Exemplo n.º 1
func (s *Server) register() {
	if _, err := s.topo.CreateProxyInfo(&s.info); err != nil {
		log.PanicErrorf(err, "create proxy node failed")
	if _, err := s.topo.CreateProxyFenceNode(&s.info); err != nil && err != zk.ErrNodeExists {
		log.PanicErrorf(err, "create fence node failed")
	log.Warn("********** Attention **********")
	log.Warn("You should use `kill {pid}` rather than `kill -9 {pid}` to stop me,")
	log.Warn("or the node resisted on zk will not be cleaned when I'm quiting and you must remove it manually")
Exemplo n.º 2
func (t *MigrateTask) rollbackPremigrate() {
	if s, err := models.GetSlot(t.zkConn, t.productName, t.SlotId); err == nil && s.State.Status == models.SLOT_STATUS_PRE_MIGRATE {
		s.State.Status = models.SLOT_STATUS_ONLINE
		err = s.Update(t.zkConn)
		if err != nil {
			log.Warn("rollback premigrate failed", err)
		} else {
			log.Infof("rollback slot %d from premigrate to online\n", s.Id)
Exemplo n.º 3
func createDashboardNode() error {

	// make sure root dir is exists
	rootDir := fmt.Sprintf("/zk/codis/db_%s", globalEnv.ProductName())
	zkhelper.CreateRecursive(safeZkConn, rootDir, "", 0, zkhelper.DefaultDirACLs())

	zkPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s/dashboard", rootDir)
	// make sure we're the only one dashboard
	if exists, _, _ := safeZkConn.Exists(zkPath); exists {
		data, _, _ := safeZkConn.Get(zkPath)
		return errors.New("dashboard already exists: " + string(data))

	content := fmt.Sprintf(`{"addr": "%v", "pid": %v}`, globalEnv.DashboardAddr(), os.Getpid())
	pathCreated, err := safeZkConn.Create(zkPath, []byte(content), 0, zkhelper.DefaultFileACLs())
	createdDashboardNode = true
	log.Infof("dashboard node created: %v, %s", pathCreated, string(content))
	log.Warn("********** Attention **********")
	log.Warn("You should use `kill {pid}` rather than `kill -9 {pid}` to stop me,")
	log.Warn("or the node resisted on zk will not be cleaned when I'm quiting and you must remove it manually")
	return errors.Trace(err)
Exemplo n.º 4
func WaitForReceiverWithTimeout(zkConn zkhelper.Conn, productName string, actionZkPath string, proxies []ProxyInfo, timeoutInMs int) error {
	if len(proxies) == 0 {
		return nil

	times := 0
	proxyIds := make(map[string]bool)
	for _, p := range proxies {
		proxyIds[p.Id] = true
	// check every 500ms
	for times < timeoutInMs/500 {
		if times >= 6 && (times*500)%1000 == 0 {
			log.Warnf("abnormal waiting time for receivers: %s %v", actionZkPath, proxyIds)
		// get confirm ids
		nodes, _, err := zkConn.Children(actionZkPath)
		if err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
		for _, node := range nodes {
			id := path.Base(node)
			delete(proxyIds, id)
		if len(proxyIds) == 0 {
			return nil
		time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
	log.Warn("proxies didn't responed: ", proxyIds)
	// set offline proxies
	for id, _ := range proxyIds {
		log.Errorf("mark proxy %s to PROXY_STATE_MARK_OFFLINE", id)
		if err := SetProxyStatus(zkConn, productName, id, PROXY_STATE_MARK_OFFLINE); err != nil {
			return errors.Trace(err)
	return ErrReceiverTimeout