Exemplo n.º 1
func NewConsulApplicator(client *api.Client, retries int) *consulApplicator {
	return &consulApplicator{
		logger:  logging.DefaultLogger,
		kv:      client.KV(),
		retries: retries,
Exemplo n.º 2
func NewConsul(client *api.Client, retries int) *consulStore {
	return &consulStore{
		retries:    retries,
		applicator: labels.NewConsulApplicator(client, retries),
		kv:         client.KV(),
Exemplo n.º 3
// ConsulSessionManager continually creates and maintains Consul sessions. It is intended
// to be run in its own goroutine. If one session expires, a new one will be created. As
// sessions come and go, the session ID (or "" for an expired session) will be sent on the
// output channel.
// Parameters:
//   config:  Configuration passed to Consul when creating a new session.
//   client:  The Consul client to use.
//   output:  The channel used for exposing Consul session IDs. This method takes
//            ownership of this channel and will close it once no new IDs will be created.
//   done:    Close this channel to close the current session (if any) and stop creating
//            new sessions.
//   logger:  Errors will be logged to this logger.
func ConsulSessionManager(
	config api.SessionEntry,
	client *api.Client,
	output chan<- string,
	done chan struct{},
	logger logging.Logger,
) {
	logger.NoFields().Info("session manager: starting up")
	for {
		// Check for exit signal
		select {
		case <-done:
			logger.NoFields().Info("session manager: shutting down")
		// Establish a new session
		id, _, err := client.Session().CreateNoChecks(&config, nil)
		if err != nil {
			logger.WithError(err).Error("session manager: error creating Consul session")
		sessionLogger := logger.SubLogger(logrus.Fields{
			"session": id,
		sessionLogger.NoFields().Info("session manager: new Consul session")
		select {
		case output <- id:
			// Maintain the session
			err = client.Session().RenewPeriodic(config.TTL, id, nil, done)
			if err != nil {
				sessionLogger.WithError(err).Error("session manager: lost session")
			} else {
				sessionLogger.NoFields().Info("session manager: released session")
			output <- ""
		case <-done:
			// Don't bother reporting the new session if exiting
			client.Session().Destroy(id, nil)
			sessionLogger.NoFields().Info("session manager: released session")
Exemplo n.º 4
// processHealthUpdater() runs in a goroutine to keep Consul in sync with the local health
// state. It is written as a non-blocking finite state machine: events arrive and update
// internal state, and after each event, the internal state is examined to see if an
// asynchronous action needs to be taken.
// Events come from three different sources:
//   1. App monitors send their periodic health check results here. When the service is no
//      longer being checked, the monitor must close this channel.
//   2. The session manager sends notifications whenever the current Consul session
//      expires or is renewed. When the manager exits, it must close this channel.
//   3. Writes to Consul are performed in a separate goroutine, and when each finishes, it
//      notifies the updater of what it just wrote.
// In response to these events, two actions can be taken:
//   A. Exit, once the app monitor has exited and the health check in Consul has been
//      removed.
//   B. Write the recent service state to Consul. At most one outstanding write will be
//      in-flight at any time.
func processHealthUpdater(
	client *api.Client,
	checksStream <-chan WatchResult,
	sessionsStream <-chan string,
	logger logging.Logger,
) {
	var localHealth *WatchResult  // Health last reported by checker
	var remoteHealth *WatchResult // Health last written to Consul
	var session string            // Current session

	var write <-chan writeResult  // Future result of an in-flight write
	var throttle <-chan time.Time // If set, writes are throttled

	// Track and limit all writes to avoid crushing Consul
	bucketRefreshRate := time.Minute / time.Duration(*HealthWritesPerMinute)
	rateLimiter, err := limit.NewTokenBucket(
	if err != nil {
		panic("invalid token bucket parameters")

	logger.NoFields().Debug("starting update loop")
	for {
		// Receive event notification; update internal FSM state
		select {
		case h, ok := <-checksStream:
			// The local health checker sent a new result
			if ok {
				logger.NoFields().Debug("new health status: ", h.Status)
				localHealth = &h
			} else {
				logger.NoFields().Debug("check stream closed")
				checksStream = nil
				localHealth = nil
		case s, ok := <-sessionsStream:
			// The active Consul session changed
			if ok {
				logger.NoFields().Debug("new session: ", s)
			} else {
				logger.NoFields().Debug("session stream closed")
				sessionsStream = nil
			session = s
			// The old health result is deleted when its session expires
			remoteHealth = nil
		case result := <-write:
			// The in-flight write completed
			logger.NoFields().Debug("write completed: ", result.OK)
			write = nil
			if result.OK {
				remoteHealth = result.Health
				if result.Throttle && throttle == nil {
					throttle = time.After(time.Duration(*HealthResumeLimit) * bucketRefreshRate)
					logger.NoFields().Warning("health is flapping; throttling updates")
		case <-throttle:
			throttle = nil
			logger.NoFields().Warning("health is stable; resuming updates")

		// Exit
		if checksStream == nil && remoteHealth == nil && write == nil {
			logger.NoFields().Debug("exiting update loop")

		// Send update to Consul
		if !healthEquiv(localHealth, remoteHealth) && session != "" && write == nil &&
			throttle == nil {
			writeLogger := logger.SubLogger(logrus.Fields{
				"session": session,
			w := make(chan writeResult, 1)
			if localHealth == nil {
				// Don't wait on the rate limiter when removing the health status
				logger.NoFields().Debug("deleting remote health")
				key := HealthPath(remoteHealth.Service, remoteHealth.Node)
				go sendHealthUpdate(writeLogger, w, nil, false, func() error {
					_, err := client.KV().Delete(key, nil)
					if err != nil {
						return consulutil.NewKVError("delete", key, err)
					return nil
			} else {
				writeHealth := localHealth
				doThrottle := false
				if count, _ := rateLimiter.TryUse(1); count <= 1 {
					// This is the last update before the throttle will be engaged. Write a special
					// message.
					logger.NoFields().Debug("writing throttled health")
					writeHealth = toThrottled(localHealth)
					doThrottle = true
				} else {
					logger.NoFields().Debug("writing remote health")
				kv, err := healthToKV(*writeHealth, session)
				if err != nil {
					// Practically, this should never happen.
					logger.WithErrorAndFields(err, logrus.Fields{
						"health": *writeHealth,
					}).Error("could not serialize health update")
					localHealth = nil
				if remoteHealth == nil {
					go sendHealthUpdate(writeLogger, w, localHealth, doThrottle, func() error {
						ok, _, err := client.KV().Acquire(kv, nil)
						if err != nil {
							return consulutil.NewKVError("acquire", kv.Key, err)
						if !ok {
							return fmt.Errorf("write denied")
						return nil
				} else {
					go sendHealthUpdate(writeLogger, w, localHealth, doThrottle, func() error {
						_, err := client.KV().Put(kv, nil)
						if err != nil {
							return consulutil.NewKVError("put", kv.Key, err)
						return nil
			write = w
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: store.go Projeto: tomzhang/p2
func NewConsul(c *api.Client) Store {
	return consulStore{c.KV()}