Exemplo n.º 1
// Find returns the route for the symbol referenced by col.
// If a reference is found, the column's Metadata is set to point
// it. Subsequent searches will reuse this meatadata.
// If autoResolve is true, and there is only one table in the symbol table,
// then an unqualified reference is assumed to be implicitly against
// that table. The table info doesn't contain the full list of columns.
// So, any column reference is presumed valid. If a Colsyms scope is
// present, then the table scope is not searched. If a symbol is found
// in the current symtab, then isLocal is set to true. Otherwise, the
// search is continued in the outer symtab. If so, isLocal will be set
// to false. If the symbol was not found, an error is returned.
// isLocal must be checked before you can push-down (or pull-out)
// a construct.
// If a symbol was found in an outer scope, then the column reference
// is added to the Externs field.
func (st *symtab) Find(col *sqlparser.ColName, autoResolve bool) (rb *route, isLocal bool, err error) {
	if m, ok := col.Metadata.(sym); ok {
		return m.Route(), m.Symtab() == st, nil
	if len(st.Colsyms) != 0 {
		name := sqlparser.String(col)
		starname := sqlparser.String(&sqlparser.ColName{
			Name:      sqlparser.NewColIdent("*"),
			Qualifier: col.Qualifier,
		for _, colsym := range st.Colsyms {
			if colsym.Alias.EqualString(name) || colsym.Alias.EqualString(starname) || colsym.Alias.EqualString("*") {
				col.Metadata = colsym
				return colsym.Route(), true, nil
		if st.Outer != nil {
			// autoResolve only allowed for innermost scope.
			rb, _, err = st.Outer.Find(col, false)
			if err == nil {
				st.Externs = append(st.Externs, col)
			return rb, false, err
		return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("symbol %s not found", sqlparser.String(col))
	qualifier := sqlparser.TableIdent(sqlparser.String(col.Qualifier))
	if qualifier == "" && autoResolve && len(st.tables) == 1 {
		for _, t := range st.tables {
			qualifier = t.Alias
	alias := st.findTable(qualifier)
	if alias == nil {
		if st.Outer != nil {
			// autoResolve only allowed for innermost scope.
			rb, _, err = st.Outer.Find(col, false)
			if err == nil {
				st.Externs = append(st.Externs, col)
			return rb, false, err
		return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("symbol %s not found", sqlparser.String(col))
	col.Metadata = alias
	return alias.Route(), true, nil
Exemplo n.º 2
// PushStar pushes the '*' expression into the route.
func (rb *route) PushStar(expr *sqlparser.StarExpr) *colsym {
	colsym := newColsym(rb, rb.Symtab())
	colsym.Alias = sqlparser.NewColIdent(sqlparser.String(expr))
	rb.Select.SelectExprs = append(rb.Select.SelectExprs, expr)
	rb.Colsyms = append(rb.Colsyms, colsym)
	return colsym
Exemplo n.º 3
// split splits the query into multiple queries. validateQuery() must return
// nil error before split() is called.
func (qs *QuerySplitter) split(columnType querypb.Type, pkMinMax *sqltypes.Result) ([]querytypes.QuerySplit, error) {
	boundaries, err := qs.splitBoundaries(columnType, pkMinMax)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	splits := []querytypes.QuerySplit{}
	// No splits, return the original query as a single split
	if len(boundaries) == 0 {
		splits = append(splits, querytypes.QuerySplit{
			Sql:           qs.sql,
			BindVariables: qs.bindVariables,
	} else {
		boundaries = append(boundaries, sqltypes.Value{})
		whereClause := qs.sel.Where
		// Loop through the boundaries and generated modified where clauses
		start := sqltypes.Value{}
		for _, end := range boundaries {
			bindVars := make(map[string]interface{}, len(qs.bindVariables))
			for k, v := range qs.bindVariables {
				bindVars[k] = v
			qs.sel.Where = qs.getWhereClause(whereClause, bindVars, start, end)
			split := &querytypes.QuerySplit{
				Sql:           sqlparser.String(qs.sel),
				BindVariables: bindVars,
				RowCount:      qs.rowCount,
			splits = append(splits, *split)
			start = end
		qs.sel.Where = whereClause // reset where clause
	return splits, err
Exemplo n.º 4
// GetStreamExecPlan generates a ExecPlan given a sql query and a TableGetter.
func GetStreamExecPlan(sql string, getTable TableGetter) (plan *ExecPlan, err error) {
	statement, err := sqlparser.Parse(sql)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	plan = &ExecPlan{
		PlanID:    PlanSelectStream,
		FullQuery: GenerateFullQuery(statement),

	switch stmt := statement.(type) {
	case *sqlparser.Select:
		if stmt.Lock != "" {
			return nil, errors.New("select with lock not allowed for streaming")
		tableName, _ := analyzeFrom(stmt.From)
		// This will block usage of NEXTVAL.
		if tableName == "dual" {
			return nil, errors.New("select from dual not allowed for streaming")
		if tableName != "" {
			plan.setTableInfo(tableName, getTable)

	case *sqlparser.Union:
		// pass
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("'%v' not allowed for streaming", sqlparser.String(stmt))

	return plan, nil
Exemplo n.º 5
func analyzeSelectExprs(exprs sqlparser.SelectExprs, table *schema.Table) (selects []int, err error) {
	selects = make([]int, 0, len(exprs))
	for _, expr := range exprs {
		switch expr := expr.(type) {
		case *sqlparser.StarExpr:
			// Append all columns.
			for colIndex := range table.Columns {
				selects = append(selects, colIndex)
		case *sqlparser.NonStarExpr:
			name := sqlparser.GetColName(expr.Expr)
			if name == "" {
				// Not a simple column name.
				return nil, nil
			colIndex := table.FindColumn(name)
			if colIndex == -1 {
				return nil, fmt.Errorf("column %s not found in table %s", name, table.Name)
			selects = append(selects, colIndex)
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("unsupported construct: %s", sqlparser.String(expr))
	return selects, nil
Exemplo n.º 6
// asInterface is similar to sqlparser.AsInterface, but it converts
// numeric and string types to native go types.
func asInterface(node sqlparser.ValExpr) (interface{}, error) {
	switch node := node.(type) {
	case sqlparser.ValTuple:
		vals := make([]interface{}, 0, len(node))
		for _, val := range node {
			v, err := asInterface(val)
			if err != nil {
				return nil, err
			vals = append(vals, v)
		return vals, nil
	case sqlparser.ValArg:
		return string(node), nil
	case sqlparser.ListArg:
		return string(node), nil
	case sqlparser.StrVal:
		return []byte(node), nil
	case sqlparser.NumVal:
		val := string(node)
		signed, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 0, 64)
		if err == nil {
			return signed, nil
		unsigned, err := strconv.ParseUint(val, 0, 64)
		if err == nil {
			return unsigned, nil
		return nil, err
	case *sqlparser.NullVal:
		return nil, nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v is not a value", sqlparser.String(node))
Exemplo n.º 7
// split splits the query into multiple queries. validateQuery() must return
// nil error before split() is called.
func (qs *QuerySplitter) split(pkMinMax *mproto.QueryResult) []proto.QuerySplit {
	boundaries := qs.getSplitBoundaries(pkMinMax)
	splits := []proto.QuerySplit{}
	// No splits, return the original query as a single split
	if len(boundaries) == 0 {
		split := &proto.QuerySplit{
			Query: *qs.query,
		splits = append(splits, *split)
	} else {
		// Loop through the boundaries and generated modified where clauses
		start := sqltypes.Value{}
		clauses := []*sqlparser.Where{}
		for _, end := range boundaries {
			clauses = append(clauses, qs.getWhereClause(start, end))
			start.Inner = end.Inner
		clauses = append(clauses, qs.getWhereClause(start, sqltypes.Value{}))
		// Generate one split per clause
		for _, clause := range clauses {
			sel := qs.sel
			sel.Where = clause
			q := &proto.BoundQuery{
				Sql:           sqlparser.String(sel),
				BindVariables: qs.query.BindVariables,
			split := &proto.QuerySplit{
				Query:    *q,
				RowCount: qs.rowCount,
			splits = append(splits, *split)
	return splits
Exemplo n.º 8
// GetStreamExecPlan generates a ExecPlan given a sql query and a TableGetter.
func GetStreamExecPlan(sql string, getTable TableGetter) (plan *ExecPlan, err error) {
	statement, err := sqlparser.Parse(sql)
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	plan = &ExecPlan{
		FullQuery: GenerateFullQuery(statement),

	switch stmt := statement.(type) {
	case *sqlparser.Select:
		if stmt.Lock != "" {
			return nil, errors.New("select with lock disallowed with streaming")
		tableName, _ := analyzeFrom(stmt.From)
		if tableName != "" {
			plan.setTableInfo(tableName, getTable)

	case *sqlparser.Union:
		// pass
		return nil, fmt.Errorf("'%v' not allowed for streaming", sqlparser.String(stmt))

	return plan, nil
Exemplo n.º 9
// buildInitialQuery returns the initial query to execute to get the
// initial boundary tuple.
// If the query to split (given in splitParams.sql) is
//    "SELECT <select exprs> FROM <table> WHERE <where>",
// the Sql field of the result will be:
// "SELECT sc_1,sc_2,...,sc_n FROM <table>
//                            WHERE <where>
//                            LIMIT splitParams.numRowsPerQueryPart, 1",
// The BindVariables field of the result will contain a deep-copy of splitParams.BindVariables.
func buildInitialQuery(splitParams *SplitParams) *querytypes.BoundQuery {
	resultSelectAST := buildInitialQueryAST(splitParams)
	return &querytypes.BoundQuery{
		Sql:           sqlparser.String(resultSelectAST),
		BindVariables: cloneBindVariables(splitParams.bindVariables),
Exemplo n.º 10
// PushSelect pushes the select expression into the route.
func (rb *route) PushSelect(expr *sqlparser.NonStarExpr, _ *route) (colsym *colsym, colnum int, err error) {
	colsym = newColsym(rb, rb.Symtab())
	colsym.Alias = expr.As
	if col, ok := expr.Expr.(*sqlparser.ColName); ok {
		// If no alias was specified, then the base name
		// of the column becomes the alias.
		if colsym.Alias.Original() == "" {
			colsym.Alias = col.Name
		// We should always allow other parts of the query to reference
		// the fully qualified name of the column.
		if tab, ok := col.Metadata.(*tabsym); ok {
			colsym.QualifiedName = sqlparser.NewColIdent(sqlparser.String(tab.Alias) + "." + col.Name.Original())
		colsym.Vindex = rb.Symtab().Vindex(col, rb, true)
		colsym.Underlying = newColref(col)
	} else {
		if rb.IsRHS {
			return nil, 0, errors.New("unsupported: complex left join and column expressions")
		// We should ideally generate an alias based on the
		// expression, but we currently don't have the ability
		// to reference such expressions. So, we leave the
		// alias blank.
	rb.Select.SelectExprs = append(rb.Select.SelectExprs, expr)
	rb.Colsyms = append(rb.Colsyms, colsym)
	return colsym, len(rb.Colsyms) - 1, nil
Exemplo n.º 11
// processAliasedTable produces a builder subtree for the given AliasedTableExpr.
// If the expression is a subquery, then the the route built for it will contain
// the entire subquery tree in the from clause, as if it was a table.
// The symtab entry for the query will be a tabsym where the columns
// will be built from the select expressions of the subquery.
// Since the table aliases only contain vindex columns, we'll follow
// the same rule: only columns from the subquery that are identified as
// vindex columns will be added to the tabsym.
// A symtab symbol can only point to a route. This means that we canoot
// support complex joins in subqueries yet.
func processAliasedTable(tableExpr *sqlparser.AliasedTableExpr, vschema VSchema) (builder, error) {
	switch expr := tableExpr.Expr.(type) {
	case *sqlparser.TableName:
		eroute, table, err := getTablePlan(expr, vschema)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		alias := sqlparser.SQLName(sqlparser.String(expr))
		astName := expr.Name
		if tableExpr.As != "" {
			alias = tableExpr.As
			astName = alias
		return newRoute(
		), nil
	case *sqlparser.Subquery:
		sel, ok := expr.Select.(*sqlparser.Select)
		if !ok {
			return nil, errors.New("unsupported: union operator in subqueries")
		subplan, err := processSelect(sel, vschema, nil)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		subroute, ok := subplan.(*route)
		if !ok {
			return nil, errors.New("unsupported: complex join in subqueries")
		table := &vindexes.Table{
			Keyspace: subroute.ERoute.Keyspace,
		for _, colsyms := range subroute.Colsyms {
			if colsyms.Vindex == nil {
			table.ColVindexes = append(table.ColVindexes, &vindexes.ColVindex{
				Col:    string(colsyms.Alias),
				Vindex: colsyms.Vindex,
		rtb := newRoute(
		subroute.Redirect = rtb
		return rtb, nil
Exemplo n.º 12
// buildIndexPlan adds the insert value to the Values field for the specified ColumnVindex.
// This value will be used at the time of insert to validate the vindex value.
func buildIndexPlan(colVindex *vindexes.ColumnVindex, rowNum int, row sqlparser.ValTuple, pos int) (interface{}, error) {
	val, err := valConvert(row[pos])
	if err != nil {
		return val, fmt.Errorf("could not convert val: %s, pos: %d: %v", sqlparser.String(row[pos]), pos, err)
	row[pos] = sqlparser.ValArg([]byte(":_" + colVindex.Column.Original() + strconv.Itoa(rowNum)))
	return val, nil
Exemplo n.º 13
// PushStar pushes the '*' expression into the route.
func (rb *route) PushStar(expr *sqlparser.StarExpr) *colsym {
	colsym := newColsym(rb, rb.Symtab())
	// This is not perfect, but it should be good enough.
	// We'll match unqualified column names against Alias
	// and qualified column names against QualifiedName.
	// If someone uses 'select *' and then uses table.col
	// in the HAVING clause, then things won't match. But
	// such cases are easy to correct in the application.
	if expr.TableName == "" {
		colsym.Alias = sqlparser.NewColIdent(sqlparser.String(expr))
	} else {
		colsym.QualifiedName = sqlparser.NewColIdent(sqlparser.String(expr))
	rb.Select.SelectExprs = append(rb.Select.SelectExprs, expr)
	rb.Colsyms = append(rb.Colsyms, colsym)
	return colsym
Exemplo n.º 14
// buildIndexPlan adds the insert value to the Values field for the specified ColVindex.
// This value will be used at the time of insert to validate the vindex value.
func buildIndexPlan(ins *sqlparser.Insert, colVindex *vindexes.ColVindex, route *engine.Route) error {
	row, pos := findOrInsertPos(ins, colVindex.Col)
	val, err := valConvert(row[pos])
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not convert val: %s, pos: %d: %v", sqlparser.String(row[pos]), pos, err)
	route.Values = append(route.Values.([]interface{}), val)
	row[pos] = sqlparser.ValArg([]byte(":_" + colVindex.Col))
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 15
// MarshalJSON marshals RouteBuilder into a readable form.
// It's used for testing and diagnostics. The representation
// cannot be used to reconstruct a RouteBuilder.
func (rtb *RouteBuilder) MarshalJSON() ([]byte, error) {
	marshalRoute := struct {
		From  string `json:",omitempty"`
		Order int
		Route *Route
		From:  sqlparser.String(rtb.From),
		Order: rtb.order,
		Route: rtb.Route,
	return json.Marshal(marshalRoute)
Exemplo n.º 16
// buildNonInitialQuery returns the non-initial query to execute to get the
// noninitial boundary tuples.
// If the query to split (given in splitParams.sql) is
//    "SELECT <select exprs> FROM <table> WHERE <where>",
// the Sql field of the result will be:
// "SELECT sc_1,sc_2,...,sc_n FROM <table>
//                            WHERE (<where>) AND (:prev_sc_1,...,:prev_sc_n) <= (sc_1,...,sc_n)
//                            LIMIT splitParams.numRowsPerQueryPart, 1",
// where sc_1,...,sc_n are the split columns,
// and :prev_sc_1,...,:_prev_sc_n are the bind variable names for the previous tuple.
// The BindVariables field of the result will contain a deep-copy of splitParams.BindVariables.
// The new "prev_<sc>" bind variables are not populated yet.
func buildNoninitialQuery(
	splitParams *SplitParams, prevBindVariableNames []string) *querytypes.BoundQuery {
	resultSelectAST := buildInitialQueryAST(splitParams)
			false /* strict */))
	return &querytypes.BoundQuery{
		Sql:           sqlparser.String(resultSelectAST),
		BindVariables: cloneBindVariables(splitParams.bindVariables),
Exemplo n.º 17
// initQueryPartSQLs initializes the firstQueryPartSQL, middleQueryPartSQL and lastQueryPartSQL
// fields.
func (splitter *Splitter) initQueryPartSQLs() {
	splitColumns := convertColumnsToValExpr(splitter.algorithm.getSplitColumns())
	startBindVariables := convertBindVariableNamesToValExpr(splitter.startBindVariableNames)
	endBindVariables := convertBindVariableNamesToValExpr(splitter.endBindVariableNames)
	splitColsLessThanEnd := constructTupleInequality(
		true /* strict */)
	splitColsGreaterThanOrEqualToStart := constructTupleInequality(
		false /* not strict */)

	splitter.firstQueryPartSQL = sqlparser.String(
		queryWithAdditionalWhere(splitter.splitParams.selectAST, splitColsLessThanEnd))
	splitter.middleQueryPartSQL = sqlparser.String(
				Left:  &sqlparser.ParenBoolExpr{Expr: splitColsGreaterThanOrEqualToStart},
				Right: &sqlparser.ParenBoolExpr{Expr: splitColsLessThanEnd},
	splitter.lastQueryPartSQL = sqlparser.String(
		queryWithAdditionalWhere(splitter.splitParams.selectAST, splitColsGreaterThanOrEqualToStart))
Exemplo n.º 18
Arquivo: dml.go Projeto: CowLeo/vitess
// generateDeleteSubquery generates the query to fetch the rows
// that will be deleted. This allows VTGate to clean up any
// owned vindexes as needed.
func generateDeleteSubquery(del *sqlparser.Delete, table *vindexes.Table) string {
	if len(table.Owned) == 0 {
		return ""
	buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil)
	buf.WriteString("select ")
	prefix := ""
	for _, cv := range table.Owned {
		prefix = ", "
	fmt.Fprintf(buf, " from %s", table.Name)
	buf.WriteString(" for update")
	return buf.String()
Exemplo n.º 19
func buildAutoIncrementPlan(ins *sqlparser.Insert, autoinc *vindexes.AutoIncrement, route *engine.Route, rowValue []interface{}, rowNum int) (interface{}, []interface{}, error) {
	var autoIncVal interface{}
	// If it's also a colvindex, we have to add a redirect from route.Values.
	// Otherwise, we have to redirect from row[pos].
	if autoinc.ColumnVindexNum >= 0 {
		autoIncVal = rowValue[autoinc.ColumnVindexNum]
		rowValue[autoinc.ColumnVindexNum] = ":" + engine.SeqVarName + strconv.Itoa(rowNum)
		return autoIncVal, rowValue, nil
	row, pos := findOrInsertPos(ins, autoinc.Column, rowNum)
	val, err := valConvert(row[pos])
	if err != nil {
		return autoIncVal, rowValue, fmt.Errorf("could not convert val: %s, pos: %d: %v", sqlparser.String(row[pos]), pos, err)
	autoIncVal = val
	row[pos] = sqlparser.ValArg([]byte(":" + engine.SeqVarName + strconv.Itoa(rowNum)))

	return autoIncVal, rowValue, nil
Exemplo n.º 20
// PushSelect pushes the select expression into the route.
func (rb *route) PushSelect(expr *sqlparser.NonStarExpr, _ *route) (colsym *colsym, colnum int, err error) {
	colsym = newColsym(rb, rb.Symtab())
	if expr.As.Original() != "" {
		colsym.Alias = expr.As
	if col, ok := expr.Expr.(*sqlparser.ColName); ok {
		if colsym.Alias.Original() == "" {
			colsym.Alias = sqlparser.NewColIdent(sqlparser.String(col))
		colsym.Vindex = rb.Symtab().Vindex(col, rb, true)
		colsym.Underlying = newColref(col)
	} else {
		if rb.IsRHS {
			return nil, 0, errors.New("unsupported: complex left join and column expressions")
	rb.Select.SelectExprs = append(rb.Select.SelectExprs, expr)
	rb.Colsyms = append(rb.Colsyms, colsym)
	return colsym, len(rb.Colsyms) - 1, nil
Exemplo n.º 21
func buildAutoincPlan(ins *sqlparser.Insert, autoinc *vindexes.Autoinc, route *engine.Route) error {
	route.Generate = &engine.Generate{
		Opcode:   engine.SelectUnsharded,
		Keyspace: autoinc.Sequence.Keyspace,
		Query:    fmt.Sprintf("select next value from `%s`", autoinc.Sequence.Name),
	// If it's also a colvindex, we have to add a redirect from route.Values.
	// Otherwise, we have to redirect from row[pos].
	if autoinc.ColVindexNum >= 0 {
		route.Generate.Value = route.Values.([]interface{})[autoinc.ColVindexNum]
		route.Values.([]interface{})[autoinc.ColVindexNum] = ":" + engine.SeqVarName
		return nil
	row, pos := findOrInsertPos(ins, autoinc.Col)
	val, err := valConvert(row[pos])
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not convert val: %s, pos: %d: %v", sqlparser.String(row[pos]), pos, err)
	route.Generate.Value = val
	row[pos] = sqlparser.ValArg([]byte(":" + engine.SeqVarName))
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 22
func buildIndexPlan(ins *sqlparser.Insert, tablename string, colVindex *ColVindex, plan *Plan) error {
	pos := -1
	for i, column := range ins.Columns {
		if colVindex.Col == sqlparser.GetColName(column.(*sqlparser.NonStarExpr).Expr) {
			pos = i
	if pos == -1 {
		pos = len(ins.Columns)
		ins.Columns = append(ins.Columns, &sqlparser.NonStarExpr{Expr: &sqlparser.ColName{Name: sqlparser.SQLName(colVindex.Col)}})
		ins.Rows.(sqlparser.Values)[0] = append(ins.Rows.(sqlparser.Values)[0].(sqlparser.ValTuple), &sqlparser.NullVal{})
	row := ins.Rows.(sqlparser.Values)[0].(sqlparser.ValTuple)
	val, err := asInterface(row[pos])
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("could not convert val: %s, pos: %d: %v", sqlparser.String(row[pos]), pos, err)
	plan.Values = append(plan.Values.([]interface{}), val)
	row[pos] = sqlparser.ValArg([]byte(fmt.Sprintf(":_%s", colVindex.Col)))
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 23
// valConvert converts an AST value to the Value field in the route.
func valConvert(node sqlparser.ValExpr) (interface{}, error) {
	switch node := node.(type) {
	case sqlparser.ValArg:
		return string(node), nil
	case sqlparser.StrVal:
		return []byte(node), nil
	case sqlparser.NumVal:
		val := string(node)
		signed, err := strconv.ParseInt(val, 0, 64)
		if err == nil {
			return signed, nil
		unsigned, err := strconv.ParseUint(val, 0, 64)
		if err == nil {
			return unsigned, nil
		return nil, err
	case *sqlparser.NullVal:
		return nil, nil
	return nil, fmt.Errorf("%v is not a value", sqlparser.String(node))
Exemplo n.º 24
// Interprets the parsed node and correctly encodes the primary key values.
func encodePKValues(tuple sqlparser.ValTuple, insertid int64) (rowPk []interface{}, newinsertid int64, err error) {
	for _, pkVal := range tuple {
		switch pkVal := pkVal.(type) {
		case sqlparser.StrVal:
			rowPk = append(rowPk, []byte(pkVal))
		case sqlparser.NumVal:
			valstr := string(pkVal)
			if ival, err := strconv.ParseInt(valstr, 0, 64); err == nil {
				rowPk = append(rowPk, ival)
			} else if uval, err := strconv.ParseUint(valstr, 0, 64); err == nil {
				rowPk = append(rowPk, uval)
			} else {
				return nil, insertid, err
		case *sqlparser.NullVal:
			rowPk = append(rowPk, insertid)
			return nil, insertid, fmt.Errorf("unexpected token: '%v'", sqlparser.String(pkVal))
	return rowPk, insertid, nil
Exemplo n.º 25
func TestGetWhereClause(t *testing.T) {
	splitter := &QuerySplitter{}
	sql := "select * from test_table where count > :count"
	statement, _ := sqlparser.Parse(sql)
	splitter.sel, _ = statement.(*sqlparser.Select)
	splitter.splitColumn = "id"

	// no boundary case, start = end = nil, should not change the where clause
	nilValue := sqltypes.Value{}
	clause := splitter.getWhereClause(nilValue, nilValue)
	want := " where count > :count"
	got := sqlparser.String(clause)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("incorrect where clause for nil ranges, got:%v, want:%v", got, want)

	// Set lower bound, should add the lower bound condition to where clause
	start, _ := sqltypes.BuildValue(20)
	clause = splitter.getWhereClause(start, nilValue)
	want = " where count > :count and id >= 20"
	got = sqlparser.String(clause)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("incorrect where clause, got:%v, want:%v", got, want)

	// Set upper bound, should add the upper bound condition to where clause
	end, _ := sqltypes.BuildValue(40)
	clause = splitter.getWhereClause(nilValue, end)
	want = " where count > :count and id < 40"
	got = sqlparser.String(clause)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("incorrect where clause, got:%v, want:%v", got, want)

	// Set both bounds, should add two conditions to where clause
	clause = splitter.getWhereClause(start, end)
	want = " where count > :count and id >= 20 and id < 40"
	got = sqlparser.String(clause)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("incorrect where clause, got:%v, want:%v", got, want)

	// Original query with no where clause
	sql = "select * from test_table"
	statement, _ = sqlparser.Parse(sql)
	splitter.sel, _ = statement.(*sqlparser.Select)

	// no boundary case, start = end = nil should return no where clause
	clause = splitter.getWhereClause(nilValue, nilValue)
	want = ""
	got = sqlparser.String(clause)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("incorrect where clause for nil ranges, got:%v, want:%v", got, want)

	// Set both bounds, should add two conditions to where clause
	clause = splitter.getWhereClause(start, end)
	want = " where id >= 20 and id < 40"
	got = sqlparser.String(clause)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("incorrect where clause, got:%v, want:%v", got, want)
Exemplo n.º 26
func TestGetWhereClause(t *testing.T) {
	splitter := &QuerySplitter{}
	sql := "select * from test_table where count > :count"
	statement, _ := sqlparser.Parse(sql)
	splitter.sel, _ = statement.(*sqlparser.Select)
	splitter.splitColumn = "id"
	bindVars := make(map[string]interface{})
	// no boundary case, start = end = nil, should not change the where clause
	nilValue := sqltypes.Value{}
	clause := splitter.getWhereClause(splitter.sel.Where, bindVars, nilValue, nilValue)
	want := " where count > :count"
	got := sqlparser.String(clause)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("incorrect where clause for nil ranges, got:%v, want:%v", got, want)

	// Set lower bound, should add the lower bound condition to where clause
	startVal := int64(20)
	start, _ := sqltypes.BuildValue(startVal)
	bindVars = make(map[string]interface{})
	bindVars[":count"] = 300
	clause = splitter.getWhereClause(splitter.sel.Where, bindVars, start, nilValue)
	want = " where (count > :count) and (id >= :" + startBindVarName + ")"
	got = sqlparser.String(clause)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("incorrect where clause, got:%v, want:%v", got, want)
	v, ok := bindVars[startBindVarName]
	if !ok {
		t.Fatalf("bind var: %s not found got: nil, want: %v", startBindVarName, startVal)
	if v != startVal {
		t.Fatalf("bind var: %s not found got: %v, want: %v", startBindVarName, v, startVal)
	// Set upper bound, should add the upper bound condition to where clause
	endVal := int64(40)
	end, _ := sqltypes.BuildValue(endVal)
	bindVars = make(map[string]interface{})
	clause = splitter.getWhereClause(splitter.sel.Where, bindVars, nilValue, end)
	want = " where (count > :count) and (id < :" + endBindVarName + ")"
	got = sqlparser.String(clause)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("incorrect where clause, got:%v, want:%v", got, want)
	v, ok = bindVars[endBindVarName]
	if !ok {
		t.Fatalf("bind var: %s not found got: nil, want: %v", endBindVarName, endVal)
	if v != endVal {
		t.Fatalf("bind var: %s not found got: %v, want: %v", endBindVarName, v, endVal)

	// Set both bounds, should add two conditions to where clause
	bindVars = make(map[string]interface{})
	clause = splitter.getWhereClause(splitter.sel.Where, bindVars, start, end)
	want = fmt.Sprintf(" where (count > :count) and (id >= :%s and id < :%s)", startBindVarName, endBindVarName)
	got = sqlparser.String(clause)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("incorrect where clause, got:%v, want:%v", got, want)

	// Original query with no where clause
	sql = "select * from test_table"
	statement, _ = sqlparser.Parse(sql)
	splitter.sel, _ = statement.(*sqlparser.Select)
	bindVars = make(map[string]interface{})
	// no boundary case, start = end = nil should return no where clause
	clause = splitter.getWhereClause(splitter.sel.Where, bindVars, nilValue, nilValue)
	want = ""
	got = sqlparser.String(clause)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("incorrect where clause for nil ranges, got:%v, want:%v", got, want)
	bindVars = make(map[string]interface{})
	// Set both bounds, should add two conditions to where clause
	clause = splitter.getWhereClause(splitter.sel.Where, bindVars, start, end)
	want = fmt.Sprintf(" where id >= :%s and id < :%s", startBindVarName, endBindVarName)
	got = sqlparser.String(clause)
	if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
		t.Errorf("incorrect where clause, got:%v, want:%v", got, want)
	v, ok = bindVars[startBindVarName]
	if !ok {
		t.Fatalf("bind var: %s not found got: nil, want: %v", startBindVarName, startVal)
	if v != startVal {
		t.Fatalf("bind var: %s not found got: %v, want: %v", startBindVarName, v, startVal)
	v, ok = bindVars[endBindVarName]
	if !ok {
		t.Fatalf("bind var: %s not found got: nil, want: %v", endBindVarName, endVal)
	if v != endVal {
		t.Fatalf("bind var: %s not found got: %v, want: %v", endBindVarName, v, endVal)
Exemplo n.º 27
// processAliasedTable produces a builder subtree for the given AliasedTableExpr.
// If the expression is a subquery, then the the route built for it will contain
// the entire subquery tree in the from clause, as if it was a table.
// The symtab entry for the query will be a tabsym where the columns
// will be built from the select expressions of the subquery.
// Since the table aliases only contain vindex columns, we'll follow
// the same rule: only columns from the subquery that are identified as
// vindex columns will be added to the tabsym.
// A symtab symbol can only point to a route. This means that we canoot
// support complex joins in subqueries yet.
func processAliasedTable(tableExpr *sqlparser.AliasedTableExpr, vschema VSchema) (builder, error) {
	switch expr := tableExpr.Expr.(type) {
	case *sqlparser.TableName:
		eroute, table, err := getTablePlan(expr, vschema)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		alias := sqlparser.TableIdent(sqlparser.String(expr))
		astName := expr.Name
		if tableExpr.As != "" {
			alias = tableExpr.As
			astName = alias
		return newRoute(
		), nil
	case *sqlparser.Subquery:
		sel, ok := expr.Select.(*sqlparser.Select)
		if !ok {
			return nil, errors.New("unsupported: union operator in subqueries")
		subplan, err := processSelect(sel, vschema, nil)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		subroute, ok := subplan.(*route)
		if !ok {
			return nil, errors.New("unsupported: complex join in subqueries")
		table := &vindexes.Table{
			Keyspace: subroute.ERoute.Keyspace,
		for _, colsyms := range subroute.Colsyms {
			if colsyms.Vindex == nil {
			// Check if a colvindex of the same name already exists.
			// Dups are not allowed in subqueries in this situation.
			for _, colVindex := range table.ColumnVindexes {
				if colVindex.Column.Equal(cistring.CIString(colsyms.Alias)) {
					return nil, fmt.Errorf("duplicate column aliases: %v", colsyms.Alias)
			table.ColumnVindexes = append(table.ColumnVindexes, &vindexes.ColumnVindex{
				Column: cistring.CIString(colsyms.Alias),
				Vindex: colsyms.Vindex,
		rtb := newRoute(
		subroute.Redirect = rtb
		return rtb, nil
Exemplo n.º 28
func Fuzz(data []byte) int {
	stmt, err := sqlparser.Parse(string(data))
	if err != nil {
		if stmt != nil {
			panic("stmt is not nil on error")
		return 0
	if true {
		data1 := sqlparser.String(stmt)
		stmt1, err := sqlparser.Parse(data1)
		if err != nil {
			fmt.Printf("data0: %q\n", data)
			fmt.Printf("data1: %q\n", data1)
		if !fuzz.DeepEqual(stmt, stmt1) {
			fmt.Printf("data0: %q\n", data)
			fmt.Printf("data1: %q\n", data1)
			panic("not equal")
	} else {
	if sel, ok := stmt.(*sqlparser.Select); ok {
		var nodes []sqlparser.SQLNode
		for _, x := range sel.From {
			nodes = append(nodes, x)
		for _, x := range sel.From {
			nodes = append(nodes, x)
		for _, x := range sel.SelectExprs {
			nodes = append(nodes, x)
		for _, x := range sel.GroupBy {
			nodes = append(nodes, x)
		for _, x := range sel.OrderBy {
			nodes = append(nodes, x)
		nodes = append(nodes, sel.Where)
		nodes = append(nodes, sel.Having)
		nodes = append(nodes, sel.Limit)
		for _, n := range nodes {
			if n == nil {
			if x, ok := n.(sqlparser.SimpleTableExpr); ok {
			if x, ok := n.(sqlparser.Expr); ok {
			if x, ok := n.(sqlparser.ValExpr); ok {
			if x, ok := n.(sqlparser.ValExpr); ok {
			if x, ok := n.(sqlparser.ValExpr); ok {
			if x, ok := n.(sqlparser.ValExpr); ok {
			if x, ok := n.(sqlparser.BoolExpr); ok {
	buf := sqlparser.NewTrackedBuffer(nil)
	pq := buf.ParsedQuery()
	vars := map[string]interface{}{
		"A": 42,
		"B": 123123123,
		"C": "",
		"D": "a",
		"E": "foobar",
		"F": 1.1,
	return 1