Exemplo n.º 1
func (this *Mesh) VertexData() *Opengl.OpenGLVertexInfo {
	vertexData := Opengl.OpenGLVertexInfo{}

	for _, face := range this.Faces {
		for idx, vIdx := range face.V {
			c := this.Materials[face.Material].Diffuse
			v := this.Vs[vIdx]
			vdID := vertexData.NewVertex(v.X, v.Y, v.Z)
			vertexData.SetColor(vdID, c.R, c.G, c.B, 1)

			tex := this.Materials[face.Material].DiffuseTex

			if len(face.UV) == 0 || tex == "" {
				vertexData.SetMode(vdID, Opengl.NO_TEXTURE)
			} else {

				imgSec := Image.GetImageSection(GT.AssetsImages + tex)

				if imgSec == nil {
					Logging.Info("Cannot open: ", GT.AssetsImages+tex, " For Mat: ", face.Material)


				// uvs
				u := this.VTs[face.UV[idx]].U
				v := this.VTs[face.UV[idx]].V


				// x starts from left to right
				locX := int(float32(imgSec.Bounds().Dx()) * u)
				// y starts bottom to top so we need to convert.
				locY := int(float32(imgSec.Bounds().Max.Y) - float32(imgSec.Bounds().Dy())*v)

				locX += imgSec.Section.Min.X
				locY += imgSec.Section.Min.Y

				newU, newV := Image.GetUVFromPosition(image.Point{locX, locY})

				vertexData.SetUV(vdID, newU, newV)

				vertexData.SetMode(vdID, Opengl.TEXTURED)

				// set normals
				nX := this.VNs[face.VN[idx]].X
				nY := this.VNs[face.VN[idx]].Y
				nZ := this.VNs[face.VN[idx]].Z

				vertexData.SetMNormal(vdID, nX, nY, nZ)
				vertexData.SetWNormal(vdID, nX, nY, nZ)

	return &vertexData
Exemplo n.º 2
func (this *Image) VertexData() *Opengl.OpenGLVertexInfo {
	v := Opengl.OpenGLVertexInfo{}

	w := float32(this.Bounds().Dx())
	h := float32(this.Bounds().Dy())

	// first tri
	idx := v.NewVertex(-0.5*w, -0.5*h, 1.0)
	v.SetUV(idx, this.uvs[0], this.uvs[1])
	v.SetAggregateId(idx, this.aggrId)

	idx = v.NewVertex(0.5*w, -0.5*h, 1.0)
	v.SetUV(idx, this.uvs[2], this.uvs[3])
	v.SetAggregateId(idx, this.aggrId)

	idx = v.NewVertex(-0.5*w, 0.5*h, 1.0)
	v.SetUV(idx, this.uvs[6], this.uvs[7])
	v.SetAggregateId(idx, this.aggrId)

	// second tri
	idx = v.NewVertex(-0.5*w, 0.5*h, 1.0)
	v.SetUV(idx, this.uvs[6], this.uvs[7])
	v.SetAggregateId(idx, this.aggrId)

	idx = v.NewVertex(0.5*w, -0.5*h, 1.0)
	v.SetUV(idx, this.uvs[2], this.uvs[3])
	v.SetAggregateId(idx, this.aggrId)

	idx = v.NewVertex(0.5*w, 0.5*h, 1.0)
	v.SetUV(idx, this.uvs[4], this.uvs[5])
	v.SetAggregateId(idx, this.aggrId)

	return &v