// ApplyMods changes a SAML message by applying an array of xpath expressions and a value
//     If the value is "" the nodes are unlinked
//     if the value starts with "+ " the the node content is prefixed with the rest of the value
//     Otherwise the node content is replaced with the value
func ApplyMods(xp *gosaml.Xp, m mods) {
	//log.Printf("%+v\n", m)
	for _, change := range m {
		if change.value == "" {
			//log.Printf("changeval: '%s'\n", change.value)
			for _, element := range xp.Query(nil, change.path) {
				//log.Printf("unlink: %s\n", change.path)
		} else if strings.HasPrefix(change.value, "+ ") {
			for _, element := range xp.Query(nil, change.path) {
				value := xp.NodeGetContent(element)
				xp.NodeSetContent(element, strings.Fields(change.value)[1]+value)
		} else {
			xp.QueryDashP(nil, change.path, change.value, nil)