Exemplo n.º 1
// AssertChannelExists asserts that an active channel identified by
// channelPoint is known to exist from the point-of-view of node..
func (n *networkHarness) AssertChannelExists(ctx context.Context,
	node *lightningNode, chanPoint *wire.OutPoint) error {

	req := &lnrpc.ListChannelsRequest{}
	resp, err := node.ListChannels(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("unable fetch node's channels: %v", err)

	for _, channel := range resp.Channels {
		if channel.ChannelPoint == chanPoint.String() {
			return nil

	return fmt.Errorf("channel not found")
Exemplo n.º 2
func readCanonicalOutPoint(k []byte, op *wire.OutPoint) error {
	if len(k) < 36 {
		str := "short canonical outpoint"
		return storeError(ErrData, str, nil)
	copy(op.Hash[:], k)
	op.Index = byteOrder.Uint32(k[32:36])
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 3
// removeOrphan is the internal function which implements the public
// RemoveOrphan.  See the comment for RemoveOrphan for more details.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for writes).
func (mp *TxPool) removeOrphan(tx *btcutil.Tx, removeRedeemers bool) {
	// Nothing to do if passed tx is not an orphan.
	txHash := tx.Hash()
	otx, exists := mp.orphans[*txHash]
	if !exists {

	// Remove the reference from the previous orphan index.
	for _, txIn := range otx.tx.MsgTx().TxIn {
		orphans, exists := mp.orphansByPrev[txIn.PreviousOutPoint]
		if exists {
			delete(orphans, *txHash)

			// Remove the map entry altogether if there are no
			// longer any orphans which depend on it.
			if len(orphans) == 0 {
				delete(mp.orphansByPrev, txIn.PreviousOutPoint)

	// Remove any orphans that redeem outputs from this one if requested.
	if removeRedeemers {
		prevOut := wire.OutPoint{Hash: *txHash}
		for txOutIdx := range tx.MsgTx().TxOut {
			prevOut.Index = uint32(txOutIdx)
			for _, orphan := range mp.orphansByPrev[prevOut] {
				mp.removeOrphan(orphan, true)

	// Remove the transaction from the orphan pool.
	delete(mp.orphans, *txHash)
Exemplo n.º 4
func readOutpoint(r io.Reader, o *wire.OutPoint) error {
	scratch := make([]byte, 4)

	txid, err := wire.ReadVarBytes(r, 0, 32, "prevout")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	copy(o.Hash[:], txid)

	if _, err := r.Read(scratch); err != nil {
		return err
	o.Index = byteOrder.Uint32(scratch)

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 5
// Ingest puts a tx into the DB atomically.  This can result in a
// gain, a loss, or no result.  Gain or loss in satoshis is returned.
func (ts *TxStore) Ingest(tx *wire.MsgTx, height int32) (uint32, error) {
	var hits uint32
	var err error
	var nUtxoBytes [][]byte

	// tx has been OK'd by SPV; check tx sanity
	utilTx := btcutil.NewTx(tx) // convert for validation
	// checks basic stuff like there are inputs and ouputs
	err = blockchain.CheckTransactionSanity(utilTx)
	if err != nil {
		return hits, err
	// note that you can't check signatures; this is SPV.
	// 0 conf SPV means pretty much nothing.  Anyone can say anything.

	spentOPs := make([][]byte, len(tx.TxIn))
	// before entering into db, serialize all inputs of the ingested tx
	for i, txin := range tx.TxIn {
		spentOPs[i], err = outPointToBytes(&txin.PreviousOutPoint)
		if err != nil {
			return hits, err

	// go through txouts, and then go through addresses to match

	// generate PKscripts for all addresses
	wPKscripts := make([][]byte, len(ts.Adrs))
	aPKscripts := make([][]byte, len(ts.Adrs))

	for i, _ := range ts.Adrs {
		// iterate through all our addresses
		// convert regular address to witness address.  (split adrs later)
		wa, err := btcutil.NewAddressWitnessPubKeyHash(
			ts.Adrs[i].PkhAdr.ScriptAddress(), ts.Param)
		if err != nil {
			return hits, err

		wPKscripts[i], err = txscript.PayToAddrScript(wa)
		if err != nil {
			return hits, err
		aPKscripts[i], err = txscript.PayToAddrScript(ts.Adrs[i].PkhAdr)
		if err != nil {
			return hits, err

	cachedSha := tx.TxSha()
	// iterate through all outputs of this tx, see if we gain
	for i, out := range tx.TxOut {
		for j, ascr := range aPKscripts {
			// detect p2wpkh
			witBool := false
			if bytes.Equal(out.PkScript, wPKscripts[j]) {
				witBool = true
			if bytes.Equal(out.PkScript, ascr) || witBool { // new utxo found
				var newu Utxo // create new utxo and copy into it
				newu.AtHeight = height
				newu.KeyIdx = ts.Adrs[j].KeyIdx
				newu.Value = out.Value
				newu.IsWit = witBool // copy witness version from pkscript
				var newop wire.OutPoint
				newop.Hash = cachedSha
				newop.Index = uint32(i)
				newu.Op = newop
				b, err := newu.ToBytes()
				if err != nil {
					return hits, err
				nUtxoBytes = append(nUtxoBytes, b)
				break // txos can match only 1 script

	err = ts.StateDB.Update(func(btx *bolt.Tx) error {
		// get all 4 buckets
		duf := btx.Bucket(BKTUtxos)
		//		sta := btx.Bucket(BKTState)
		old := btx.Bucket(BKTStxos)
		txns := btx.Bucket(BKTTxns)
		if duf == nil || old == nil || txns == nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("error: db not initialized")

		// iterate through duffel bag and look for matches
		// this makes us lose money, which is regrettable, but we need to know.
		for _, nOP := range spentOPs {
			v := duf.Get(nOP)
			if v != nil {
				// do all this just to figure out value we lost
				x := make([]byte, len(nOP)+len(v))
				copy(x, nOP)
				copy(x[len(nOP):], v)
				lostTxo, err := UtxoFromBytes(x)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				// after marking for deletion, save stxo to old bucket
				var st Stxo               // generate spent txo
				st.Utxo = lostTxo         // assign outpoint
				st.SpendHeight = height   // spent at height
				st.SpendTxid = cachedSha  // spent by txid
				stxb, err := st.ToBytes() // serialize
				if err != nil {
					return err
				err = old.Put(nOP, stxb) // write nOP:v outpoint:stxo bytes
				if err != nil {
					return err

				err = duf.Delete(nOP)
				if err != nil {
					return err

		// done losing utxos, next gain utxos
		// next add all new utxos to db, this is quick as the work is above
		for _, ub := range nUtxoBytes {
			err = duf.Put(ub[:36], ub[36:])
			if err != nil {
				return err

		// if hits is nonzero it's a relevant tx and we should store it
		var buf bytes.Buffer
		err = txns.Put(cachedSha.Bytes(), buf.Bytes())
		if err != nil {
			return err

		return nil
	return hits, err
Exemplo n.º 6
// processOrphans is the internal function which implements the public
// ProcessOrphans.  See the comment for ProcessOrphans for more details.
// This function MUST be called with the mempool lock held (for writes).
func (mp *TxPool) processOrphans(acceptedTx *btcutil.Tx) []*TxDesc {
	var acceptedTxns []*TxDesc

	// Start with processing at least the passed transaction.
	processList := list.New()
	for processList.Len() > 0 {
		// Pop the transaction to process from the front of the list.
		firstElement := processList.Remove(processList.Front())
		processItem := firstElement.(*btcutil.Tx)

		prevOut := wire.OutPoint{Hash: *processItem.Hash()}
		for txOutIdx := range processItem.MsgTx().TxOut {
			// Look up all orphans that redeem the output that is
			// now available.  This will typically only be one, but
			// it could be multiple if the orphan pool contains
			// double spends.  While it may seem odd that the orphan
			// pool would allow this since there can only possibly
			// ultimately be a single redeemer, it's important to
			// track it this way to prevent malicious actors from
			// being able to purposely constructing orphans that
			// would otherwise make outputs unspendable.
			// Skip to the next available output if there are none.
			prevOut.Index = uint32(txOutIdx)
			orphans, exists := mp.orphansByPrev[prevOut]
			if !exists {

			// Potentially accept an orphan into the tx pool.
			for _, tx := range orphans {
				missing, txD, err := mp.maybeAcceptTransaction(
					tx, true, true, false)
				if err != nil {
					// The orphan is now invalid, so there
					// is no way any other orphans which
					// redeem any of its outputs can be
					// accepted.  Remove them.
					mp.removeOrphan(tx, true)

				// Transaction is still an orphan.  Try the next
				// orphan which redeems this output.
				if len(missing) > 0 {

				// Transaction was accepted into the main pool.
				// Add it to the list of accepted transactions
				// that are no longer orphans, remove it from
				// the orphan pool, and add it to the list of
				// transactions to process so any orphans that
				// depend on it are handled too.
				acceptedTxns = append(acceptedTxns, txD)
				mp.removeOrphan(tx, false)

				// Only one transaction for this outpoint can be
				// accepted, so the rest are now double spends
				// and are removed later.

	// Recursively remove any orphans that also redeem any outputs redeemed
	// by the accepted transactions since those are now definitive double
	// spends.
	for _, txD := range acceptedTxns {

	return acceptedTxns
Exemplo n.º 7
func (s *Store) rollback(ns walletdb.Bucket, height int32) error {
	minedBalance, err := fetchMinedBalance(ns)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	// Keep track of all credits that were removed from coinbase
	// transactions.  After detaching all blocks, if any transaction record
	// exists in unmined that spends these outputs, remove them and their
	// spend chains.
	// It is necessary to keep these in memory and fix the unmined
	// transactions later since blocks are removed in increasing order.
	var coinBaseCredits []wire.OutPoint

	it := makeBlockIterator(ns, height)
	for it.next() {
		b := &it.elem

		log.Infof("Rolling back %d transactions from block %v height %d",
			len(b.transactions), b.Hash, b.Height)

		for i := range b.transactions {
			txHash := &b.transactions[i]

			recKey := keyTxRecord(txHash, &b.Block)
			recVal := existsRawTxRecord(ns, recKey)
			var rec TxRecord
			err = readRawTxRecord(txHash, recVal, &rec)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			err = deleteTxRecord(ns, txHash, &b.Block)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// Handle coinbase transactions specially since they are
			// not moved to the unconfirmed store.  A coinbase cannot
			// contain any debits, but all credits should be removed
			// and the mined balance decremented.
			if blockchain.IsCoinBaseTx(&rec.MsgTx) {
				op := wire.OutPoint{Hash: rec.Hash}
				for i, output := range rec.MsgTx.TxOut {
					k, v := existsCredit(ns, &rec.Hash,
						uint32(i), &b.Block)
					if v == nil {
					op.Index = uint32(i)

					coinBaseCredits = append(coinBaseCredits, op)

					unspentKey, credKey := existsUnspent(ns, &op)
					if credKey != nil {
						minedBalance -= btcutil.Amount(output.Value)
						err = deleteRawUnspent(ns, unspentKey)
						if err != nil {
							return err
					err = deleteRawCredit(ns, k)
					if err != nil {
						return err


			err = putRawUnmined(ns, txHash[:], recVal)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			// For each debit recorded for this transaction, mark
			// the credit it spends as unspent (as long as it still
			// exists) and delete the debit.  The previous output is
			// recorded in the unconfirmed store for every previous
			// output, not just debits.
			for i, input := range rec.MsgTx.TxIn {
				prevOut := &input.PreviousOutPoint
				prevOutKey := canonicalOutPoint(&prevOut.Hash,
				err = putRawUnminedInput(ns, prevOutKey, rec.Hash[:])
				if err != nil {
					return err

				// If this input is a debit, remove the debit
				// record and mark the credit that it spent as
				// unspent, incrementing the mined balance.
				debKey, credKey, err := existsDebit(ns,
					&rec.Hash, uint32(i), &b.Block)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				if debKey == nil {

				// unspendRawCredit does not error in case the
				// no credit exists for this key, but this
				// behavior is correct.  Since blocks are
				// removed in increasing order, this credit
				// may have already been removed from a
				// previously removed transaction record in
				// this rollback.
				var amt btcutil.Amount
				amt, err = unspendRawCredit(ns, credKey)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				err = deleteRawDebit(ns, debKey)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				// If the credit was previously removed in the
				// rollback, the credit amount is zero.  Only
				// mark the previously spent credit as unspent
				// if it still exists.
				if amt == 0 {
				unspentVal, err := fetchRawCreditUnspentValue(credKey)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				minedBalance += amt
				err = putRawUnspent(ns, prevOutKey, unspentVal)
				if err != nil {
					return err

			// For each detached non-coinbase credit, move the
			// credit output to unmined.  If the credit is marked
			// unspent, it is removed from the utxo set and the
			// mined balance is decremented.
			// TODO: use a credit iterator
			for i, output := range rec.MsgTx.TxOut {
				k, v := existsCredit(ns, &rec.Hash, uint32(i),
				if v == nil {

				amt, change, err := fetchRawCreditAmountChange(v)
				if err != nil {
					return err
				outPointKey := canonicalOutPoint(&rec.Hash, uint32(i))
				unminedCredVal := valueUnminedCredit(amt, change)
				err = putRawUnminedCredit(ns, outPointKey, unminedCredVal)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				err = deleteRawCredit(ns, k)
				if err != nil {
					return err

				credKey := existsRawUnspent(ns, outPointKey)
				if credKey != nil {
					minedBalance -= btcutil.Amount(output.Value)
					err = deleteRawUnspent(ns, outPointKey)
					if err != nil {
						return err

		err = it.delete()
		if err != nil {
			return err
	if it.err != nil {
		return it.err

	for _, op := range coinBaseCredits {
		opKey := canonicalOutPoint(&op.Hash, op.Index)
		unminedKey := existsRawUnminedInput(ns, opKey)
		if unminedKey != nil {
			unminedVal := existsRawUnmined(ns, unminedKey)
			var unminedRec TxRecord
			copy(unminedRec.Hash[:], unminedKey) // Silly but need an array
			err = readRawTxRecord(&unminedRec.Hash, unminedVal, &unminedRec)
			if err != nil {
				return err

			log.Debugf("Transaction %v spends a removed coinbase "+
				"output -- removing as well", unminedRec.Hash)
			err = s.removeConflict(ns, &unminedRec)
			if err != nil {
				return err

	return putMinedBalance(ns, minedBalance)
Exemplo n.º 8
func testMultiHopPayments(net *networkHarness, t *harnessTest) {
	const chanAmt = btcutil.Amount(100000)
	ctxb := context.Background()
	timeout := time.Duration(time.Second * 5)

	// Open a channel with 100k satoshis between Alice and Bob with Alice
	// being the sole funder of the channel.
	ctxt, _ := context.WithTimeout(ctxb, timeout)
	chanPointAlice := openChannelAndAssert(t, net, ctxt, net.Alice,
		net.Bob, chanAmt)

	aliceChanTXID, err := wire.NewShaHash(chanPointAlice.FundingTxid)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to create sha hash: %v", err)
	aliceFundPoint := wire.OutPoint{
		Hash:  *aliceChanTXID,
		Index: chanPointAlice.OutputIndex,

	// Create a new node (Carol), load her with some funds, then establish
	// a connection between Carol and Alice with a channel that has
	// identical capacity to the one created above.
	// The network topology should now look like: Carol -> Alice -> Bob
	carol, err := net.NewNode(nil)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to create new nodes: %v", err)
	if err := net.ConnectNodes(ctxb, carol, net.Alice); err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to connect carol to alice: %v", err)
	err = net.SendCoins(ctxb, btcutil.SatoshiPerBitcoin, carol)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to send coins to carol: %v", err)
	ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, timeout)
	chanPointCarol := openChannelAndAssert(t, net, ctxt, carol,
		net.Alice, chanAmt)

	carolChanTXID, err := wire.NewShaHash(chanPointCarol.FundingTxid)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to create sha hash: %v", err)
	carolFundPoint := wire.OutPoint{
		Hash:  *carolChanTXID,
		Index: chanPointCarol.OutputIndex,

	// Create 5 invoices for Bob, which expect a payment from Carol for 1k
	// satoshis with a different preimage each time.
	const numPayments = 5
	const paymentAmt = 1000
	rHashes := make([][]byte, numPayments)
	for i := 0; i < numPayments; i++ {
		preimage := bytes.Repeat([]byte{byte(i)}, 32)
		invoice := &lnrpc.Invoice{
			Memo:      "testing",
			RPreimage: preimage,
			Value:     paymentAmt,
		resp, err := net.Bob.AddInvoice(ctxb, invoice)
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("unable to add invoice: %v", err)

		rHashes[i] = resp.RHash

	// Carol's routing table should show a path from Carol -> Alice -> Bob,
	// with the two channels above recognized as the only links within the
	// network.
	req := &lnrpc.ShowRoutingTableRequest{}
	routingResp, err := carol.ShowRoutingTable(ctxb, req)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to query for carol's routing table: %v", err)
	if len(routingResp.Channels) != 2 {
		t.Fatalf("only two channels should be seen as active in the "+
			"network, instead %v are", len(routingResp.Channels))
	for _, link := range routingResp.Channels {
		switch {
		case link.Outpoint == aliceFundPoint.String():
			switch {
			case link.Id1 == net.Alice.PubKeyStr &&
				link.Id2 == net.Bob.PubKeyStr:
			case link.Id1 == net.Bob.PubKeyStr &&
				link.Id2 == net.Alice.PubKeyStr:
				t.Fatalf("unkown link within routing "+
					"table: %v", spew.Sdump(link))
		case link.Outpoint == carolFundPoint.String():
			switch {
			case link.Id1 == net.Alice.PubKeyStr &&
				link.Id2 == carol.PubKeyStr:
			case link.Id1 == carol.PubKeyStr &&
				link.Id2 == net.Alice.PubKeyStr:
				t.Fatalf("unkown link within routing "+
					"table: %v", spew.Sdump(link))
			t.Fatalf("unkown channel %v found in routing table, "+
				"only %v and %v should exist", link.Outpoint,
				aliceFundPoint, carolFundPoint)

	// Using Carol as the source, pay to the 5 invoices from Bob created above.
	carolPayStream, err := carol.SendPayment(ctxb)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("unable to create payment stream for carol: %v", err)

	// Concurrently pay off all 5 of Bob's invoices. Each of the goroutines
	// will unblock on the recv once the HTLC it sent has been fully
	// settled.
	var wg sync.WaitGroup
	for _, rHash := range rHashes {
		sendReq := &lnrpc.SendRequest{
			PaymentHash: rHash,
			Dest:        net.Bob.PubKey[:],
			Amt:         paymentAmt,

		go func() {
			if err := carolPayStream.Send(sendReq); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("unable to send payment: %v", err)
			if _, err := carolPayStream.Recv(); err != nil {
				t.Fatalf("unable to recv pay resp: %v", err)

	finClear := make(chan struct{})
	go func() {

	select {
	case <-time.After(time.Second * 10):
		t.Fatalf("HTLC's not cleared after 10 seconds")
	case <-finClear:

	assertAsymmetricBalance := func(node *lightningNode,
		chanPoint wire.OutPoint, localBalance,
		remoteBalance int64) {

		channelName := ""
		switch chanPoint {
		case carolFundPoint:
			channelName = "Carol(local) => Alice(remote)"
		case aliceFundPoint:
			channelName = "Alice(local) => Bob(remote)"

		checkBalance := func() error {
			listReq := &lnrpc.ListChannelsRequest{}
			resp, err := node.ListChannels(ctxb, listReq)
			if err != nil {
				return fmt.Errorf("unable to for node's "+
					"channels: %v", err)
			for _, channel := range resp.Channels {
				if channel.ChannelPoint != chanPoint.String() {

				if channel.LocalBalance != localBalance {
					return fmt.Errorf("%v: incorrect local "+
						"balances: %v != %v", channelName,
						channel.LocalBalance, localBalance)

				if channel.RemoteBalance != remoteBalance {
					return fmt.Errorf("%v: incorrect remote "+
						"balances: %v != %v", channelName,
						channel.RemoteBalance, remoteBalance)

				return nil
			return fmt.Errorf("channel not found")

		// As far as HTLC inclusion in commitment transaction might be
		// postponed we will try to check the balance couple of
		// times, and then if after some period of time we receive wrong
		// balance return the error.
		// TODO(roasbeef): remove sleep after invoice notification hooks
		// are in place
		var timeover uint32
		go func() {
			<-time.After(time.Second * 20)
			atomic.StoreUint32(&timeover, 1)

		for {
			isTimeover := atomic.LoadUint32(&timeover) == 1
			if err := checkBalance(); err != nil {
				if isTimeover {
					t.Fatalf("Check balance failed: %v", err)
			} else {

	// At this point all the channels within our proto network should be
	// shifted by 5k satoshis in the direction of Bob, the sink within the
	// payment flow generated above. The order of asserts corresponds to
	// increasing of time is needed to embed the HTLC in commitment
	// transaction, in channel Carol->Alice->Bob, order is Bob,Alice,Carol.
	const sourceBal = int64(95000)
	const sinkBal = int64(5000)
	assertAsymmetricBalance(net.Bob, aliceFundPoint, sinkBal, sourceBal)
	assertAsymmetricBalance(net.Alice, aliceFundPoint, sourceBal, sinkBal)
	assertAsymmetricBalance(net.Alice, carolFundPoint, sinkBal, sourceBal)
	assertAsymmetricBalance(carol, carolFundPoint, sourceBal, sinkBal)

	ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, timeout)
	closeChannelAndAssert(t, net, ctxt, net.Alice, chanPointAlice)
	ctxt, _ = context.WithTimeout(ctxb, timeout)
	closeChannelAndAssert(t, net, ctxt, carol, chanPointCarol)