Exemplo n.º 1
func TestSelectStatement_IsSimpleDerivative(t *testing.T) {
	var tests = []struct {
		stmt       string
		derivative bool
		// No derivatives
			stmt:       `SELECT value FROM cpu`,
			derivative: false,

		// Query derivative
			stmt:       `SELECT derivative(value) FROM cpu`,
			derivative: true,

		// Query derivative
			stmt:       `SELECT non_negative_derivative(value) FROM cpu`,
			derivative: true,

		// No GROUP BY time only
			stmt:       `SELECT mean(value) FROM cpu where time < now() GROUP BY time(5ms)`,
			derivative: false,

		// No GROUP BY derivatives, time only
			stmt:       `SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean(value)) FROM cpu where time < now() GROUP BY time(5ms)`,
			derivative: false,

		// Invalid derivative function name
			stmt:       `SELECT typoDerivative(value) FROM cpu where time < now()`,
			derivative: false,

	for i, tt := range tests {
		// Parse statement.
		t.Logf("index: %d, statement: %s", i, tt.stmt)
		stmt, err := influxql.NewParser(strings.NewReader(tt.stmt)).ParseStatement()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("invalid statement: %q: %s", tt.stmt, err)

		// Test derivative detection.
		if d := stmt.(*influxql.SelectStatement).IsSimpleDerivative(); tt.derivative != d {
			t.Errorf("%d. %q: unexpected derivative detection:\n\nexp=%v\n\ngot=%v\n\n", i, tt.stmt, tt.derivative, d)
Exemplo n.º 2
func TestSelectStatement_HasCountDistinct(t *testing.T) {
	var tests = []struct {
		stmt  string
		count bool
		// No counts
			stmt:  `SELECT value FROM cpu`,
			count: false,

		// Query count
			stmt:  `SELECT count(value) FROM cpu`,
			count: false,

		// No GROUP BY time only
			stmt:  `SELECT count(distinct(value)) FROM cpu where time < now() GROUP BY time(5ms)`,
			count: true,

		// Query count
			stmt:  `SELECT typoCount(value) FROM cpu`,
			count: false,

		// No GROUP BY time only
			stmt:  `SELECT typoCount(distinct(value)) FROM cpu where time < now() GROUP BY time(5ms)`,
			count: false,

	for i, tt := range tests {
		// Parse statement.
		t.Logf("index: %d, statement: %s", i, tt.stmt)
		stmt, err := influxql.NewParser(strings.NewReader(tt.stmt)).ParseStatement()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("invalid statement: %q: %s", tt.stmt, err)

		// Test count detection.
		if c := stmt.(*influxql.SelectStatement).HasCountDistinct(); tt.count != c {
			t.Errorf("%d. %q: unexpected count detection:\n\nexp=%v\n\ngot=%v\n\n", i, tt.stmt, tt.count, c)
Exemplo n.º 3
// Ensure the SELECT statement can extract GROUP BY interval.
func TestSelectStatement_GroupByInterval(t *testing.T) {
	q := "SELECT sum(value) from foo  where time < now() GROUP BY time(10m)"
	stmt, err := influxql.NewParser(strings.NewReader(q)).ParseStatement()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("invalid statement: %q: %s", stmt, err)

	s := stmt.(*influxql.SelectStatement)
	d, err := s.GroupByInterval()
	if d != 10*time.Minute {
		t.Fatalf("group by interval not equal:\nexp=%s\ngot=%s", 10*time.Minute, d)
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("error parsing group by interval: %s", err.Error())
Exemplo n.º 4
// Ensure that we see if a where clause has only time limitations
func TestOnlyTimeExpr(t *testing.T) {
	var tests = []struct {
		stmt string
		exp  bool
			stmt: `SELECT value FROM myseries WHERE value > 1`,
			exp:  false,
			stmt: `SELECT value FROM foo WHERE time >= '2000-01-01T00:00:05Z'`,
			exp:  true,
			stmt: `SELECT value FROM foo WHERE time >= '2000-01-01T00:00:05Z' AND time < '2000-01-01T00:00:05Z'`,
			exp:  true,
			stmt: `SELECT value FROM foo WHERE time >= '2000-01-01T00:00:05Z' AND asdf = 'bar'`,
			exp:  false,
			stmt: `SELECT value FROM foo WHERE asdf = 'jkl' AND (time >= '2000-01-01T00:00:05Z' AND time < '2000-01-01T00:00:05Z')`,
			exp:  false,

	for i, tt := range tests {
		// Parse statement.
		stmt, err := influxql.NewParser(strings.NewReader(tt.stmt)).ParseStatement()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("invalid statement: %q: %s", tt.stmt, err)
		if influxql.OnlyTimeExpr(stmt.(*influxql.SelectStatement).Condition) != tt.exp {
			t.Fatalf("%d. expected statement to return only time dimension to be %t: %s", i, tt.exp, tt.stmt)
Exemplo n.º 5
// NewContinuousQuery returns a ContinuousQuery object with a parsed influxql.CreateContinuousQueryStatement
func NewContinuousQuery(database string, cqi *meta.ContinuousQueryInfo) (*ContinuousQuery, error) {
	stmt, err := influxql.NewParser(strings.NewReader(cqi.Query)).ParseStatement()
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	q, ok := stmt.(*influxql.CreateContinuousQueryStatement)
	if !ok || q.Source.Target == nil || q.Source.Target.Measurement == nil {
		return nil, errors.New("query isn't a valid continuous query")

	cquery := &ContinuousQuery{
		Database: database,
		Info:     cqi,
		Resample: ResampleOptions{
			Every: q.ResampleEvery,
			For:   q.ResampleFor,
		q: q.Source,

	return cquery, nil
Exemplo n.º 6
// Ensure that the String() value of a statement is parseable
func TestParseString(t *testing.T) {
	var tests = []struct {
		stmt string
			stmt: `SELECT "cpu load" FROM myseries`,
			stmt: `SELECT "cpu load" FROM "my series"`,
			stmt: `SELECT "cpu\"load" FROM myseries`,
			stmt: `SELECT "cpu'load" FROM myseries`,
			stmt: `SELECT "cpu load" FROM "my\"series"`,
			stmt: `SELECT "field with spaces" FROM "\"ugly\" db"."\"ugly\" rp"."\"ugly\" measurement"`,
			stmt: `SELECT * FROM myseries`,
			stmt: `DROP DATABASE "!"`,
			stmt: `DROP RETENTION POLICY "my rp" ON "a database"`,
			stmt: `CREATE RETENTION POLICY "my rp" ON "a database" DURATION 1d REPLICATION 1`,
			stmt: `ALTER RETENTION POLICY "my rp" ON "a database" DEFAULT`,
			stmt: `SHOW RETENTION POLICIES ON "a database"`,
			stmt: `SHOW TAG VALUES WITH KEY IN ("a long name", short)`,
			stmt: `DROP CONTINUOUS QUERY "my query" ON "my database"`,
		// See issues https://github.com/skia-dev/influxdb/issues/1647
		// and https://github.com/skia-dev/influxdb/issues/4404
		//	stmt: `DELETE FROM "my db"."my rp"."my measurement"`,
			stmt: `DROP SUBSCRIPTION "ugly \"subscription\" name" ON "\"my\" db"."\"my\" rp"`,
			stmt: `CREATE SUBSCRIPTION "ugly \"subscription\" name" ON "\"my\" db"."\"my\" rp" DESTINATIONS ALL 'my host', 'my other host'`,
			stmt: `DROP USER "user with spaces"`,
			stmt: `GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON "db with spaces" TO "user with spaces"`,
			stmt: `GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO "user with spaces"`,
			stmt: `SHOW GRANTS FOR "user with spaces"`,
			stmt: `REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON "db with spaces" FROM "user with spaces"`,
			stmt: `REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM "user with spaces"`,
			stmt: `CREATE DATABASE "db with spaces"`,

	for _, tt := range tests {
		// Parse statement.
		stmt, err := influxql.NewParser(strings.NewReader(tt.stmt)).ParseStatement()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("invalid statement: %q: %s", tt.stmt, err)

		stmtCopy, err := influxql.NewParser(strings.NewReader(stmt.String())).ParseStatement()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("failed to parse string: %v\norig: %v\ngot: %v", err, tt.stmt, stmt.String())

		if !reflect.DeepEqual(stmt, stmtCopy) {
			t.Fatalf("statement changed after stringifying and re-parsing:\noriginal : %v\nre-parsed: %v\n", tt.stmt, stmtCopy.String())
Exemplo n.º 7
// Ensure the SELECT statement can extract substatements.
func TestSelectStatement_Substatement(t *testing.T) {
	var tests = []struct {
		stmt string
		expr *influxql.VarRef
		sub  string
		err  string
		// 0. Single series
			stmt: `SELECT value FROM myseries WHERE value > 1`,
			expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "value"},
			sub:  `SELECT value FROM myseries WHERE value > 1`,

		// 1. Simple join
			stmt: `SELECT sum(aa.value) + sum(bb.value) FROM aa, bb`,
			expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "aa.value"},
			sub:  `SELECT "aa.value" FROM aa`,

		// 2. Simple merge
			stmt: `SELECT sum(aa.value) + sum(bb.value) FROM aa, bb`,
			expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "bb.value"},
			sub:  `SELECT "bb.value" FROM bb`,

		// 3. Join with condition
			stmt: `SELECT sum(aa.value) + sum(bb.value) FROM aa, bb WHERE aa.host = 'servera' AND bb.host = 'serverb'`,
			expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "bb.value"},
			sub:  `SELECT "bb.value" FROM bb WHERE "bb.host" = 'serverb'`,

		// 4. Join with complex condition
			stmt: `SELECT sum(aa.value) + sum(bb.value) FROM aa, bb WHERE aa.host = 'servera' AND (bb.host = 'serverb' OR bb.host = 'serverc') AND 1 = 2`,
			expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "bb.value"},
			sub:  `SELECT "bb.value" FROM bb WHERE ("bb.host" = 'serverb' OR "bb.host" = 'serverc') AND 1 = 2`,

		// 5. 4 with different condition order
			stmt: `SELECT sum(aa.value) + sum(bb.value) FROM aa, bb WHERE ((bb.host = 'serverb' OR bb.host = 'serverc') AND aa.host = 'servera') AND 1 = 2`,
			expr: &influxql.VarRef{Val: "bb.value"},
			sub:  `SELECT "bb.value" FROM bb WHERE (("bb.host" = 'serverb' OR "bb.host" = 'serverc')) AND 1 = 2`,

	for i, tt := range tests {
		// Parse statement.
		stmt, err := influxql.NewParser(strings.NewReader(tt.stmt)).ParseStatement()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("invalid statement: %q: %s", tt.stmt, err)

		// Extract substatement.
		sub, err := stmt.(*influxql.SelectStatement).Substatement(tt.expr)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%d. %q: unexpected error: %s", i, tt.stmt, err)
		if substr := sub.String(); tt.sub != substr {
			t.Errorf("%d. %q: unexpected substatement:\n\nexp=%s\n\ngot=%s\n\n", i, tt.stmt, tt.sub, substr)
Exemplo n.º 8
// Test SELECT statement wildcard rewrite.
func TestSelectStatement_RewriteWildcards(t *testing.T) {
	var tests = []struct {
		stmt    string
		rewrite string
		// No wildcards
			stmt:    `SELECT value FROM cpu`,
			rewrite: `SELECT value FROM cpu`,

		// Query wildcard
			stmt:    `SELECT * FROM cpu`,
			rewrite: `SELECT host, region, value1, value2 FROM cpu`,

		// Parser fundamentally prohibits multiple query sources

		// Query wildcard with explicit
			stmt:    `SELECT *,value1 FROM cpu`,
			rewrite: `SELECT host, region, value1, value2, value1 FROM cpu`,

		// Query multiple wildcards
			stmt:    `SELECT *,* FROM cpu`,
			rewrite: `SELECT host, region, value1, value2, host, region, value1, value2 FROM cpu`,

		// Query wildcards with group by
			stmt:    `SELECT * FROM cpu GROUP BY host`,
			rewrite: `SELECT region, value1, value2 FROM cpu GROUP BY host`,

		// No GROUP BY wildcards
			stmt:    `SELECT value FROM cpu GROUP BY host`,
			rewrite: `SELECT value FROM cpu GROUP BY host`,

		// No GROUP BY wildcards, time only
			stmt:    `SELECT mean(value) FROM cpu where time < now() GROUP BY time(5ms)`,
			rewrite: `SELECT mean(value) FROM cpu WHERE time < now() GROUP BY time(5ms)`,

		// GROUP BY wildcard
			stmt:    `SELECT value FROM cpu GROUP BY *`,
			rewrite: `SELECT value FROM cpu GROUP BY host, region`,

		// GROUP BY wildcard with time
			stmt:    `SELECT mean(value) FROM cpu where time < now() GROUP BY *,time(1m)`,
			rewrite: `SELECT mean(value) FROM cpu WHERE time < now() GROUP BY host, region, time(1m)`,

		// GROUP BY wildarde with fill
			stmt:    `SELECT mean(value) FROM cpu where time < now() GROUP BY *,time(1m) fill(0)`,
			rewrite: `SELECT mean(value) FROM cpu WHERE time < now() GROUP BY host, region, time(1m) fill(0)`,

		// GROUP BY wildcard with explicit
			stmt:    `SELECT value FROM cpu GROUP BY *,host`,
			rewrite: `SELECT value FROM cpu GROUP BY host, region, host`,

		// GROUP BY multiple wildcards
			stmt:    `SELECT value FROM cpu GROUP BY *,*`,
			rewrite: `SELECT value FROM cpu GROUP BY host, region, host, region`,

		// Combo
			stmt:    `SELECT * FROM cpu GROUP BY *`,
			rewrite: `SELECT value1, value2 FROM cpu GROUP BY host, region`,

	for i, tt := range tests {
		// Parse statement.
		stmt, err := influxql.NewParser(strings.NewReader(tt.stmt)).ParseStatement()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("invalid statement: %q: %s", tt.stmt, err)

		var ic IteratorCreator
		ic.FieldDimensionsFn = func(sources influxql.Sources) (fields, dimensions map[string]struct{}, err error) {
			fields = map[string]struct{}{"value1": struct{}{}, "value2": struct{}{}}
			dimensions = map[string]struct{}{"host": struct{}{}, "region": struct{}{}}

		// Rewrite statement.
		rw, err := stmt.(*influxql.SelectStatement).RewriteWildcards(&ic)
		if err != nil {
			t.Errorf("%d. %q: error: %s", i, tt.stmt, err)
		} else if rw == nil {
			t.Errorf("%d. %q: unexpected nil statement", i, tt.stmt)
		} else if rw := rw.String(); tt.rewrite != rw {
			t.Errorf("%d. %q: unexpected rewrite:\n\nexp=%s\n\ngot=%s\n\n", i, tt.stmt, tt.rewrite, rw)
Exemplo n.º 9
func TestSelectStatement_HasWildcard(t *testing.T) {
	var tests = []struct {
		stmt     string
		wildcard bool
		// No wildcards
			stmt:     `SELECT value FROM cpu`,
			wildcard: false,

		// Query wildcard
			stmt:     `SELECT * FROM cpu`,
			wildcard: true,

		// No GROUP BY wildcards
			stmt:     `SELECT value FROM cpu GROUP BY host`,
			wildcard: false,

		// No GROUP BY wildcards, time only
			stmt:     `SELECT mean(value) FROM cpu where time < now() GROUP BY time(5ms)`,
			wildcard: false,

		// GROUP BY wildcard
			stmt:     `SELECT value FROM cpu GROUP BY *`,
			wildcard: true,

		// GROUP BY wildcard with time
			stmt:     `SELECT mean(value) FROM cpu where time < now() GROUP BY *,time(1m)`,
			wildcard: true,

		// GROUP BY wildcard with explicit
			stmt:     `SELECT value FROM cpu GROUP BY *,host`,
			wildcard: true,

		// GROUP BY multiple wildcards
			stmt:     `SELECT value FROM cpu GROUP BY *,*`,
			wildcard: true,

		// Combo
			stmt:     `SELECT * FROM cpu GROUP BY *`,
			wildcard: true,

	for i, tt := range tests {
		// Parse statement.
		stmt, err := influxql.NewParser(strings.NewReader(tt.stmt)).ParseStatement()
		if err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("invalid statement: %q: %s", tt.stmt, err)

		// Test wildcard detection.
		if w := stmt.(*influxql.SelectStatement).HasWildcard(); tt.wildcard != w {
			t.Errorf("%d. %q: unexpected wildcard detection:\n\nexp=%v\n\ngot=%v\n\n", i, tt.stmt, tt.wildcard, w)
Exemplo n.º 10
// Ensure the SELECT statement can have its start and end time set
func TestSelectStatement_SetTimeRange(t *testing.T) {
	q := "SELECT sum(value) from foo where time < now() GROUP BY time(10m)"
	stmt, err := influxql.NewParser(strings.NewReader(q)).ParseStatement()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("invalid statement: %q: %s", stmt, err)

	s := stmt.(*influxql.SelectStatement)
	start := time.Now().Add(-20 * time.Hour).Round(time.Second).UTC()
	end := time.Now().Add(10 * time.Hour).Round(time.Second).UTC()
	s.SetTimeRange(start, end)
	min, max := MustTimeRange(s.Condition)

	if min != start {
		t.Fatalf("start time wasn't set properly.\n  exp: %s\n  got: %s", start, min)
	// the end range is actually one nanosecond before the given one since end is exclusive
	end = end.Add(-time.Nanosecond)
	if max != end {
		t.Fatalf("end time wasn't set properly.\n  exp: %s\n  got: %s", end, max)

	// ensure we can set a time on a select that already has one set
	start = time.Now().Add(-20 * time.Hour).Round(time.Second).UTC()
	end = time.Now().Add(10 * time.Hour).Round(time.Second).UTC()
	q = fmt.Sprintf("SELECT sum(value) from foo WHERE time >= %ds and time <= %ds GROUP BY time(10m)", start.Unix(), end.Unix())
	stmt, err = influxql.NewParser(strings.NewReader(q)).ParseStatement()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("invalid statement: %q: %s", stmt, err)

	s = stmt.(*influxql.SelectStatement)
	min, max = MustTimeRange(s.Condition)
	if start != min || end != max {
		t.Fatalf("start and end times weren't equal:\n  exp: %s\n  got: %s\n  exp: %s\n  got:%s\n", start, min, end, max)

	// update and ensure it saves it
	start = time.Now().Add(-40 * time.Hour).Round(time.Second).UTC()
	end = time.Now().Add(20 * time.Hour).Round(time.Second).UTC()
	s.SetTimeRange(start, end)
	min, max = MustTimeRange(s.Condition)

	// TODO: right now the SetTimeRange can't override the start time if it's more recent than what they're trying to set it to.
	//       shouldn't matter for our purposes with continuous queries, but fix this later

	if min != start {
		t.Fatalf("start time wasn't set properly.\n  exp: %s\n  got: %s", start, min)
	// the end range is actually one nanosecond before the given one since end is exclusive
	end = end.Add(-time.Nanosecond)
	if max != end {
		t.Fatalf("end time wasn't set properly.\n  exp: %s\n  got: %s", end, max)

	// ensure that when we set a time range other where clause conditions are still there
	q = "SELECT sum(value) from foo WHERE foo = 'bar' and time < now() GROUP BY time(10m)"
	stmt, err = influxql.NewParser(strings.NewReader(q)).ParseStatement()
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("invalid statement: %q: %s", stmt, err)

	s = stmt.(*influxql.SelectStatement)

	// update and ensure it saves it
	start = time.Now().Add(-40 * time.Hour).Round(time.Second).UTC()
	end = time.Now().Add(20 * time.Hour).Round(time.Second).UTC()
	s.SetTimeRange(start, end)
	min, max = MustTimeRange(s.Condition)

	if min != start {
		t.Fatalf("start time wasn't set properly.\n  exp: %s\n  got: %s", start, min)
	// the end range is actually one nanosecond before the given one since end is exclusive
	end = end.Add(-time.Nanosecond)
	if max != end {
		t.Fatalf("end time wasn't set properly.\n  exp: %s\n  got: %s", end, max)

	// ensure the where clause is there
	hasWhere := false
	influxql.WalkFunc(s.Condition, func(n influxql.Node) {
		if ex, ok := n.(*influxql.BinaryExpr); ok {
			if lhs, ok := ex.LHS.(*influxql.VarRef); ok {
				if lhs.Val == "foo" {
					if rhs, ok := ex.RHS.(*influxql.StringLiteral); ok {
						if rhs.Val == "bar" {
							hasWhere = true
	if !hasWhere {
		t.Fatal("set time range cleared out the where clause")