Exemplo n.º 1
func main() {
	isPrime = primegen.Map(10000000) // 10^7 = sqrt(10^14)
	primes = primegen.SliceFromMap(isPrime)

	N := 14

	// Find all Harshad numbers with N or fewer digits
	rightTruncatable := make([][]int64, N+1)
	rightTruncatable[1] = []int64{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9}
	for i := 1; i < N-1; i++ {
		rightTruncatable[i+1] = ExpandRight(rightTruncatable[i])

	// Keep only the strong ones
	strongTruncatable := []int64{}
	for _, num := range rightTruncatable[N-1] {
		if IsStrongHarshad(num) {
			strongTruncatable = append(strongTruncatable, num)

	// Add 1, 3, 7, 9 to the end of all these numbers and check if they are prime.
	// If so, add them to the sum.
	sum := int64(0)
	for _, num := range strongTruncatable {
		sum += ExpandPrimeSum(num)

	fmt.Printf("%v\n", sum)
Exemplo n.º 2
func main() {
	var N int64 = 10000000
	primes := primegen.SliceFromMap(primegen.Map(N)) // 80 MB of primes
	values := make([]bool, N+1)

	sqrtN := int64(math.Sqrt(float64(N)))
	for i := int64(0); i <= sqrtN; i++ {
		p := primes[i]
		j := i + 1
		for {
			q := primes[j]
			if p*q > N {
			values[M(p, q, N)] = true

	S := int64(0)
	for index, found := range values {
		if found {
			S += int64(index)
	fmt.Printf("The sum of distinct values is %v\n", S)
Exemplo n.º 3
func main() {
	limit := int64(100000000)
	isPrime := primegen.Map(limit)

	sumS := int64(0)
	for p := int64(5); p < limit; p++ {
		if isPrime[p] {
			sumS += S(p)
	fmt.Printf("SumS up to %v is %v\n", limit, sumS)
Exemplo n.º 4
func main() {
	isPrime := primegen.Map(1000000)
	p := append([]int64{0}, primegen.SliceFromMap(isPrime)...)

	for n := uint64(1); ; n++ {
		p2 := uint64(p[n] * p[n])
		r := (mu.ModPowUint64(uint64(p[n]-1), n, p2) + mu.ModPowUint64(uint64(p[n]+1), n, p2)) % p2
		if r > 10000000000 {
			fmt.Printf("%v\n", n)
Exemplo n.º 5
func main() {
	// Generate primes
	N := int64(10000)
	isPrime = primegen.Map(99999999)
	p := primegen.SliceFromMap(primegen.Map(N))

	// Store the twin primes of every small prime
	S = make(map[int][]int)
	for i := 0; i < len(p); i++ {
		pi := int(p[i])
		Spi := []int{}
		for j := i + 1; j < len(p); j++ {
			pj := int(p[j])
			if Twins(pi, pj) {
				S[pi] = append(S[pi], pj)
		if len(Spi) > 0 {
			S[pi] = Spi

	// Try reading this out loud
	for pi, Si := range S {
		for _, pii := range Si {
			Sii := sliceutil.IntersectInt(S[pii], Si)
			for _, piii := range Sii {
				Siii := sliceutil.IntersectInt(S[piii], Sii)
				for _, piiii := range Siii {
					Siiii := sliceutil.IntersectInt(S[piiii], Siii)
					for _, piiiii := range Siiii {
						fmt.Printf("%v, %v, %v, %v, %v = %v\n", pi, pii, piii, piiii, piiiii, pi+pii+piii+piiii+piiiii)

Exemplo n.º 6
func main() {
	// For checking if large numbers are prime
	isPrime = primegen.Map(100000000)

	// For looping trough all combinations of
	smallPrimes := primegen.SliceFromMap(primegen.Map(999))

	// Loop trough possibilites by increasing sum
	for sum := int64(1); sum < 1000; sum++ {
		if sum%10 == 0 {
			fmt.Printf("%v\n", sum)
		setsOfFive := mathutil.Partition(smallPrimes, sum, 5, 0)

		// Check if any of the possibilites satisfy the critera
		for _, setOfFive := range setsOfFive {
			if AwesomePrimes(setOfFive) {
				fmt.Printf("sum=%v, primes=%v\n", sum, setOfFive)
Exemplo n.º 7
func main() {
	isPrime = primegen.Map(740000000) // Found by trial and error
	spiral := UlamSpiral{1, 1, 1, 0}

	// Add a new layer, since the initial prime ratio is 0, since there are no
	// primes.
	spiral = spiral.AddLayer()

	for spiral.PrimeRatio() > 0.1 {
		//fmt.Printf("Last number: %v, Primeratio: %v\n", spiral.LastNumber, spiral.PrimeRatio())
		spiral = spiral.AddLayer()
	fmt.Printf("%v\n", spiral)
Exemplo n.º 8
func main() {
	// Tactic: Generate all numbers of this form up to a certain size. Filter
	// out primes. The remainder are odd composities that cannot be written as
	// the sum of a prime and twice a square.
	MAX := int64(10000)

	isPrime := primegen.Map(MAX)
	primes := primegen.SliceFromMap(isPrime)

	_ = isPrime
	_ = primes

	// Generate lots of numbers
	wasGenerated := make([]bool, MAX+1)
	for _, p := range primes {

		// If the prime is this big, the number is bigger than max
		if p >= MAX {

		// Starting from zero removes all primes
		for i := int64(0); ; i++ {
			num := p + 2*i*i
			if num > MAX {
			wasGenerated[num] = true


	// Remove all even numbers
	for i := int64(0); i <= MAX; i += 2 {
		wasGenerated[i] = true

	// Print some numbers
	for num, val := range wasGenerated {
		if !val {
			fmt.Printf("Possible candidate: %v\n", num)

Exemplo n.º 9
func main() {
	fmt.Printf("Tables generated")

	isPrime := primegen.Map(maxPrime)
	fmt.Printf("Primes generated")

	var S int64 = 0
	var numPrimes int64 = 0
	for i := minPrime + 1; i < maxPrime; i++ {
		if isPrime[i] {
			S = (S + G(i)) % modPrime
	fmt.Printf("The final result is %v\n", S)
	fmt.Printf("Number of primes: %v\n", numPrimes)