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%d", port))
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Error creating listener:" + err.Error())
	logging.Debug("Server ready")
	return server, handler, ln
Exemplo n.º 7
Arquivo: convert.go Projeto: phzfi/RIC
func (c Convert) Apply(img images.Image) error {
	logging.Debug(fmt.Sprintf("Converting image to: %v", c.Format))
	return img.Convert(c.Format)
Exemplo n.º 8
func (i loadImageOp) Apply(img images.Image) error {
	logging.Debug("Loading: %v", i.id)
	return i.is.searchRoots(i.id, img)
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: resize.go Projeto: phzfi/RIC
func (r Resize) Apply(img images.Image) error {
	logging.Debug("Resizing image to: %v, %v", r.Width, r.Height)
	return img.Resize(r.Width, r.Height)
Exemplo n.º 10
func (w watermark) Apply(img images.Image) (err error) {
	logging.Debug("Adding watermark")
	return img.Watermark(w.stamp, w.horizontal, w.vertical)