Exemplo n.º 1
// runHook executes the supplied hook.Info in an appropriate hook context. If
// the hook itself fails to execute, it returns errHookFailed.
func (u *Uniter) runHook(hi hook.Info) (err error) {
	// Prepare context.
	if err = hi.Validate(); err != nil {
		return err

	hookName := string(hi.Kind)
	relationId := -1
	if hi.Kind.IsRelation() {
		relationId = hi.RelationId
		if hookName, err = u.relationers[relationId].PrepareHook(hi); err != nil {
			return err
	hctxId := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s:%d", u.unit.Name(), hookName, u.rand.Int63())

	lockMessage := fmt.Sprintf("%s: running hook %q", u.unit.Name(), hookName)
	if err = u.acquireHookLock(lockMessage); err != nil {
		return err
	defer u.hookLock.Unlock()

	hctx, err := u.getHookContext(hctxId, relationId, hi.RemoteUnit)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	srv, socketPath, err := u.startJujucServer(hctx)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	defer srv.Close()

	// Run the hook.
	if err := u.writeState(RunHook, Pending, &hi, nil); err != nil {
		return err
	logger.Infof("running %q hook", hookName)
	ranHook := true
	err = hctx.RunHook(hookName, u.charmPath, u.toolsDir, socketPath)
	if IsMissingHookError(err) {
		ranHook = false
	} else if err != nil {
		logger.Errorf("hook failed: %s", err)
		u.notifyHookFailed(hookName, hctx)
		return errHookFailed
	if err := u.writeState(RunHook, Done, &hi, nil); err != nil {
		return err
	if ranHook {
		logger.Infof("ran %q hook", hookName)
		u.notifyHookCompleted(hookName, hctx)
	} else {
		logger.Infof("skipped %q hook (missing)", hookName)
	return u.commitHook(hi)
Exemplo n.º 2
func (s *RelationerSuite) assertHook(c *gc.C, expect hook.Info) {
	// We must ensure the local state dir exists first.
	c.Assert(s.dir.Ensure(), gc.IsNil)
	select {
	case hi, ok := <-s.hooks:
		c.Assert(ok, gc.Equals, true)
		expect.ChangeVersion = hi.ChangeVersion
		c.Assert(hi, gc.DeepEquals, expect)
		c.Assert(s.dir.Write(hi), gc.Equals, nil)
	case <-time.After(coretesting.LongWait):
		c.Fatalf("timed out waiting for %#v", expect)
Exemplo n.º 3
// deploy deploys the supplied charm URL, and sets follow-up hook operation state
// as indicated by reason.
func (u *Uniter) deploy(curl *corecharm.URL, reason Op) error {
	if reason != Install && reason != Upgrade {
		panic(fmt.Errorf("%q is not a deploy operation", reason))
	var hi *hook.Info
	if u.s != nil && (u.s.Op == RunHook || u.s.Op == Upgrade) {
		// If this upgrade interrupts a RunHook, we need to preserve the hook
		// info so that we can return to the appropriate error state. However,
		// if we're resuming (or have force-interrupted) an Upgrade, we also
		// need to preserve whatever hook info was preserved when we initially
		// started upgrading, to ensure we still return to the correct state.
		hi = u.s.Hook
	if u.s == nil || u.s.OpStep != Done {
		// Get the new charm bundle before announcing intention to use it.
		logger.Infof("fetching charm %q", curl)
		sch, err := u.st.Charm(curl)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if err = u.deployer.Stage(sch, u.tomb.Dying()); err != nil {
			return err

		// Set the new charm URL - this returns when the operation is complete,
		// at which point we can refresh the local copy of the unit to get a
		// version with the correct charm URL, and can go ahead and deploy
		// the charm proper.
		if err := u.f.SetCharm(curl); err != nil {
			return err
		if err := u.unit.Refresh(); err != nil {
			return err
		logger.Infof("deploying charm %q", curl)
		if err = u.writeState(reason, Pending, hi, curl); err != nil {
			return err
		if err = u.deployer.Deploy(); err != nil {
			return err
		if err = u.writeState(reason, Done, hi, curl); err != nil {
			return err
	logger.Infof("charm %q is deployed", curl)
	status := Queued
	if hi != nil {
		// If a hook operation was interrupted, restore it.
		status = Pending
	} else {
		// Otherwise, queue the relevant post-deploy hook.
		hi = &hook.Info{}
		switch reason {
		case Install:
			hi.Kind = hooks.Install
		case Upgrade:
			hi.Kind = hooks.UpgradeCharm
	return u.writeState(RunHook, status, hi, nil)
Exemplo n.º 4
func (s *RelationerSuite) TestPrepareCommitHooks(c *gc.C) {
	r := uniter.NewRelationer(s.apiRelUnit, s.dir, s.hooks)
	err := r.Join()
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	ctx := r.Context()
	c.Assert(ctx.UnitNames(), gc.HasLen, 0)

	// Check preparing an invalid hook changes nothing.
	changed := hook.Info{
		Kind:          hooks.RelationChanged,
		RemoteUnit:    "u/1",
		ChangeVersion: 7,
	_, err = r.PrepareHook(changed)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `inappropriate "relation-changed" for "u/1": unit has not joined`)
	c.Assert(ctx.UnitNames(), gc.HasLen, 0)
	c.Assert(s.dir.State().Members, gc.HasLen, 0)

	// Check preparing a valid hook updates the context, but not persistent
	// relation state.
	joined := hook.Info{
		Kind:       hooks.RelationJoined,
		RemoteUnit: "u/1",
	name, err := r.PrepareHook(joined)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(s.dir.State().Members, gc.HasLen, 0)
	c.Assert(name, gc.Equals, "ring-relation-joined")
	c.Assert(ctx.UnitNames(), gc.DeepEquals, []string{"u/1"})

	// Check that preparing the following hook fails as before...
	_, err = r.PrepareHook(changed)
	c.Assert(err, gc.ErrorMatches, `inappropriate "relation-changed" for "u/1": unit has not joined`)
	c.Assert(s.dir.State().Members, gc.HasLen, 0)
	c.Assert(ctx.UnitNames(), gc.DeepEquals, []string{"u/1"})

	// ...but that committing the previous hook updates the persistent
	// relation state...
	err = r.CommitHook(joined)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(s.dir.State().Members, gc.DeepEquals, map[string]int64{"u/1": 0})
	c.Assert(ctx.UnitNames(), gc.DeepEquals, []string{"u/1"})

	// ...and allows us to prepare the next hook...
	name, err = r.PrepareHook(changed)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(name, gc.Equals, "ring-relation-changed")
	c.Assert(s.dir.State().Members, gc.DeepEquals, map[string]int64{"u/1": 0})
	c.Assert(ctx.UnitNames(), gc.DeepEquals, []string{"u/1"})

	// ...and commit it.
	err = r.CommitHook(changed)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(s.dir.State().Members, gc.DeepEquals, map[string]int64{"u/1": 7})
	c.Assert(ctx.UnitNames(), gc.DeepEquals, []string{"u/1"})

	// To verify implied behaviour above, prepare a new joined hook with
	// missing membership information, and check relation context
	// membership is updated appropriately...
	joined.RemoteUnit = "u/2"
	joined.ChangeVersion = 3
	name, err = r.PrepareHook(joined)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(s.dir.State().Members, gc.HasLen, 1)
	c.Assert(name, gc.Equals, "ring-relation-joined")
	c.Assert(ctx.UnitNames(), gc.DeepEquals, []string{"u/1", "u/2"})

	// ...and so is relation state on commit.
	err = r.CommitHook(joined)
	c.Assert(err, gc.IsNil)
	c.Assert(s.dir.State().Members, gc.DeepEquals, map[string]int64{"u/1": 7, "u/2": 3})
	c.Assert(ctx.UnitNames(), gc.DeepEquals, []string{"u/1", "u/2"})