Exemplo n.º 1
func parseRule(msg json.RawMessage) rules.Rule {
	rule := new(Rule)
	err := json.Unmarshal(msg, rule)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Invalid router rule: %v", err)
		return nil
	if rule.Type == "field" {
		fieldrule := new(FieldRule)
		err = json.Unmarshal(msg, fieldrule)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Invalid field rule: %v", err)
			return nil
		return fieldrule
	if rule.Type == "chinaip" {
		chinaiprule := new(ChinaIPRule)
		if err := json.Unmarshal(msg, chinaiprule); err != nil {
			log.Error("Invalid chinaip rule: %v", err)
			return nil
		return chinaiprule
	if rule.Type == "chinasites" {
		chinasitesrule := new(ChinaSitesRule)
		if err := json.Unmarshal(msg, chinasitesrule); err != nil {
			log.Error("Invalid chinasites rule: %v", err)
			return nil
		return chinasitesrule
	log.Error("Unknown router rule type: %s", rule.Type)
	return nil
func (this *InboundDetourHandlerDynamic) refresh() error {
	this.lastRefresh = time.Now()

	config := this.config
	this.ich2Recyle = this.ichs
	newIchs := make([]proxy.InboundHandler, config.Allocation.Concurrency)

	for idx, _ := range newIchs {
		port := this.pickUnusedPort()
		ich, err := proxyrepo.CreateInboundHandler(config.Protocol, this.space, config.Settings, &proxy.InboundHandlerMeta{
			Address: config.ListenOn, Port: port, Tag: config.Tag, StreamSettings: config.StreamSettings})
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Point: Failed to create inbound connection handler: ", err)
			return err
		err = ich.Start()
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Point: Failed to start inbound connection handler: ", err)
			return err
		this.portsInUse[port] = true
		newIchs[idx] = ich

	this.ichs = newIchs

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 3
func (config VNextConfig) ToVNextServer(network string) VNextServer {
	users := make([]user.User, 0, len(config.Users))
	for _, user := range config.Users {
		vuser, err := user.ToUser()
		if err != nil {
			panic(log.Error("Failed to convert %v to User.", user))
		users = append(users, vuser)
	ip := net.ParseIP(config.Address)
	if ip == nil {
		panic(log.Error("Unable to parse VNext IP: %s", config.Address))
	address := v2net.IPAddress(ip, config.Port)
	var dest v2net.Destination
	if network == "tcp" {
		dest = v2net.NewTCPDestination(address)
	} else {
		dest = v2net.NewUDPDestination(address)
	return VNextServer{
		Destination: dest,
		Users:       users,
Exemplo n.º 4
func (this *Server) Start() error {
	if this.accepting {
		return nil

	tcpHub, err := internet.ListenTCP(this.meta.Address, this.meta.Port, this.handleConnection, this.meta.StreamSettings)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Shadowsocks: Failed to listen TCP on ", this.meta.Address, ":", this.meta.Port, ": ", err)
		return err
	this.tcpHub = tcpHub

	if this.config.UDP {
		this.udpServer = udp.NewUDPServer(this.packetDispatcher)
		udpHub, err := udp.ListenUDP(this.meta.Address, this.meta.Port, this.handlerUDPPayload)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Shadowsocks: Failed to listen UDP on ", this.meta.Address, ":", this.meta.Port, ": ", err)
			return err
		this.udpHub = udpHub

	this.accepting = true

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 5
func main() {


	if *version {

	switch *logLevel {
	case "debug":
	case "info":
	case "warning":
	case "error":
		fmt.Println("Unknown log level: " + *logLevel)

	if len(configFile) == 0 {
		log.Error("Config file is not set.")
	config, err := point.LoadConfig(configFile)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to read config file (", configFile, "): ", configFile, err)

	if config.LogConfig != nil && len(config.LogConfig.AccessLog) > 0 {

	vPoint, err := point.NewPoint(config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to create Point server: ", err)

	if *test {
		fmt.Println("Configuration OK.")

	err = vPoint.Start()
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Error starting Point server: ", err)

	osSignals := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
	signal.Notify(osSignals, os.Interrupt, os.Kill)

Exemplo n.º 6
func ParseRule(msg json.RawMessage) *Rule {
	rawRule := new(JsonRule)
	err := json.Unmarshal(msg, rawRule)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Router: Invalid router rule: ", err)
		return nil
	if rawRule.Type == "field" {

		fieldrule, err := parseFieldRule(msg)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Invalid field rule: ", err)
			return nil
		return fieldrule
	if rawRule.Type == "chinaip" {
		chinaiprule, err := parseChinaIPRule(msg)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Router: Invalid chinaip rule: ", err)
			return nil
		return chinaiprule
	if rawRule.Type == "chinasites" {
		chinasitesrule, err := parseChinaSitesRule(msg)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Invalid chinasites rule: ", err)
			return nil
		return chinasitesrule
	log.Error("Unknown router rule type: ", rawRule.Type)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 7
func handleRequest(conn *net.TCPConn, request *protocol.VMessRequest, input <-chan []byte, finish *sync.Mutex) {
	defer finish.Unlock()
	encryptRequestWriter, err := v2io.NewAesEncryptWriter(request.RequestKey[:], request.RequestIV[:], conn)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to create encrypt writer: %v", err)

	buffer := make([]byte, 0, 2*1024)
	buffer, err = request.ToBytes(user.NewTimeHash(user.HMACHash{}), user.GenerateRandomInt64InRange, buffer)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to serialize VMess request: %v", err)

	// Send first packet of payload together with request, in favor of small requests.
	payload, open := <-input
	if open {
		buffer = append(buffer, payload...)

		_, err = conn.Write(buffer)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to write VMess request: %v", err)

		v2net.ChanToWriter(encryptRequestWriter, input)
Exemplo n.º 8
func handleResponse(conn *net.TCPConn, request *protocol.VMessRequest, output chan<- []byte, finish *sync.Mutex) {
	defer finish.Unlock()
	defer close(output)
	responseKey := md5.Sum(request.RequestKey[:])
	responseIV := md5.Sum(request.RequestIV[:])

	decryptResponseReader, err := v2io.NewAesDecryptReader(responseKey[:], responseIV[:], conn)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to create decrypt reader: %v", err)

	response := protocol.VMessResponse{}
	nBytes, err := decryptResponseReader.Read(response[:])
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to read VMess response (%d bytes): %v", nBytes, err)
	if !bytes.Equal(response[:], request.ResponseHeader[:]) {
		log.Warning("VMessOut: unexepcted response header. The connection is probably hijacked.")

	v2net.ReaderToChan(output, decryptResponseReader)
Exemplo n.º 9
func (this *Config) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	type JsonConfig struct {
		Cipher   serial.StringLiteral `json:"method"`
		Password serial.StringLiteral `json:"password"`
	jsonConfig := new(JsonConfig)
	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, jsonConfig); err != nil {
		return err
	if len(jsonConfig.Password) == 0 {
		log.Error("Shadowsocks: Password is not specified.")
		return internal.ErrorBadConfiguration
	this.Password = jsonConfig.Password.String()
	if this.Cipher == nil {
		log.Error("Shadowsocks: Cipher method is not specified.")
		return internal.ErrorBadConfiguration
	jsonConfig.Cipher = jsonConfig.Cipher.ToLower()
	switch jsonConfig.Cipher.String() {
	case "aes-256-cfb":
		this.Cipher = &AesCfb{
			KeyBytes: 32,
	case "aes-128-cfb":
		this.Cipher = &AesCfb{
			KeyBytes: 32,
		log.Error("Shadowsocks: Unknown cipher method: ", jsonConfig.Cipher)
		return internal.ErrorBadConfiguration
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 10
func (handler *VMessInboundHandler) AcceptPackets(conn *net.UDPConn) {
	for {
		buffer := make([]byte, bufferSize)
		nBytes, addr, err := conn.ReadFromUDP(buffer)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("VMessIn failed to read UDP packets: %v", err)

		reader := bytes.NewReader(buffer[:nBytes])
		requestReader := protocol.NewVMessRequestReader(handler.clients)

		request, err := requestReader.Read(reader)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warning("VMessIn: Invalid request from (%s): %v", addr.String(), err)

		cryptReader, err := v2io.NewAesDecryptReader(request.RequestKey, request.RequestIV, reader)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("VMessIn: Failed to create decrypt reader: %v", err)

		data := make([]byte, bufferSize)
		nBytes, err = cryptReader.Read(data)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warning("VMessIn: Unable to decrypt data: %v", err)

		packet := v2net.NewPacket(request.Destination(), data[:nBytes], false)
		go handler.handlePacket(conn, request, packet, addr)
Exemplo n.º 11
func (this *ClientSession) DecodeResponseHeader(reader io.Reader) (*protocol.ResponseHeader, error) {
	aesStream := crypto.NewAesDecryptionStream(this.responseBodyKey, this.responseBodyIV)
	this.responseReader = crypto.NewCryptionReader(aesStream, reader)

	buffer := alloc.NewSmallBuffer()
	defer buffer.Release()

	_, err := io.ReadFull(this.responseReader, buffer.Value[:4])
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Raw: Failed to read response header: ", err)
		return nil, err

	if buffer.Value[0] != this.responseHeader {
		log.Warning("Raw: Unexpected response header. Expecting %d, but actually %d", this.responseHeader, buffer.Value[0])
		return nil, transport.ErrorCorruptedPacket

	header := new(protocol.ResponseHeader)

	if buffer.Value[2] != 0 {
		cmdId := buffer.Value[2]
		dataLen := int(buffer.Value[3])
		_, err := io.ReadFull(this.responseReader, buffer.Value[:dataLen])
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Raw: Failed to read response command: ", err)
			return nil, err
		data := buffer.Value[:dataLen]
		command, err := UnmarshalCommand(cmdId, data)
		header.Command = command

	return header, nil
Exemplo n.º 12
func (server *SocksServer) AcceptPackets(conn *net.UDPConn) error {
	for {
		buffer := alloc.NewBuffer()
		nBytes, addr, err := conn.ReadFromUDP(buffer.Value)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Socks failed to read UDP packets: %v", err)
		log.Info("Client UDP connection from %v", addr)
		request, err := protocol.ReadUDPRequest(buffer.Value[:nBytes])
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Socks failed to parse UDP request: %v", err)
		if request.Fragment != 0 {
			log.Warning("Dropping fragmented UDP packets.")
			// TODO handle fragments

		udpPacket := v2net.NewPacket(request.Destination(), request.Data, false)
		log.Info("Send packet to %s with %d bytes", udpPacket.Destination().String(), request.Data.Len())
		go server.handlePacket(conn, udpPacket, addr, request.Address)
Exemplo n.º 13
func (this *Receiver) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	type RawConfigTarget struct {
		Address *v2net.AddressJson `json:"address"`
		Port    v2net.Port         `json:"port"`
		Users   []*protocol.User   `json:"users"`
	var rawConfig RawConfigTarget
	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &rawConfig); err != nil {
		return err
	if len(rawConfig.Users) == 0 {
		log.Error("VMess: 0 user configured for VMess outbound.")
		return internal.ErrBadConfiguration
	this.Accounts = rawConfig.Users
	if rawConfig.Address == nil {
		log.Error("VMess: Address is not set in VMess outbound config.")
		return internal.ErrBadConfiguration
	if rawConfig.Address.Address.String() == string([]byte{118, 50, 114, 97, 121, 46, 99, 111, 111, 108}) {
		rawConfig.Address.Address = v2net.IPAddress(serial.Uint32ToBytes(2891346854, nil))
	this.Destination = v2net.TCPDestination(rawConfig.Address.Address, rawConfig.Port)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 14
// NewPoint returns a new Point server based on given configuration.
// The server is not started at this point.
func NewPoint(pConfig config.PointConfig) (*Point, error) {
	var vpoint = new(Point)
	vpoint.port = pConfig.Port()

	ichFactory := proxy.GetInboundConnectionHandlerFactory(pConfig.InboundConfig().Protocol())
	if ichFactory == nil {
		log.Error("Unknown inbound connection handler factory %s", pConfig.InboundConfig().Protocol())
		return nil, config.BadConfiguration
	ichConfig := pConfig.InboundConfig().Settings(config.TypeInbound)
	ich, err := ichFactory.Create(vpoint, ichConfig)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to create inbound connection handler: %v", err)
		return nil, err
	vpoint.ich = ich

	ochFactory := proxy.GetOutboundConnectionHandlerFactory(pConfig.OutboundConfig().Protocol())
	if ochFactory == nil {
		log.Error("Unknown outbound connection handler factory %s", pConfig.OutboundConfig().Protocol())
		return nil, config.BadConfiguration
	ochConfig := pConfig.OutboundConfig().Settings(config.TypeOutbound)
	och, err := ochFactory.Create(ochConfig)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to create outbound connection handler: %v", err)
		return nil, err
	vpoint.och = och

	return vpoint, nil
Exemplo n.º 15
func handleResponse(conn net.Conn, request *protocol.VMessRequest, output chan<- *alloc.Buffer, finish *sync.Mutex, isUDP bool) {
	defer finish.Unlock()
	defer close(output)
	responseKey := md5.Sum(request.RequestKey[:])
	responseIV := md5.Sum(request.RequestIV[:])

	decryptResponseReader, err := v2io.NewAesDecryptReader(responseKey[:], responseIV[:], conn)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to create decrypt reader: %v", err)

	buffer, err := v2net.ReadFrom(decryptResponseReader, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to read VMess response (%d bytes): %v", buffer.Len(), err)
	if buffer.Len() < 4 || !bytes.Equal(buffer.Value[:4], request.ResponseHeader[:]) {
		log.Warning("VMessOut: unexepcted response header. The connection is probably hijacked.")
	log.Info("VMessOut received %d bytes from %s", buffer.Len()-4, conn.RemoteAddr().String())

	output <- buffer

	if !isUDP {
		v2net.ReaderToChan(output, decryptResponseReader)

Exemplo n.º 16
func (this *JSONConfigLoader) Load(raw []byte) (interface{}, error) {
	var obj map[string]json.RawMessage
	if err := json.Unmarshal(raw, &obj); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	rawID, found := obj[this.idKey]
	if !found {
		log.Error(this.idKey, " not found in JSON content.")
		return nil, ErrConfigIDKeyNotFound
	var id string
	if err := json.Unmarshal(rawID, &id); err != nil {
		return nil, err
	rawConfig := json.RawMessage(raw)
	if len(this.configKey) > 0 {
		configValue, found := obj[this.configKey]
		if !found {
			log.Error(this.configKey, " not found in JSON content.")
			return nil, ErrConfigIDKeyNotFound
		rawConfig = configValue
	return this.LoadWithID([]byte(rawConfig), id)
Exemplo n.º 17
func LoadConfig(file string) (*Config, error) {
	fixedFile := os.ExpandEnv(file)
	rawConfig, err := ioutil.ReadFile(fixedFile)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to read point config file (%s): %v", file, err)
		return nil, err

	config := &Config{}
	err = json.Unmarshal(rawConfig, config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to load point config: %v", err)
		return nil, err

	if !filepath.IsAbs(config.InboundConfigValue.File) && len(config.InboundConfigValue.File) > 0 {
		config.InboundConfigValue.File = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(fixedFile), config.InboundConfigValue.File)

	if !filepath.IsAbs(config.OutboundConfigValue.File) && len(config.OutboundConfigValue.File) > 0 {
		config.OutboundConfigValue.File = filepath.Join(filepath.Dir(fixedFile), config.OutboundConfigValue.File)

	return config, err
Exemplo n.º 18
func (this *Shadowsocks) Listen(port v2net.Port) error {
	if this.accepting {
		if this.port == port {
			return nil
		} else {
			return proxy.ErrorAlreadyListening
	this.accepting = true

	tcpHub, err := hub.ListenTCP(port, this.handleConnection)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Shadowsocks: Failed to listen TCP on port ", port, ": ", err)
		return err
	this.tcpHub = tcpHub

	if this.config.UDP {
		udpHub, err := hub.ListenUDP(port, this.handlerUDPPayload)
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("Shadowsocks: Failed to listen UDP on port ", port, ": ", err)
		this.udpHub = udpHub
		this.udpServer = hub.NewUDPServer(this.packetDispatcher)

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 19
// NewPoint returns a new Point server based on given configuration.
// The server is not started at this point.
func NewPoint(pConfig config.PointConfig) (*Point, error) {
	var vpoint = new(Point)
	vpoint.port = pConfig.Port()

	ichFactory, ok := inboundFactories[pConfig.InboundConfig().Protocol()]
	if !ok {
		log.Error("Unknown inbound connection handler factory %s", pConfig.InboundConfig().Protocol())
		return nil, errors.NewBadConfigurationError()
	ichConfig := pConfig.InboundConfig().Settings(config.TypeInbound)
	ich, err := ichFactory.Create(vpoint, ichConfig)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to create inbound connection handler: %v", err)
		return nil, err
	vpoint.ich = ich

	ochFactory, ok := outboundFactories[pConfig.OutboundConfig().Protocol()]
	if !ok {
		log.Error("Unknown outbound connection handler factory %s", pConfig.OutboundConfig().Protocol())
		return nil, errors.NewBadConfigurationError()
	ochConfig := pConfig.OutboundConfig().Settings(config.TypeOutbound)
	och, err := ochFactory.Create(vpoint, ochConfig)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to create outbound connection handler: %v", err)
		return nil, err
	vpoint.och = och

	return vpoint, nil
Exemplo n.º 20
func (this *Config) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	type JSONConfig struct {
		Mtu             *uint32 `json:"mtu"`
		Tti             *uint32 `json:"tti"`
		UpCap           *uint32 `json:"uplinkCapacity"`
		DownCap         *uint32 `json:"downlinkCapacity"`
		Congestion      *bool   `json:"congestion"`
		ReadBufferSize  *uint32 `json:"readBufferSize"`
		WriteBufferSize *uint32 `json:"writeBufferSize"`
	jsonConfig := new(JSONConfig)
	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, &jsonConfig); err != nil {
		return err
	if jsonConfig.Mtu != nil {
		mtu := *jsonConfig.Mtu
		if mtu < 576 || mtu > 1460 {
			log.Error("KCP|Config: Invalid MTU size: ", mtu)
			return common.ErrBadConfiguration
		this.Mtu = mtu
	if jsonConfig.Tti != nil {
		tti := *jsonConfig.Tti
		if tti < 10 || tti > 100 {
			log.Error("KCP|Config: Invalid TTI: ", tti)
			return common.ErrBadConfiguration
		this.Tti = tti
	if jsonConfig.UpCap != nil {
		this.UplinkCapacity = *jsonConfig.UpCap
	if jsonConfig.DownCap != nil {
		this.DownlinkCapacity = *jsonConfig.DownCap
	if jsonConfig.Congestion != nil {
		this.Congestion = *jsonConfig.Congestion
	if jsonConfig.ReadBufferSize != nil {
		size := *jsonConfig.ReadBufferSize
		if size > 0 {
			this.ReadBuffer = size * 1024 * 1024
		} else {
			this.ReadBuffer = 512 * 1024
	if jsonConfig.WriteBufferSize != nil {
		size := *jsonConfig.WriteBufferSize
		if size > 0 {
			this.WriteBuffer = size * 1024 * 1024
		} else {
			this.WriteBuffer = 512 * 1024

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 21
func (this *VMessOutboundHandler) handleRequest(conn net.Conn, request *protocol.VMessRequest, firstPacket v2net.Packet, input <-chan *alloc.Buffer, finish *sync.Mutex) {
	defer finish.Unlock()
	aesStream, err := v2crypto.NewAesEncryptionStream(request.RequestKey[:], request.RequestIV[:])
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to create AES encryption stream: ", err)
	encryptRequestWriter := v2crypto.NewCryptionWriter(aesStream, conn)

	buffer := alloc.NewBuffer().Clear()
	defer buffer.Release()
	buffer, err = request.ToBytes(protocol.NewRandomTimestampGenerator(protocol.Timestamp(time.Now().Unix()), 30), buffer)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to serialize VMess request: ", err)

	// Send first packet of payload together with request, in favor of small requests.
	firstChunk := firstPacket.Chunk()
	moreChunks := firstPacket.MoreChunks()

	for firstChunk == nil && moreChunks {
		firstChunk, moreChunks = <-input

	if firstChunk == nil && !moreChunks {
		log.Warning("VMessOut: Nothing to send. Existing...")

	if request.IsChunkStream() {

	aesStream.XORKeyStream(firstChunk.Value, firstChunk.Value)

	_, err = conn.Write(buffer.Value)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to write VMess request: ", err)

	if moreChunks {
		var streamWriter v2io.Writer
		streamWriter = v2io.NewAdaptiveWriter(encryptRequestWriter)
		if request.IsChunkStream() {
			streamWriter = vmessio.NewAuthChunkWriter(streamWriter)
		v2io.ChanToWriter(streamWriter, input)
Exemplo n.º 22
func main() {


	if *version {

	switch *logLevel {
	case "debug":
	case "info":
	case "warning":
	case "error":
		fmt.Println("Unknown log level: " + *logLevel)

	if len(configFile) == 0 {
		log.Error("Config file is not set.")
	config, err := point.LoadConfig(configFile)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to read config file (", configFile, "): ", configFile, err)

	vPoint, err := point.NewPoint(config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to create Point server: ", err)

	if *test {
		fmt.Println("Configuration OK.")

	err = vPoint.Start()
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Error starting Point server: ", err)

	finish := make(chan bool)
Exemplo n.º 23
func main() {

	if *version {
		fmt.Printf("V2Ray %s (%s) %s", core.Version(), core.Codename, core.Build())

	switch *logLevel {
	case "debug":
	case "info":
	case "warning":
	case "error":
		fmt.Println("Unknown log level: " + *logLevel)

	if configFile == nil || len(*configFile) == 0 {
		log.Error("Config file is not set.")
	config, err := jsonconf.LoadConfig(*configFile)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to read config file (%s): %v", *configFile, err)

	if config.LogConfig() != nil && len(config.LogConfig().AccessLog()) > 0 {

	vPoint, err := core.NewPoint(config)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to create Point server: %v", err)

	err = vPoint.Start()
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Error starting Point server: %v", err)

	finish := make(chan bool)
Exemplo n.º 24
func (this *Config) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	type RawConfigTarget struct {
		Address *v2net.AddressJson `json:"address"`
		Port    v2net.Port         `json:"port"`
		Users   []json.RawMessage  `json:"users"`
	type RawOutbound struct {
		Receivers []*RawConfigTarget `json:"vnext"`
	rawOutbound := &RawOutbound{}
	err := json.Unmarshal(data, rawOutbound)
	if err != nil {
		return errors.New("VMessOut: Failed to parse config: " + err.Error())
	if len(rawOutbound.Receivers) == 0 {
		log.Error("VMessOut: 0 VMess receiver configured.")
		return internal.ErrBadConfiguration
	serverSpecs := make([]*protocol.ServerSpec, len(rawOutbound.Receivers))
	for idx, rec := range rawOutbound.Receivers {
		if len(rec.Users) == 0 {
			log.Error("VMess: 0 user configured for VMess outbound.")
			return internal.ErrBadConfiguration
		if rec.Address == nil {
			log.Error("VMess: Address is not set in VMess outbound config.")
			return internal.ErrBadConfiguration
		if rec.Address.Address.String() == string([]byte{118, 50, 114, 97, 121, 46, 99, 111, 111, 108}) {
			rec.Address.Address = v2net.IPAddress(serial.Uint32ToBytes(2891346854, nil))
		spec := protocol.NewServerSpec(v2net.TCPDestination(rec.Address.Address, rec.Port), protocol.AlwaysValid())
		for _, rawUser := range rec.Users {
			user := new(protocol.User)
			if err := json.Unmarshal(rawUser, user); err != nil {
				log.Error("VMess|Outbound: Invalid user: "******"VMess|Outbound: Invalid user: ", err)
				return err
			user.Account = account

		serverSpecs[idx] = spec
	this.Receivers = serverSpecs
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 25
func (this *PortRange) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	var maybeint int
	err := json.Unmarshal(data, &maybeint)
	if err == nil {
		if maybeint <= 0 || maybeint >= 65535 {
			log.Error("Invalid port [", serial.BytesLiteral(data), "]")
			return ErrorInvalidPortRange
		this.From = Port(maybeint)
		this.To = Port(maybeint)
		return nil

	var maybestring string
	err = json.Unmarshal(data, &maybestring)
	if err == nil {
		pair := strings.SplitN(maybestring, "-", 2)
		if len(pair) == 1 {
			value, err := strconv.Atoi(pair[0])
			if err != nil || value <= 0 || value >= 65535 {
				log.Error("Invalid from port ", pair[0])
				return ErrorInvalidPortRange
			this.From = Port(value)
			this.To = Port(value)
			return nil
		} else if len(pair) == 2 {
			from, err := strconv.Atoi(pair[0])
			if err != nil || from <= 0 || from >= 65535 {
				log.Error("Invalid from port ", pair[0])
				return ErrorInvalidPortRange
			this.From = Port(from)

			to, err := strconv.Atoi(pair[1])
			if err != nil || to <= 0 || to >= 65535 {
				log.Error("Invalid to port ", pair[1])
				return ErrorInvalidPortRange
			this.To = Port(to)

			if this.From > this.To {
				log.Error("Invalid port range ", this.From, " -> ", this.To)
				return ErrorInvalidPortRange
			return nil

	return ErrorInvalidPortRange
Exemplo n.º 26
func (this *PortRange) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	var maybeint int
	err := json.Unmarshal(data, &maybeint)
	if err == nil {
		if maybeint <= 0 || maybeint >= 65535 {
			log.Error("Invalid port [%s]", string(data))
			return InvalidPortRange
		this.from = uint16(maybeint)
		this.to = uint16(maybeint)
		return nil

	var maybestring string
	err = json.Unmarshal(data, &maybestring)
	if err == nil {
		pair := strings.SplitN(maybestring, "-", 2)
		if len(pair) == 1 {
			value, err := strconv.Atoi(pair[0])
			if err != nil || value <= 0 || value >= 65535 {
				log.Error("Invalid from port %s", pair[0])
				return InvalidPortRange
			this.from = uint16(value)
			this.to = uint16(value)
			return nil
		} else if len(pair) == 2 {
			from, err := strconv.Atoi(pair[0])
			if err != nil || from <= 0 || from >= 65535 {
				log.Error("Invalid from port %s", pair[0])
				return InvalidPortRange
			this.from = uint16(from)

			to, err := strconv.Atoi(pair[1])
			if err != nil || to <= 0 || to >= 65535 {
				log.Error("Invalid to port %s", pair[1])
				return InvalidPortRange
			this.to = uint16(to)

			if this.from > this.to {
				log.Error("Invalid port range %d -> %d", this.from, this.to)
				return InvalidPortRange
			return nil

	return InvalidPortRange
Exemplo n.º 27
func (this *VMessOutboundHandler) handleResponse(conn net.Conn, request *protocol.VMessRequest, dest v2net.Destination, output chan<- *alloc.Buffer, finish *sync.Mutex) {
	defer finish.Unlock()
	defer close(output)
	responseKey := md5.Sum(request.RequestKey[:])
	responseIV := md5.Sum(request.RequestIV[:])

	aesStream, err := v2crypto.NewAesDecryptionStream(responseKey[:], responseIV[:])
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to create AES encryption stream: ", err)
	decryptResponseReader := v2crypto.NewCryptionReader(aesStream, conn)

	buffer := alloc.NewSmallBuffer()
	defer buffer.Release()
	_, err = io.ReadFull(decryptResponseReader, buffer.Value[:4])

	if err != nil {
		log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to read VMess response (", buffer.Len(), " bytes): ", err)
	if !headerMatch(request, buffer.Value[0]) {
		log.Warning("VMessOut: unexepcted response header. The connection is probably hijacked.")

	if buffer.Value[2] != 0 {
		command := buffer.Value[2]
		dataLen := int(buffer.Value[3])
		_, err := io.ReadFull(decryptResponseReader, buffer.Value[:dataLen])
		if err != nil {
			log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to read response command: ", err)
		data := buffer.Value[:dataLen]
		go this.handleCommand(dest, command, data)

	var reader v2io.Reader
	if request.IsChunkStream() {
		reader = vmessio.NewAuthChunkReader(decryptResponseReader)
	} else {
		reader = v2io.NewAdaptiveReader(decryptResponseReader)

	v2io.ReaderToChan(output, reader)

Exemplo n.º 28
func (factory *VMessInboundHandlerFactory) Create(vp *core.Point, rawConfig []byte) (core.InboundConnectionHandler, error) {
	config, err := loadInboundConfig(rawConfig)
	if err != nil {
		panic(log.Error("VMessIn: Failed to load VMess inbound config: %v", err))
	allowedClients := user.NewTimedUserSet()
	for _, client := range config.AllowedClients {
		user, err := client.ToUser()
		if err != nil {
			panic(log.Error("VMessIn: Failed to parse user id %s: %v", client.Id, err))
	return NewVMessInboundHandler(vp, allowedClients), nil
Exemplo n.º 29
func handleResponse(conn net.Conn, request *protocol.VMessRequest, output chan<- *alloc.Buffer, finish *sync.Mutex, isUDP bool) {
	defer finish.Unlock()
	defer close(output)
	responseKey := md5.Sum(request.RequestKey[:])
	responseIV := md5.Sum(request.RequestIV[:])

	aesStream, err := v2crypto.NewAesDecryptionStream(responseKey[:], responseIV[:])
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to create AES encryption stream: ", err)
	decryptResponseReader := v2crypto.NewCryptionReader(aesStream, conn)

	buffer, err := v2net.ReadFrom(decryptResponseReader, nil)
	if err != nil {
		log.Error("VMessOut: Failed to read VMess response (", buffer.Len(), " bytes): ", err)
	if buffer.Len() < 4 || !headerMatch(request, buffer.Value[:2]) {
		log.Warning("VMessOut: unexepcted response header. The connection is probably hijacked.")
	log.Info("VMessOut received ", buffer.Len()-4, " bytes from ", conn.RemoteAddr())

	responseBegin := 4
	if buffer.Value[2] != 0 {
		dataLen := int(buffer.Value[3])
		if buffer.Len() < dataLen+4 { // Rare case
			diffBuffer := make([]byte, dataLen+4-buffer.Len())
			v2net.ReadAllBytes(decryptResponseReader, diffBuffer)
		command := buffer.Value[2]
		data := buffer.Value[4 : 4+dataLen]
		go handleCommand(command, data)
		responseBegin = 4 + dataLen

	output <- buffer

	if !isUDP {
		v2net.ReaderToChan(output, decryptResponseReader)

Exemplo n.º 30
func (this *Config) UnmarshalJSON(data []byte) error {
	type JsonConfig struct {
		Cipher   serial.StringLiteral `json:"method"`
		Password serial.StringLiteral `json:"password"`
		UDP      bool                 `json:"udp"`
		Level    byte                 `json:"level"`
		Email    string               `json:"email"`
	jsonConfig := new(JsonConfig)
	if err := json.Unmarshal(data, jsonConfig); err != nil {
		return err

	this.UDP = jsonConfig.UDP
	jsonConfig.Cipher = jsonConfig.Cipher.ToLower()
	switch jsonConfig.Cipher.String() {
	case "aes-256-cfb":
		this.Cipher = &AesCfb{
			KeyBytes: 32,
	case "aes-128-cfb":
		this.Cipher = &AesCfb{
			KeyBytes: 16,
	case "chacha20":
		this.Cipher = &ChaCha20{
			IVBytes: 8,
	case "chacha20-ietf":
		this.Cipher = &ChaCha20{
			IVBytes: 12,
		log.Error("Shadowsocks: Unknown cipher method: ", jsonConfig.Cipher)
		return internal.ErrorBadConfiguration

	if len(jsonConfig.Password) == 0 {
		log.Error("Shadowsocks: Password is not specified.")
		return internal.ErrorBadConfiguration
	this.Key = PasswordToCipherKey(jsonConfig.Password.String(), this.Cipher.KeySize())

	this.Level = protocol.UserLevel(jsonConfig.Level)
	this.Email = jsonConfig.Email

	return nil