Exemplo n.º 1
func ttRssSetupSorting(req ttRssRequest, sorting content.ArticleSorting) {
	switch req.OrderBy {
	case "date_reverse":
Exemplo n.º 2
func getFeedArticles(user content.User, sp content.SearchProvider,
	id string, minId, maxId data.ArticleId, limit int, offset int, olderFirst bool,
	unreadOnly bool) (resp responseError) {

	resp = newResponse()

	if limit > 200 {
		limit = 200

	var as content.ArticleSorting
	var ar content.ArticleRepo
	var ua []content.UserArticle

	o := data.ArticleQueryOptions{Limit: limit, Offset: offset, UnreadOnly: unreadOnly, UnreadFirst: true}

	if maxId > 0 {
		o.AfterId = maxId
		resp.val["MaxId"] = maxId

	if id == "favorite" {
		o.FavoriteOnly = true
		ar = user
		as = user
	} else if id == "all" {
		ar = user
		as = user
	} else if strings.HasPrefix(id, "popular:") {
		o.IncludeScores = true
		o.HighScoredFirst = true
		o.BeforeDate = time.Now()
		o.AfterDate = time.Now().AddDate(0, 0, -5)

		if id == "popular:all" {
			ar = user
			as = user
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(id, "popular:tag:") {
			tag := user.Repo().Tag(user)
			tag.Data(data.Tag{Value: data.TagValue(id[12:])})

			ar = tag
			as = tag
		} else {
			var f content.UserFeed

			var feedId int64
			feedId, resp.err = strconv.ParseInt(id[8:], 10, 64)

			if resp.err != nil {
				resp.err = errors.New("Unknown feed id " + id)

			if f = user.FeedById(data.FeedId(feedId)); f.HasErr() {
				/* TODO: non-fatal error */
				resp.err = f.Err()

			ar = f
			as = f
	} else if strings.HasPrefix(id, "search:") && sp != nil {
		var query string
		id = id[7:]
		parts := strings.Split(id, ":")

		if parts[0] == "tag" {
			id = strings.Join(parts[:2], ":")
			query = strings.Join(parts[2:], ":")
		} else {
			id = strings.Join(parts[:1], ":")
			query = strings.Join(parts[1:], ":")

		if olderFirst {
		} else {

		ua, resp.err = performSearch(user, sp, query, id, limit, offset)
	} else if strings.HasPrefix(id, "tag:") {
		tag := user.Repo().Tag(user)
		tag.Data(data.Tag{Value: data.TagValue(id[4:])})

		as = tag
		ar = tag
	} else {
		var f content.UserFeed

		var feedId int64
		feedId, resp.err = strconv.ParseInt(id, 10, 64)

		if resp.err != nil {
			resp.err = errors.New("Unknown feed id " + id)

		if f = user.FeedById(data.FeedId(feedId)); f.HasErr() {
			/* TODO: non-fatal error */
			resp.err = f.Err()

		as = f
		ar = f

	if as != nil {
		if olderFirst {
		} else {

	if ar != nil {
		ua = ar.Articles(o)

		if minId > 0 {
			qo := data.ArticleIdQueryOptions{BeforeId: maxId + 1, AfterId: minId - 1}

			qo.UnreadOnly = true
			resp.val["UnreadIds"] = ar.Ids(qo)

			qo.UnreadOnly = false
			qo.FavoriteOnly = true
			resp.val["FavoriteIds"] = ar.Ids(qo)

			resp.val["MinId"] = minId

		if e, ok := ar.(content.Error); ok && e.HasErr() {
			resp.err = e.Err()

	resp.val["Articles"] = ua
	resp.val["Limit"] = limit
	resp.val["Offset"] = offset

Exemplo n.º 3
func internalGetArticles(u content.User, dbo *db.DB, logger webfw.Logger, opts data.ArticleQueryOptions, sorting content.ArticleSorting, join, where string, args []interface{}) (ua []content.UserArticle) {
	renderData := getArticlesData{}
	s := dbo.SQL()
	if opts.IncludeScores {
		renderData.Columns += ", asco.score"
		renderData.Join += s.User.GetArticlesScoreJoin

	if opts.UntaggedOnly {
		renderData.Join += s.User.GetArticlesUntaggedJoin

	if join != "" {
		renderData.Join += " " + join

	args = append([]interface{}{u.Data().Login}, args...)

	whereSlice := []string{}

	if opts.UnreadOnly {
		whereSlice = append(whereSlice, "au.article_id IS NOT NULL")
	} else if opts.ReadOnly {
		whereSlice = append(whereSlice, "au.article_id IS NULL")

	if opts.UntaggedOnly {
		whereSlice = append(whereSlice, "uft.feed_id IS NULL")

	if where != "" {
		whereSlice = append(whereSlice, where)

	if opts.BeforeId > 0 {
		whereSlice = append(whereSlice, fmt.Sprintf("a.id < $%d", len(args)+1))
		args = append(args, opts.BeforeId)
	if opts.AfterId > 0 {
		whereSlice = append(whereSlice, fmt.Sprintf("a.id > $%d", len(args)+1))
		args = append(args, opts.AfterId)

	if opts.FavoriteOnly {
		whereSlice = append(whereSlice, "af.article_id IS NOT NULL")

	if !opts.BeforeDate.IsZero() {
		whereSlice = append(whereSlice, fmt.Sprintf("(a.date IS NULL OR a.date < $%d)", len(args)+1))
		args = append(args, opts.BeforeDate)

	if !opts.AfterDate.IsZero() {
		whereSlice = append(whereSlice, fmt.Sprintf("a.date > $%d", len(args)+1))
		args = append(args, opts.AfterDate)

	if len(whereSlice) > 0 {
		renderData.Where = "WHERE " + strings.Join(whereSlice, " AND ")

	sortingField := sorting.Field()
	sortingOrder := sorting.Order()

	fields := []string{}

	if opts.IncludeScores && opts.HighScoredFirst {
		field := "asco.score"
		if sortingOrder == data.DescendingOrder {
			field += " DESC"
		fields = append(fields, field)

	if opts.UnreadFirst {
		fields = append(fields, "read")

	switch sortingField {
	case data.SortById:
		fields = append(fields, "a.id")
	case data.SortByDate:
		fields = append(fields, "a.date")
	if len(fields) > 0 {
		renderData.Order = " ORDER BY " + strings.Join(fields, ", ")

		if sortingOrder == data.DescendingOrder {
			renderData.Order += " DESC"

	if opts.Limit > 0 {
		renderData.Limit = fmt.Sprintf(" LIMIT $%d OFFSET $%d", len(args)+1, len(args)+2)
		args = append(args, opts.Limit, opts.Offset)

	buf := util.BufferPool.GetBuffer()
	defer util.BufferPool.Put(buf)

	if err := getArticlesTemplate.Execute(buf, renderData); err != nil {
		u.Err(fmt.Errorf("Error executing get-articles template: %v", err))

	sql := buf.String()
	var data []data.Article
	logger.Debugf("Articles SQL:\n%s\nArgs:%v\n", sql, args)
	if err := dbo.Select(&data, sql, args...); err != nil {

	ua = make([]content.UserArticle, len(data))
	for i := range data {
		ua[i] = u.Repo().UserArticle(u)

	processors := u.Repo().ArticleProcessors()
	if !opts.SkipProcessors && len(processors) > 0 {
		for _, p := range processors {
			if opts.SkipSessionProcessors {
				if _, ok := p.(processor.ProxyHTTP); ok {
			ua = p.ProcessArticles(ua)

Exemplo n.º 4
func getArticles(u content.User, dbo *db.DB, logger webfw.Logger, sorting content.ArticleSorting, columns, join, where, order string, args []interface{}, paging ...int) (ua []content.UserArticle) {
	if u.HasErr() {

	sql := dbo.SQL("get_article_columns")
	if columns != "" {
		sql += ", " + columns

	sql += dbo.SQL("get_article_tables")
	if join != "" {
		sql += " " + join

	sql += dbo.SQL("get_article_joins")

	args = append([]interface{}{u.Data().Login}, args...)
	if where != "" {
		sql += " AND " + where

	sortingField := sorting.Field()
	sortingOrder := sorting.Order()

	fields := []string{}
	if order != "" {
		fields = append(fields, order)
	switch sortingField {
	case data.SortById:
		fields = append(fields, "a.id")
	case data.SortByDate:
		fields = append(fields, "a.date")
	if len(fields) > 0 {
		sql += " ORDER BY "

		sql += strings.Join(fields, ",")

		if sortingOrder == data.DescendingOrder {
			sql += " DESC"

	if len(paging) > 0 {
		limit, offset := pagingLimit(paging)

		sql += fmt.Sprintf(" LIMIT $%d OFFSET $%d", len(args)+1, len(args)+2)
		args = append(args, limit, offset)

	var data []data.Article
	logger.Debugf("Articles SQL:\n%s\nArgs:%q\n", sql, args)
	if err := dbo.Select(&data, sql, args...); err != nil {

	ua = make([]content.UserArticle, len(data))
	for i := range data {
		ua[i] = u.Repo().UserArticle(u)
