Exemplo n.º 1
func ProcessFileList(pt *test01.Parse2Type, inList []string, outFn string) (err error) {

	var fp *os.File

	if outFn != "" {
		fp, err = com.Fopen(outFn, "w")
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Fatal: Unable to create output file\n")
			err = fmt.Errorf("Fatal: Unable to create output file")
		defer fp.Close()
	} else {
		fp = os.Stdout

	for _, fn := range inList {
		if !com.Exists(fn) {
			fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Fatal: Missing input file %s\n", fn)
			err = fmt.Errorf("Fatal: Missing input file %s", fn)

	go func() {
		r := pbread.NewPbRead()
		for _, fn := range inList {
		pt.Lex.MatcherLexieTable(r, "S_Init")

	// ------------------------------------------------------ process tokens --------------------------------------------------------------
	// Generate a parse tree and print out.
	xpt := pt.GenParseTree(0)
	pt.TheTree = xpt
	xpt.DumpMtType(test01.Dbf, 0, 0)
	if false {
		fmt.Fprintf(test01.Dbf, "----------------------------------- debug output ----------------------------------------------------\n")
		fmt.Fprintf(test01.Dbf, "%s\n", com.SVarI(xpt))
	fmt.Fprintf(test01.Dbf, "----------------------------------- errors ----------------------------------------------------\n")
	pp := pt.CollectErrorNodes(0)
	for ii, vv := range pp {
		fmt.Fprintf(test01.Dbf, "Error [%3d]: msg=%s\n", ii, vv.ErrorMsg)
	fmt.Fprintf(test01.Dbf, "----------------------------------- final template results  ----------------------------------------------------\n")
	pt.OutputTree(test01.Dbf, 0)

	pt.OutputTree(fp, 0)

Exemplo n.º 2
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (pt *Parse2Type) ReadFileAsTemplate(fn string) (mtv *mt.MtType) {

	pt.LibraryMode = true
	pt.TemplateName = fn

	go func() {
		r := pbread.NewPbRead()
		pt.Lex.MatcherLexieTable(r, "S_Init")

	pt.LibraryMode = false
	xpt := pt.GenParseTree(0)
	pt.DefineTemplate(fn, xpt)
	mtv = xpt

Exemplo n.º 3
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
func (pt *Parse2Type) ReadFileAndRun(fn, fn_o string) {

	go func() {
		r := pbread.NewPbRead()
		pt.Lex.MatcherLexieTable(r, "S_Init")

	xpt := pt.GenParseTree(0)
	pt.TheTree = xpt
	fmt.Printf("Tree Dump = %s\n", com.SVarI(xpt))

	fp_o, err := com.Fopen(fn_o, "w")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error: %s\n", err)
	} else {
		pt.OutputTree(fp_o, 0)

Exemplo n.º 4
func main() {
	var fp *os.File

	// ------------------------------------------------------ cli processing --------------------------------------------------------------
	ifnList, err := flags.ParseArgs(&opts, os.Args)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("Invalid Command Line: %s\n", err)

	if opts.Debug != "" {
		s := strings.Split(opts.Debug, ",")
		com.DbOnFlags[opts.Debug] = true
		for _, v := range s {
			com.DbOnFlags[v] = true

	if opts.Echo != "" {
		com.DbOnFlags["in-echo-machine"] = true // Output machine

	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Test Matcher test from %s file, %s\n", opts.LexPat, com.LF())

	// ------------------------------------------------------ setup Lexie --------------------------------------------------------------
	pt := NewParse2Type()
	pt.Lex = dfa.NewLexie()
	pt.Lex.SetChanelOnOff(true) // Set for getting back stuff via Chanel

	// ------------------------------------------------------ input machine  --------------------------------------------------------------
	if opts.LexPat != "" {
		pt.Lex.NewReadFile(opts.LexPat) // pstk.Lex.NewReadFile("../in/django3.lex")
	} else if opts.ReadMachine != "" {
		fmt.Printf("Should input machine at this point\n")
		// xyzzy
	} else {
		fmt.Printf("Fatal: Must have -l <fn> or -r <fn>, neither supplied.\n")

	if opts.Machine != "" {
		fmt.Printf("Should output machine at this point\n")
		// xyzzy

	// -------------------------------------------------- start scanning process  ----------------------------------------------------------
	if opts.Tokens != "" {
		fp, _ = com.Fopen(opts.Tokens, "w")
	} else {
		fp = os.Stdout

	if opts.Input != "" {

		go func() {
			r := pbread.NewPbRead()
			pt.Lex.MatcherLexieTable(r, "S_Init")

	} else {

		go func() {
			r := pbread.NewPbRead()
			for _, fn := range ifnList[1:] {
			pt.Lex.MatcherLexieTable(r, "S_Init")


	// ------------------------------------------------------ process tokens --------------------------------------------------------------
	if false {
		// just print tokens out to check the scanning prcess and CLI options
		for msg := range pt.Lex.Message {
			fmt.Fprintf(fp, "%+v\n", msg)
	} else {
		// Generate a parse tree and print out.
		xpt := pt.GenParseTree(0)
		pt.TheTree = xpt
		xpt.DumpMtType(fp, 0, 0)
		fmt.Printf("----------------------------------- start execute ----------------------------------------------------\n")
		fmt.Printf("----------------------------------- debug output ----------------------------------------------------\n")
		if true {
			fmt.Printf("%s\n", com.SVarI(xpt))
		fmt.Printf("----------------------------------- output ----------------------------------------------------\n")
		for i := 0; i < 1000000; i++ {
			pt.OutputTree0(fp, 0)
		fmt.Printf("----------------------------------- errors ----------------------------------------------------\n")
		pp := pt.CollectErrorNodes(0)
		for ii, vv := range pp {
			fmt.Printf("Error [%3d]: msg=%s\n", ii, vv.ErrorMsg)
		fmt.Printf("----------------------------------- final template results  ----------------------------------------------------\n")
		pt.OutputTree(fp, 0)

	if opts.Tokens != "" {

Exemplo n.º 5
func (s *Reader_TestSuite) TestLexie(c *C) {

	fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Test Matcher test from ../in/django3.lex file, %s\n", com.LF())

	com.DbOnFlags["db_DumpDFAPool"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["db_DumpPool"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["db_Matcher_02"] = true
	// com.DbOnFlags["db_NFA_LnNo"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["match"] = true
	// com.DbOnFlags["nfa3"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["output-machine"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["match"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["match_x"] = true
	// com.DbOnFlags["nfa3"] = true
	// com.DbOnFlags["nfa4"] = true
	// com.DbOnFlags["db_DFAGen"] = true
	// com.DbOnFlags["pbbuf02"] = true
	// com.DbOnFlags["DumpParseNodes2"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["db_FlushTokenBeforeBefore"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["db_FlushTokenBeforeAfter"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["db_tok01"] = true
	com.DbOnFlags["in-echo-machine"] = true // Output machine

	lex := NewLexie()

	for ii, vv := range Lexie02Data {

		if !vv.SkipTest {

			fmt.Printf("\n\nTest:%s ------------------------- Start --------------------------, %d, Input: -->>%s<<--\n", vv.Test, ii, vv.Inp)

			// r := strings.NewReader(vv.Inp)
			r := pbread.NewPbRead()
			r.SetPos(1, 1, fmt.Sprintf("sf-%d.txt", ii)) // simulate  file = sf-

			fmt.Printf("At: %s\n", com.LF())
			lex.MatcherLexieTable(r, "S_Init")
			fmt.Printf("At: %s\n", com.LF())

			if len(vv.Result) > 0 {
				fmt.Printf("At: %s\n", com.LF())
				if len(lex.TokList.TokenData) != len(vv.Result) {
					fmt.Printf("Lengths did not match, %s", com.SVarI(lex.TokList.TokenData))
					c.Check(len(lex.TokList.TokenData), Equals, len(vv.Result))
				} else {
					for i := 0; i < len(vv.Result); i++ {
						if vv.Result[i].StrTokNo != "" {
							c.Check(vv.Result[i].StrTokNo, Equals, in.Lookup_Tok_Name(int(lex.TokList.TokenData[i].TokNo)))
						} else {
							c.Check(vv.Result[i].TokNo, Equals, int(lex.TokList.TokenData[i].TokNo))
						c.Check(vv.Result[i].Match, Equals, lex.TokList.TokenData[i].Match)
						if vv.Result[i].LineNo > 0 {
							c.Check(vv.Result[i].LineNo, Equals, lex.TokList.TokenData[i].LineNo)
						if vv.Result[i].ColNo > 0 {
							c.Check(vv.Result[i].ColNo, Equals, lex.TokList.TokenData[i].ColNo)
						if vv.Result[i].FileName != "" {
							c.Check(vv.Result[i].FileName, Equals, lex.TokList.TokenData[i].FileName)

			fmt.Printf("At: %s\n", com.LF())
			fmt.Printf("Test:%s ------------------------- End --------------------------\n\n", vv.Test)

