Exemplo n.º 1
// NewRsyslogConfigWorker returns a worker.Worker that watches
// for config changes and updates rsyslog configuration based
// on changes. The worker will remove the configuration file
// on teardown.
func NewRsyslogConfigWorker(st *apirsyslog.State, mode RsyslogMode, tag, namespace string, stateServerAddrs []string) (worker.Worker, error) {
	handler, err := newRsyslogConfigHandler(st, mode, tag, namespace, stateServerAddrs)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	logger.Debugf("starting rsyslog worker mode %v for %q %q", mode, tag, namespace)
	return worker.NewNotifyWorker(handler), nil
Exemplo n.º 2
// NewLogger returns a worker.Worker that uses the notify watcher returned
// from the setup.
func NewLogger(api *logger.State, agentConfig agent.Config) worker.Worker {
	logger := &Logger{
		api:         api,
		agentConfig: agentConfig,
		lastConfig:  loggo.LoggerInfo(),
	log.Debugf("initial log config: %q", logger.lastConfig)
	return worker.NewNotifyWorker(logger)
Exemplo n.º 3
func (s *notifyWorkerSuite) SetUpTest(c *gc.C) {
	s.actor = &notifyHandler{
		actions: nil,
		handled: make(chan struct{}, 1),
		watcher: &testNotifyWatcher{
			changes: make(chan struct{}),
	s.worker = worker.NewNotifyWorker(s.actor)
Exemplo n.º 4
// NewMachineEnvironmentWorker returns a worker.Worker that uses the notify
// watcher returned from the setup.
func NewMachineEnvironmentWorker(api *environment.Facade, agentConfig agent.Config) worker.Worker {
	// We don't write out system files for the local provider on machine zero
	// as that is the host machine.
	writeSystemFiles := (agentConfig.Tag() != names.MachineTag("0") ||
		agentConfig.Value(agent.ProviderType) != provider.Local)
	logger.Debugf("write system files: %v", writeSystemFiles)
	envWorker := &MachineEnvironmentWorker{
		api:              api,
		writeSystemFiles: writeSystemFiles,
		first:            true,
	return worker.NewNotifyWorker(envWorker)
Exemplo n.º 5
func (s *notifyWorkerSuite) TestHandleErrorStopsWorkerAndWatcher(c *gc.C) {
	actor := &notifyHandler{
		actions:      nil,
		handled:      make(chan struct{}, 1),
		handlerError: fmt.Errorf("my handling error"),
		watcher: &testNotifyWatcher{
			changes: make(chan struct{}),
	w := worker.NewNotifyWorker(actor)
	waitForHandledNotify(c, actor.handled)
	err := waitShort(c, w)
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "my handling error")
	actor.CheckActions(c, "setup", "handler", "teardown")
	c.Check(actor.watcher.stopped, jc.IsTrue)
Exemplo n.º 6
func (s *notifyWorkerSuite) TestSetUpFailureStopsWithTearDown(c *gc.C) {
	// Stop the worker and SetUp again, this time with an error
	actor := &notifyHandler{
		actions:    nil,
		handled:    make(chan struct{}, 1),
		setupError: fmt.Errorf("my special error"),
		watcher: &testNotifyWatcher{
			changes: make(chan struct{}),
	w := worker.NewNotifyWorker(actor)
	err := waitShort(c, w)
	c.Check(err, gc.ErrorMatches, "my special error")
	// TearDown is not called on SetUp error.
	actor.CheckActions(c, "setup")
	c.Check(actor.watcher.stopped, jc.IsTrue)
Exemplo n.º 7
// NewWorker returns a worker that keeps track of
// the machine's authorised ssh keys and ensures the
// ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file is up to date.
func NewWorker(st *keyupdater.State, agentConfig agent.Config) worker.Worker {
	kw := &keyupdaterWorker{st: st, tag: agentConfig.Tag()}
	return worker.NewNotifyWorker(kw)
Exemplo n.º 8
// NewMachiner returns a Worker that will wait for the identified machine
// to become Dying and make it Dead; or until the machine becomes Dead by
// other means.
func NewMachiner(st *machiner.State, agentConfig agent.Config) worker.Worker {
	mr := &Machiner{st: st, tag: agentConfig.Tag()}
	return worker.NewNotifyWorker(mr)
Exemplo n.º 9
// NewAPIAddressUpdater returns a worker.Worker that runs state.Cleanup()
// if the CleanupWatcher signals documents marked for deletion.
func NewAPIAddressUpdater(addresser APIAddresser, setter APIAddressSetter) worker.Worker {
	return worker.NewNotifyWorker(&APIAddressUpdater{
		addresser: addresser,
		setter:    setter,
Exemplo n.º 10
// NewCleaner returns a worker.Worker that runs state.Cleanup()
// if the CleanupWatcher signals documents marked for deletion.
func NewCleaner(st *state.State) worker.Worker {
	return worker.NewNotifyWorker(&Cleaner{st: st})