Exemplo n.º 1
// Creates a new blockchain with a single genesis block.
// Returns the visor and signed genesis block
func createGenesisVisor(masterKeys, bcFile,
	bsFile string) (*visor.Visor, visor.SignedBlock, error) {
	we := visor.MustLoadWalletEntry(masterKeys)
	c := visor.NewVisorConfig()
	c.MasterKeys = we
	c.IsMaster = true
	c.BlockSigsFile = bsFile
	c.BlockchainFile = bcFile
	c.CoinHourBurnFactor = 0
	v := visor.NewMinimalVisor(c)
	v.Wallet = visor.CreateMasterWallet(c.MasterKeys)
	return v, v.CreateGenesisBlock(), nil
Exemplo n.º 2
func (self *VisorConfig) LoadMasterKeys() {
	if self.Disabled {
	self.Config.MasterKeys = visor.MustLoadWalletEntry(self.MasterKeysFile)