Exemplo n.º 1
// Start starts the dock theme and apply last settings.
func (settings *DockSettings) Start() {
	//\___________________ handle crashes.
	// if (! bTesting)
	// 	_cairo_dock_set_signal_interception ();

	//\___________________ handle terminate signals to quit properly (especially when the system shuts down).
	// signal (SIGTERM, _cairo_dock_quit);  // Term // kill -15 (system)
	// signal (SIGHUP,  _cairo_dock_quit);  // sent to a process when its controlling terminal is closed

	//\___________________ Disable modules that have crashed
	//\___________________ maintenance mode -> show the main config panel.

	// Copy the default theme if needed.
	if !files.IsExist(globals.ConfigFile()) {

	// The first time the Cairo-Dock session is used but not the first time the dock is launched: propose to use the Default-Panel theme
	// s_bCDSessionLaunched => settings.sessionWasUsed

	gldi.CurrentThemeLoad() // was moved before registration when I had some problems with refresh on start. Removed here for now.

	//\___________________ lock mode.

	if settings.Locked {
		println("Cairo-Dock will be locked.") // was cd_warning (so it was set just before Verbosity). TODO: improve
		// As the config window shouldn't be opened, those settings won't change.
		globals.FullLock = true

	if !settings.SafeMode && gldi.ModulesGetNb() <= 1 { // 1 including Help.

	if settings.isNewVersion { // update the version in the file.
		updateHiddenFile("last version", globals.Version())

		// If any operation must be done on the user theme (like activating
		// a module by default, or disabling an option), it should be done
		// here once (when CAIRO_DOCK_VERSION matches the new version).

	//\___________________ display the changelog in case of a new version.

	if settings.isFirstLaunch { // first launch => set up config
		time.AfterFunc(4*time.Second, firstLaunchSetup)

	} else if settings.isNewVersion { // new version -> changelog (if it's the first launch, useless to display what's new, we already have the Welcome message).
		// In case something has changed in Compiz/Gtk/others, we also run the script on a new version of the dock.
		time.AfterFunc(4*time.Second, firstLaunchSetup)

	// else if (cExcludeModule != NULL && ! bMaintenance && s_iNbCrashes > 1) {
	// 	gchar *cMessage;
	// 	if (s_iNbCrashes == 2) // <=> second crash: display a dialogue
	// 		cMessage = g_strdup_printf (_("The module '%s' may have encountered a problem.\nIt has been restored successfully, but if it happens again, please report it at http://glx-dock.org"), cExcludeModule);
	// 	else // since the 3th crash: the applet has been disabled
	// 		cMessage = g_strdup_printf (_("The module '%s' has been deactivated because it may have caused some problems.\nYou can reactivate it, if it happens again thanks to report it at http://glx-dock.org"), cExcludeModule);

	// 	GldiModule *pModule = gldi_module_get (cExcludeModule);
	// 	Icon *icon = gldi_icons_get_any_without_dialog ();
	// 	gldi_dialog_show_temporary_with_icon (cMessage, icon, CAIRO_CONTAINER (g_pMainDock), 15000., (pModule ? pModule->pVisitCard->cIconFilePath : NULL));
	// 	g_free (cMessage);
	// }

	// if (! bTesting)
	// 	g_timeout_add_seconds (5, _cairo_dock_successful_launch, GINT_TO_POINTER (bFirstLaunch));
Exemplo n.º 2
// CurrentThemeLoad imports and loads a dock theme.
func (Data) CurrentThemeLoad(themeName string, useBehaviour, useLaunchers bool) error {

	// if (pThemesWidget->pImportTask != NULL)
	// {
	// 	gldi_task_discard (pThemesWidget->pImportTask);
	// 	pThemesWidget->pImportTask = NULL;
	// }
	// //\___________________ On regarde si le theme courant est modifie.
	// gboolean bNeedSave = cairo_dock_current_theme_need_save ();
	// if (bNeedSave)
	// {

	if gldi.CurrentThemeNeedSave() {
		// 	Icon *pIcon = cairo_dock_get_current_active_icon ();  // it's most probably the icon corresponding to the configuration window
		// 	if (pIcon == NULL || cairo_dock_get_icon_container (pIcon) == NULL)  // if not available, get any icon
		// 		pIcon = gldi_icons_get_any_without_dialog ();
		// 	int iClickedButton = gldi_dialog_show_and_wait (_("You have made some changes to the current theme.\nYou will lose them if you don't save before choosing a new theme. Continue anyway?"),
		// 		pIcon, CAIRO_CONTAINER (g_pMainDock),
		// 	if (iClickedButton != 0 && iClickedButton != -1)  // cancel button or Escape.
		// 	{
		// 		return FALSE;
		// 	}

	// //\___________________ On charge le nouveau theme choisi.
	// gchar *tmp = g_strdup (cNewThemeName);
	// CairoDockPackageType iType = cairo_dock_extract_package_type_from_name (tmp);
	// g_free (tmp);

	// gboolean bThemeImported = FALSE;
	// {
	// 	GtkWidget *pWaitingDialog = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
	// 	pThemesWidget->pWaitingDialog = pWaitingDialog;
	// 	gtk_window_set_decorated (GTK_WINDOW (pWaitingDialog), FALSE);
	// 	gtk_window_set_skip_taskbar_hint (GTK_WINDOW (pWaitingDialog), TRUE);
	// 	gtk_window_set_skip_pager_hint (GTK_WINDOW (pWaitingDialog), TRUE);
	// 	gtk_window_set_transient_for (GTK_WINDOW (pWaitingDialog), pMainWindow);
	// 	gtk_window_set_modal (GTK_WINDOW (pWaitingDialog), TRUE);

	// 	gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (pWaitingDialog), pMainVBox);

	// 	GtkWidget *pLabel = gtk_label_new (_("Please wait while importing the theme..."));
	// 	gtk_box_pack_start(GTK_BOX (pMainVBox), pLabel, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

	// 	GtkWidget *pBar = gtk_progress_bar_new ();
	// 	gtk_progress_bar_pulse (GTK_PROGRESS_BAR (pBar));
	// 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (pMainVBox), pBar, FALSE, FALSE, 0);
	// 	pThemesWidget->iSidPulse = g_timeout_add (100, (GSourceFunc)_pulse_bar, pBar);
	// 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (pWaitingDialog),
	// 		"destroy",
	// 		G_CALLBACK (on_waiting_dialog_destroyed),
	// 		pThemesWidget);

	// 	GtkWidget *pCancelButton = gtk_button_new_with_label (_("Cancel"));
	// 	g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (pCancelButton), "clicked", G_CALLBACK(on_cancel_dl), pWaitingDialog);
	// 	gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (pMainVBox), pCancelButton, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

	// 	gtk_widget_show_all (pWaitingDialog);

	// 	cd_debug ("start importation...");
	// 	pThemesWidget->pImportTask = cairo_dock_import_theme_async (cNewThemeName, bLoadBehavior, bLoadLaunchers, (GFunc)_load_theme, pThemesWidget);  // if 'pThemesWidget' is destroyed, the 'reset' callback will be called and will cancel the task.
	// }
	// else  // if the theme is already local and uptodate, there is really no need to show a progressbar, because only the download/unpacking is done asynchonously (and the copy of the files is fast enough).
	// {

	e := gldi.CurrentThemeImport(themeName, useBehaviour, useLaunchers)
	if e != nil {
		return e

	return nil