Exemplo n.º 1
// deleteVPCs ensures the given VPCs are deleted, by retrying until a
// timeout or all VPC cannot be found anymore.  This should be used to
// make sure tests leave no VPCs around.
func (s *ServerTests) deleteVPCs(c *C, ids []string) {
	testAttempt := aws.AttemptStrategy{
		Total: 2 * time.Minute,
		Delay: 5 * time.Second,
	for a := testAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		deleted := 0
		c.Logf("deleting VPCs %v", ids)
		for _, id := range ids {
			_, err := s.ec2.DeleteVPC(id)
			if err == nil || errorCode(err) == "InvalidVpcID.NotFound" {
				c.Logf("VPC %s deleted", id)
			if err != nil {
				c.Logf("retrying; DeleteVPC returned: %v", err)
		if deleted == len(ids) {
			c.Logf("all VPCs deleted")
	c.Fatalf("timeout while waiting %v VPCs to get deleted!", ids)
Exemplo n.º 2
// deleteGroups ensures the given groups are deleted, by retrying
// until a timeout or all groups cannot be found anymore.
// This should be used to make sure tests leave no groups around.
func (s *ServerTests) deleteGroups(c *C, groups []ec2.SecurityGroup) {
	testAttempt := aws.AttemptStrategy{
		Total: 2 * time.Minute,
		Delay: 5 * time.Second,
	for a := testAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		deleted := 0
		c.Logf("deleting groups %v", groups)
		for _, group := range groups {
			_, err := s.ec2.DeleteSecurityGroup(group)
			if err == nil || errorCode(err) == "InvalidGroup.NotFound" {
				c.Logf("group %v deleted", group)
			if err != nil {
				c.Logf("retrying; DeleteSecurityGroup returned: %v", err)
		if deleted == len(groups) {
			c.Logf("all groups deleted")
	c.Fatalf("timeout while waiting %v groups to get deleted!", groups)
Exemplo n.º 3
func (s *ServerTests) waitForAddresses(c *C, nicId string, ips []string, skipPrimary bool) []string {
	// Wait for the given IPs to appear on the NIC, retrying if needed.
	testAttempt := aws.AttemptStrategy{
		Total: 5 * time.Minute,
		Delay: 5 * time.Second,
	for a := testAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		c.Logf("waiting for %v IPs on NIC %v", ips, nicId)
		resp, err := s.ec2.NetworkInterfaces([]string{nicId}, nil)
		if err != nil {
			c.Logf("NetworkInterfaces returned: %v; retrying...", err)
		if len(resp.Interfaces) != 1 {
			c.Logf("found %d NICs; retrying", len(resp.Interfaces))
		iface := resp.Interfaces[0]
		if len(iface.PrivateIPs) != len(ips) {
			c.Logf("addresses in %v: %v; still waiting", iface.Id, iface.PrivateIPs)

		var foundIPs []string
		for i, ip := range iface.PrivateIPs {
			if strings.HasSuffix(ips[i], ".*") {
				c.Check(ip.Address, Matches, ips[i])
			} else {
				c.Check(ip.Address, Equals, ips[i])
			if skipPrimary && ip.IsPrimary {
			foundIPs = append(foundIPs, ip.Address)
		c.Logf("all addresses updated")
		return foundIPs
	c.Fatalf("timeout while waiting for the IPs to get updated")
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 4
func (S) TestAttemptTiming(c *C) {
	testAttempt := aws.AttemptStrategy{
		Total: 0.25e9,
		Delay: 0.1e9,
	want := []time.Duration{0, 0.1e9, 0.2e9, 0.2e9}
	got := make([]time.Duration, 0, len(want)) // avoid allocation when testing timing
	t0 := time.Now()
	for a := testAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		got = append(got, time.Now().Sub(t0))
	got = append(got, time.Now().Sub(t0))
	c.Assert(got, HasLen, len(want))
	const margin = 0.01e9
	for i, got := range want {
		lo := want[i] - margin
		hi := want[i] + margin
		if got < lo || got > hi {
			c.Errorf("attempt %d want %g got %g", i, want[i].Seconds(), got.Seconds())
Exemplo n.º 5
func terminateInstances(c *C, e *ec2.EC2, ids []string) {
	_, err := e.TerminateInstances(ids)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil, Commentf("%v INSTANCES LEFT RUNNING!!!", ids))
	// We need to wait until the instances are really off, because
	// entities that depend on them won't be deleted (i.e. groups,
	// NICs, subnets, etc.)
	testAttempt := aws.AttemptStrategy{
		Total: 10 * time.Minute,
		Delay: 5 * time.Second,
	f := ec2.NewFilter()
	f.Add("instance-state-name", "terminated")
	idsLeft := make(map[string]bool)
	for _, id := range ids {
		idsLeft[id] = true
	for a := testAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		c.Logf("waiting for %v to get terminated", ids)
		resp, err := e.Instances(ids, f)
		if err != nil {
			c.Fatalf("not waiting for %v to terminate: %v", ids, err)
		for _, r := range resp.Reservations {
			for _, inst := range r.Instances {
				delete(idsLeft, inst.InstanceId)
		ids = []string{}
		for id := range idsLeft {
			ids = append(ids, id)
		if len(ids) == 0 {
			c.Logf("all instances terminated.")
	c.Fatalf("%v INSTANCES LEFT RUNNING!!!", ids)
Exemplo n.º 6
func (s *ServerTests) TestVPCs(c *C) {
	resp1, err := s.ec2.CreateVPC("", "")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	assertVPC(c, resp1.VPC, "", "")
	id1 := resp1.VPC.Id

	resp2, err := s.ec2.CreateVPC("", "default")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	assertVPC(c, resp2.VPC, "", "")
	id2 := resp2.VPC.Id

	// We only check for the VPCs we just created, because the user
	// might have others in his account (when testing against the EC2
	// servers). In some cases it takes a short while until both VPCs
	// are created, so we need to retry a few times to make sure.
	var list *ec2.VPCsResp
	done := false
	testAttempt := aws.AttemptStrategy{
		Total: 2 * time.Minute,
		Delay: 5 * time.Second,
	for a := testAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		c.Logf("waiting for %v to be created", []string{id1, id2})
		list, err = s.ec2.VPCs(nil, nil)
		if err != nil {
			c.Logf("retrying; VPCs returned: %v", err)
		found := 0
		for _, vpc := range list.VPCs {
			c.Logf("found VPC %v", vpc)
			switch vpc.Id {
			case id1:
				assertVPC(c, vpc, id1, resp1.VPC.CIDRBlock)
			case id2:
				assertVPC(c, vpc, id2, resp2.VPC.CIDRBlock)
			if found == 2 {
				done = true
		if done {
			c.Logf("all VPCs were created")
	if !done {
		c.Fatalf("timeout while waiting for VPCs %v", []string{id1, id2})

	list, err = s.ec2.VPCs([]string{id1}, nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(list.VPCs, HasLen, 1)
	assertVPC(c, list.VPCs[0], id1, resp1.VPC.CIDRBlock)

	f := ec2.NewFilter()
	f.Add("cidr", resp2.VPC.CIDRBlock)
	list, err = s.ec2.VPCs(nil, f)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(list.VPCs, HasLen, 1)
	assertVPC(c, list.VPCs[0], id2, resp2.VPC.CIDRBlock)

	_, err = s.ec2.DeleteVPC(id1)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	_, err = s.ec2.DeleteVPC(id2)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
Exemplo n.º 7
func (s *ServerTests) TestNetworkInterfaces(c *C) {
	vpcResp, err := s.ec2.CreateVPC("", "")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	vpcId := vpcResp.VPC.Id
	defer s.deleteVPCs(c, []string{vpcId})

	subResp := s.createSubnet(c, vpcId, "", "")
	subId := subResp.Subnet.Id
	defer s.deleteSubnets(c, []string{subId})

	sg := s.makeTestGroupVPC(c, vpcId, "vpc-sg-1", "vpc test group1")
	defer s.deleteGroups(c, []ec2.SecurityGroup{sg})

	instList, err := s.ec2.RunInstances(&ec2.RunInstances{
		ImageId:      imageId,
		InstanceType: "t1.micro",
		SubnetId:     subId,
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	inst := instList.Instances[0]
	c.Assert(inst, NotNil)
	instId := inst.InstanceId
	defer terminateInstances(c, s.ec2, []string{instId})

	ips1 := []ec2.PrivateIP{{Address: "", IsPrimary: true}}
	resp1, err := s.ec2.CreateNetworkInterface(ec2.CreateNetworkInterface{
		SubnetId:    subId,
		PrivateIPs:  ips1,
		Description: "My first iface",
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	assertNetworkInterface(c, resp1.NetworkInterface, "", subId, ips1)
	c.Check(resp1.NetworkInterface.Description, Equals, "My first iface")
	id1 := resp1.NetworkInterface.Id

	ips2 := []ec2.PrivateIP{
		{Address: "", IsPrimary: true},
		{Address: "", IsPrimary: false},
	resp2, err := s.ec2.CreateNetworkInterface(ec2.CreateNetworkInterface{
		SubnetId:         subId,
		PrivateIPs:       ips2,
		SecurityGroupIds: []string{sg.Id},
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	assertNetworkInterface(c, resp2.NetworkInterface, "", subId, ips2)
	c.Assert(resp2.NetworkInterface.Groups, DeepEquals, []ec2.SecurityGroup{sg})
	id2 := resp2.NetworkInterface.Id

	// We only check for the network interfaces we just created,
	// because the user might have others in his account (when testing
	// against the EC2 servers). In some cases it takes a short while
	// until both interfaces are created, so we need to retry a few
	// times to make sure.
	testAttempt := aws.AttemptStrategy{
		Total: 5 * time.Minute,
		Delay: 5 * time.Second,
	var list *ec2.NetworkInterfacesResp
	done := false
	for a := testAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		c.Logf("waiting for %v to be created", []string{id1, id2})
		list, err = s.ec2.NetworkInterfaces(nil, nil)
		if err != nil {
			c.Logf("retrying; NetworkInterfaces returned: %v", err)
		found := 0
		for _, iface := range list.Interfaces {
			c.Logf("found NIC %v", iface)
			switch iface.Id {
			case id1:
				assertNetworkInterface(c, iface, id1, subId, ips1)
			case id2:
				assertNetworkInterface(c, iface, id2, subId, ips2)
			if found == 2 {
				done = true
		if done {
			c.Logf("all NICs were created")
	if !done {
		c.Fatalf("timeout while waiting for NICs %v", []string{id1, id2})

	list, err = s.ec2.NetworkInterfaces([]string{id1}, nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(list.Interfaces, HasLen, 1)
	assertNetworkInterface(c, list.Interfaces[0], id1, subId, ips1)

	f := ec2.NewFilter()
	f.Add("network-interface-id", id2)
	list, err = s.ec2.NetworkInterfaces(nil, f)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	c.Assert(list.Interfaces, HasLen, 1)
	assertNetworkInterface(c, list.Interfaces[0], id2, subId, ips2)

	// Attachment might fail if the instance is not running yet,
	// so we retry for a while until it succeeds.
	var attResp *ec2.AttachNetworkInterfaceResp
	for a := testAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		attResp, err = s.ec2.AttachNetworkInterface(id2, instId, 1)
		if err != nil {
			c.Logf("AttachNetworkInterface returned: %v; retrying...", err)
			attResp = nil
		c.Logf("AttachNetworkInterface succeeded")
		c.Check(attResp.AttachmentId, Not(Equals), "")
	if attResp == nil {
		c.Fatalf("timeout while waiting for AttachNetworkInterface to succeed")

	list, err = s.ec2.NetworkInterfaces([]string{id2}, nil)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	att := list.Interfaces[0].Attachment
	c.Check(att.Id, Equals, attResp.AttachmentId)
	c.Check(att.InstanceId, Equals, instId)
	c.Check(att.DeviceIndex, Equals, 1)
	c.Check(att.Status, Matches, "(attaching|in-use)")

	_, err = s.ec2.DetachNetworkInterface(att.Id, true)
	c.Check(err, IsNil)

	_, err = s.ec2.DeleteNetworkInterface(id1)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	// We might not be able to delete the interface until the
	// detachment is completed, so we need to retry here as well.
	for a := testAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		_, err = s.ec2.DeleteNetworkInterface(id2)
		if err != nil {
			c.Logf("DeleteNetworkInterface returned: %v; retrying...", err)
		c.Logf("DeleteNetworkInterface succeeded")
	c.Fatalf("timeout while waiting for DeleteNetworkInterface to succeed")
Exemplo n.º 8
func (s *ServerTests) TestAssignUnassignPrivateIPs(c *C) {
	vpcResp, err := s.ec2.CreateVPC("", "")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	vpcId := vpcResp.VPC.Id
	defer s.deleteVPCs(c, []string{vpcId})

	subResp := s.createSubnet(c, vpcId, "", "")
	subId := subResp.Subnet.Id
	defer s.deleteSubnets(c, []string{subId})

	// Launch a m1.medium instance, so we can later assign up to 6
	// private IPs per NIC.
	instList, err := s.ec2.RunInstances(&ec2.RunInstances{
		ImageId:      imageId,
		InstanceType: "m1.medium",
		SubnetId:     subId,
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	inst := instList.Instances[0]
	c.Assert(inst, NotNil)
	instId := inst.InstanceId
	defer terminateInstances(c, s.ec2, []string{instId})

	// We need to wait for the instance to change state to 'running',
	// so its automatically created network interface on the created
	// subnet will appear.
	testAttempt := aws.AttemptStrategy{
		Total: 5 * time.Minute,
		Delay: 5 * time.Second,
	var newNIC *ec2.NetworkInterface
	f := ec2.NewFilter()
	f.Add("subnet-id", subId)
	for a := testAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		resp, err := s.ec2.NetworkInterfaces(nil, f)
		if err != nil {
			c.Logf("NetworkInterfaces returned: %v; retrying...", err)
		for _, iface := range resp.Interfaces {
			c.Logf("found NIC %v", iface)
			if iface.Attachment.InstanceId == instId {
				c.Logf("found instance %v NIC", instId)
				newNIC = &iface
		if newNIC != nil {
	if newNIC == nil {
		c.Fatalf("timeout while waiting for the NIC to appear")

	c.Check(newNIC.PrivateIPAddress, Matches, `^10\.7\.1\.\d+$`)
	c.Check(newNIC.PrivateIPs, HasLen, 1)

	// Now let's try assigning some more private IPs.
	ips := []string{"", ""}
	_, err = s.ec2.AssignPrivateIPAddresses(newNIC.Id, ips, 0, false)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	expectIPs := append([]string{newNIC.PrivateIPAddress}, ips...)
	s.waitForAddresses(c, newNIC.Id, expectIPs, false)

	// Try using SecondaryPrivateIPCount.
	_, err = s.ec2.AssignPrivateIPAddresses(newNIC.Id, nil, 2, false)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	expectIPs = append(expectIPs, []string{"10.7.1.*", "10.7.1.*"}...)
	ips = s.waitForAddresses(c, newNIC.Id, expectIPs, true)

	// And finally, unassign them all, except the primary.
	_, err = s.ec2.UnassignPrivateIPAddresses(newNIC.Id, ips)
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)

	expectIPs = []string{newNIC.PrivateIPAddress}
	s.waitForAddresses(c, newNIC.Id, expectIPs, false)
Exemplo n.º 9
func (s *AmazonServerSuite) TestRunInstancesVPC(c *C) {
	vpcResp, err := s.ec2.CreateVPC("", "")
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	vpcId := vpcResp.VPC.Id
	defer s.deleteVPCs(c, []string{vpcId})

	subResp := s.createSubnet(c, vpcId, "", "")
	subId := subResp.Subnet.Id
	defer s.deleteSubnets(c, []string{subId})

	groupResp, err := s.ec2.CreateSecurityGroupVPC(
		sessionName("testgroup1 vpc"),
		"testgroup description vpc",
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	group := groupResp.SecurityGroup

	defer s.deleteGroups(c, []ec2.SecurityGroup{group})

	// Run a single instance with a new network interface.
	ips := []ec2.PrivateIP{
		{Address: "", IsPrimary: true},
		{Address: "", IsPrimary: false},
	instResp, err := s.ec2.RunInstances(&ec2.RunInstances{
		MinCount:     1,
		ImageId:      imageId,
		InstanceType: "t1.micro",
		NetworkInterfaces: []ec2.RunNetworkInterface{{
			DeviceIndex:         0,
			SubnetId:            subId,
			PrivateIPs:          ips,
			SecurityGroupIds:    []string{group.Id},
			DeleteOnTermination: true,
	c.Assert(err, IsNil)
	inst := &instResp.Instances[0]

	defer terminateInstances(c, s.ec2, []string{inst.InstanceId})

	// Now list the network interfaces and find ours.
	testAttempt := aws.AttemptStrategy{
		Total: 5 * time.Minute,
		Delay: 5 * time.Second,
	f := ec2.NewFilter()
	f.Add("subnet-id", subId)
	var newNIC *ec2.NetworkInterface
	for a := testAttempt.Start(); a.Next(); {
		c.Logf("waiting for NIC to become available")
		listNICs, err := s.ec2.NetworkInterfaces(nil, f)
		if err != nil {
			c.Logf("retrying; NetworkInterfaces returned: %v", err)
		for _, iface := range listNICs.Interfaces {
			c.Logf("found NIC %v", iface)
			if iface.Attachment.InstanceId == inst.InstanceId {
				c.Logf("instance %v new NIC appeared", inst.InstanceId)
				newNIC = &iface
		if newNIC != nil {
	if newNIC == nil {
		c.Fatalf("timeout while waiting for NIC to appear.")
	c.Check(newNIC.Id, Matches, `^eni-[0-9a-f]+$`)
	c.Check(newNIC.SubnetId, Equals, subId)
	c.Check(newNIC.VPCId, Equals, vpcId)
	c.Check(newNIC.Status, Matches, `^(attaching|in-use)$`)
	c.Check(newNIC.PrivateIPAddress, Equals, ips[0].Address)
	c.Check(newNIC.PrivateIPs, DeepEquals, ips)
	c.Check(newNIC.Groups, HasLen, 1)
	c.Check(newNIC.Groups[0].Id, Equals, group.Id)
	c.Check(newNIC.Attachment.Status, Matches, `^(attaching|attached)$`)
	c.Check(newNIC.Attachment.DeviceIndex, Equals, 0)
	c.Check(newNIC.Attachment.DeleteOnTermination, Equals, true)