func TestPruneNoopTransformer(t *testing.T) {
	g := Graph{Path: RootModulePath}

	a := &testGraphNodeNoop{NameValue: "A"}
	b := &testGraphNodeNoop{NameValue: "B", Value: true}
	c := &testGraphNodeNoop{NameValue: "C"}

	g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(a, b))
	g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(b, c))

		tf := &PruneNoopTransformer{}
		if err := tf.Transform(&g); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)

	actual := strings.TrimSpace(g.String())
	expected := strings.TrimSpace(testTransformPruneNoopStr)
	if actual != expected {
		t.Fatalf("bad:\n\n%s", actual)
func TestVertexTransformer(t *testing.T) {
	var g Graph
	g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(1, 2))
	g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(2, 3))

		tf := &VertexTransformer{
			Transforms: []GraphVertexTransformer{
				&testVertexTransform{Source: 2, Target: 42},
		if err := tf.Transform(&g); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)

	actual := strings.TrimSpace(g.String())
	expected := strings.TrimSpace(testVertexTransformerStr)
	if actual != expected {
		t.Fatalf("bad: %s", actual)
Exemplo n.º 3
func (t *ProxyTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
	for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
		pn, ok := v.(GraphNodeProxy)
		if !ok {

		// If we don't want to be proxies, don't do it
		if !pn.Proxy() {

		// Connect all the things that depend on this to things that
		// we depend on as the proxy. See docs for GraphNodeProxy for
		// a visual explanation.
		for _, s := range g.UpEdges(v).List() {
			for _, t := range g.DownEdges(v).List() {
					Edge: dag.BasicEdge(s, t),

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 4
// ConnectFrom creates an edge by finding the source from a DependableName
// and connecting it to the specific vertex.
func (g *Graph) ConnectFrom(source string, target dag.Vertex) {

	if source := g.dependableMap[source]; source != nil {
		g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(source, target))
func TestExpandTransform(t *testing.T) {
	var g Graph
	g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(1, 2))

	tf := &ExpandTransform{}
	out, err := tf.Transform(&testExpandable{
		Result: &g,
	if err != nil {
		t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)

	sn, ok := out.(GraphNodeSubgraph)
	if !ok {
		t.Fatalf("not subgraph: %#v", out)

	actual := strings.TrimSpace(sn.Subgraph().String())
	expected := strings.TrimSpace(testExpandTransformStr)
	if actual != expected {
		t.Fatalf("bad: %s", actual)
Exemplo n.º 6
func (t *PruneNoopTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
	// Find the leaves.
	leaves := make([]dag.Vertex, 0, 10)
	for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
		if g.DownEdges(v).Len() == 0 {
			leaves = append(leaves, v)

	// Do a depth first walk from the leaves and remove things.
	return g.ReverseDepthFirstWalk(leaves, func(v dag.Vertex, depth int) error {
		// We need a prunable
		pn, ok := v.(GraphNodeNoopPrunable)
		if !ok {
			return nil

		// Start building the noop opts
		path := g.Path
		if pn, ok := v.(GraphNodeSubPath); ok {
			path = pn.Path()

		var modDiff *ModuleDiff
		var modState *ModuleState
		if t.Diff != nil {
			modDiff = t.Diff.ModuleByPath(path)
		if t.State != nil {
			modState = t.State.ModuleByPath(path)

		// Determine if its a noop. If it isn't, just return
		noop := pn.Noop(&NoopOpts{
			Graph:    g,
			Vertex:   v,
			Diff:     t.Diff,
			State:    t.State,
			ModDiff:  modDiff,
			ModState: modState,
		if !noop {
			return nil

		// It is a noop! We first preserve edges.
		up := g.UpEdges(v).List()
		for _, downV := range g.DownEdges(v).List() {
			for _, upV := range up {
				g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(upV, downV))

		// Then remove it

		return nil
func TestModuleInputTransformer(t *testing.T) {
	var g Graph
	g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(1, 2))
	g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(1, 3))

		tf := &ModuleInputTransformer{}
		if err := tf.Transform(&g); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)

	actual := strings.TrimSpace(g.String())
	expected := strings.TrimSpace(testModuleInputTransformStr)
	if actual != expected {
		t.Fatalf("bad:\n\n%s", actual)
func TestProxyTransformer(t *testing.T) {
	var g Graph
	proxy := &testNodeProxy{NameValue: "proxy"}
	g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge("A", proxy))
	g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(proxy, "C"))

		tf := &ProxyTransformer{}
		if err := tf.Transform(&g); err != nil {
			t.Fatalf("err: %s", err)

	actual := strings.TrimSpace(g.String())
	expected := strings.TrimSpace(testProxyTransformStr)
	if actual != expected {
		t.Fatalf("bad: %s", actual)
Exemplo n.º 9
// ConnectTo connects a vertex to a raw string of targets that are the
// result of DependableName, and returns the list of targets that are missing.
func (g *Graph) ConnectTo(v dag.Vertex, targets []string) []string {

	var missing []string
	for _, t := range targets {
		if dest := g.dependableMap[t]; dest != nil {
			g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(v, dest))
		} else {
			missing = append(missing, t)

	return missing
Exemplo n.º 10
func (t *CloseProviderTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
	pm := providerVertexMap(g)
	cpm := closeProviderVertexMap(g)
	var err error
	for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
		if pv, ok := v.(GraphNodeProviderConsumer); ok {
			for _, p := range pv.ProvidedBy() {
				source := cpm[p]

				if source == nil {
					// Create a new graphNodeCloseProvider and add it to the graph
					source = &graphNodeCloseProvider{ProviderNameValue: p}

					// Close node needs to depend on provider
					provider, ok := pm[p]
					if !ok {
						err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf(
							"%s: provider %s couldn't be found for closing",
							dag.VertexName(v), p))
					g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(source, provider))

					// Make sure we also add the new graphNodeCloseProvider to the map
					// so we don't create and add any duplicate graphNodeCloseProviders.
					cpm[p] = source

				// Close node depends on all nodes provided by the provider
				g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(source, v))

	return err
Exemplo n.º 11
func (t *ModuleInputTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
	// Create the node
	n := &graphNodeModuleInput{Variables: t.Variables}

	// Add it to the graph

	// Connect the inputs to the bottom of the graph so that it happens
	// first.
	for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
		if v == n {

		if g.DownEdges(v).Len() == 0 {
			g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(v, n))

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 12
func (t *ProviderTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
	// Go through the other nodes and match them to providers they need
	var err error
	m := providerVertexMap(g)
	for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
		if pv, ok := v.(GraphNodeProviderConsumer); ok {
			for _, p := range pv.ProvidedBy() {
				target := m[p]
				if target == nil {
					err = multierror.Append(err, fmt.Errorf(
						"%s: provider %s couldn't be found",
						dag.VertexName(v), p))

				g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(v, target))

	return err
Exemplo n.º 13
func (t *RootTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
	// If we already have a good root, we're done
	if _, err := g.Root(); err == nil {
		return nil

	// Add a root
	var root graphNodeRoot

	// Connect the root to all the edges that need it
	for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
		if v == root {

		if g.UpEdges(v).Len() == 0 {
			g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(root, v))

	return nil
func (t *CloseProvisionerTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
	m := closeProvisionerVertexMap(g)
	for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
		if pv, ok := v.(GraphNodeProvisionerConsumer); ok {
			for _, p := range pv.ProvisionedBy() {
				source := m[p]

				if source == nil {
					// Create a new graphNodeCloseProvisioner and add it to the graph
					source = &graphNodeCloseProvisioner{ProvisionerNameValue: p}

					// Make sure we also add the new graphNodeCloseProvisioner to the map
					// so we don't create and add any duplicate graphNodeCloseProvisioners.
					m[p] = source

				g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(source, v))

	return nil
Exemplo n.º 15
func (t *DestroyTransformer) transform(
	g *Graph, mode GraphNodeDestroyMode) ([]dag.Edge, []dag.Edge, error) {
	var connect, remove []dag.Edge
	nodeToCn := make(map[dag.Vertex]dag.Vertex, len(g.Vertices()))
	nodeToDn := make(map[dag.Vertex]dag.Vertex, len(g.Vertices()))
	for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
		// If it is not a destroyable, we don't care
		cn, ok := v.(GraphNodeDestroyable)
		if !ok {

		// Grab the destroy side of the node and connect it through
		n := cn.DestroyNode(mode)
		if n == nil {

		// Store it
		nodeToCn[n] = cn
		nodeToDn[cn] = n

		// If the creation node is equal to the destroy node, then
		// don't do any of the edge jump rope below.
		if n.(interface{}) == cn.(interface{}) {

		// Add it to the graph

		// Inherit all the edges from the old node
		downEdges := g.DownEdges(v).List()
		for _, edgeRaw := range downEdges {
			// If this thing specifically requests to not be depended on
			// by destroy nodes, then don't.
			if i, ok := edgeRaw.(GraphNodeDestroyEdgeInclude); ok &&
				!i.DestroyEdgeInclude(v) {

			g.Connect(dag.BasicEdge(n, edgeRaw.(dag.Vertex)))

		// Add a new edge to connect the node to be created to
		// the destroy node.
		connect = append(connect, dag.BasicEdge(v, n))

	// Go through the nodes we added and determine if they depend
	// on any nodes with a destroy node. If so, depend on that instead.
	for n, _ := range nodeToCn {
		for _, downRaw := range g.DownEdges(n).List() {
			target := downRaw.(dag.Vertex)
			cn2, ok := target.(GraphNodeDestroyable)
			if !ok {

			newTarget := nodeToDn[cn2]
			if newTarget == nil {

			// Make the new edge and transpose
			connect = append(connect, dag.BasicEdge(newTarget, n))

			// Remove the old edge
			remove = append(remove, dag.BasicEdge(n, target))

	return connect, remove, nil
Exemplo n.º 16
func (t *CreateBeforeDestroyTransformer) Transform(g *Graph) error {
	// We "stage" the edge connections/destroys in these slices so that
	// while we're doing the edge transformations (transpositions) in
	// the graph, we're not affecting future edge transpositions. These
	// slices let us stage ALL the changes that WILL happen so that all
	// of the transformations happen atomically.
	var connect, destroy []dag.Edge

	for _, v := range g.Vertices() {
		// We only care to use the destroy nodes
		dn, ok := v.(GraphNodeDestroy)
		if !ok {

		// If the node doesn't need to create before destroy, then continue
		if !dn.CreateBeforeDestroy() {

		// Get the creation side of this node
		cn := dn.CreateNode()

		// Take all the things which depend on the creation node and
		// make them dependencies on the destruction. Clarifying this
		// with an example: if you have a web server and a load balancer
		// and the load balancer depends on the web server, then when we
		// do a create before destroy, we want to make sure the steps are:
		// 1.) Create new web server
		// 2.) Update load balancer
		// 3.) Delete old web server
		// This ensures that.
		for _, sourceRaw := range g.UpEdges(cn).List() {
			source := sourceRaw.(dag.Vertex)

			// If the graph has a "root" node (one added by a RootTransformer and not
			// just a resource that happens to have no ancestors), we don't want to
			// add any edges to it, because then it ceases to be a root.
			if _, ok := source.(graphNodeRoot); ok {

			connect = append(connect, dag.BasicEdge(dn, source))

		// Swap the edge so that the destroy depends on the creation
		// happening...
		connect = append(connect, dag.BasicEdge(dn, cn))
		destroy = append(destroy, dag.BasicEdge(cn, dn))

	for _, edge := range connect {
	for _, edge := range destroy {

	return nil