Exemplo n.º 1
// newPersistence returns a newly allocated persistence backed by local disk storage, ready to use.
func newPersistence(basePath string, dirty, pedanticChecks bool, shouldSync syncStrategy) (*persistence, error) {
	dirtyPath := filepath.Join(basePath, dirtyFileName)
	versionPath := filepath.Join(basePath, versionFileName)

	if versionData, err := ioutil.ReadFile(versionPath); err == nil {
		if persistedVersion, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.TrimSpace(string(versionData))); err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse content of %s: %s", versionPath, versionData)
		} else if persistedVersion != Version {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("found storage version %d on disk, need version %d - please wipe storage or run a version of Prometheus compatible with storage version %d", persistedVersion, Version, persistedVersion)
	} else if os.IsNotExist(err) {
		// No version file found. Let's create the directory (in case
		// it's not there yet) and then check if it is actually
		// empty. If not, we have found an old storage directory without
		// version file, so we have to bail out.
		if err := os.MkdirAll(basePath, 0700); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		fis, err := ioutil.ReadDir(basePath)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if len(fis) > 0 {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not detect storage version on disk, assuming version 0, need version %d - please wipe storage or run a version of Prometheus compatible with storage version 0", Version)
		// Finally we can write our own version into a new version file.
		file, err := os.Create(versionPath)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		defer file.Close()
		if _, err := fmt.Fprintf(file, "%d\n", Version); err != nil {
			return nil, err
	} else {
		return nil, err

	fLock, dirtyfileExisted, err := flock.New(dirtyPath)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("Could not lock %s, Prometheus already running?", dirtyPath)
		return nil, err
	if dirtyfileExisted {
		dirty = true

	archivedFingerprintToMetrics, err := index.NewFingerprintMetricIndex(basePath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	archivedFingerprintToTimeRange, err := index.NewFingerprintTimeRangeIndex(basePath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	p := &persistence{
		basePath: basePath,

		archivedFingerprintToMetrics:   archivedFingerprintToMetrics,
		archivedFingerprintToTimeRange: archivedFingerprintToTimeRange,

		indexingQueue:   make(chan indexingOp, indexingQueueCapacity),
		indexingStopped: make(chan struct{}),
		indexingFlush:   make(chan chan int),

		indexingQueueLength: prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
			Namespace: namespace,
			Subsystem: subsystem,
			Name:      "indexing_queue_length",
			Help:      "The number of metrics waiting to be indexed.",
		indexingQueueCapacity: prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
				prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, subsystem, "indexing_queue_capacity"),
				"The capacity of the indexing queue.",
				nil, nil,
		indexingBatchSizes: prometheus.NewSummary(
				Namespace: namespace,
				Subsystem: subsystem,
				Name:      "indexing_batch_sizes",
				Help:      "Quantiles for indexing batch sizes (number of metrics per batch).",
		indexingBatchDuration: prometheus.NewSummary(
				Namespace: namespace,
				Subsystem: subsystem,
				Name:      "indexing_batch_duration_milliseconds",
				Help:      "Quantiles for batch indexing duration in milliseconds.",
		checkpointDuration: prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
			Namespace: namespace,
			Subsystem: subsystem,
			Name:      "checkpoint_duration_milliseconds",
			Help:      "The duration (in milliseconds) it took to checkpoint in-memory metrics and head chunks.",
		dirtyCounter: prometheus.NewCounter(prometheus.CounterOpts{
			Namespace: namespace,
			Subsystem: subsystem,
			Name:      "inconsistencies_total",
			Help:      "A counter incremented each time an inconsistency in the local storage is detected. If this is greater zero, restart the server as soon as possible.",
		dirty:          dirty,
		pedanticChecks: pedanticChecks,
		dirtyFileName:  dirtyPath,
		fLock:          fLock,
		shouldSync:     shouldSync,
		// Create buffers of length 3*chunkLenWithHeader by default because that is still reasonably small
		// and at the same time enough for many uses. The contract is to never return buffer smaller than
		// that to the pool so that callers can rely on a minimum buffer size.
		bufPool: sync.Pool{New: func() interface{} { return make([]byte, 0, 3*chunkLenWithHeader) }},

	if p.dirty {
		// Blow away the label indexes. We'll rebuild them later.
		if err := index.DeleteLabelPairFingerprintIndex(basePath); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if err := index.DeleteLabelNameLabelValuesIndex(basePath); err != nil {
			return nil, err
	labelPairToFingerprints, err := index.NewLabelPairFingerprintIndex(basePath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	labelNameToLabelValues, err := index.NewLabelNameLabelValuesIndex(basePath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	p.labelPairToFingerprints = labelPairToFingerprints
	p.labelNameToLabelValues = labelNameToLabelValues

	return p, nil
Exemplo n.º 2
// newPersistence returns a newly allocated persistence backed by local disk storage, ready to use.
func newPersistence(basePath string, chunkLen int, dirty bool) (*persistence, error) {
	if err := os.MkdirAll(basePath, 0700); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	dirtyPath := filepath.Join(basePath, dirtyFileName)

	fLock, dirtyfileExisted, err := flock.New(dirtyPath)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("Could not lock %s, Prometheus already running?", dirtyPath)
		return nil, err
	if dirtyfileExisted {
		dirty = true

	archivedFingerprintToMetrics, err := index.NewFingerprintMetricIndex(basePath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	archivedFingerprintToTimeRange, err := index.NewFingerprintTimeRangeIndex(basePath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	p := &persistence{
		basePath: basePath,
		chunkLen: chunkLen,

		archivedFingerprintToMetrics:   archivedFingerprintToMetrics,
		archivedFingerprintToTimeRange: archivedFingerprintToTimeRange,

		indexingQueue:   make(chan indexingOp, indexingQueueCapacity),
		indexingStopped: make(chan struct{}),
		indexingFlush:   make(chan chan int),

		indexingQueueLength: prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
			Namespace: namespace,
			Subsystem: subsystem,
			Name:      "indexing_queue_length",
			Help:      "The number of metrics waiting to be indexed.",
		indexingQueueCapacity: prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(
				prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, subsystem, "indexing_queue_capacity"),
				"The capacity of the indexing queue.",
				nil, nil,
		indexingBatchSizes: prometheus.NewSummary(
				Namespace: namespace,
				Subsystem: subsystem,
				Name:      "indexing_batch_sizes",
				Help:      "Quantiles for indexing batch sizes (number of metrics per batch).",
		indexingBatchLatency: prometheus.NewSummary(
				Namespace: namespace,
				Subsystem: subsystem,
				Name:      "indexing_batch_latency_milliseconds",
				Help:      "Quantiles for batch indexing latencies in milliseconds.",
		checkpointDuration: prometheus.NewGauge(prometheus.GaugeOpts{
			Namespace: namespace,
			Subsystem: subsystem,
			Name:      "checkpoint_duration_milliseconds",
			Help:      "The duration (in milliseconds) it took to checkpoint in-memory metrics and head chunks.",
		dirty:         dirty,
		dirtyFileName: dirtyPath,
		fLock:         fLock,

	if p.dirty {
		// Blow away the label indexes. We'll rebuild them later.
		if err := index.DeleteLabelPairFingerprintIndex(basePath); err != nil {
			return nil, err
		if err := index.DeleteLabelNameLabelValuesIndex(basePath); err != nil {
			return nil, err
	labelPairToFingerprints, err := index.NewLabelPairFingerprintIndex(basePath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	labelNameToLabelValues, err := index.NewLabelNameLabelValuesIndex(basePath)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	p.labelPairToFingerprints = labelPairToFingerprints
	p.labelNameToLabelValues = labelNameToLabelValues

	go p.processIndexingQueue()
	return p, nil