Exemplo n.º 1
// Provisioner returns an object that provides access to the
// Provisioner API facade. The id argument is reserved for future use
// and currently needs to be empty.
func (r *srvRoot) Provisioner(id string) (*provisioner.ProvisionerAPI, error) {
	if id != "" {
		// Safeguard id for possible future use.
		return nil, common.ErrBadId
	return provisioner.NewProvisionerAPI(r.srv.state, r.resources, r)
Exemplo n.º 2
func (s *withoutStateServerSuite) TestDistributionGroupMachineAgentAuth(c *gc.C) {
	anAuthorizer := s.authorizer
	anAuthorizer.Tag = "machine-1"
	anAuthorizer.EnvironManager = false
	anAuthorizer.MachineAgent = true
	provisioner, err := provisioner.NewProvisionerAPI(s.State, s.resources, anAuthorizer)
	c.Check(err, gc.IsNil)
	args := params.Entities{Entities: []params.Entity{
		{Tag: "machine-0"},
		{Tag: "machine-1"},
		{Tag: "machine-42"},
		{Tag: "machine-0-lxc-99"},
		{Tag: "machine-1-lxc-99"},
		{Tag: "machine-1-lxc-99-lxc-100"},
	result, err := provisioner.DistributionGroup(args)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(result, gc.DeepEquals, params.DistributionGroupResults{
		Results: []params.DistributionGroupResult{
			{Error: apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized},
			{Result: []instance.Id{}},
			{Error: apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized},
			// only a machine agent for the container or its
			// parent may access it.
			{Error: apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized},
			{Error: apiservertesting.NotFoundError("machine 1/lxc/99")},
			{Error: apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized},
Exemplo n.º 3
func (s *withoutStateServerSuite) TestProvisioningInfoPermissions(c *gc.C) {
	// Login as a machine agent for machine 0.
	anAuthorizer := s.authorizer
	anAuthorizer.MachineAgent = true
	anAuthorizer.EnvironManager = false
	anAuthorizer.Tag = s.machines[0].Tag()
	aProvisioner, err := provisioner.NewProvisionerAPI(s.State, s.resources, anAuthorizer)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(aProvisioner, gc.NotNil)

	args := params.Entities{Entities: []params.Entity{
		{Tag: s.machines[0].Tag()},
		{Tag: s.machines[0].Tag() + "-lxc-0"},
		{Tag: "machine-42"},
		{Tag: s.machines[1].Tag()},
		{Tag: "service-bar"},

	// Only machine 0 and containers therein can be accessed.
	results, err := aProvisioner.ProvisioningInfo(args)
	c.Assert(results, gc.DeepEquals, params.ProvisioningInfoResults{
		Results: []params.ProvisioningInfoResult{
			{Result: &params.ProvisioningInfo{
				Series:          "quantal",
				IncludeNetworks: []string{},
				ExcludeNetworks: []string{},
			{Error: apiservertesting.NotFoundError("machine 0/lxc/0")},
			{Error: apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized},
			{Error: apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized},
			{Error: apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized},
Exemplo n.º 4
func (s *withoutStateServerSuite) TestWatchMachineErrorRetry(c *gc.C) {
	s.PatchValue(&provisioner.ErrorRetryWaitDelay, 2*coretesting.ShortWait)
	c.Assert(s.resources.Count(), gc.Equals, 0)

	_, err := s.provisioner.WatchMachineErrorRetry()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	// Verify the resources were registered and stop them when done.
	c.Assert(s.resources.Count(), gc.Equals, 1)
	resource := s.resources.Get("1")
	defer statetesting.AssertStop(c, resource)

	// Check that the Watch has consumed the initial event ("returned"
	// in the Watch call)
	wc := statetesting.NewNotifyWatcherC(c, s.State, resource.(state.NotifyWatcher))

	// We should now get a time triggered change.

	// Make sure WatchMachineErrorRetry fails with a machine agent login.
	anAuthorizer := s.authorizer
	anAuthorizer.MachineAgent = true
	anAuthorizer.EnvironManager = false
	aProvisioner, err := provisioner.NewProvisionerAPI(s.State, s.resources, anAuthorizer)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	result, err := aProvisioner.WatchMachineErrorRetry()
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "permission denied")
	c.Assert(result, gc.DeepEquals, params.NotifyWatchResult{})
Exemplo n.º 5
func (s *withoutStateServerSuite) TestMachinesWithTransientErrorsPermission(c *gc.C) {
	// Machines where there's permission issues are omitted.
	anAuthorizer := s.authorizer
	anAuthorizer.MachineAgent = true
	anAuthorizer.EnvironManager = false
	anAuthorizer.Tag = "machine-1"
	aProvisioner, err := provisioner.NewProvisionerAPI(s.State, s.resources,
	err = s.machines[0].SetStatus(params.StatusStarted, "blah", nil)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	err = s.machines[1].SetStatus(params.StatusError, "transient error",
		params.StatusData{"transient": true, "foo": "bar"})
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	err = s.machines[2].SetStatus(params.StatusError, "error", params.StatusData{"transient": false})
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	err = s.machines[3].SetStatus(params.StatusError, "error", nil)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	result, err := aProvisioner.MachinesWithTransientErrors()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(result, gc.DeepEquals, params.StatusResults{
		Results: []params.StatusResult{
			{Id: "1", Life: "alive", Status: "error", Info: "transient error",
				Data: params.StatusData{"transient": true, "foo": "bar"}},
Exemplo n.º 6
func (s *withoutStateServerSuite) TestSetSupportedContainersPermissions(c *gc.C) {
	// Login as a machine agent for machine 0.
	anAuthorizer := s.authorizer
	anAuthorizer.MachineAgent = true
	anAuthorizer.EnvironManager = false
	anAuthorizer.Tag = s.machines[0].Tag()
	aProvisioner, err := provisioner.NewProvisionerAPI(s.State, s.resources, anAuthorizer)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(aProvisioner, gc.NotNil)

	args := params.MachineContainersParams{
		Params: []params.MachineContainers{{
			MachineTag:     "machine-0",
			ContainerTypes: []instance.ContainerType{instance.LXC},
		}, {
			MachineTag:     "machine-1",
			ContainerTypes: []instance.ContainerType{instance.LXC},
		}, {
			MachineTag:     "machine-42",
			ContainerTypes: []instance.ContainerType{instance.LXC},
	// Only machine 0 can have it's containers updated.
	results, err := aProvisioner.SetSupportedContainers(args)
	c.Assert(results, gc.DeepEquals, params.ErrorResults{
		Results: []params.ErrorResult{
			{Error: nil},
			{Error: apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized},
			{Error: apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized},
Exemplo n.º 7
func (s *withoutStateServerSuite) TestWatchEnvironMachines(c *gc.C) {
	c.Assert(s.resources.Count(), gc.Equals, 0)

	got, err := s.provisioner.WatchEnvironMachines()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	want := params.StringsWatchResult{
		StringsWatcherId: "1",
		Changes:          []string{"0", "1", "2", "3", "4"},
	c.Assert(got.StringsWatcherId, gc.Equals, want.StringsWatcherId)
	c.Assert(got.Changes, jc.SameContents, want.Changes)

	// Verify the resources were registered and stop them when done.
	c.Assert(s.resources.Count(), gc.Equals, 1)
	resource := s.resources.Get("1")
	defer statetesting.AssertStop(c, resource)

	// Check that the Watch has consumed the initial event ("returned"
	// in the Watch call)
	wc := statetesting.NewStringsWatcherC(c, s.State, resource.(state.StringsWatcher))

	// Make sure WatchEnvironMachines fails with a machine agent login.
	anAuthorizer := s.authorizer
	anAuthorizer.MachineAgent = true
	anAuthorizer.EnvironManager = false
	aProvisioner, err := provisioner.NewProvisionerAPI(s.State, s.resources, anAuthorizer)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	result, err := aProvisioner.WatchEnvironMachines()
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "permission denied")
	c.Assert(result, gc.DeepEquals, params.StringsWatchResult{})
Exemplo n.º 8
func (s *withoutStateServerSuite) TestProvisionerFailsWithNonMachineAgentNonManagerUser(c *gc.C) {
	anAuthorizer := s.authorizer
	anAuthorizer.MachineAgent = false
	anAuthorizer.EnvironManager = true
	// Works with an environment manager, which is not a machine agent.
	aProvisioner, err := provisioner.NewProvisionerAPI(s.State, s.resources, anAuthorizer)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(aProvisioner, gc.NotNil)

	// But fails with neither a machine agent or an environment manager.
	anAuthorizer.EnvironManager = false
	aProvisioner, err = provisioner.NewProvisionerAPI(s.State, s.resources, anAuthorizer)
	c.Assert(err, gc.NotNil)
	c.Assert(aProvisioner, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "permission denied")
Exemplo n.º 9
func (s *withoutStateServerSuite) TestEnvironConfigNonManager(c *gc.C) {
	// Now test it with a non-environment manager and make sure
	// the secret attributes are masked.
	anAuthorizer := s.authorizer
	anAuthorizer.MachineAgent = true
	anAuthorizer.EnvironManager = false
	aProvisioner, err := provisioner.NewProvisionerAPI(s.State, s.resources,
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	s.AssertEnvironConfig(c, aProvisioner, commontesting.NoSecrets)
Exemplo n.º 10
func (s *withoutStateServerSuite) TestToolsRefusesWrongAgent(c *gc.C) {
	anAuthorizer := s.authorizer
	anAuthorizer.Tag = "machine-12354"
	anAuthorizer.EnvironManager = false
	anAuthorizer.MachineAgent = true
	aProvisioner, err := provisioner.NewProvisionerAPI(s.State, s.resources, anAuthorizer)
	c.Check(err, gc.IsNil)
	args := params.Entities{
		Entities: []params.Entity{{Tag: s.machines[0].Tag()}},
	results, err := aProvisioner.Tools(args)
	// It is not an error to make the request, but the specific item is rejected
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Check(results.Results, gc.HasLen, 1)
	toolResult := results.Results[0]
	c.Assert(toolResult.Error, gc.DeepEquals, apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized)
Exemplo n.º 11
func (s *provisionerSuite) setUpTest(c *gc.C, withStateServer bool) {

	// Reset previous machines (if any) and create 3 machines
	// for the tests, plus an optional state server machine.
	s.machines = nil
	// Note that the specific machine ids allocated are assumed
	// to be numerically consecutive from zero.
	if withStateServer {
		s.machines = append(s.machines, testing.AddStateServerMachine(c, s.State))
	for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
		machine, err := s.State.AddMachine("quantal", state.JobHostUnits)
		c.Check(err, gc.IsNil)
		s.machines = append(s.machines, machine)

	// Create a FakeAuthorizer so we can check permissions,
	// set up assuming we logged in as the environment manager.
	s.authorizer = apiservertesting.FakeAuthorizer{
		LoggedIn:       true,
		EnvironManager: true,

	// Create the resource registry separately to track invocations to
	// Register.
	s.resources = common.NewResources()

	// Create a provisioner API for the machine.
	provisionerAPI, err := provisioner.NewProvisionerAPI(
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	s.provisioner = provisionerAPI
Exemplo n.º 12
func (s *withoutStateServerSuite) TestLifeAsMachineAgent(c *gc.C) {
	// NOTE: This and the next call serve to test the two
	// different authorization schemes:
	// 1. Machine agents can access their own machine and
	// any container that has their own machine as parent;
	// 2. Environment managers can access any machine without
	// a parent.
	// There's no need to repeat this test for each method,
	// because the authorization logic is common.

	// Login as a machine agent for machine 0.
	anAuthorizer := s.authorizer
	anAuthorizer.MachineAgent = true
	anAuthorizer.EnvironManager = false
	anAuthorizer.Tag = s.machines[0].Tag()
	aProvisioner, err := provisioner.NewProvisionerAPI(s.State, s.resources, anAuthorizer)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(aProvisioner, gc.NotNil)

	// Make the machine dead before trying to add containers.
	err = s.machines[0].EnsureDead()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	// Create some containers to work on.
	template := state.MachineTemplate{
		Series: "quantal",
		Jobs:   []state.MachineJob{state.JobHostUnits},
	var containers []*state.Machine
	for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
		container, err := s.State.AddMachineInsideMachine(template, s.machines[0].Id(), instance.LXC)
		c.Check(err, gc.IsNil)
		containers = append(containers, container)
	// Make one container dead.
	err = containers[1].EnsureDead()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)

	args := params.Entities{Entities: []params.Entity{
		{Tag: s.machines[0].Tag()},
		{Tag: s.machines[1].Tag()},
		{Tag: containers[0].Tag()},
		{Tag: containers[1].Tag()},
		{Tag: containers[2].Tag()},
		{Tag: "machine-42"},
		{Tag: "unit-foo-0"},
		{Tag: "service-bar"},
	result, err := aProvisioner.Life(args)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(result, gc.DeepEquals, params.LifeResults{
		Results: []params.LifeResult{
			{Life: "dead"},
			{Error: apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized},
			{Life: "alive"},
			{Life: "dead"},
			{Life: "alive"},
			{Error: apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized},
			{Error: apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized},
			{Error: apiservertesting.ErrUnauthorized},