Exemplo n.º 1
// New generates a Voronoi diagram, relaxed by Lloyd's algorithm
func New(w, h float64, c, r int) *Diagram {
	bbox := voronoi.NewBBox(0, w, 0, h)
	sites := utils.RandomSites(bbox, c)

	// Compute voronoi diagram.
	d := voronoi.ComputeDiagram(sites, bbox, true)

	// Max number of iterations is 16
	if r > 16 {
		r = 16

	// Relax using Lloyd's algorithm
	for i := 0; i < r; i++ {
		sites = utils.LloydRelaxation(d.Cells)
		d = voronoi.ComputeDiagram(sites, bbox, true)

	center := voronoi.Vertex{float64(w / 2), float64(h / 2)}

	return &Diagram{d, center}
Exemplo n.º 2
// This function is called from the message handler to parse the first message for every new connection.
// It check for existing user in the DB and logs him if the password is correct.
// If the user is new he is initiated and a new home planet nad solar system are generated.
func login(ws *websocket.Conn) (*Client, response.Responser, error) {
	player, twitter, err := authenticate(ws)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, response.NewLoginFailed(), err

	client := NewClient(ws, player, twitter)
	homePlanetEntity, err := entities.Get(player.HomePlanet)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, nil, errors.New("Player's home planet is missing!")
	homePlanet := homePlanetEntity.(*entities.Planet)

	loginSuccess := response.NewLoginSuccess(player, homePlanet)
	planetEntities := entities.Find("planet.*")
	planets := make([]*entities.Planet, 0, len(planetEntities))
	sites := make([]voronoi.Vertex, 0, len(planetEntities))
	x0, xn, y0, yn := 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
	for i, planetEntity := range planetEntities {
		planets = append(planets, planetEntity.(*entities.Planet))
		if x0 > planets[i].Position.X {
			x0 = planets[i].Position.X
		if xn < planets[i].Position.X {
			xn = planets[i].Position.X
		if y0 > planets[i].Position.Y {
			y0 = planets[i].Position.Y
		if yn < planets[i].Position.Y {
			yn = planets[i].Position.Y
		sites = append(sites, voronoi.Vertex{planets[i].Position.X, planets[i].Position.Y})

	bbox := voronoi.NewBBox(x0, xn, y0, yn)

	response.Diagram = voronoi.ComputeDiagram(sites, bbox, true)
	return client, loginSuccess, nil