Exemplo n.º 1
// onPublish() is called when the server receives a PUBLISH message AND have completed
// the ack cycle. This method will get the list of subscribers based on the publish
// topic, and publishes the message to the list of subscribers.
func (this *service) onPublish(msg *message.PublishMessage) error {
	if msg.Retain() {
		if err := this.topicsMgr.Retain(msg); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("(%s) Error retaining message: %v", this.cid(), err)

	err := this.topicsMgr.Subscribers(msg.Topic(), msg.QoS(), &this.subs, &this.qoss)
	if err != nil {
		glog.Errorf("(%s) Error retrieving subscribers list: %v", this.cid(), err)
		return err


	//glog.Debugf("(%s) Publishing to topic %q and %d subscribers", this.cid(), string(msg.Topic()), len(this.subs))
	for _, s := range this.subs {
		if s != nil {
			fn, ok := s.(*OnPublishFunc)
			if !ok {
				glog.Errorf("Invalid onPublish Function")
				return fmt.Errorf("Invalid onPublish Function")
			} else {

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 2
// For PUBLISH message, we should figure out what QoS it is and process accordingly
// If QoS == 0, we should just take the next step, no ack required
// If QoS == 1, we should send back PUBACK, then take the next step
// If QoS == 2, we need to put it in the ack queue, send back PUBREC
func (this *service) processPublish(msg *message.PublishMessage) error {
	switch msg.QoS() {
	case message.QosExactlyOnce:
		this.sess.Pub2in.Wait(msg, nil)

		resp := message.NewPubrecMessage()

		_, err := this.writeMessage(resp)
		return err

	case message.QosAtLeastOnce:
		resp := message.NewPubackMessage()

		if _, err := this.writeMessage(resp); err != nil {
			return err

		return this.onPublish(msg)

	case message.QosAtMostOnce:
		return this.onPublish(msg)

	return fmt.Errorf("(%s) invalid message QoS %d.", this.cid(), msg.QoS())
Exemplo n.º 3
// Publish sends a single MQTT PUBLISH message to the server. On completion, the
// supplied OnCompleteFunc is called. For QOS 0 messages, onComplete is called
// immediately after the message is sent to the outgoing buffer. For QOS 1 messages,
// onComplete is called when PUBACK is received. For QOS 2 messages, onComplete is
// called after the PUBCOMP message is received.
func (this *Server) Publish(msg *message.PublishMessage, onComplete OnCompleteFunc) error {
	if err := this.checkConfiguration(); err != nil {
		return err

	if msg.Retain() {
		if err := this.topicsMgr.Retain(msg); err != nil {
			glog.Errorf("Error retaining message: %v", err)

	if err := this.topicsMgr.Subscribers(msg.Topic(), msg.QoS(), &this.subs, &this.qoss); err != nil {
		return err


	//glog.Debugf("(server) Publishing to topic %q and %d subscribers", string(msg.Topic()), len(this.subs))
	for _, s := range this.subs {
		if s != nil {
			fn, ok := s.(*OnPublishFunc)
			if !ok {
				glog.Errorf("Invalid onPublish Function")
			} else {

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 4
func (this *service) publish(msg *message.PublishMessage, onComplete OnCompleteFunc) error {
	//Log.Debugc(func() string{ return fmt.Sprintf("service/publish: Publishing %s", msg)})
	//   Log.Errorc(func() string{ return fmt.Sprintf("msg is : %v", msg)})
	_, err := this.writeMessage(msg)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("(%s) Error sending %s message: %v", this.cid(), msg.Name(), err)

	switch msg.QoS() {
	case message.QosAtMostOnce:
		if onComplete != nil {
			return onComplete(msg, nil, nil)

		return nil

	case message.QosAtLeastOnce:
		return this.sess.Pub1ack.Wait(msg, onComplete)

	case message.QosExactlyOnce:
		return this.sess.Pub2out.Wait(msg, onComplete)

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 5
// Publish sends a single MQTT PUBLISH message to the server. On completion, the
// supplied OnCompleteFunc is called. For QOS 0 messages, onComplete is called
// immediately after the message is sent to the outgoing buffer. For QOS 1 messages,
// onComplete is called when PUBACK is received. For QOS 2 messages, onComplete is
// called after the PUBCOMP message is received.
func (this *Server) Publish(msg *message.PublishMessage, onComplete OnCompleteFunc) (err error) {
	if err = this.checkConfiguration(); err != nil {
		return err

	if err = this.topicsMgr.Subscribers(msg.Topic(), msg.QoS(), &this.subs, &this.qoss); err != nil {
		//   if err = this.topicsMgr.Subscribers(msg.Topic(), msg.QoS(), &this.subs, &this.qoss); err != nil {
		return err

	subs := _get_temp_subs()
	defer _return_temp_subs(subs)
	//   defer _return_tmp_msg(msg)

	Log.Debugc(func() string {
		return fmt.Sprintf("(server) Publishing to topic %s and %d subscribers", string(msg.Topic()), len(subs))

	for _, s := range subs {
		if s != nil {
			fn, ok := s.(*OnPublishFunc)
			if !ok {
				Log.Error("Invalid onPublish Function")
			} else {
				err = (*fn)(msg)

	return err
Exemplo n.º 6
// processPublish() is called when the server receives a PUBLISH message AND have completed
// the ack cycle. This method will get the list of subscribers based on the publish
// topic, and publishes the message to the list of subscribers.
func (this *service) postPublish(msg *message.PublishMessage) (err error) {
	//   if msg.Retain() {
	//     if err = this.topicsMgr.Retain(msg); err != nil {
	//       Log.Errorc(func() string{ return fmt.Sprintf("(%s) Error retaining message: %v", this.cid(), err)})
	//     }
	//   }

	//   var subs []interface{}
	topic := string(msg.Topic())

	if !IsOnline(topic) {
		Log.Debugc(func() string {
			return fmt.Sprintf("(%s) this client is offline, send %d to offline queue.", this.cid(), msg.PacketId())
		OfflineTopicQueueProcessor <- msg
		return nil

	subs := _get_temp_subs()
	defer _return_temp_subs(subs)

	err = this.topicsMgr.Subscribers(msg.Topic(), msg.QoS(), &subs, nil)
	if err != nil {
		Log.Errorc(func() string {
			return fmt.Sprintf("(%s) Error retrieving subscribers list: %v", this.cid(), err)
		return err

	//   Log.Errorc(func() string{ return fmt.Sprintf("(%s) Publishing to topic %q and %d subscribers", this.cid(), string(msg.Topic()), len(this.subs))})
	//   fmt.Printf("value: %v\n", config.GetModel())
	//   done := make(chan bool)
	pending_status := NewPendingStatus(topic, msg)
	pkt_id := msg.PacketId()
	PendingQueue[pkt_id] = pending_status

	go this.handlePendingMessage(msg, pending_status)

	for _, s := range subs {
		if s != nil {
			fn, ok := s.(*OnPublishFunc)
			if !ok {
				Log.Errorc(func() string {
					return fmt.Sprintf("Invalid onPublish Function: %T", s)
				return fmt.Errorf("Invalid onPublish Function")
			} else {
				//         Log.Errorc(func() string{ return fmt.Sprintf("OfflineTopicQueue[%s]: %v, len is: %d\n", msg.Topic(), OfflineTopicQueue[string(msg.Topic())], len(OfflineTopicQueue[string(msg.Topic())]))})

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 7
func (this *service) retryPublish(msg *message.PublishMessage) (err error) {
	//   if msg.Retain() {
	//     if err = this.topicsMgr.Retain(msg); err != nil {
	//       Log.Errorc(func() string{ return fmt.Sprintf("(%s) Error retaining message: %v", this.cid(), err)})
	//     }
	//   }

	//   var subs []interface{}
	topic := string(msg.Topic())

	subs := _get_temp_subs()
	defer _return_temp_subs(subs)

	err = this.topicsMgr.Subscribers(msg.Topic(), msg.QoS(), &subs, nil)
	if err != nil {
		Log.Errorc(func() string {
			return fmt.Sprintf("(%s) Error retrieving subscribers list: %v", this.cid(), err)
		return err

	pending_status := NewPendingStatus(topic, msg)
	pkt_id := msg.PacketId()
	PendingQueue[pkt_id] = pending_status

	for _, s := range subs {
		if s != nil {
			fn, ok := s.(*OnPublishFunc)
			if !ok {
				Log.Errorc(func() string {
					return fmt.Sprintf("Invalid onPublish Function: %T", s)
				return fmt.Errorf("Invalid onPublish Function")
			} else {

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 8
func assertPublishMessage(t *testing.T, msg *message.PublishMessage, qos byte) {
	require.Equal(t, "abc", string(msg.Payload()))
	require.Equal(t, qos, msg.QoS())