Exemplo n.º 1
func getUrl(url string, urc chan urlReply) urlReply {
	httpHandler := hx.New("", "haxe.Http", 1, url)
	hx.Code("", "_a.param(0).val.onData=_a.param(1).val;", httpHandler, hx.CallbackFunc(
		func(data string) {
			urc <- urlReply{err: nil, dat: data}
	hx.Code("", "_a.param(0).val.onError=_a.param(1).val;", httpHandler, hx.CallbackFunc(
		func(msg string) {
			urc <- urlReply{err: errors.New(msg), dat: ""}
	hx.Meth("", httpHandler, "haxe.Http", "request", 0)
	return <-urc
Exemplo n.º 2
func Exit(code int) (err error) {
	//_, _, e1 := Syscall(sys_exit, uintptr(code), 0, 0)
	//if e1 != 0 {
	//	err = e1
	hx.Call("(cpp || cs || java || macro || neko || php || python)", "Sys.exit", 1, code)
	if code == 0 {
		hx.Code("js", "untyped __js__('process.exit(0)');") // only works on Node
	} else { // all non-zero values return as 1
		hx.Code("js", "untyped __js__('process.exit(1)');") // only works on Node
	panic("syscall.Exit(" + hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, code) + ")")
Exemplo n.º 3
func badExit() {
	if runtime.GOARCH == "" { // running the interpreter
	hx.Call("(cpp || cs || java || macro || neko || php || python)", "Sys.exit", 1, 1)
	hx.Code("js", "untyped __js__('process.exit(1)');") // only works on Node
Exemplo n.º 4
// An internal function but exported because it is cross-package; part of the implementation
// of the "go test" command.
func Main(matchString func(pat, str string) (bool, error), tests []InternalTest, benchmarks []InternalBenchmark, examples []InternalExample) {
	//os.Exit(MainStart(matchString, tests, benchmarks, examples).Run())
	if runtime.GOARCH != "" { // not running in the interpreter
	var t T
	names := []string{}
	for _, f := range tests {
		names = append(names, f.Name)
	for _, n := range names {
		for _, f := range tests {
			if n == f.Name {
				println("\nExecuting test:", n)
	if hadError {
	if runtime.GOARCH == "" { // running the interpreter
	hx.Call("(cpp || cs || java || macro || neko || php || python)", "Sys.exit", 1, 0)
	hx.Code("js", "untyped __js__('process.exit(0)');") // only works on Node
Exemplo n.º 5
// interfaceToDynamic - limited runtime conversion of Go->Haxe types
// TODO consider making public
func interfaceToDynamic(a interface{}) uintptr {
	//fmt.Printf("DEBUG interfaceToDynamic a= %v:%T\n", a, a)
	if a == nil {
		return hx.Null()
	switch a.(type) {
	case []interface{}:
		//println("DEBUG []interface{}")
		ret := hx.New("", "Array<Dynamic>", 0)
		for _, aa := range a.([]interface{}) {
			//fmt.Printf("DEBUG aa= %v:%T\n", aa, aa)
			val := interfaceToDynamic(aa)
			//fmt.Println("DEBUG val=" + hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, val))
			hx.Code("", "_a.param(0).val.push(_a.param(1).val);", ret, val)
		return ret
	case bool, string, int, float64:
		return hx.CodeDynamic("", "_a.param(0).val;", a)
	case []byte:
		return hx.CodeDynamic("", "Slice.toBytes(cast(_a.param(0).val,Slice));", a)
		panic("Unhandled Go interface{} to Haxe Dynamic: " + hx.CallString("", "Std.string", 1, a))
	return hx.Null()
Exemplo n.º 6
// Main allows code that might be targeted to broser-based JS code to schedule TARDISgo code periodically, separate from call-backs.
// For non-JS targets it simply calls the given mainFN.
// This should be the last function called in main.main()
func BrowserMain(mainFN func(), msInvocationInterval, runLimit int) {
	if runtime.GOARCH == "js" { // probably only want to do this in a browser
		JScallbackOK = true
		ht := hx.New("js", "haxe.Timer", 1, msInvocationInterval)
		go func() { // put the main program into a goroutine
			hx.Meth("js", ht, "haxe.Timer", "stop", 0)
		hx.SetInt("js", "Scheduler.runLimit", runLimit)
		hx.Code("js", "_a.param(0).val.run=Scheduler.timerEventHandler;", ht)
	} else {
Exemplo n.º 7
func haxeInterfacePack(ei *emptyInterface) interface{} {
	i := haxeInterfacePackB(ei)

	ityp := hx.CodeInt("", "_a.param(0).typ;", i)
	if unsafe.Pointer(ei.typ) != unsafe.Pointer(haxegoruntime.TypeTable[ityp]) {
		typ := typeIdFromPtr(ei.typ)
		//println("DEBUG typ(new)!=ityp(old) ", typ, ityp)
			"var x=cast(_a.param(0),Interface); x.typ=_a.param(1).val; {var p=_a.itemAddr(2); p.store(x); p=null;}; ",
			i, typ, &i)
		//println("DEBUG amended to ", hx.CodeInt("", "_a.param(0).typ;", i))

	return i
Exemplo n.º 8
func init() {
	hx.Code("cpp", "cpp.vm.Gc.enable(true);") // to allow it to be set to false for testing
Exemplo n.º 9
func haxe2go(ret *emptyInterface, i interface{}) {
	if ret == nil {
		i = interface{}(nil)
		if ret.typ == nil { // HELP! assume dynamic?
			panic("DEBUG reflect.haxe2go() nil Go type")
			//println("DEBUG reflect.haxe2go() nil Go type, using uintptr")
			//uip := hx.CodeIface("", "uintptr", "null;")
			//ret.typ = createHaxeType(hx.CodeInt("", "_a.param(0).typ;", uip))
	ret.word = hx.Malloc(ret.typ.size)

	switch ret.typ.Kind() & kindMask {
	case Bool:
		*(*bool)(ret.word) = hx.CodeBool("", "_a.param(0).val;", i)
	case Int:
		*(*int)(ret.word) = hx.CodeInt("", "_a.param(0).val;", i)
	case Int8:
		*(*int8)(ret.word) = int8(hx.CodeInt("", "_a.param(0).val;", i))
	case Int16:
		*(*int16)(ret.word) = int16(hx.CodeInt("", "_a.param(0).val;", i))
	case Int32:
		*(*int32)(ret.word) = int32(hx.CodeInt("", "_a.param(0).val;", i))
	case Int64:
		*(*int64)(ret.word) = hx.Int64(hx.CodeDynamic("", "_a.param(0).val;", i))
	case Uint:
		*(*uint)(ret.word) = uint(hx.CodeInt("", "_a.param(0).val;", i))
	case Uint8:
		*(*uint8)(ret.word) = uint8(hx.CodeInt("", "_a.param(0).val;", i))
	case Uint16:
		*(*uint16)(ret.word) = uint16(hx.CodeInt("", "_a.param(0).val;", i))
	case Uint32:
		*(*uint32)(ret.word) = uint32(hx.CodeInt("", "_a.param(0).val;", i))
	case Uint64:
		*(*uint64)(ret.word) = uint64(hx.Int64(hx.CodeDynamic("", "_a.param(0).val;", i)))
	case Uintptr:
		*(*uintptr)(ret.word) = uintptr(hx.CodeDynamic("", "_a.param(0).val;", i))
	case Float32:
		*(*float32)(ret.word) = float32(hx.CodeFloat("", "_a.param(0).val;", i))
	case Float64:
		*(*float64)(ret.word) = float64(hx.CodeFloat("", "_a.param(0).val;", i))
	case Complex64:
		*(*complex64)(ret.word) = complex64(hx.Complex(hx.CodeDynamic("", "_a.param(0).val;", i)))
	case Complex128:
		*(*complex128)(ret.word) = hx.Complex(hx.CodeDynamic("", "_a.param(0).val;", i))
	case UnsafePointer, Ptr:
		//*(*unsafe.Pointer)(ret.word) = unsafe.Pointer(hx.CodeDynamic("", "_a.param(0).val;", i))
		ret.word = unsafe.Pointer(hx.CodeDynamic("", "_a.param(0).val;", i))

	case String:
		*(*string)(ret.word) = hx.CodeString("", "_a.param(0).val;", i)

	case Array, Struct:
			i, ret.word, ret.typ.size)

	case Slice, Interface, Map, Func, Chan:
		val := hx.CodeDynamic("", "_a.param(0).val;", i)
		*(*uintptr)(ret.word) = val

			htyp := "null"
			if !hx.IsNull(val) {
				htyp = hx.CallString("", "Type.getClassName", 1, val)
			println("DEBUG unpack haxe type=", htyp, " Go type=", ret.typ.Kind().String(), "val=", val, "encoded=", ret)
