Exemplo n.º 1
// newHandshakeState returns a new instance of the handshake state initialized
// with the prologue and protocol name. If this is the respodner's handshake
// state, then the remotePub can be nil.
func newHandshakeState(initiator bool, prologue []byte,
	localPub *btcec.PrivateKey, remotePub *btcec.PublicKey) handshakeState {

	h := handshakeState{
		initiator:    initiator,
		localStatic:  localPub,
		remoteStatic: remotePub,

	// Set the current chainking key and handshake digest to the hash of
	// the protocol name, and additionally mix in the prologue. If either
	// sides disagree about the prologue or protocol name, then the
	// handshake will fail.

	// In Noise_XK, then initiator should know the responder's static
	// public key, therefore we include the responder's static key in the
	// handshake digest. If the initiator gets this value wrong, then the
	// handshake will fail.
	if initiator {
	} else {

	return h
Exemplo n.º 2
// newManagedAddress returns a new managed address based on the passed account,
// private key, and whether or not the public key is compressed.  The managed
// address will have access to the private and public keys.
func newManagedAddress(m *Manager, account uint32, privKey *btcec.PrivateKey,
	compressed bool, addrType addressType) (*managedAddress, error) {

	// Encrypt the private key.
	// NOTE: The privKeyBytes here are set into the managed address which
	// are cleared when locked, so they aren't cleared here.
	privKeyBytes := privKey.Serialize()
	privKeyEncrypted, err := m.cryptoKeyPriv.Encrypt(privKeyBytes)
	if err != nil {
		str := "failed to encrypt private key"
		return nil, managerError(ErrCrypto, str, err)

	// Leverage the code to create a managed address without a private key
	// and then add the private key to it.
	ecPubKey := (*btcec.PublicKey)(&privKey.PublicKey)
	managedAddr, err := newManagedAddressWithoutPrivKey(m, account,
		ecPubKey, compressed, addrType)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	managedAddr.privKeyEncrypted = privKeyEncrypted
	managedAddr.privKeyCT = privKeyBytes

	return managedAddr, nil
Exemplo n.º 3
// keyToAddr maps the passed private to corresponding p2pkh address.
func keyToAddr(key *btcec.PrivateKey, net *chaincfg.Params) (btcutil.Address, error) {
	serializedKey := key.PubKey().SerializeCompressed()
	pubKeyAddr, err := btcutil.NewAddressPubKey(serializedKey, net)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return pubKeyAddr.AddressPubKeyHash(), nil
Exemplo n.º 4
// RawTxInSignature returns the serialized ECDSA signature for the input idx of
// the given transaction, with hashType appended to it.
func RawTxInSignature(tx *wire.MsgTx, idx int, subScript []byte,
	hashType SigHashType, key *btcec.PrivateKey) ([]byte, error) {

	parsedScript, err := parseScript(subScript)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot parse output script: %v", err)
	hash := calcSignatureHash(parsedScript, hashType, tx, idx)
	signature, err := key.Sign(hash)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot sign tx input: %s", err)

	return append(signature.Serialize(), byte(hashType)), nil
Exemplo n.º 5
// NewRouter creates a new instance of a Sphinx onion Router given the node's
// currently advertised onion private key, and the target Bitcoin network.
func NewRouter(nodeKey *btcec.PrivateKey, net *chaincfg.Params) *Router {
	var nodeID [securityParameter]byte
	copy(nodeID[:], btcutil.Hash160(nodeKey.PubKey().SerializeCompressed()))

	// Safe to ignore the error here, nodeID is 20 bytes.
	nodeAddr, _ := btcutil.NewAddressPubKeyHash(nodeID[:], net)

	return &Router{
		nodeID:   nodeID,
		nodeAddr: nodeAddr,
		onionKey: nodeKey,
		// TODO(roasbeef): replace instead with bloom filter?
		// * https://moderncrypto.org/mail-archive/messaging/2015/001911.html
		seenSecrets: make(map[[sharedSecretSize]byte]struct{}),
Exemplo n.º 6
// deriveElkremRoot derives an elkrem root unique to a channel given the
// private key for our public key in the 2-of-2 multi-sig, and the remote
// node's multi-sig public key. The root is derived using the HKDF[1][2]
// instantiated with sha-256. The secret data used is our multi-sig private
// key, with the salt being the remote node's public key.
// [1]: https://eprint.iacr.org/2010/264.pdf
// [2]: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5869
func deriveElkremRoot(elkremDerivationRoot *btcec.PrivateKey,
	localMultiSigKey *btcec.PublicKey,
	remoteMultiSigKey *btcec.PublicKey) wire.ShaHash {

	secret := elkremDerivationRoot.Serialize()
	salt := localMultiSigKey.SerializeCompressed()
	info := remoteMultiSigKey.SerializeCompressed()

	rootReader := hkdf.New(sha256.New, secret, salt, info)

	// It's safe to ignore the error her as we know for sure that we won't
	// be draining the HKDF past its available entropy horizon.
	// TODO(roasbeef): revisit...
	var elkremRoot wire.ShaHash

	return elkremRoot
Exemplo n.º 7
// NewMixHeader creates a new mix header which is capable of
// obliviously routing a message through the mix-net path outline by
// 'paymentPath'.  This function returns the created mix header along
// with a derived shared secret for each node in the path.
func NewMixHeader(paymentPath []*btcec.PublicKey, sessionKey *btcec.PrivateKey,
	rawHopPayloads [][]byte, assocData []byte) (*MixHeader,
	[][sharedSecretSize]byte, error) {

	// Each hop performs ECDH with our ephemeral key pair to arrive at a
	// shared secret. Additionally, each hop randomizes the group element
	// for the next hop by multiplying it by the blinding factor. This way
	// we only need to transmit a single group element, and hops can't link
	// a session back to us if they have several nodes in the path.
	numHops := len(paymentPath)
	hopEphemeralPubKeys := make([]*btcec.PublicKey, numHops)
	hopSharedSecrets := make([][sha256.Size]byte, numHops)
	hopBlindingFactors := make([][sha256.Size]byte, numHops)

	// Compute the triplet for the first hop outside of the main loop.
	// Within the loop each new triplet will be computed recursively based
	// off of the blinding factor of the last hop.
	hopEphemeralPubKeys[0] = sessionKey.PubKey()
	hopSharedSecrets[0] = sha256.Sum256(btcec.GenerateSharedSecret(sessionKey, paymentPath[0]))
	hopBlindingFactors[0] = computeBlindingFactor(hopEphemeralPubKeys[0], hopSharedSecrets[0][:])

	// Now recursively compute the ephemeral ECDH pub keys, the shared
	// secret, and blinding factor for each hop.
	for i := 1; i <= numHops-1; i++ {
		// a_{n} = a_{n-1} x c_{n-1} -> (Y_prev_pub_key x prevBlindingFactor)
		hopEphemeralPubKeys[i] = blindGroupElement(hopEphemeralPubKeys[i-1],

		// s_{n} = sha256( y_{n} x c_{n-1} ) ->
		// (Y_their_pub_key x x_our_priv) x all prev blinding factors
		yToX := blindGroupElement(paymentPath[i], sessionKey.D.Bytes())
		hopSharedSecrets[i] = sha256.Sum256(multiScalarMult(yToX, hopBlindingFactors[:i]).X.Bytes())

		// TODO(roasbeef): prob don't need to store all blinding factors, only the prev...
		// b_{n} = sha256(a_{n} || s_{n})
		hopBlindingFactors[i] = computeBlindingFactor(hopEphemeralPubKeys[i],


	// Generate the padding, called "filler strings" in the paper.
	filler := generateHeaderPadding("rho", numHops, 2*securityParameter, hopSharedSecrets)
	hopFiller := generateHeaderPadding("gamma", numHops, HopPayloadSize, hopSharedSecrets)

	// Allocate and initialize fields to zero-filled slices
	var mixHeader [routingInfoSize]byte
	var hopPayloads [NumMaxHops * HopPayloadSize]byte

	// Same goes for the HMAC
	var next_hmac [20]byte
	next_address := bytes.Repeat([]byte{0x00}, 20)

	// Now we compute the routing information for each hop, along with a
	// MAC of the routing info using the shared key for that hop.
	for i := numHops - 1; i >= 0; i-- {

		rhoKey := generateKey("rho", hopSharedSecrets[i])
		gammaKey := generateKey("gamma", hopSharedSecrets[i])
		muKey := generateKey("mu", hopSharedSecrets[i])

		// Shift and obfuscate routing info
		streamBytes := generateCipherStream(rhoKey, numStreamBytes)
		rightShift(mixHeader[:], 2*securityParameter)
		copy(mixHeader[:], next_address[:])
		copy(mixHeader[securityParameter:], next_hmac[:])
		xor(mixHeader[:], mixHeader[:], streamBytes[:routingInfoSize])

		// Shift and obfuscate per-hop payload
		rightShift(hopPayloads[:], HopPayloadSize)
		copy(hopPayloads[:], rawHopPayloads[i])
		hopStreamBytes := generateCipherStream(gammaKey, uint(len(hopPayloads)))
		xor(hopPayloads[:], hopPayloads[:], hopStreamBytes)

		// We need to overwrite these so every node generates a correct padding
		if i == numHops-1 {
			copy(mixHeader[len(mixHeader)-len(filler):], filler)
			copy(hopPayloads[len(hopPayloads)-len(hopFiller):], hopFiller)

		packet := append(append(mixHeader[:], hopPayloads[:]...), assocData...)
		next_hmac = calcMac(muKey, packet)
		next_address = btcutil.Hash160(paymentPath[i].SerializeCompressed())

	header := &MixHeader{
		Version:      0x01,
		EphemeralKey: hopEphemeralPubKeys[0],
		RoutingInfo:  mixHeader,
		HeaderMAC:    next_hmac,
		HopPayload:   hopPayloads,
	return header, hopSharedSecrets, nil