Exemplo n.º 1
func watchLogStats(stats *statsd.StatsdBuffer, logC chan dnsLogEntry, logs []chan dnsLogEntry) {
	for {
		stats.Gauge("incoming_log_depth", int64(len(logC)))
		for i, logChan := range logs {
			stats.Gauge(strconv.Itoa(i)+".log_depth", int64(len(logChan)))

Exemplo n.º 2
//background task to clear out stale entries in the conntable
//one of these gets spun up for every packet handling thread
//takes a pointer to the contable to clean, the maximum age of an entry and how often to run GC
func cleanDnsCache(conntable *map[uint16]dnsMapEntry, maxAge time.Duration,
	interval time.Duration, threadNum int, stats *statsd.StatsdBuffer) {

	for {

		//max_age should be negative, e.g. -1m
		cleanupCutoff := time.Now().Add(maxAge)
		if stats != nil {
			stats.Gauge(strconv.Itoa(threadNum)+".cache_size", int64(len(*conntable)))
		for key, item := range *conntable {
			if item.inserted.Before(cleanupCutoff) {
				log.Debug("conntable GC(" + strconv.Itoa(threadNum) + "): cleanup query ID " + strconv.Itoa(int(key)))
				delete(*conntable, key)
				if stats != nil {
					stats.Incr(strconv.Itoa(threadNum)+".cache_entries_dropped", 1)