Exemplo n.º 1
func TestServer(t *testing.T) {
	tdebug = t.Log
	tdebugf = t.Logf
	tdebugf("Listening on port 2022 user %s pass %s\n", testUser, testPass)

	config := &ssh.ServerConfig{
		PasswordCallback: sshutil.CreatePasswordCheck(testUser, testPass),

	// Add the sshutil.RSA2048 and sshutil.Save flags if needed for the server in question...
	hkey, e := sshutil.KeyLoader{Flags: sshutil.Create}.Load()
	failOnErr(t, e, "Failed to parse host key")
	tdebugf("Public key: %s\n", sshutil.PublicKeyHash(hkey.PublicKey()))


	listener, e := net.Listen("tcp", "")
	failOnErr(t, e, "Failed to listen")

	go ClientDo()

	//	for {
	nConn, e := listener.Accept()
	failOnErr(t, e, "Failed to accept")
	handleTestConn(nConn, config, t, EmptyFS{})
	//	}

	go ClientDo()

	//	for {
	nConn, e = listener.Accept()
	failOnErr(t, e, "Failed to accept")
	os.Mkdir("/tmp/test-sftpd", 0700)
	handleTestConn(nConn, config, t, rfs{})
	//	}