Exemplo n.º 1
// AccessMerkleTree opens the Merkle tree stored in the DB. There should never be two different
// MerkleTree objects accessing the same tree.
func AccessMerkleTree(db kv.DB, prefix []byte, treeNonce []byte) (*MerkleTree, error) {
	// read the allocation count out of the DB
	allocCounterKey := append(append([]byte(nil), prefix...), AllocCounterKey...)
	val, err := db.Get(allocCounterKey)
	var allocCount uint64
	if err == db.ErrNotFound() {
		allocCount = 0
	} else if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	} else if len(val) != 8 {
		log.Panicf("bad alloc counter")
	} else {
		allocCount = binary.LittleEndian.Uint64(val)
	return &MerkleTree{
		treeNonce:       treeNonce,
		db:              db,
		nodeKeyPrefix:   append(append([]byte(nil), prefix...), NodePrefix),
		allocCounterKey: allocCounterKey,
		allocCounter:    allocCount,
	}, nil