Exemplo n.º 1
func getAllTimes() []cpu.TimesStat {
	cnt := []cpu.TimesStat{}
	cnt1, _ := cpu.Times(true)
	cnt2, _ := cpu.Times(false)
	cnt = append(cnt, cnt1...)
	cnt = append(cnt, cnt2...)
	return cnt
Exemplo n.º 2
// GetSystem gets statistics about the system
func GetSystem() *api.SystemStats {
	status := new(api.SystemStats)
	if load, err := load.Avg(); err == nil {
		status.Load = &api.SystemStats_Loadstats{
			Load1:  float32(load.Load1),
			Load5:  float32(load.Load5),
			Load15: float32(load.Load15),
	if cpu, err := cpu.Times(false); err == nil && len(cpu) == 1 {
		status.Cpu = &api.SystemStats_CPUStats{
			User:   float32(cpu[0].User),
			System: float32(cpu[0].System),
			Idle:   float32(cpu[0].Idle),
	if mem, err := mem.VirtualMemory(); err == nil {
		status.Memory = &api.SystemStats_MemoryStats{
			Total:     mem.Total,
			Available: mem.Available,
			Used:      mem.Used,
	return status
Exemplo n.º 3
// Collect collects stats related to resource usage of a host
func (h *HostStatsCollector) Collect() (*HostStats, error) {
	hs := &HostStats{Timestamp: time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()}
	if memStats, err := mem.VirtualMemory(); err == nil {
		ms := &MemoryStats{
			Total:     memStats.Total,
			Available: memStats.Available,
			Used:      memStats.Used,
			Free:      memStats.Free,
		hs.Memory = ms

	if cpuStats, err := cpu.Times(true); err == nil {
		cs := make([]*CPUStats, len(cpuStats))
		for idx, cpuStat := range cpuStats {
			cs[idx] = &CPUStats{
				CPU:    cpuStat.CPU,
				User:   cpuStat.User,
				System: cpuStat.System,
				Idle:   cpuStat.Idle,
			percentCalculator, ok := h.statsCalculator[cpuStat.CPU]
			if !ok {
				percentCalculator = NewHostCpuStatsCalculator()
				h.statsCalculator[cpuStat.CPU] = percentCalculator
			idle, user, system, total := percentCalculator.Calculate(cpuStat)
			cs[idx].Idle = idle
			cs[idx].System = system
			cs[idx].User = user
			cs[idx].Total = total
		hs.CPU = cs

	if partitions, err := disk.Partitions(false); err == nil {
		var diskStats []*DiskStats
		for _, partition := range partitions {
			if usage, err := disk.Usage(partition.Mountpoint); err == nil {
				ds := DiskStats{
					Device:            partition.Device,
					Mountpoint:        partition.Mountpoint,
					Size:              usage.Total,
					Used:              usage.Used,
					Available:         usage.Free,
					UsedPercent:       usage.UsedPercent,
					InodesUsedPercent: usage.InodesUsedPercent,
				diskStats = append(diskStats, &ds)
		hs.DiskStats = diskStats

	if uptime, err := host.Uptime(); err == nil {
		hs.Uptime = uptime
	return hs, nil
Exemplo n.º 4
func (s *systemPS) CPUTimes(perCPU, totalCPU bool) ([]cpu.TimesStat, error) {
	var cpuTimes []cpu.TimesStat
	if perCPU {
		if perCPUTimes, err := cpu.Times(true); err == nil {
			cpuTimes = append(cpuTimes, perCPUTimes...)
		} else {
			return nil, err
	if totalCPU {
		if totalCPUTimes, err := cpu.Times(false); err == nil {
			cpuTimes = append(cpuTimes, totalCPUTimes...)
		} else {
			return nil, err
	return cpuTimes, nil
Exemplo n.º 5
// CPUUsage - return a map with CPU usage stats
func CPUUsage() CPUUsageStruct {
	cpuTimes1, err := cpu.Times(false)
	if err != nil {
		log.Errorf("error getting CPU info: %s", err)

	c := CPUUsageStruct{}
	for i, lastCts := range cpuTimes1 {
		lastTotal := totalCPUTime(lastCts)
		time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

		cpuTimes2, _ := cpu.Times(false)
		cts := cpuTimes2[i]
		total := totalCPUTime(cts)

		totalDelta := total - lastTotal

		system := 100 * (cts.System - lastCts.System) / totalDelta
		nice := 100 * (cts.Nice - lastCts.Nice) / totalDelta
		user := 100 * (cts.User - lastCts.User) / totalDelta
		idle := 100 * (cts.Idle - lastCts.Idle) / totalDelta
		iowait := 100 * (cts.Iowait - lastCts.Iowait) / totalDelta
		steal := 100 * (cts.Steal - lastCts.Steal) / totalDelta

		systemPercent, _ := util.FloatDecimalPoint(system, 2)
		nicePercent, _ := util.FloatDecimalPoint(nice, 2)
		userPercent, _ := util.FloatDecimalPoint(user, 2)
		idlePercent, _ := util.FloatDecimalPoint(idle, 2)
		iowaitPercent, _ := util.FloatDecimalPoint(iowait, 2)
		stealPercent, _ := util.FloatDecimalPoint(steal, 2)

		c = CPUUsageStruct{
			User:   userPercent,
			Idle:   idlePercent,
			Nice:   nicePercent,
			Steal:  stealPercent,
			System: systemPercent,
			IOWait: iowaitPercent,


	return c
Exemplo n.º 6
func GetCpuStats() string {
	v, err := cpu.Times(false)
	format := "user=%f system=%f idle=%f nice=%f iowait=%f irq=%f soft_irq=%f steal=%f guest=%f guest_nice=%f stolen=%f"
	if err == nil {
		return fmt.Sprintf(format,
			v[0].User, v[0].System, v[0].Idle, v[0].Nice, v[0].Iowait, v[0].Irq, v[0].Softirq, v[0].Steal,
			v[0].Guest, v[0].GuestNice, v[0].Stolen)
	} else {
		return fmt.Sprintf(format, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
Exemplo n.º 7
func (this *guard) Start() {
	interval := time.Minute
	refreshTicker := time.NewTicker(interval)
	defer refreshTicker.Stop()
	alarmTicker := time.NewTicker(interval * 10)
	defer alarmTicker.Stop()

	refresh := func() {
		if v, err := cpu.Times(false); err == nil {
			this.cpuStat = v[0]


	for {
		select {
		case <-this.gw.shutdownCh:

		case <-this.refreshCh:

		case <-refreshTicker.C:

		case <-alarmTicker.C:
			loadTooHigh := true
			for _, load := range this.win.Slice() {
				if load < 0.9 {
					loadTooHigh = false

			if loadTooHigh {
				// TODO in high load, should trigger elastic scaling event
				// send alarm email, sms

Exemplo n.º 8
func CurrentProcStat() (*ProcStat, error) {
	stats, err := cpu.Times(false)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	stat := stats[0]

	cu := &CpuUsage{
		User:    stat.User,
		Nice:    stat.Nice,
		System:  stat.System,
		Idle:    stat.Idle,
		Iowait:  stat.Iowait,
		Irq:     stat.Irq,
		SoftIrq: stat.Softirq,
		Steal:   stat.Steal,
		Guest:   stat.Guest,
		Total:   stat.User + stat.Nice + stat.System + stat.Idle + stat.Irq + stat.Softirq + stat.Steal + stat.Guest,
	ps := &ProcStat{Cpus: make([]*CpuUsage, 1)}
	ps.Cpu = cu
	return ps, nil
func cpuTimes(nss []core.Namespace) ([]plugin.MetricType, error) {
	// gather metrics per each cpu
	timesCPUs, err := cpu.Times(true)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	// gather accumulated metrics for all cpus
	timesAll, err := cpu.Times(false)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	results := []plugin.MetricType{}

	for _, ns := range nss {
		// set requested metric name from last namespace element
		metricName := ns.Element(len(ns) - 1).Value
		// check if requested metric is dynamic (requesting metrics for all cpu ids)
		if ns[3].Value == "*" {
			for _, timesCPU := range timesCPUs {
				// prepare namespace copy to update value
				// this will allow to keep namespace as dynamic (name != "")
				dyn := make([]core.NamespaceElement, len(ns))
				copy(dyn, ns)
				dyn[3].Value = timesCPU.CPU
				// get requested metric value
				val, err := getCPUTimeValue(&timesCPU, metricName)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				metric := plugin.MetricType{
					Namespace_: dyn,
					Data_:      val,
					Timestamp_: time.Now(),
					Unit_:      cpuLabels[metricName].unit,
				results = append(results, metric)
		} else {
			timeStats := append(timesAll, timesCPUs...)
			// find stats for interface name or all cpus
			timeStat := findCPUTimeStat(timeStats, ns[3].Value)
			if timeStat == nil {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("Requested cpu id %s not found", ns[3].Value)
			// get requested metric value from struct
			val, err := getCPUTimeValue(timeStat, metricName)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			metric := plugin.MetricType{
				Namespace_: ns,
				Data_:      val,
				Timestamp_: time.Now(),
				Unit_:      cpuLabels[metricName].unit,
			results = append(results, metric)

	return results, nil
Exemplo n.º 10
// Collect collects stats related to resource usage of a host
func (h *HostStatsCollector) Collect() (*HostStats, error) {
	hs := &HostStats{Timestamp: time.Now().UTC().UnixNano()}
	memStats, err := mem.VirtualMemory()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	hs.Memory = &MemoryStats{
		Total:     memStats.Total,
		Available: memStats.Available,
		Used:      memStats.Used,
		Free:      memStats.Free,

	ticksConsumed := 0.0
	cpuStats, err := cpu.Times(true)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	cs := make([]*CPUStats, len(cpuStats))
	for idx, cpuStat := range cpuStats {
		percentCalculator, ok := h.statsCalculator[cpuStat.CPU]
		if !ok {
			percentCalculator = NewHostCpuStatsCalculator()
			h.statsCalculator[cpuStat.CPU] = percentCalculator
		idle, user, system, total := percentCalculator.Calculate(cpuStat)
		cs[idx] = &CPUStats{
			CPU:    cpuStat.CPU,
			User:   user,
			System: system,
			Idle:   idle,
			Total:  total,
		ticksConsumed += (total / 100) * (shelpers.TotalTicksAvailable() / float64(len(cpuStats)))
	hs.CPU = cs
	hs.CPUTicksConsumed = ticksConsumed

	partitions, err := disk.Partitions(false)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	var diskStats []*DiskStats
	for _, partition := range partitions {
		usage, err := disk.Usage(partition.Mountpoint)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		ds := DiskStats{
			Device:            partition.Device,
			Mountpoint:        partition.Mountpoint,
			Size:              usage.Total,
			Used:              usage.Used,
			Available:         usage.Free,
			UsedPercent:       usage.UsedPercent,
			InodesUsedPercent: usage.InodesUsedPercent,
		if math.IsNaN(ds.UsedPercent) {
			ds.UsedPercent = 0.0
		if math.IsNaN(ds.InodesUsedPercent) {
			ds.InodesUsedPercent = 0.0
		diskStats = append(diskStats, &ds)
	hs.DiskStats = diskStats

	uptime, err := host.Uptime()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	hs.Uptime = uptime

	return hs, nil