Exemplo n.º 1
func TestRelayIDClash(t *testing.T) {
	opts := serviceNameOpts("s1").SetRelayOnly()
	testutils.WithTestServer(t, opts, func(ts *testutils.TestServer) {
		s1 := ts.Server()
		s2 := ts.NewServer(serviceNameOpts("s2"))

		unblock := make(chan struct{})
		testutils.RegisterEcho(s1, func() {
		testutils.RegisterEcho(s2, nil)

		var wg sync.WaitGroup
		for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
			go func() {
				defer wg.Done()
				testutils.AssertEcho(t, s2, ts.HostPort(), s1.ServiceName())

		for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
			testutils.AssertEcho(t, s1, ts.HostPort(), s2.ServiceName())

Exemplo n.º 2
func TestRelayHandleLocalCall(t *testing.T) {
	opts := testutils.NewOpts().SetRelayOnly().
		SetRelayLocal("relay", "tchannel", "test").
		// We make a call to "test" for an unknown method.
		AddLogFilter("Couldn't find handler.", 1)
	testutils.WithTestServer(t, opts, func(ts *testutils.TestServer) {
		s2 := ts.NewServer(serviceNameOpts("s2"))
		testutils.RegisterEcho(s2, nil)

		client := ts.NewClient(nil)
		testutils.AssertEcho(t, client, ts.HostPort(), "s2")

		testutils.RegisterEcho(ts.Relay(), nil)
		testutils.AssertEcho(t, client, ts.HostPort(), "relay")

		// Sould get a bad request for "test" since the channel does not handle it.
		err := testutils.CallEcho(client, ts.HostPort(), "test", nil)
		assert.Equal(t, ErrCodeBadRequest, GetSystemErrorCode(err), "Expected BadRequest for test")

		// But an unknown service causes declined
		err = testutils.CallEcho(client, ts.HostPort(), "unknown", nil)
		assert.Equal(t, ErrCodeDeclined, GetSystemErrorCode(err), "Expected Declined for unknown")
Exemplo n.º 3
func TestRelayConnectionCloseDrainsRelayItems(t *testing.T) {
	opts := serviceNameOpts("s1").SetRelayOnly()
	testutils.WithTestServer(t, opts, func(ts *testutils.TestServer) {
		ctx, cancel := NewContext(time.Second)
		defer cancel()

		s1 := ts.Server()
		s2 := ts.NewServer(serviceNameOpts("s2"))

		s2HP := s2.PeerInfo().HostPort
		testutils.RegisterEcho(s1, func() {
			// When s1 gets called, it calls Close on the connection from the relay to s2.
			conn, err := ts.Relay().Peers().GetOrAdd(s2HP).GetConnection(ctx)
			require.NoError(t, err, "Unexpected failure getting connection between s1 and relay")

		testutils.AssertEcho(t, s2, ts.HostPort(), "s1")

		calls := relaytest.NewMockStats()
		calls.Add("s2", "s1", "echo").Succeeded().End()