Exemplo n.º 1
// writeDateTime takes an interface{} value that must be of type:
//  - time.Time
//  - int or int64, representing milliseconds since Epoch
// NOTE: format for OrientDB DATETIME:
//   Golang formatted date: 2006-01-02 03:04:05
//   Example: 2014-11-25 09:14:54
// OrientDB server converts a DATETIME type to millisecond unix epoch and
// stores it as the type LONG.  It is written as a varint long to the
// obuf.WriteBuf passed in.
func writeDateTime(buf *obuf.WriteBuf, value interface{}) error {
	var millisEpoch int64

	switch value.(type) {
	case int:
		millisEpoch = int64(value.(int))

	case int64:
		millisEpoch = value.(int64)

	case time.Time:
		// UnixNano returns t as a Unix time, the number of nanoseconds elapsed
		// since January 1, 1970 UTC.
		tm := value.(time.Time)
		tt := tm.Round(time.Millisecond)
		millisEpoch = tt.UnixNano() / (1000 * 1000)

		return oerror.ErrDataTypeMismatch{
			ExpectedDataType: oschema.DATETIME,
			ExpectedGoType:   "time.Time | int64 | int",
			ActualValue:      value,
	err := varint.EncodeAndWriteVarInt64(buf, millisEpoch)
	if err != nil {
		return oerror.NewTrace(err)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 2
// +-----------------+-----------------+
// |clusterId:varint | recordId:varInt |
// +-----------------+-----------------+
func (serde ORecordSerializerV0) writeLink(buf *obuf.WriteBuf, lnk *oschema.OLink) error {
	err := varint.EncodeAndWriteVarInt32(buf, int32(lnk.RID.ClusterID))
	if err != nil {
		return oerror.NewTrace(err)

	err = varint.EncodeAndWriteVarInt64(buf, lnk.RID.ClusterPos)
	if err != nil {
		return oerror.NewTrace(err)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 3
// writeDateTime takes an interface{} value that must be of type time.Time
// NOTE: format for OrientDB DATETIME:
//   Golang formatted date: 2006-01-02 03:04:05
//   Example: 2014-11-25 09:14:54
// OrientDB server converts a DATETIME type to millisecond unix epoch and
// stores it as the type LONG.  It is written as a varint long to the
// obuf.WriteBuf passed in.
// From the OrientDB schemaless serialization spec on DATE:
//     The date is converted to second unix epoch,moved at midnight UTC+0,
//     divided by 86400(seconds in a day) and stored as the type LONG
func writeDate(buf *obuf.WriteBuf, value interface{}) error {
	tm, ok := value.(time.Time)
	if !ok {
		return oerror.ErrDataTypeMismatch{
			ExpectedDataType: oschema.DATE,
			ExpectedGoType:   "time.Time",
			ActualValue:      value,

	tmMidnightUTC := time.Date(tm.Year(), tm.Month(), tm.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.FixedZone("UTC", 0))
	secondsEpoch := tmMidnightUTC.Unix()
	dateAfterDiv := secondsEpoch / int64(86400)

	err := varint.EncodeAndWriteVarInt64(buf, dateAfterDiv)
	if err != nil {
		return oerror.NewTrace(err)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 4
// writeDataValue is part of the Serialize functionality
// TODO: change name to writeSingleValue ?
func (serde ORecordSerializerV0) writeDataValue(buf *obuf.WriteBuf, value interface{}, datatype oschema.ODataType) (err error) {
	switch datatype {
	case oschema.STRING:
		err = varint.WriteString(buf, value.(string))
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG STR: -writeDataVal val: %v\n", value.(string)) // DEBUG

	case oschema.BOOLEAN:
		err = rw.WriteBool(buf, value.(bool))
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG BOOL: -writeDataVal val: %v\n", value.(bool)) // DEBUG

	case oschema.INTEGER:
		var i32val int32
		i32val, err = toInt32(value)
		if err == nil {
			err = varint.EncodeAndWriteVarInt32(buf, i32val)         // TODO: are serialized integers ALWAYS varint encoded?
			ogl.Debugf("DEBUG INT: -writeDataVal val: %v\n", i32val) // DEBUG

	case oschema.SHORT:
		// TODO: needs toInt16 conversion fn
		err = varint.EncodeAndWriteVarInt32(buf, int32(value.(int16)))
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG SHORT: -writeDataVal val: %v\n", value.(int16)) // DEBUG

	case oschema.LONG:
		var i64val int64
		i64val, err = toInt64(value)
		if err == nil {
			err = varint.EncodeAndWriteVarInt64(buf, i64val)          // TODO: are serialized longs ALWAYS varint encoded?
			ogl.Debugf("DEBUG LONG: -writeDataVal val: %v\n", i64val) // DEBUG

	case oschema.FLOAT:
		var f32 float32
		f32, err = toFloat32(value)
		if err == nil {
			err = rw.WriteFloat(buf, f32)
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG FLOAT: -writeDataVal val: %v\n", value) // DEBUG

	case oschema.DOUBLE:
		var f64 float64
		f64, err = toFloat64(value)
		if err == nil {
			err = rw.WriteDouble(buf, f64)
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG DOUBLE: -writeDataVal val: %v\n", value.(float64)) // DEBUG

	case oschema.DATETIME:
		err = writeDateTime(buf, value)
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG DATETIME: -writeDataVal val: %v\n", value) // DEBUG

	case oschema.DATE:
		err = writeDate(buf, value)
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG DATE: -writeDataVal val: %v\n", value) // DEBUG

	case oschema.BINARY:
		err = varint.WriteBytes(buf, value.([]byte))
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG BINARY: -writeDataVal val: %v\n", value.([]byte)) // DEBUG

	case oschema.EMBEDDED:
		err = serde.serializeDocument(buf, value.(*oschema.ODocument))
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG EMBEDDED: -writeDataVal val: %v\n", value) // DEBUG

	case oschema.EMBEDDEDLIST:
		err = serde.serializeEmbeddedCollection(buf, value.(oschema.OEmbeddedList))
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG EMBD-LIST: -writeDataVal val: %v\n", value) // DEBUG

	case oschema.EMBEDDEDSET:
		err = serde.serializeEmbeddedCollection(buf, value.(oschema.OEmbeddedList))
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG EMBD-SET: -writeDataVal val: %v\n", value) // DEBUG

	case oschema.EMBEDDEDMAP:
		err = serde.writeEmbeddedMap(buf, value.(oschema.OEmbeddedMap))
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG EMBEDDEDMAP:  val %v\n", value.(oschema.OEmbeddedMap))

	case oschema.LINK:
		err = serde.writeLink(buf, value.(*oschema.OLink))
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG LINK:  val %v\n", value) // DEBUG

	case oschema.LINKLIST:
		err = serde.writeLinkList(buf, value.([]*oschema.OLink))
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG LINKLIST:  val %v\n", value) // DEBUG

	case oschema.LINKSET:
		err = serde.writeLinkList(buf, value.([]*oschema.OLink))
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG LINKSET:  val %v\n", value) // DEBUG

	case oschema.LINKMAP:
		err = serde.writeLinkMap(buf, value.(map[string]*oschema.OLink))
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG LINKMAP:  val %v\n", value) // DEBUG

	case oschema.BYTE:
		err = rw.WriteByte(buf, value.(byte))
		ogl.Debugf("DEBUG BYTE: -writeDataVal val: %v\n", value.(byte)) // DEBUG

	case oschema.DECIMAL:
		// TODO: impl me -> Java client uses BigDecimal for this
		panic("ORecordSerializerV0#writeDataValue DECIMAL NOT YET IMPLEMENTED")

	case oschema.CUSTOM:
		// TODO: impl me
		panic("ORecordSerializerV0#writeDataValue CUSTOM NOT YET IMPLEMENTED")
	case oschema.LINKBAG:
		panic("ORecordSerializerV0#writeDataValue LINKBAG NOT YET IMPLEMENTED")
		// ANY and TRANSIENT are do nothing ops
	return err