Exemplo n.º 1
func (d *UDPClient) sendAnnouncement(remote net.Addr, conn *net.UDPConn) bool {
	if debug {
		l.Debugf("discover %s: broadcast: Sending self announcement to %v", d.url, remote)

	ann := d.announcer.Announcement()
	pkt, err := ann.MarshalXDR()
	if err != nil {
		return false

	myID := protocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(ann.This.ID)

	_, err = conn.WriteTo(pkt, remote)
	if err != nil {
		if debug {
			l.Debugf("discover %s: broadcast: Failed to send self announcement: %s", d.url, err)
		return false

	// Verify that the announce server responds positively for our device ID

	time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

	ann, err = d.Lookup(myID)
	if err != nil && debug {
		l.Debugf("discover %s: broadcast: Self-lookup failed: %v", d.url, err)
	} else if debug {
		l.Debugf("discover %s: broadcast: Self-lookup returned: %v", d.url, ann.This.Addresses)
	return len(ann.This.Addresses) > 0
Exemplo n.º 2
func (d *Discoverer) recvAnnouncements(b beacon.Interface) {
	for {
		buf, addr := b.Recv()

		var pkt Announce
		err := pkt.UnmarshalXDR(buf)
		if err != nil && err != io.EOF {
			if debug {
				l.Debugf("discover: Failed to unmarshal local announcement from %s:\n%s", addr, hex.Dump(buf))

		if debug {
			l.Debugf("discover: Received local announcement from %s for %s", addr, protocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(pkt.This.ID))

		var newDevice bool
		if bytes.Compare(pkt.This.ID, d.myID[:]) != 0 {
			newDevice = d.registerDevice(addr, pkt.This)

		if newDevice {
			select {
			case d.forcedBcastTick <- time.Now():
Exemplo n.º 3
func (d *UDPClient) Start(uri *url.URL, pkt *Announce) error {
	d.url = uri
	d.id = protocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(pkt.This.ID)
	d.stop = make(chan struct{})

	params := uri.Query()
	// The address must not have a port, as otherwise both announce and lookup
	// sockets would try to bind to the same port.
	addr, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr(d.url.Scheme, params.Get("listenaddress")+":0")
	if err != nil {
		return err
	d.listenAddress = addr

	broadcastSeconds, err := strconv.ParseUint(params.Get("broadcast"), 0, 0)
	if err != nil {
		d.globalBroadcastInterval = DefaultGlobalBroadcastInterval
	} else {
		d.globalBroadcastInterval = time.Duration(broadcastSeconds) * time.Second

	retrySeconds, err := strconv.ParseUint(params.Get("retry"), 0, 0)
	if err != nil {
		d.errorRetryInterval = DefaultErrorRetryInternval
	} else {
		d.errorRetryInterval = time.Duration(retrySeconds) * time.Second

	go d.broadcast(pkt.MustMarshalXDR())
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 4
func ldbAvailability(db *leveldb.DB, folder, file []byte) []protocol.DeviceID {
	k := globalKey(folder, file)
	bs, err := db.Get(k, nil)
	if err == leveldb.ErrNotFound {
		return nil
	if err != nil {

	var vl versionList
	err = vl.UnmarshalXDR(bs)
	if err != nil {

	var devices []protocol.DeviceID
	for _, v := range vl.versions {
		if v.version != vl.versions[0].version {
		n := protocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(v.device)
		devices = append(devices, n)

	return devices
Exemplo n.º 5
func ldbReplaceWithDelete(db *leveldb.DB, folder, device []byte, fs []protocol.FileInfo) int64 {
	return ldbGenericReplace(db, folder, device, fs, func(db dbReader, batch dbWriter, folder, device, name []byte, dbi iterator.Iterator) int64 {
		var tf FileInfoTruncated
		err := tf.UnmarshalXDR(dbi.Value())
		if err != nil {
		if !tf.IsDeleted() {
			if debugDB {
				l.Debugf("mark deleted; folder=%q device=%v name=%q", folder, protocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(device), name)
			ts := clock(tf.LocalVersion)
			f := protocol.FileInfo{
				Name:         tf.Name,
				Version:      lamport.Default.Tick(tf.Version),
				LocalVersion: ts,
				Flags:        tf.Flags | protocol.FlagDeleted,
				Modified:     tf.Modified,
			bs, _ := f.MarshalXDR()
			if debugDB {
				l.Debugf("batch.Put %p %x", batch, dbi.Key())
			batch.Put(dbi.Key(), bs)
			ldbUpdateGlobal(db, batch, folder, device, deviceKeyName(dbi.Key()), f.Version)
			return ts
		return 0
Exemplo n.º 6
// ldbUpdateGlobal adds this device+version to the version list for the given
// file. If the device is already present in the list, the version is updated.
// If the file does not have an entry in the global list, it is created.
func ldbUpdateGlobal(db dbReader, batch dbWriter, folder, device, file []byte, version protocol.Vector) bool {
	if debugDB {
		l.Debugf("update global; folder=%q device=%v file=%q version=%d", folder, protocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(device), file, version)
	gk := globalKey(folder, file)
	svl, err := db.Get(gk, nil)
	if err != nil && err != leveldb.ErrNotFound {

	var fl versionList

	// Remove the device from the current version list
	if svl != nil {
		err = fl.UnmarshalXDR(svl)
		if err != nil {

		for i := range fl.versions {
			if bytes.Compare(fl.versions[i].device, device) == 0 {
				if fl.versions[i].version.Equal(version) {
					// No need to do anything
					return false
				fl.versions = append(fl.versions[:i], fl.versions[i+1:]...)

	nv := fileVersion{
		device:  device,
		version: version,
	for i := range fl.versions {
		// We compare  against ConcurrentLesser as well here because we need
		// to enforce a consistent ordering of versions even in the case of
		// conflicts.
		if comp := fl.versions[i].version.Compare(version); comp == protocol.Equal || comp == protocol.Lesser || comp == protocol.ConcurrentLesser {
			t := append(fl.versions, fileVersion{})
			copy(t[i+1:], t[i:])
			t[i] = nv
			fl.versions = t
			goto done

	fl.versions = append(fl.versions, nv)

	if debugDB {
		l.Debugf("batch.Put %p %x", batch, gk)
		l.Debugf("new global after update: %v", fl)
	batch.Put(gk, fl.MustMarshalXDR())

	return true
Exemplo n.º 7
// ldbUpdateGlobal adds this device+version to the version list for the given
// file. If the device is already present in the list, the version is updated.
// If the file does not have an entry in the global list, it is created.
func ldbUpdateGlobal(db dbReader, batch dbWriter, folder, device, file []byte, version int64) bool {
	if debugDB {
		l.Debugf("update global; folder=%q device=%v file=%q version=%d", folder, protocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(device), file, version)
	gk := globalKey(folder, file)
	svl, err := db.Get(gk, nil)
	if err != nil && err != leveldb.ErrNotFound {

	var fl versionList
	nv := fileVersion{
		device:  device,
		version: version,
	if svl != nil {
		err = fl.UnmarshalXDR(svl)
		if err != nil {

		for i := range fl.versions {
			if bytes.Compare(fl.versions[i].device, device) == 0 {
				if fl.versions[i].version == version {
					// No need to do anything
					return false
				fl.versions = append(fl.versions[:i], fl.versions[i+1:]...)

	for i := range fl.versions {
		if fl.versions[i].version <= version {
			t := append(fl.versions, fileVersion{})
			copy(t[i+1:], t[i:])
			t[i] = nv
			fl.versions = t
			goto done

	fl.versions = append(fl.versions, nv)

	if debugDB {
		l.Debugf("batch.Put %p %x", batch, gk)
		l.Debugf("new global after update: %v", fl)
	batch.Put(gk, fl.MustMarshalXDR())

	return true
Exemplo n.º 8
func ldbReplace(db *leveldb.DB, folder, device []byte, fs []protocol.FileInfo) int64 {
	// TODO: Return the remaining maxLocalVer?
	return ldbGenericReplace(db, folder, device, fs, func(db dbReader, batch dbWriter, folder, device, name []byte, dbi iterator.Iterator) int64 {
		// Database has a file that we are missing. Remove it.
		if debugDB {
			l.Debugf("delete; folder=%q device=%v name=%q", folder, protocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(device), name)
		ldbRemoveFromGlobal(db, batch, folder, device, name)
		if debugDB {
			l.Debugf("batch.Delete %p %x", batch, dbi.Key())
		return 0
Exemplo n.º 9
func ldbInsert(batch dbWriter, folder, device []byte, file protocol.FileInfo) int64 {
	if debugDB {
		l.Debugf("insert; folder=%q device=%v %v", folder, protocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(device), file)

	if file.LocalVersion == 0 {
		file.LocalVersion = clock(0)

	name := []byte(file.Name)
	nk := deviceKey(folder, device, name)
	if debugDB {
		l.Debugf("batch.Put %p %x", batch, nk)
	batch.Put(nk, file.MustMarshalXDR())

	return file.LocalVersion
Exemplo n.º 10
// ldbRemoveFromGlobal removes the device from the global version list for the
// given file. If the version list is empty after this, the file entry is
// removed entirely.
func ldbRemoveFromGlobal(db dbReader, batch dbWriter, folder, device, file []byte) {
	if debugDB {
		l.Debugf("remove from global; folder=%q device=%v file=%q", folder, protocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(device), file)

	gk := globalKey(folder, file)
	svl, err := db.Get(gk, nil)
	if err != nil {
		// We might be called to "remove" a global version that doesn't exist
		// if the first update for the file is already marked invalid.

	var fl versionList
	err = fl.UnmarshalXDR(svl)
	if err != nil {

	for i := range fl.versions {
		if bytes.Compare(fl.versions[i].device, device) == 0 {
			fl.versions = append(fl.versions[:i], fl.versions[i+1:]...)

	if len(fl.versions) == 0 {
		if debugDB {
			l.Debugf("batch.Delete %p %x", batch, gk)
	} else {
		if debugDB {
			l.Debugf("batch.Put %p %x", batch, gk)
			l.Debugf("new global after remove: %v", fl)
		batch.Put(gk, fl.MustMarshalXDR())
Exemplo n.º 11
func (d *UDPClient) broadcast() {
	defer d.wg.Done()

	conn, err := net.ListenUDP(d.url.Scheme, d.listenAddress)
	for err != nil {
		if debug {
			l.Debugf("discover %s: broadcast listen: %v; trying again in %v", d.url, err, d.errorRetryInterval)
		select {
		case <-d.stop:
		case <-time.After(d.errorRetryInterval):
		conn, err = net.ListenUDP(d.url.Scheme, d.listenAddress)
	defer conn.Close()

	remote, err := net.ResolveUDPAddr(d.url.Scheme, d.url.Host)
	for err != nil {
		if debug {
			l.Debugf("discover %s: broadcast resolve: %v; trying again in %v", d.url, err, d.errorRetryInterval)
		select {
		case <-d.stop:
		case <-time.After(d.errorRetryInterval):
		remote, err = net.ResolveUDPAddr(d.url.Scheme, d.url.Host)

	timer := time.NewTimer(0)
	for {
		select {
		case <-d.stop:

		case <-timer.C:
			var ok bool

			if debug {
				l.Debugf("discover %s: broadcast: Sending self announcement to %v", d.url, remote)

			ann := d.announcer.Announcement()
			pkt, err := ann.MarshalXDR()
			if err != nil {

			_, err = conn.WriteTo(pkt, remote)
			if err != nil {
				if debug {
					l.Debugf("discover %s: broadcast: Failed to send self announcement: %s", d.url, err)
				ok = false
			} else {
				// Verify that the announce server responds positively for our device ID

				time.Sleep(1 * time.Second)

				pkt, err := d.Lookup(protocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(ann.This.ID))
				if err != nil && debug {
					l.Debugf("discover %s: broadcast: Self-lookup failed: %v", d.url, err)
				} else if debug {
					l.Debugf("discover %s: broadcast: Self-lookup returned: %v", d.url, pkt.This.Addresses)
				ok = len(pkt.This.Addresses) > 0

			d.status = ok

			if ok {
			} else {
Exemplo n.º 12
func (i SessionInvitation) String() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s@%s", syncthingprotocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(i.From), i.AddressString())
Exemplo n.º 13
func ldbWithNeed(db *leveldb.DB, folder, device []byte, truncate bool, fn Iterator) {

	start := globalKey(folder, nil)
	limit := globalKey(folder, []byte{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff})
	snap, err := db.GetSnapshot()
	if err != nil {
	if debugDB {
		l.Debugf("created snapshot %p", snap)
	defer func() {
		if debugDB {
			l.Debugf("close snapshot %p", snap)

	dbi := snap.NewIterator(&util.Range{Start: start, Limit: limit}, nil)
	defer dbi.Release()

	for dbi.Next() {
		var vl versionList
		err := vl.UnmarshalXDR(dbi.Value())
		if err != nil {
		if len(vl.versions) == 0 {
			panic("no versions?")

		have := false // If we have the file, any version
		need := false // If we have a lower version of the file
		var haveVersion int64
		for _, v := range vl.versions {
			if bytes.Compare(v.device, device) == 0 {
				have = true
				haveVersion = v.version
				need = v.version < vl.versions[0].version

		if need || !have {
			name := globalKeyName(dbi.Key())
			needVersion := vl.versions[0].version
			for i := range vl.versions {
				if vl.versions[i].version != needVersion {
					// We haven't found a valid copy of the file with the needed version.
					continue outer
				fk := deviceKey(folder, vl.versions[i].device, name)
				if debugDB {
					l.Debugf("snap.Get %p %x", snap, fk)
				bs, err := snap.Get(fk, nil)
				if err != nil {
					var id protocol.DeviceID
					copy(id[:], device)
					l.Debugf("device: %v", id)
					l.Debugf("need: %v, have: %v", need, have)
					l.Debugf("key: %q (%x)", dbi.Key(), dbi.Key())
					l.Debugf("vl: %v", vl)
					l.Debugf("i: %v", i)
					l.Debugf("fk: %q (%x)", fk, fk)
					l.Debugf("name: %q (%x)", name, name)

				gf, err := unmarshalTrunc(bs, truncate)
				if err != nil {

				if gf.IsInvalid() {
					// The file is marked invalid for whatever reason, don't use it.
					continue inner

				if gf.IsDeleted() && !have {
					// We don't need deleted files that we don't have
					continue outer

				if debugDB {
					l.Debugf("need folder=%q device=%v name=%q need=%v have=%v haveV=%d globalV=%d", folder, protocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(device), name, need, have, haveVersion, vl.versions[0].version)

				if cont := fn(gf); !cont {

				// This file is handled, no need to look further in the version list
				continue outer
Exemplo n.º 14
func ldbGenericReplace(db *leveldb.DB, folder, device []byte, fs []protocol.FileInfo, deleteFn deletionHandler) int64 {

	sort.Sort(fileList(fs)) // sort list on name, same as in the database

	start := deviceKey(folder, device, nil)                            // before all folder/device files
	limit := deviceKey(folder, device, []byte{0xff, 0xff, 0xff, 0xff}) // after all folder/device files

	batch := new(leveldb.Batch)
	if debugDB {
		l.Debugf("new batch %p", batch)
	snap, err := db.GetSnapshot()
	if err != nil {
	if debugDB {
		l.Debugf("created snapshot %p", snap)
	defer func() {
		if debugDB {
			l.Debugf("close snapshot %p", snap)

	dbi := snap.NewIterator(&util.Range{Start: start, Limit: limit}, nil)
	defer dbi.Release()

	moreDb := dbi.Next()
	fsi := 0
	var maxLocalVer int64

	for {
		var newName, oldName []byte
		moreFs := fsi < len(fs)

		if !moreDb && !moreFs {

		if moreFs {
			newName = []byte(fs[fsi].Name)

		if moreDb {
			oldName = deviceKeyName(dbi.Key())

		cmp := bytes.Compare(newName, oldName)

		if debugDB {
			l.Debugf("generic replace; folder=%q device=%v moreFs=%v moreDb=%v cmp=%d newName=%q oldName=%q", folder, protocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(device), moreFs, moreDb, cmp, newName, oldName)

		switch {
		case moreFs && (!moreDb || cmp == -1):
			if debugDB {
				l.Debugln("generic replace; missing - insert")
			// Database is missing this file. Insert it.
			if lv := ldbInsert(batch, folder, device, fs[fsi]); lv > maxLocalVer {
				maxLocalVer = lv
			if fs[fsi].IsInvalid() {
				ldbRemoveFromGlobal(snap, batch, folder, device, newName)
			} else {
				ldbUpdateGlobal(snap, batch, folder, device, newName, fs[fsi].Version)

		case moreFs && moreDb && cmp == 0:
			// File exists on both sides - compare versions. We might get an
			// update with the same version and different flags if a device has
			// marked a file as invalid, so handle that too.
			if debugDB {
				l.Debugln("generic replace; exists - compare")
			var ef FileInfoTruncated
			if fs[fsi].Version > ef.Version ||
				(fs[fsi].Version == ef.Version && fs[fsi].Flags != ef.Flags) {
				if debugDB {
					l.Debugln("generic replace; differs - insert")
				if lv := ldbInsert(batch, folder, device, fs[fsi]); lv > maxLocalVer {
					maxLocalVer = lv
				if fs[fsi].IsInvalid() {
					ldbRemoveFromGlobal(snap, batch, folder, device, newName)
				} else {
					ldbUpdateGlobal(snap, batch, folder, device, newName, fs[fsi].Version)
			} else if debugDB {
				l.Debugln("generic replace; equal - ignore")

			moreDb = dbi.Next()

		case moreDb && (!moreFs || cmp == 1):
			if debugDB {
				l.Debugln("generic replace; exists - remove")
			if lv := deleteFn(snap, batch, folder, device, oldName, dbi); lv > maxLocalVer {
				maxLocalVer = lv
			moreDb = dbi.Next()

	if debugDB {
		l.Debugf("db.Write %p", batch)
	err = db.Write(batch, nil)
	if err != nil {

	return maxLocalVer
Exemplo n.º 15
// ldbUpdateGlobal adds this device+version to the version list for the given
// file. If the device is already present in the list, the version is updated.
// If the file does not have an entry in the global list, it is created.
func ldbUpdateGlobal(db dbReader, batch dbWriter, folder, device []byte, file protocol.FileInfo) bool {
	if debugDB {
		l.Debugf("update global; folder=%q device=%v file=%q version=%d", folder, protocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(device), file.Name, file.Version)
	name := []byte(file.Name)
	gk := globalKey(folder, name)
	svl, err := db.Get(gk, nil)
	if err != nil && err != leveldb.ErrNotFound {

	var fl versionList

	// Remove the device from the current version list
	if svl != nil {
		err = fl.UnmarshalXDR(svl)
		if err != nil {

		for i := range fl.versions {
			if bytes.Compare(fl.versions[i].device, device) == 0 {
				if fl.versions[i].version.Equal(file.Version) {
					// No need to do anything
					return false
				fl.versions = append(fl.versions[:i], fl.versions[i+1:]...)

	nv := fileVersion{
		device:  device,
		version: file.Version,

	// Find a position in the list to insert this file. The file at the front
	// of the list is the newer, the "global".
	for i := range fl.versions {
		switch fl.versions[i].version.Compare(file.Version) {
		case protocol.Equal, protocol.Lesser:
			// The version at this point in the list is equal to or lesser
			// ("older") than us. We insert ourselves in front of it.
			fl.versions = insertVersion(fl.versions, i, nv)
			goto done

		case protocol.ConcurrentLesser, protocol.ConcurrentGreater:
			// The version at this point is in conflict with us. We must pull
			// the actual file metadata to determine who wins. If we win, we
			// insert ourselves in front of the loser here. (The "Lesser" and
			// "Greater" in the condition above is just based on the device
			// IDs in the version vector, which is not the only thing we use
			// to determine the winner.)
			of, ok := ldbGet(db, folder, fl.versions[i].device, name)
			if !ok {
				panic("file referenced in version list does not exist")
			if file.WinsConflict(of) {
				fl.versions = insertVersion(fl.versions, i, nv)
				goto done

	// We didn't find a position for an insert above, so append to the end.
	fl.versions = append(fl.versions, nv)

	if debugDB {
		l.Debugf("batch.Put %p %x", batch, gk)
		l.Debugf("new global after update: %v", fl)
	batch.Put(gk, fl.MustMarshalXDR())

	return true
Exemplo n.º 16
func protocolConnectionHandler(tcpConn net.Conn, config *tls.Config) {
	conn := tls.Server(tcpConn, config)
	err := conn.Handshake()
	if err != nil {
		if debug {
			log.Println("Protocol connection TLS handshake:", conn.RemoteAddr(), err)

	state := conn.ConnectionState()
	if (!state.NegotiatedProtocolIsMutual || state.NegotiatedProtocol != protocol.ProtocolName) && debug {
		log.Println("Protocol negotiation error")

	certs := state.PeerCertificates
	if len(certs) != 1 {
		if debug {
			log.Println("Certificate list error")

	id := syncthingprotocol.NewDeviceID(certs[0].Raw)

	messages := make(chan interface{})
	errors := make(chan error, 1)
	outbox := make(chan interface{})

	// Read messages from the connection and send them on the messages
	// channel. When there is an error, send it on the error channel and
	// return. Applies also when the connection gets closed, so the pattern
	// below is to close the connection on error, then wait for the error
	// signal from messageReader to exit.
	go messageReader(conn, messages, errors)

	pingTicker := time.NewTicker(pingInterval)
	timeoutTicker := time.NewTimer(networkTimeout)
	joined := false

	for {
		select {
		case message := <-messages:
			if debug {
				log.Printf("Message %T from %s", message, id)

			switch msg := message.(type) {
			case protocol.JoinRelayRequest:
				_, ok := outboxes[id]
				if ok {
					protocol.WriteMessage(conn, protocol.ResponseAlreadyConnected)
					if debug {
						log.Println("Already have a peer with the same ID", id, conn.RemoteAddr())

				outboxes[id] = outbox
				joined = true

				protocol.WriteMessage(conn, protocol.ResponseSuccess)

			case protocol.ConnectRequest:
				requestedPeer := syncthingprotocol.DeviceIDFromBytes(msg.ID)
				peerOutbox, ok := outboxes[requestedPeer]
				if !ok {
					if debug {
						log.Println(id, "is looking for", requestedPeer, "which does not exist")
					protocol.WriteMessage(conn, protocol.ResponseNotFound)

				ses := newSession(sessionLimiter, globalLimiter)

				go ses.Serve()

				clientInvitation := ses.GetClientInvitationMessage(requestedPeer)
				serverInvitation := ses.GetServerInvitationMessage(id)

				if err := protocol.WriteMessage(conn, clientInvitation); err != nil {
					if debug {
						log.Printf("Error sending invitation from %s to client: %s", id, err)

				peerOutbox <- serverInvitation

				if debug {
					log.Println("Sent invitation from", id, "to", requestedPeer)

			case protocol.Pong:
				// Nothing

				if debug {
					log.Printf("Unknown message %s: %T", id, message)
				protocol.WriteMessage(conn, protocol.ResponseUnexpectedMessage)

		case err := <-errors:
			if debug {
				log.Printf("Closing connection %s: %s", id, err)

			// Potentially closing a second time.

			// Only delete the outbox if the client is joined, as it might be
			// a lookup request coming from the same client.
			if joined {
				delete(outboxes, id)

		case <-pingTicker.C:
			if !joined {
				if debug {
					log.Println(id, "didn't join within", pingInterval)

			if err := protocol.WriteMessage(conn, protocol.Ping{}); err != nil {
				if debug {
					log.Println(id, err)

		case <-timeoutTicker.C:
			// We should receive a error from the reader loop, which will cause
			// us to quit this loop.
			if debug {
				log.Printf("%s timed out", id)

		case msg := <-outbox:
			if debug {
				log.Printf("Sending message %T to %s", msg, id)
			if err := protocol.WriteMessage(conn, msg); err != nil {
				if debug {
					log.Println(id, err)