Exemplo n.º 1
func extractCounter(out Ingester, o *ProcessOptions, f *dto.MetricFamily) error {
	samples := make(model.Samples, 0, len(f.Metric))

	for _, m := range f.Metric {
		if m.Counter == nil {

		sample := &model.Sample{
			Metric: model.Metric{},
			Value:  model.SampleValue(m.Counter.GetValue()),
		samples = append(samples, sample)

		if m.TimestampMs != nil {
			sample.Timestamp = model.TimestampFromUnixNano(*m.TimestampMs * 1000000)
		} else {
			sample.Timestamp = o.Timestamp

		metric := sample.Metric
		for _, p := range m.Label {
			metric[model.LabelName(p.GetName())] = model.LabelValue(p.GetValue())
		metric[model.MetricNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(f.GetName())

	return out.Ingest(samples)
Exemplo n.º 2
func parseTime(s string) (clientmodel.Timestamp, error) {
	if t, err := strconv.ParseFloat(s, 64); err == nil {
		ts := int64(t * float64(time.Second))
		return clientmodel.TimestampFromUnixNano(ts), nil
	if t, err := time.Parse(time.RFC3339Nano, s); err == nil {
		return clientmodel.TimestampFromTime(t), nil
	return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse %q to a valid timestamp", s)
Exemplo n.º 3
func parseTimestampOrNow(t string, now clientmodel.Timestamp) (clientmodel.Timestamp, error) {
	if t == "" {
		return now, nil

	tFloat, err := strconv.ParseFloat(t, 64)
	if err != nil {
		return 0, err
	return clientmodel.TimestampFromUnixNano(int64(tFloat * float64(time.Second/time.Nanosecond))), nil
Exemplo n.º 4
// QueryRange handles the /api/query_range endpoint.
func (serv MetricsService) QueryRange(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
	w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")

	params := httputils.GetQueryParams(r)
	expr := params.Get("expr")

	// Input times and durations are in seconds and get converted to nanoseconds.
	endFloat, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(params.Get("end"), 64)
	durationFloat, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(params.Get("range"), 64)
	stepFloat, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(params.Get("step"), 64)
	nanosPerSecond := int64(time.Second / time.Nanosecond)
	end := int64(endFloat) * nanosPerSecond
	duration := int64(durationFloat) * nanosPerSecond
	step := int64(stepFloat) * nanosPerSecond

	exprNode, err := rules.LoadExprFromString(expr)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprint(w, ast.ErrorToJSON(err))
	if exprNode.Type() != ast.VectorType {
		fmt.Fprint(w, ast.ErrorToJSON(errors.New("expression does not evaluate to vector type")))

	if end == 0 {
		end = clientmodel.Now().UnixNano()

	if step <= 0 {
		step = nanosPerSecond

	if end-duration < 0 {
		duration = end

	// For safety, limit the number of returned points per timeseries.
	// This is sufficient for 60s resolution for a week or 1h resolution for a year.
	if duration/step > 11000 {
		fmt.Fprint(w, ast.ErrorToJSON(errors.New("exceeded maximum resolution of 11,000 points per timeseries. Try decreasing the query resolution (?step=XX)")))

	// Align the start to step "tick" boundary.
	end -= end % step

	queryStats := stats.NewTimerGroup()

	evalTimer := queryStats.GetTimer(stats.TotalEvalTime).Start()
	matrix, err := ast.EvalVectorRange(
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprint(w, ast.ErrorToJSON(err))

	sortTimer := queryStats.GetTimer(stats.ResultSortTime).Start()

	jsonTimer := queryStats.GetTimer(stats.JSONEncodeTime).Start()
	result := ast.TypedValueToJSON(matrix, "matrix")

	glog.V(1).Infof("Range query: %s\nQuery stats:\n%s\n", expr, queryStats)
	fmt.Fprint(w, result)
Exemplo n.º 5
// NewTemplateExpander returns a template expander ready to use.
func NewTemplateExpander(text string, name string, data interface{}, timestamp clientmodel.Timestamp, queryEngine *promql.Engine, pathPrefix string) *templateExpander {
	return &templateExpander{
		text: text,
		name: name,
		data: data,
		funcMap: text_template.FuncMap{
			"query": func(q string) (queryResult, error) {
				return query(q, timestamp, queryEngine)
			"first": func(v queryResult) (*sample, error) {
				if len(v) > 0 {
					return v[0], nil
				return nil, errors.New("first() called on vector with no elements")
			"label": func(label string, s *sample) string {
				return s.Labels[label]
			"value": func(s *sample) float64 {
				return s.Value
			"strvalue": func(s *sample) string {
				return s.Labels["__value__"]
			"args": func(args ...interface{}) map[string]interface{} {
				result := make(map[string]interface{})
				for i, a := range args {
					result[fmt.Sprintf("arg%d", i)] = a
				return result
			"reReplaceAll": func(pattern, repl, text string) string {
				re := regexp.MustCompile(pattern)
				return re.ReplaceAllString(text, repl)
			"safeHtml": func(text string) html_template.HTML {
				return html_template.HTML(text)
			"match":     regexp.MatchString,
			"title":     strings.Title,
			"graphLink": strutil.GraphLinkForExpression,
			"tableLink": strutil.TableLinkForExpression,
			"sortByLabel": func(label string, v queryResult) queryResult {
				sorter := queryResultByLabelSorter{v[:], label}
				return v
			"humanize": func(v float64) string {
				if v == 0 || math.IsNaN(v) || math.IsInf(v, 0) {
					return fmt.Sprintf("%.4g", v)
				if math.Abs(v) >= 1 {
					prefix := ""
					for _, p := range []string{"k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"} {
						if math.Abs(v) < 1000 {
						prefix = p
						v /= 1000
					return fmt.Sprintf("%.4g%s", v, prefix)
				prefix := ""
				for _, p := range []string{"m", "u", "n", "p", "f", "a", "z", "y"} {
					if math.Abs(v) >= 1 {
					prefix = p
					v *= 1000
				return fmt.Sprintf("%.4g%s", v, prefix)
			"humanize1024": func(v float64) string {
				if math.Abs(v) <= 1 || math.IsNaN(v) || math.IsInf(v, 0) {
					return fmt.Sprintf("%.4g", v)
				prefix := ""
				for _, p := range []string{"ki", "Mi", "Gi", "Ti", "Pi", "Ei", "Zi", "Yi"} {
					if math.Abs(v) < 1024 {
					prefix = p
					v /= 1024
				return fmt.Sprintf("%.4g%s", v, prefix)
			"humanizeDuration": func(v float64) string {
				if math.IsNaN(v) || math.IsInf(v, 0) {
					return fmt.Sprintf("%.4g", v)
				if v == 0 {
					return fmt.Sprintf("%.4gs", v)
				if math.Abs(v) >= 1 {
					sign := ""
					if v < 0 {
						sign = "-"
						v = -v
					seconds := int64(v) % 60
					minutes := (int64(v) / 60) % 60
					hours := (int64(v) / 60 / 60) % 24
					days := (int64(v) / 60 / 60 / 24)
					// For days to minutes, we display seconds as an integer.
					if days != 0 {
						return fmt.Sprintf("%s%dd %dh %dm %ds", sign, days, hours, minutes, seconds)
					if hours != 0 {
						return fmt.Sprintf("%s%dh %dm %ds", sign, hours, minutes, seconds)
					if minutes != 0 {
						return fmt.Sprintf("%s%dm %ds", sign, minutes, seconds)
					// For seconds, we display 4 significant digts.
					return fmt.Sprintf("%s%.4gs", sign, v)
				prefix := ""
				for _, p := range []string{"m", "u", "n", "p", "f", "a", "z", "y"} {
					if math.Abs(v) >= 1 {
					prefix = p
					v *= 1000
				return fmt.Sprintf("%.4g%ss", v, prefix)
			"humanizeTimestamp": func(v float64) string {
				if math.IsNaN(v) || math.IsInf(v, 0) {
					return fmt.Sprintf("%.4g", v)
				t := clientmodel.TimestampFromUnixNano(int64(v * 1e9)).Time().UTC()
				return fmt.Sprint(t)
			"pathPrefix": func() string {
				return pathPrefix
Exemplo n.º 6
func extractHistogram(out Ingester, o *ProcessOptions, f *dto.MetricFamily) error {
	samples := make(model.Samples, 0, len(f.Metric))

	for _, m := range f.Metric {
		if m.Histogram == nil {

		timestamp := o.Timestamp
		if m.TimestampMs != nil {
			timestamp = model.TimestampFromUnixNano(*m.TimestampMs * 1000000)

		infSeen := false

		for _, q := range m.Histogram.Bucket {
			sample := &model.Sample{
				Metric:    model.Metric{},
				Value:     model.SampleValue(q.GetCumulativeCount()),
				Timestamp: timestamp,
			samples = append(samples, sample)

			metric := sample.Metric
			for _, p := range m.Label {
				metric[model.LabelName(p.GetName())] = model.LabelValue(p.GetValue())
			metric[model.LabelName(model.BucketLabel)] = model.LabelValue(fmt.Sprint(q.GetUpperBound()))
			metric[model.MetricNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(f.GetName() + "_bucket")

			if math.IsInf(q.GetUpperBound(), +1) {
				infSeen = true

		if m.Histogram.SampleSum != nil {
			sum := &model.Sample{
				Metric:    model.Metric{},
				Value:     model.SampleValue(m.Histogram.GetSampleSum()),
				Timestamp: timestamp,
			samples = append(samples, sum)

			metric := sum.Metric
			for _, p := range m.Label {
				metric[model.LabelName(p.GetName())] = model.LabelValue(p.GetValue())
			metric[model.MetricNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(f.GetName() + "_sum")

		if m.Histogram.SampleCount != nil {
			count := &model.Sample{
				Metric:    model.Metric{},
				Value:     model.SampleValue(m.Histogram.GetSampleCount()),
				Timestamp: timestamp,
			samples = append(samples, count)

			metric := count.Metric
			for _, p := range m.Label {
				metric[model.LabelName(p.GetName())] = model.LabelValue(p.GetValue())
			metric[model.MetricNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(f.GetName() + "_count")

			if !infSeen {
				infBucket := &model.Sample{
					Metric:    model.Metric{},
					Value:     count.Value,
					Timestamp: timestamp,
				samples = append(samples, infBucket)

				metric := infBucket.Metric
				for _, p := range m.Label {
					metric[model.LabelName(p.GetName())] = model.LabelValue(p.GetValue())
				metric[model.LabelName(model.BucketLabel)] = model.LabelValue("+Inf")
				metric[model.MetricNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(f.GetName() + "_bucket")

	return out.Ingest(samples)
Exemplo n.º 7
func extractSummary(out Ingester, o *ProcessOptions, f *dto.MetricFamily) error {
	samples := make(model.Samples, 0, len(f.Metric))

	for _, m := range f.Metric {
		if m.Summary == nil {

		timestamp := o.Timestamp
		if m.TimestampMs != nil {
			timestamp = model.TimestampFromUnixNano(*m.TimestampMs * 1000000)

		for _, q := range m.Summary.Quantile {
			sample := &model.Sample{
				Metric:    model.Metric{},
				Value:     model.SampleValue(q.GetValue()),
				Timestamp: timestamp,
			samples = append(samples, sample)

			metric := sample.Metric
			for _, p := range m.Label {
				metric[model.LabelName(p.GetName())] = model.LabelValue(p.GetValue())
			// BUG(matt): Update other names to "quantile".
			metric[model.LabelName(model.QuantileLabel)] = model.LabelValue(fmt.Sprint(q.GetQuantile()))
			metric[model.MetricNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(f.GetName())

		if m.Summary.SampleSum != nil {
			sum := &model.Sample{
				Metric:    model.Metric{},
				Value:     model.SampleValue(m.Summary.GetSampleSum()),
				Timestamp: timestamp,
			samples = append(samples, sum)

			metric := sum.Metric
			for _, p := range m.Label {
				metric[model.LabelName(p.GetName())] = model.LabelValue(p.GetValue())
			metric[model.MetricNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(f.GetName() + "_sum")

		if m.Summary.SampleCount != nil {
			count := &model.Sample{
				Metric:    model.Metric{},
				Value:     model.SampleValue(m.Summary.GetSampleCount()),
				Timestamp: timestamp,
			samples = append(samples, count)

			metric := count.Metric
			for _, p := range m.Label {
				metric[model.LabelName(p.GetName())] = model.LabelValue(p.GetValue())
			metric[model.MetricNameLabel] = model.LabelValue(f.GetName() + "_count")

	return out.Ingest(samples)