Exemplo n.º 1
// generateTrainingAttrs selects RandomFeatures number of base.Attributes from
// the provided base.Instances.
func (b *BaggedModel) generateTrainingAttrs(model int, from base.FixedDataGrid) []base.Attribute {
	ret := make([]base.Attribute, 0)
	attrs := base.NonClassAttributes(from)
	if b.RandomFeatures == 0 {
		ret = attrs
	} else {
		for {
			if len(ret) >= b.RandomFeatures {
			attrIndex := rand.Intn(len(attrs))
			attr := attrs[attrIndex]
			matched := false
			for _, a := range ret {
				if a.Equals(attr) {
					matched = true
			if !matched {
				ret = append(ret, attr)
	for _, a := range from.AllClassAttributes() {
		ret = append(ret, a)
	b.selectedAttributes[model] = ret
	return ret
Exemplo n.º 2
func convertToBinary(src base.FixedDataGrid) base.FixedDataGrid {
	// Convert to binary
	b := filters.NewBinaryConvertFilter()
	attrs := base.NonClassAttributes(src)
	for _, a := range attrs {
	ret := base.NewLazilyFilteredInstances(src, b)
	return ret
Exemplo n.º 3
func (KNN *KNNClassifier) canUseOptimisations(what base.FixedDataGrid) bool {
	// Check that the two have exactly the same layout
	if !base.CheckStrictlyCompatible(what, KNN.TrainingData) {
		return false
	// Check that the two are DenseInstances
	whatd, ok1 := what.(*base.DenseInstances)
	_, ok2 := KNN.TrainingData.(*base.DenseInstances)
	if !ok1 || !ok2 {
		return false
	// Check that no Class Attributes are mixed in with the data
	classAttrs := whatd.AllClassAttributes()
	normalAttrs := base.NonClassAttributes(whatd)
	// Retrieve all the AGs
	ags := whatd.AllAttributeGroups()
	classAttrGroups := make([]base.AttributeGroup, 0)
	for agName := range ags {
		ag := ags[agName]
		attrs := ag.Attributes()
		matched := false
		for _, a := range attrs {
			for _, c := range classAttrs {
				if a.Equals(c) {
					matched = true
		if matched {
			classAttrGroups = append(classAttrGroups, ag)
	for _, cag := range classAttrGroups {
		attrs := cag.Attributes()
		common := base.AttributeIntersect(normalAttrs, attrs)
		if len(common) != 0 {
			return false

	// Check that all of the Attributes are numeric
	for _, a := range normalAttrs {
		if _, ok := a.(*base.FloatAttribute); !ok {
			return false
	// If that's fine, return true
	return true
Exemplo n.º 4
func TestRandomForest(t *testing.T) {
	Convey("Given a valid CSV file", t, func() {
		inst, err := base.ParseCSVToInstances("../examples/datasets/iris_headers.csv", true)
		So(err, ShouldBeNil)

		Convey("When Chi-Merge filtering the data", func() {
			filt := filters.NewChiMergeFilter(inst, 0.90)
			for _, a := range base.NonClassFloatAttributes(inst) {
			instf := base.NewLazilyFilteredInstances(inst, filt)

			Convey("Splitting the data into test and training sets", func() {
				trainData, testData := base.InstancesTrainTestSplit(instf, 0.60)

				Convey("Fitting and predicting with a Random Forest", func() {
					rf := NewRandomForest(10, 3)
					err = rf.Fit(trainData)
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)

					predictions, err := rf.Predict(testData)
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)

					confusionMat, err := evaluation.GetConfusionMatrix(testData, predictions)
					So(err, ShouldBeNil)

					Convey("Predictions should be somewhat accurate", func() {
						So(evaluation.GetAccuracy(confusionMat), ShouldBeGreaterThan, 0.35)

		Convey("Fitting with a Random Forest with too many features compared to the data", func() {
			rf := NewRandomForest(10, len(base.NonClassAttributes(inst))+1)
			err = rf.Fit(inst)

			Convey("Should return an error", func() {
				So(err, ShouldNotBeNil)
Exemplo n.º 5
// Fit builds the RandomForest on the specified instances
func (f *RandomForest) Fit(on base.FixedDataGrid) error {
	numNonClassAttributes := len(base.NonClassAttributes(on))
	if numNonClassAttributes < f.Features {
		return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf(
			"Random forest with %d features cannot fit data grid with %d non-class attributes",

	f.Model = new(meta.BaggedModel)
	f.Model.RandomFeatures = f.Features
	for i := 0; i < f.ForestSize; i++ {
		tree := trees.NewID3DecisionTree(0.00)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 6
func TestBinaryFilter(t *testing.T) {

	Convey("Given a contrived dataset...", t, func() {

		// Read the contrived dataset
		inst, err := base.ParseCSVToInstances("./binary_test.csv", true)
		So(err, ShouldEqual, nil)

		// Add Attributes to the filter
		bFilt := NewBinaryConvertFilter()
		bAttrs := base.NonClassAttributes(inst)
		for _, a := range bAttrs {

		// Construct a LazilyFilteredInstances to handle it
		instF := base.NewLazilyFilteredInstances(inst, bFilt)

		Convey("All the non-class Attributes should be binary...", func() {
			// Check that all the Attributes are the right type
			for _, a := range base.NonClassAttributes(instF) {
				_, ok := a.(*base.BinaryAttribute)
				So(ok, ShouldEqual, true)

		// Check that all the class Attributes made it
		Convey("All the class Attributes should have survived...", func() {
			origClassAttrs := inst.AllClassAttributes()
			newClassAttrs := instF.AllClassAttributes()
			intersectClassAttrs := base.AttributeIntersect(origClassAttrs, newClassAttrs)
			So(len(intersectClassAttrs), ShouldEqual, len(origClassAttrs))
		// Check that the Attributes have the right names
		Convey("Attribute names should be correct...", func() {
			origNames := []string{"floatAttr", "shouldBe1Binary",
				"shouldBe3Binary_stoicism", "shouldBe3Binary_heroism",
				"shouldBe3Binary_romanticism", "arbitraryClass"}
			origMap := make(map[string]bool)
			for _, a := range origNames {
				origMap[a] = false
			for _, a := range instF.AllAttributes() {
				name := a.GetName()
				_, ok := origMap[name]
				if !ok {
					t.Error(fmt.Sprintf("Weird: %s", name))
				origMap[name] = true
			for a := range origMap {
				So(origMap[a], ShouldEqual, true)

		// Check that the Attributes have been discretised correctly
		Convey("Discretisation should have worked", func() {
			// Build Attribute map
			attrMap := make(map[string]base.Attribute)
			for _, a := range instF.AllAttributes() {
				attrMap[a.GetName()] = a
			// For each attribute
			for name := range attrMap {
				attr := attrMap[name]
				// Retrieve AttributeSpec
				as, err := instF.GetAttribute(attr)
				So(err, ShouldEqual, nil)
				if name == "floatAttr" {
					So(instF.Get(as, 0), ShouldResemble, []byte{1})
					So(instF.Get(as, 1), ShouldResemble, []byte{1})
					So(instF.Get(as, 2), ShouldResemble, []byte{0})
				} else if name == "shouldBe1Binary" {
					So(instF.Get(as, 0), ShouldResemble, []byte{0})
					So(instF.Get(as, 1), ShouldResemble, []byte{1})
					So(instF.Get(as, 2), ShouldResemble, []byte{1})
				} else if name == "shouldBe3Binary_stoicism" {
					So(instF.Get(as, 0), ShouldResemble, []byte{1})
					So(instF.Get(as, 1), ShouldResemble, []byte{0})
					So(instF.Get(as, 2), ShouldResemble, []byte{0})
				} else if name == "shouldBe3Binary_heroism" {
					So(instF.Get(as, 0), ShouldResemble, []byte{0})
					So(instF.Get(as, 1), ShouldResemble, []byte{1})
					So(instF.Get(as, 2), ShouldResemble, []byte{0})
				} else if name == "shouldBe3Binary_romanticism" {
					So(instF.Get(as, 0), ShouldResemble, []byte{0})
					So(instF.Get(as, 1), ShouldResemble, []byte{0})
					So(instF.Get(as, 2), ShouldResemble, []byte{1})
				} else if name == "arbitraryClass" {
				} else {
					t.Error("Shouldn't have %s", name)



Exemplo n.º 7
// Predict uses the underlying network to produce predictions for the
// class variables of X.
// Can only predict one CategoricalAttribute at a time, or up to n
// FloatAttributes. Set or unset ClassAttributes to work around this
// limitation.
func (m *MultiLayerNet) Predict(X base.FixedDataGrid) base.FixedDataGrid {

	// Create the return vector
	ret := base.GeneratePredictionVector(X)

	// Make sure everything's a FloatAttribute
	insts := m.convertToFloatInsts(X)

	// Get the input/output Attributes
	inputAttrs := base.NonClassAttributes(insts)
	outputAttrs := ret.AllClassAttributes()

	// Compute layers
	layers := 2 + len(m.layers)

	// Check that we're operating in a singular mode
	floatMode := 0
	categoricalMode := 0
	for _, a := range outputAttrs {
		if _, ok := a.(*base.CategoricalAttribute); ok {
		} else if _, ok := a.(*base.FloatAttribute); ok {
		} else {
			panic("Unsupported output Attribute type!")

	if floatMode > 0 && categoricalMode > 0 {
		panic("Can't predict a mix of float and categorical Attributes")
	} else if categoricalMode > 1 {
		panic("Can't predict more than one categorical class Attribute")

	// Create the activation vector
	a := mat64.NewDense(m.network.size, 1, make([]float64, m.network.size))

	// Resolve the input AttributeSpecs
	inputAs := base.ResolveAttributes(insts, inputAttrs)

	// Resolve the output Attributespecs
	outputAs := base.ResolveAttributes(ret, outputAttrs)

	// Map over each input row
	insts.MapOverRows(inputAs, func(row [][]byte, rc int) (bool, error) {
		// Clear the activation vector
		for i := 0; i < m.network.size; i++ {
			a.Set(i, 0, 0.0)
		// Build the activation vector
		for i, vb := range row {
			if cIndex, ok := m.attrs[inputAs[i].GetAttribute()]; !ok {
				panic("Can't resolve the Attribute!")
			} else {
				a.Set(cIndex, 0, base.UnpackBytesToFloat(vb))
		// Robots, activate!
		m.network.Activate(a, layers)

		// Decide which class to set
		if floatMode > 0 {
			for _, as := range outputAs {
				cIndex := m.attrs[as.GetAttribute()]
				ret.Set(as, rc, base.PackFloatToBytes(a.At(cIndex, 0)))
		} else {
			maxIndex := 0
			maxVal := 0.0
			for i := m.classAttrOffset; i < m.classAttrOffset+m.classAttrCount; i++ {
				val := a.At(i, 0)
				if val > maxVal {
					maxIndex = i
					maxVal = val
			maxIndex -= m.classAttrOffset
			ret.Set(outputAs[0], rc, base.PackU64ToBytes(uint64(maxIndex)))
		return true, nil

	return ret

Exemplo n.º 8
// Fit trains the neural network on the given fixed datagrid.
// Training stops when the mean-squared error acheived is less
// than the Convergence value, or when back-propagation has occured
// more times than the value set by MaxIterations.
func (m *MultiLayerNet) Fit(X base.FixedDataGrid) {

	// Make sure everything's a FloatAttribute
	insts := m.convertToFloatInsts(X)

	// The size of the first layer is the number of things
	// in the revised instances which aren't class Attributes
	inputAttrsVec := base.NonClassAttributes(insts)

	// The size of the output layer is the number of things
	// in the revised instances which are class Attributes
	classAttrsVec := insts.AllClassAttributes()

	// The total number of layers is input layer + output layer
	// plus number of layers specified
	totalLayers := 2 + len(m.layers)

	// The size is then augmented by the number of nodes
	// in the centre
	size := len(inputAttrsVec)
	size += len(classAttrsVec)
	hiddenSize := 0
	for _, a := range m.layers {
		size += a
		hiddenSize += a

	// Enumerate the Attributes
	trainingAttrs := make(map[base.Attribute]int)
	classAttrs := make(map[base.Attribute]int)
	attrCounter := 0
	for i, a := range inputAttrsVec {
		attrCounter = i
		m.attrs[a] = attrCounter
		trainingAttrs[a] = attrCounter
	m.classAttrOffset = attrCounter + 1
	for _, a := range classAttrsVec {
		m.attrs[a] = attrCounter + hiddenSize
		classAttrs[a] = attrCounter + hiddenSize

	// Create the underlying Network
	m.network = NewNetwork(size, len(inputAttrsVec), Sigmoid)

	// Initialise inter-hidden layer weights and biases to small random values
	layerOffset := len(inputAttrsVec)
	for i := 0; i < len(m.layers)-1; i++ {
		// Get the size of this layer
		thisLayerSize := m.layers[i]
		// Next layer size
		nextLayerSize := m.layers[i+1]
		// For every node in this layer
		for j := 1; j <= thisLayerSize; j++ {
			// Compute the offset
			nodeOffset1 := layerOffset + j
			// For every node in the next layer
			for k := 1; k <= nextLayerSize; k++ {
				// Compute offset
				nodeOffset2 := layerOffset + thisLayerSize + k
				// Set weight randomly
				m.network.SetWeight(nodeOffset1, nodeOffset2, rand.NormFloat64()*0.1)
		layerOffset += thisLayerSize

	// Initialise biases with each hidden layer
	layerOffset = len(inputAttrsVec)
	for _, l := range m.layers {
		for j := 1; j <= l; j++ {
			nodeOffset := layerOffset + j
			m.network.SetBias(nodeOffset, rand.NormFloat64()*0.1)
		layerOffset += l

	// Initialise biases for output layer
	for i := 0; i < len(classAttrsVec); i++ {
		nodeOffset := layerOffset + i
		m.network.SetBias(nodeOffset, rand.NormFloat64()*0.1)

	// Connect final hidden layer with the output layer
	layerOffset = len(inputAttrsVec)
	for i, l := range m.layers {
		if i == len(m.layers)-1 {
			for j := 1; j <= l; j++ {
				nodeOffset1 := layerOffset + j
				for k := 1; k <= len(classAttrsVec); k++ {
					nodeOffset2 := layerOffset + l + k
					m.network.SetWeight(nodeOffset1, nodeOffset2, rand.NormFloat64()*0.1)
		layerOffset += l

	// Connect input layer with first hidden layer (or output layer
	for i := 1; i <= len(inputAttrsVec); i++ {
		nextLayerLen := 0
		if len(m.layers) > 0 {
			nextLayerLen = m.layers[0]
		} else {
			nextLayerLen = len(classAttrsVec)
		for j := 1; j <= nextLayerLen; j++ {
			nodeOffset := len(inputAttrsVec) + j
			v := rand.NormFloat64() * 0.1
			m.network.SetWeight(i, nodeOffset, v)

	// Create the training activation vector
	trainVec := mat64.NewDense(size, 1, make([]float64, size))
	// Create the error vector
	errVec := mat64.NewDense(size, 1, make([]float64, size))

	// Resolve training AttributeSpecs
	trainAs := base.ResolveAllAttributes(insts)

	// Feed-forward, compute error and update for each training example
	// until convergence (what's that)
	for iteration := 0; iteration < m.MaxIterations; iteration++ {
		totalError := 0.0
		maxRow := 0
		insts.MapOverRows(trainAs, func(row [][]byte, i int) (bool, error) {

			maxRow = i
			// Clear vectors
			for i := 0; i < size; i++ {
				trainVec.Set(i, 0, 0.0)
				errVec.Set(i, 0, 0.0)

			// Build vectors
			for i, vb := range row {
				v := base.UnpackBytesToFloat(vb)
				if attrIndex, ok := trainingAttrs[trainAs[i].GetAttribute()]; ok {
					// Add to Activation vector
					trainVec.Set(attrIndex, 0, v)
				} else if attrIndex, ok := classAttrs[trainAs[i].GetAttribute()]; ok {
					// Set to error vector
					errVec.Set(attrIndex, 0, v)
				} else {
					panic("Should be able to find this Attribute!")

			// Activate the network
			m.network.Activate(trainVec, totalLayers-1)

			// Compute the error
			for a := range classAttrs {
				cIndex := classAttrs[a]
				errVec.Set(cIndex, 0, errVec.At(cIndex, 0)-trainVec.At(cIndex, 0))

			// Update total error
			totalError += math.Abs(errVec.Sum())

			// Back-propagate the error
			b := m.network.Error(trainVec, errVec, totalLayers)

			// Update the weights
			m.network.UpdateWeights(trainVec, b, m.LearningRate)

			// Update the biases
			m.network.UpdateBias(b, m.LearningRate)

			return true, nil

		totalError /= float64(maxRow)
		// If we've converged, no need to carry on
		if totalError < m.Convergence {
Exemplo n.º 9
func TestFloatFilter(t *testing.T) {

	Convey("Given a contrived dataset...", t, func() {

		// Read the contrived dataset
		inst, err := base.ParseCSVToInstances("./binary_test.csv", true)
		So(err, ShouldEqual, nil)

		// Add Attributes to the filter
		bFilt := NewFloatConvertFilter()
		bAttrs := base.NonClassAttributes(inst)
		for _, a := range bAttrs {

		// Construct a LazilyFilteredInstances to handle it
		instF := base.NewLazilyFilteredInstances(inst, bFilt)

		Convey("All the non-class Attributes should be floats...", func() {
			// Check that all the Attributes are the right type
			for _, a := range base.NonClassAttributes(instF) {
				_, ok := a.(*base.FloatAttribute)
				So(ok, ShouldEqual, true)

		// Check that all the class Attributes made it
		Convey("All the class Attributes should have survived...", func() {
			origClassAttrs := inst.AllClassAttributes()
			newClassAttrs := instF.AllClassAttributes()
			intersectClassAttrs := base.AttributeIntersect(origClassAttrs, newClassAttrs)
			So(len(intersectClassAttrs), ShouldEqual, len(origClassAttrs))
		// Check that the Attributes have the right names
		Convey("Attribute names should be correct...", func() {
			origNames := []string{"floatAttr", "shouldBe1Binary",
				"shouldBe3Binary_stoicism", "shouldBe3Binary_heroism",
				"shouldBe3Binary_romanticism", "arbitraryClass"}
			origMap := make(map[string]bool)
			for _, a := range origNames {
				origMap[a] = false
			for _, a := range instF.AllAttributes() {
				name := a.GetName()
				_, ok := origMap[name]
				So(ok, ShouldBeTrue)

				origMap[name] = true
			for a := range origMap {
				So(origMap[a], ShouldEqual, true)

		Convey("All Attributes should be the correct type...", func() {
			for _, a := range instF.AllAttributes() {
				if a.GetName() == "arbitraryClass" {
					_, ok := a.(*base.CategoricalAttribute)
					So(ok, ShouldEqual, true)
				} else {
					_, ok := a.(*base.FloatAttribute)
					So(ok, ShouldEqual, true)

		// Check that the Attributes have been discretised correctly
		Convey("FloatConversion should have worked", func() {
			// Build Attribute map
			attrMap := make(map[string]base.Attribute)
			for _, a := range instF.AllAttributes() {
				attrMap[a.GetName()] = a
			// For each attribute
			for name := range attrMap {
				So(name, ShouldBeIn, []string{

				attr := attrMap[name]
				as, err := instF.GetAttribute(attr)
				So(err, ShouldEqual, nil)

				if name == "floatAttr" {
					So(instF.Get(as, 0), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(1.0))
					So(instF.Get(as, 1), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(1.0))
					So(instF.Get(as, 2), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(0.0))
				} else if name == "shouldBe1Binary" {
					So(instF.Get(as, 0), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(0.0))
					So(instF.Get(as, 1), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(1.0))
					So(instF.Get(as, 2), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(1.0))
				} else if name == "shouldBe3Binary_stoicism" {
					So(instF.Get(as, 0), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(1.0))
					So(instF.Get(as, 1), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(0.0))
					So(instF.Get(as, 2), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(0.0))
				} else if name == "shouldBe3Binary_heroism" {
					So(instF.Get(as, 0), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(0.0))
					So(instF.Get(as, 1), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(1.0))
					So(instF.Get(as, 2), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(0.0))
				} else if name == "shouldBe3Binary_romanticism" {
					So(instF.Get(as, 0), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(0.0))
					So(instF.Get(as, 1), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(0.0))
					So(instF.Get(as, 2), ShouldResemble, base.PackFloatToBytes(1.0))
				} else if name == "arbitraryClass" {
Exemplo n.º 10
func (lr *LinearRegression) Fit(inst base.FixedDataGrid) error {

	// Retrieve row size
	_, rows := inst.Size()

	// Validate class Attribute count
	classAttrs := inst.AllClassAttributes()
	if len(classAttrs) != 1 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Only 1 class variable is permitted")
	classAttrSpecs := base.ResolveAttributes(inst, classAttrs)

	// Retrieve relevant Attributes
	allAttrs := base.NonClassAttributes(inst)
	attrs := make([]base.Attribute, 0)
	for _, a := range allAttrs {
		if _, ok := a.(*base.FloatAttribute); ok {
			attrs = append(attrs, a)

	cols := len(attrs) + 1

	if rows < cols {
		return NotEnoughDataError

	// Retrieve relevant Attribute specifications
	attrSpecs := base.ResolveAttributes(inst, attrs)

	// Split into two matrices, observed results (dependent variable y)
	// and the explanatory variables (X) - see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_regression
	observed := mat64.NewDense(rows, 1, nil)
	explVariables := mat64.NewDense(rows, cols, nil)

	// Build the observed matrix
	inst.MapOverRows(classAttrSpecs, func(row [][]byte, i int) (bool, error) {
		val := base.UnpackBytesToFloat(row[0])
		observed.Set(i, 0, val)
		return true, nil

	// Build the explainatory variables
	inst.MapOverRows(attrSpecs, func(row [][]byte, i int) (bool, error) {
		// Set intercepts to 1.0
		explVariables.Set(i, 0, 1.0)
		for j, r := range row {
			explVariables.Set(i, j+1, base.UnpackBytesToFloat(r))
		return true, nil

	n := cols
	qr := new(mat64.QR)
	var q, reg mat64.Dense

	var transposed, qty mat64.Dense
	qty.Mul(&transposed, observed)

	regressionCoefficients := make([]float64, n)
	for i := n - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		regressionCoefficients[i] = qty.At(i, 0)
		for j := i + 1; j < n; j++ {
			regressionCoefficients[i] -= regressionCoefficients[j] * reg.At(i, j)
		regressionCoefficients[i] /= reg.At(i, i)

	lr.disturbance = regressionCoefficients[0]
	lr.regressionCoefficients = regressionCoefficients[1:]
	lr.fitted = true
	lr.attrs = attrs
	lr.cls = classAttrs[0]
	return nil