Exemplo n.º 1
// NewTxPool creates a new TxPool. It's not operational until it's Open'd.
func NewTxPool(
	name string,
	txStatsPrefix string,
	capacity int,
	timeout time.Duration,
	poolTimeout time.Duration,
	idleTimeout time.Duration,
	enablePublishStats bool,
	qStats *QueryServiceStats) *TxPool {

	txStatsName := ""
	if enablePublishStats {
		txStatsName = txStatsPrefix + "Transactions"

	axp := &TxPool{
		pool:              NewConnPool(name, capacity, idleTimeout, enablePublishStats, qStats),
		activePool:        pools.NewNumbered(),
		lastID:            sync2.NewAtomicInt64(time.Now().UnixNano()),
		timeout:           sync2.NewAtomicDuration(timeout),
		poolTimeout:       sync2.NewAtomicDuration(poolTimeout),
		ticks:             timer.NewTimer(timeout / 10),
		txStats:           stats.NewTimings(txStatsName),
		queryServiceStats: qStats,
	// Careful: pool also exports name+"xxx" vars,
	// but we know it doesn't export Timeout.
	if enablePublishStats {
		stats.Publish(name+"Timeout", stats.DurationFunc(axp.timeout.Get))
		stats.Publish(name+"PoolTimeout", stats.DurationFunc(axp.poolTimeout.Get))
	return axp
Exemplo n.º 2
// NewTabletServer creates an instance of TabletServer. Only one instance
// of TabletServer can be created per process.
func NewTabletServer(config Config) *TabletServer {
	tsv := &TabletServer{
		config:              config,
		QueryTimeout:        sync2.NewAtomicDuration(time.Duration(config.QueryTimeout * 1e9)),
		BeginTimeout:        sync2.NewAtomicDuration(time.Duration(config.TxPoolTimeout * 1e9)),
		checkMySQLThrottler: sync2.NewSemaphore(1, 0),
		streamHealthMap:     make(map[int]chan<- *querypb.StreamHealthResponse),
		sessionID:           Rand(),
		history:             history.New(10),
	tsv.qe = NewQueryEngine(tsv, config)
	tsv.invalidator = NewRowcacheInvalidator(config.StatsPrefix, tsv, tsv.qe, config.EnablePublishStats)
	if config.EnablePublishStats {
		stats.Publish(config.StatsPrefix+"TabletState", stats.IntFunc(func() int64 {
			state := tsv.state
			return state
		stats.Publish(config.StatsPrefix+"QueryTimeout", stats.DurationFunc(tsv.QueryTimeout.Get))
		stats.Publish(config.StatsPrefix+"BeginTimeout", stats.DurationFunc(tsv.BeginTimeout.Get))
		stats.Publish(config.StatsPrefix+"TabletStateName", stats.StringFunc(tsv.GetState))
	return tsv
Exemplo n.º 3
// NewResourcePool creates a new ResourcePool pool.
// capacity is the number of active resources in the pool:
// there can be up to 'capacity' of these at a given time.
// maxCap specifies the extent to which the pool can be resized
// in the future through the SetCapacity function.
// You cannot resize the pool beyond maxCap.
// If a resource is unused beyond idleTimeout, it's discarded.
// An idleTimeout of 0 means that there is no timeout.
func NewResourcePool(factory Factory, capacity, maxCap int, idleTimeout time.Duration) *ResourcePool {
	if capacity <= 0 || maxCap <= 0 || capacity > maxCap {
		panic(errors.New("invalid/out of range capacity"))
	rp := &ResourcePool{
		resources:   make(chan resourceWrapper, maxCap),
		factory:     factory,
		capacity:    sync2.NewAtomicInt64(int64(capacity)),
		idleTimeout: sync2.NewAtomicDuration(idleTimeout),
	for i := 0; i < capacity; i++ {
		rp.resources <- resourceWrapper{}
	return rp