Exemplo n.º 1
	// run command with arguments
	Run(args []string) int

	// return short help string
	Synopsis() string

// Command struct is the OutConfig and RDSConfig and RDSClient and ARNPrefix variable
type Command struct {
	OutConfig config.OutConfig
	RDSConfig config.RDSConfig
	RDSClient *rds.RDS
	ARNPrefix string

var log = logger.GetLogger("command")

var (
	// ErrDBInstancetNotFound is the "DB Instance is not found" error
	ErrDBInstancetNotFound = errors.New("DB Instance is not found")
	// ErrSnapshotNotFound is the "DB Snapshot is not found" error
	ErrSnapshotNotFound = errors.New("DB Snapshot is not found")
	// ErrDriverNotFound is the "DB Driver is not found" error
	ErrDriverNotFound = errors.New("DB Driver is not found")
	// ErrRdsTypesNotFound is the "RDS Types is not found" error
	ErrRdsTypesNotFound = errors.New("RDS Types is not found")
	// ErrRdsARNsNotFound is the "RDS ARN Types is not found" error
	ErrRdsARNsNotFound = errors.New("RDS ARN Types is not found")

func (c *Command) describeDBInstances(input *rds.DescribeDBInstancesInput) ([]*rds.DBInstance, error) {
Exemplo n.º 2

// Queries struct have Query array variable
type Queries struct {
	Query []Query

// Query struct have Name and Sql variable
type Query struct {
	Name string `toml:"name"`
	SQL  string `toml:"sql"`

const queryFile = "rds-try.query"

var log = logger.GetLogger("query")

// ErrQueryNotFound is "SQL item not found in query file" error.
var ErrQueryNotFound = errors.New("SQL item not found in query file")

// LoadQuery is the contents are loaded from "rds-try.query" file.
func LoadQuery(file string) (*Queries, error) {
	queries := &Queries{}

	if _, err := toml.DecodeFile(file, &queries); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%s", err.Error())
		return queries, err

	// check require values
	if len(queries.Query) <= 0 {
Exemplo n.º 3



var log = logger.GetLogger("main")

func showHelp() func() {
	return func() {
		helpText := fmt.Sprintf("\nUsage: %s [globals] <command> [options]\n\n", utils.GetAppName())
		helpText += "Globals:\n"

		globals := make(map[string]string)

		// list global options
		flag.VisitAll(func(f *flag.Flag) {
			if value, ok := globals[f.Usage]; ok {
				// key exists
				if len(f.Name) > len(value) {
					globals[f.Usage] = fmt.Sprintf("-%s, --%s", value, f.Name)
				} else {
Exemplo n.º 4
	JSON    bool   `toml:"json"`

// RDSConfig struct is MultiAz and DBId and Region and User and Pass and Type variable
type RDSConfig struct {
	MultiAz bool   `toml:"multi_az"`
	DBId    string `toml:"db_id"`
	Region  string `toml:"region"`
	User    string `toml:"user"`
	Pass    string `toml:"pass"`
	Type    string `toml:"type"`

const configFile = "rds-try.conf"

var log = logger.GetLogger("config")

// ErrRdsSectionNotFound is the config file format error
var ErrRdsSectionNotFound = errors.New("[rds.*] section not found in file")

// LoadConfig is the contents are loaded from "rds-try.conf" file.
func LoadConfig(file string) (*Config, error) {
	config := &Config{}

	if _, err := toml.DecodeFile(file, &config); err != nil {
		log.Errorf("%s", err.Error())
		return config, err

	if len(config.Rds) <= 0 {
		log.Errorf("%s", ErrRdsSectionNotFound.Error())