Exemplo n.º 1
// TestStuffCanEncryption tests the StuffCan encryption.
// Assumes that the input message is not serialized
// Decrypted string should match zMqH/RTPlC8yrAZ2UhpEgLKUVzkMI2cikiaVg30AyUu7B6J0FLqCazRzDOmrsFsF
func TestStuffCanEncryption(t *testing.T) {
	message := "{\"this stuff\":{\"can get\":\"complicated!\"}}"
	encrypted := pubnubMessaging.EncryptString("enigma", message)
	if "zMqH/RTPlC8yrAZ2UhpEgLKUVzkMI2cikiaVg30AyUu7B6J0FLqCazRzDOmrsFsF" == encrypted {
		fmt.Println("StuffCan encryption: passed.")
	} else {
		t.Error("StuffCan encryption: failed.")
Exemplo n.º 2
// TestHashEncryption tests the hash encryption.
// Assumes that the input message is not serialized
// Decrypted string should match GsvkCYZoYylL5a7/DKhysDjNbwn+BtBtHj2CvzC4Y4g=
func TestHashEncryption(t *testing.T) {
	message := "{\"foo\":{\"bar\":\"foobar\"}}"
	encrypted := pubnubMessaging.EncryptString("enigma", message)
	if "GsvkCYZoYylL5a7/DKhysDjNbwn+BtBtHj2CvzC4Y4g=" == encrypted {
		fmt.Println("Hash encryption: passed.")
	} else {
		t.Error("Hash encryption: failed.")
Exemplo n.º 3
// TestYayEncryptionBasic tests the yay encryption.
// Assumes that the input message is not serialized
// Decrypted string should match q/xJqqN6qbiZMXYmiQC1Fw==
func TestYayEncryptionBasic(t *testing.T) {
	message := "yay!"
	encrypted := pubnubMessaging.EncryptString("enigma", message)

	if "q/xJqqN6qbiZMXYmiQC1Fw==" == encrypted {
		fmt.Println("Yay encryption basic: passed.")
	} else {
		t.Error("Yay encryption basic: failed.")
Exemplo n.º 4
// TestGermanEncryption tests the German encryption.
// Assumes that the input message is not serialized
// Decrypted string should match stpgsG1DZZxb44J7mFNSzg==
func TestGermanEncryption(t *testing.T) {
	message := "ÜÖ"
	b, err := json.Marshal(message)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error:", err)
		t.Error("Unicode encryption: failed.")
	} else {
		encrypted := pubnubMessaging.EncryptString("enigma", string(b))
		if "stpgsG1DZZxb44J7mFNSzg==" == encrypted {
			fmt.Println("German encryption: passed.")
		} else {
			t.Error("German encryption: failed.")
Exemplo n.º 5
// TestUnicodeEncryption tests the Unicode encryption.
// Assumes that the input message is not serialized
// Decrypted string should match +BY5/miAA8aeuhVl4d13Kg==
func TestUnicodeEncryption(t *testing.T) {
	message := "漢語"
	b, err := json.Marshal(message)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error:", err)
		t.Error("Unicode encryption: failed.")
	} else {
		encrypted := pubnubMessaging.EncryptString("enigma", string(b))
		if "+BY5/miAA8aeuhVl4d13Kg==" == encrypted {
			fmt.Println("Unicode encryption: passed.")
		} else {
			t.Error("Unicode encryption: failed.")
Exemplo n.º 6
// TestPubNubEncryption tests the Pubnub Messaging API 1 encryption.
// Assumes that the input message is not serialized
// Decrypted string should match f42pIQcWZ9zbTbH8cyLwByD/GsviOE0vcREIEVPARR0=
func TestPubNubEncryption(t *testing.T) {
	message := "Pubnub Messaging API 1"
	b, err := json.Marshal(message)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error:", err)
		t.Error("Pubnub Messaging API 1 encryption: failed.")
	} else {
		encrypted := pubnubMessaging.EncryptString("enigma", string(b))
		if "f42pIQcWZ9zbTbH8cyLwByD/GsviOE0vcREIEVPARR0=" == encrypted {
			fmt.Println("Pubnub Messaging API 1 encryption: passed.")
		} else {
			t.Error("Pubnub Messaging API 1 encryption: failed.")
Exemplo n.º 7
// TestPubNubEncryption2 tests the Pubnub Messaging API 2 encryption.
// Assumes that the input message is not serialized
// Decrypted string should match f42pIQcWZ9zbTbH8cyLwB/tdvRxjFLOYcBNMVKeHS54=
func TestPubNubEncryption2(t *testing.T) {
	message := "Pubnub Messaging API 2"
	b, err := json.Marshal(message)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error:", err)
		t.Error("Pubnub Messaging API 2 encryption: failed.")
	} else {
		encrypted := pubnubMessaging.EncryptString("enigma", string(b))
		if "f42pIQcWZ9zbTbH8cyLwB/tdvRxjFLOYcBNMVKeHS54=" == encrypted {
			fmt.Println("Pubnub Messaging API 2 encryption: passed.")
		} else {
			t.Error("Pubnub Messaging API 2 encryption: failed.")
Exemplo n.º 8
// TestYayEncryption tests the yay encryption.
// Assumes that the input message is serialized
// Decrypted string should match q/xJqqN6qbiZMXYmiQC1Fw==
func TestYayEncryption(t *testing.T) {
	message := "yay!"
	b, err := json.Marshal(message)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error:", err)
		t.Error("My object encryption: failed.")
	} else {
		encrypted := pubnubMessaging.EncryptString("enigma", string(b))
		if "Wi24KS4pcTzvyuGOHubiXg==" == encrypted {
			fmt.Println("Yay encryption: passed.")
		} else {
			t.Error("Yay encryption: failed.")
Exemplo n.º 9
// TestComplexClassEncryption tests the complex struct encryption.
// Encrypted string should match 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
func TestComplexClassEncryption(t *testing.T) {
	customComplexMessage := InitComplexMessage()
	b1, err := json.Marshal(customComplexMessage)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error:", err)
		t.Error("Custom complex encryption: failed.")
	} else {
		encrypted := pubnubMessaging.EncryptString("enigma", string(b1))
		if "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" == encrypted {
			fmt.Println("Custom complex encryption: passed.")
		} else {
			t.Error("Custom complex encryption: failed.")
Exemplo n.º 10
// TestObjectEncryption tests the empty object encryption.
// The output is not serialized
// Encrypted string should match the serialized object
func TestObjectEncryption(t *testing.T) {
	message := EmptyStruct{}
	b, err := json.Marshal(message)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error:", err)
		t.Error("Object encryption: failed.")
	} else {
		encrypted := pubnubMessaging.EncryptString("enigma", string(b))
		if "IDjZE9BHSjcX67RddfCYYg==" == encrypted {
			fmt.Println("Object encryption: passed.")
		} else {
			t.Error("Object encryption: failed.")
Exemplo n.º 11
// TestArrayEncryption tests the slice encryption.
// Assumes that the input message is not serialized
// Decrypted string should match Ns4TB41JjT2NCXaGLWSPAQ==
func TestArrayEncryption(t *testing.T) {
	message := []string{}
	b, err := json.Marshal(message)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error:", err)
		t.Error("Slice encryption: failed.")
	} else {
		encrypted := pubnubMessaging.EncryptString("enigma", string(b))
		if "Ns4TB41JjT2NCXaGLWSPAQ==" == encrypted {
			fmt.Println("Slice encryption: passed.")
		} else {
			t.Error("Slice encryption: failed.")
Exemplo n.º 12
// TestMyObjectEncryption tests the custom object encryption.
// The output is not serialized
// Encrypted string should match the serialized object
func TestMyObjectEncryption(t *testing.T) {
	message := CustomStruct{
		Foo: "hi!",
		Bar: []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
	b1, err := json.Marshal(message)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error:", err)
		t.Error("My object encryption: failed.")
	} else {
		encrypted := pubnubMessaging.EncryptString("enigma", string(b1))
		if "BMhiHh363wsb7kNk7krTtDcey/O6ZcoKDTvVc4yDhZY=" == encrypted {
			fmt.Println("My object encryption: passed.")
		} else {
			t.Error("My object encryption: failed.")