Exemplo n.º 1
func sendJabberNotification(ctx httputil.Context, u string, test entities.TestResult) (err error) {
	//exit early if we have no url
	if u == "" {

	//make sure we have configuration values
	if Config.Username == "" || Config.Domain == "" || Config.Password == "" {
		ctx.Errorf("Unable to send notification (%s): configuration not specified", test.ImportPath)

	ctx.Infof("Send jabber notification (%s): %s", test.ImportPath, u)

	//open a tcp connection to the jabber server
	netConn, err := net.Dial("tcp", "talk.google.com:5222")
	if err != nil {
	defer netConn.Close()

	//use that connection in the xmpp config and dial out
	config := &xmpp.Config{Conn: netConn}
	conn, err := xmpp.Dial("", Config.Username, Config.Domain, Config.Password, config)
	if err != nil {

	//send off the message
	message := fmt.Sprintf("%s @ %s status is now %s", test.ImportPath, test.Revision, test.Status)
	err = conn.Send(u, message)
Exemplo n.º 2
//dispatchWork is the handler that gets called for a queue item. It grabs a builder
//and runner and dispatches the work item to them, recoding when that operation
func dispatchWork(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ctx httputil.Context) (e *httputil.Error) {
	//find all the documents that are waiting or (processing and their attempt is
	//taking too long)
	type L []interface{}
	selector := bson.M{
		"$or": L{
			bson.M{"status": entities.WorkStatusWaiting},
				"status":            entities.WorkStatusProcessing,
				"attemptlog.0.when": bson.M{"$lt": time.Now().Add(-1 * attemptTime)},
	iter := ctx.DB.C("Work").Find(selector).Iter()

	var work entities.Work
	for iter.Next(&work) {
		//if its a processing task with too many attempts, store it as a dispatch
		if len(work.AttemptLog) >= maxAttempts {
			ctx.Infof("Work item %s had too many attempts", work.ID)
			args := &rpc.DispatchResponse{
				Key:     work.ID.Hex(),
				Error:   "Unable to complete Work item. Too many failed attempts.",
				WorkRev: work.Revision,

			//send it off to the response rpc
			respUrl := httputil.Absolute(router.Lookup("Response"))
			cl := client.New(respUrl, http.DefaultClient, client.JsonCodec)
			if err := cl.Call("Response.DispatchError", args, new(rpc.None)); err != nil {
				ctx.Infof("Couldn't store a dispatch error for work item %s: %s", work.ID, err)


		//attempt to dispatch the work item
		err := dispatchWorkItem(ctx, work)
		if err != nil {
			ctx.Errorf("Error dispatching work: %s", err)

	//check for errors running the iteration
	if err := iter.Err(); err != nil {
		ctx.Errorf("Error iterating over work items: %s", err)
		e = httputil.Errorf(err, "Error iterating over work items")

Exemplo n.º 3
func sendUrlNotification(ctx httputil.Context, u string, test entities.TestResult) (err error) {
	//exit early if we have no url
	if u == "" {

	ctx.Infof("Send url notification (%s): %s", test.ImportPath, u)

	//set up the json payload
	var buf bytes.Buffer
	if err = json.NewEncoder(&buf).Encode(test); err != nil {

	//send off the request
	_, err = http.Post(u, "application/json", &buf)

Exemplo n.º 4
//LeasePair returns a pair of Builder and Runners that can be used to run tests.
//It doesn't let you specify the type of runner you want.
func LeasePair(ctx httputil.Context) (b *Builder, r *Runner, err error) {
	//grab a runner
	r, err = getRunner(ctx, "", "")
	if err != nil {
		ctx.Infof("couldn't lease runner")

	//update the key we're using
	lastSeeds.set("", "", "Runner", r.Seed)

	//grab a builder than can make a build for this runner
	b, err = getBuilder(ctx, r.GOOS, r.GOARCH)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.Infof("couldn't lease builder")

	//update the key we're using
	lastSeeds.set(r.GOOS, r.GOARCH, "Builder", b.Seed)

Exemplo n.º 5
//getService is a helper function that abstracts the logic of grabbing a service
//with a key greater than the one given, and looping back to zero if one wasn't
func getService(ctx httputil.Context, GOOS, GOARCH, Type string, s interface{}) (err error) {
	//grab the most recent run key
	seed := lastSeeds.get(GOOS, GOARCH, Type)
	ctx.Infof("Finding a %v/%v/%v [%d]", Type, GOOS, GOARCH, seed)
	//run the query
	query := baseQuery(ctx.DB, GOOS, GOARCH, Type, seed)
	err = query.One(s)

	//if we didn't find a match
	if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {

		//try again if we're limiting on the seed
		if seed > 0 {
			seed = 0
			goto again

		//there just arent any
		err = ErrNoneAvailable

Exemplo n.º 6
func dispatchNotifications(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, ctx httputil.Context) (e *httputil.Error) {
	//find all documents that are waiting or (processing and their attempt is
	//taking too long)
	type L []interface{}
	selector := bson.M{
		"$or": L{
			bson.M{"status": entities.NotifStatusWaiting},
				"status":            entities.NotifStatusProcessing,
				"attemptlog.0.when": bson.M{"$lt": time.Now().Add(-1 * attemptTime)},
	iter := ctx.DB.C("Notification").Find(selector).Iter()

	var n entities.Notification
	for iter.Next(&n) {
		//if it's processing with too may attempts then just give up
		if len(n.AttemptLog) >= maxAttempts {
			ctx.Infof("Notification %s had too many attempts", n.ID)

			ops := []txn.Op{{
				C:  "Notification",
				Id: n.ID,
				Assert: bson.M{
					"status":   entities.NotifStatusProcessing,
					"revision": n.Revision,
				Update: bson.M{
					"$set": bson.M{"status": entities.NotifStatusError},
					"$inc": bson.M{"revision": 1},

			//try to update the notification
			err := ctx.R.Run(ops, bson.NewObjectId(), nil)
			if err == txn.ErrAborted {
				ctx.Infof("Lost race updating notification %s", n.ID)
				err = nil
			if err != nil {
				ctx.Errorf("Error updating notification %s: %s", n.ID, err)


		err := dispatchNotificationItem(ctx, &n)
		if err != nil {
			ctx.Errorf("Error processing notification %s: %s", n.ID, err)

		//update the thing as being done
		ops := []txn.Op{{
			C:  "Notification",
			Id: n.ID,
			Assert: bson.M{
				"revision": n.Revision,
			Update: bson.M{
				"$inc": bson.M{"revision": 1},
				"$set": bson.M{"status": entities.NotifStatusCompleted},

		err = ctx.R.Run(ops, bson.NewObjectId(), nil)
		if err == txn.ErrAborted {
			ctx.Infof("Lost the race setting the notification %s to complete", n.ID)
			err = nil
		if err != nil {
			ctx.Errorf("Error setting notification %s to complete: %s", n.ID, err)

	//check for errors in the iteration
	if err := iter.Err(); err != nil {
		ctx.Errorf("Error iterating over notifications: %s", err)
		e = httputil.Errorf(err, "Error iterating over notifications")

Exemplo n.º 7
func dispatchNotificationItem(ctx httputil.Context, n *entities.Notification) (err error) {
	//create an attempt for this notification
	a := entities.NotifAttempt{
		When: time.Now(),
		ID:   bson.NewObjectId(),

	//push it to the start
	log := append([]entities.NotifAttempt{a}, n.AttemptLog...)

	//transactionally acquire ownership of this notification
	ops := []txn.Op{{
		C:  "Notification",
		Id: n.ID,
		Assert: bson.M{
			"revision": n.Revision,
		Update: bson.M{
			"$inc": bson.M{"revision": 1},
			"$set": bson.M{
				"attemptlog": log,
				"status":     entities.NotifStatusProcessing,

	err = ctx.R.Run(ops, bson.NewObjectId(), nil)
	if err == txn.ErrAborted {
		ctx.Infof("Lost the race dispatching a notification")
		err = nil
	if err != nil {

	//inc the revision locally

	//try to load up the last two test results to see if there was a delta.
	var test entities.TestResult
	err = ctx.DB.C("TestResult").FindId(n.Test).One(&test)
	if err != nil {

	//attempt to grab the test previous to it
	var oneResult bool
	var prev entities.TestResult
	query := bson.M{
		"revdate": bson.M{"$lt": test.RevDate},
	err = ctx.DB.C("TestResult").Find(query).Sort("-revdate").One(&prev)
	if err == mgo.ErrNotFound {
		err = nil
		oneResult = true
	if err != nil {

	//figure out if we meet the conditions to notify
	var perform bool
	switch strings.ToLower(n.Config.NotifyOn) {
	case "pass":
		perform = test.Status == "Pass"
	case "fail":
		perform = test.Status == "Fail"
	case "error":
		perform = test.Status == "Error"
	case "wontbuild":
		perform = test.Status == "WontBuild"
	case "problem":
		perform = false ||
			test.Status == "Fail" ||
			test.Status == "Error" ||
			test.Status == "WontBuild"
	case "always":
		perform = true
	case "change":
		perform = !oneResult && test.Status != prev.Status

	//if we have nothing to perform, we're done
	if !perform {

	//do the url and jabber concurrently
	errs := make(chan error)
	go func() { errs <- sendUrlNotification(ctx, n.Config.NotifyURL, test) }()
	go func() { errs <- sendJabberNotification(ctx, n.Config.NotifyJabber, test) }()

	//store the errors from it
	var me multiError
	for i := 0; i < 2; i++ {
		me = append(me, <-errs)
	if !me.isNil() {
		err = me

Exemplo n.º 8
func dispatchWorkItem(ctx httputil.Context, work entities.Work) (err error) {
	//lease a builder and runner
	builder, runner, err := tracker.LeasePair(ctx)
	if err != nil {

	log.Printf("Got:\nBuilder: %+v\nRunner: %+v", builder, runner)

	//create an attempt
	a := entities.WorkAttempt{
		When:    time.Now(),
		Builder: builder.URL,
		Runner:  runner.URL,
		ID:      bson.NewObjectId(),

	//push the new attempt at the start of the array
	log := append([]entities.WorkAttempt{a}, work.AttemptLog...)

	//transactionally acquire ownership of the document
	ops := []txn.Op{{
		C:  "Work",
		Id: work.ID,
		Assert: bson.M{
			"revision": work.Revision,
		Update: bson.M{
			"$inc": bson.M{"revision": 1},
			"$set": bson.M{
				"attemptlog": log,
				"status":     entities.WorkStatusProcessing,

	err = ctx.R.Run(ops, bson.NewObjectId(), nil)
	if err == txn.ErrAborted {
		ctx.Infof("Lost the race dispatching a work item")
		err = nil
	if err != nil {

	//build the task
	task := &rpc.BuilderTask{
		Work:     work.Work,
		Key:      work.ID.Hex(),
		ID:       a.ID.Hex(),
		WorkRev:  work.Revision + 1,
		Runner:   runner.URL,
		Response: httputil.Absolute(router.Lookup("Response")),

	//send the task off to the builder queue
	cl := client.New(builder.URL, http.DefaultClient, client.JsonCodec)
	err = cl.Call("BuilderQueue.Push", task, new(rpc.None))
