Exemplo n.º 1
func (r *Rasterizer) Fill(img *image.Alpha, p Polygon, nonZeroWindingRule bool) {
	r.table = make([]*Intersection, img.Bounds().Dy())
	var xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax float64
	xmin = p[0]
	ymin = p[1]
	xmax = xmin
	ymax = ymin
	var x, y float64
	for i := 2; i < len(p); i += 2 {
		x, y = p[i], p[i+1]
		if x > xmax {
			xmax = x
		} else if x < xmin {
			xmin = x
		if y > ymax {
			ymax = y
		} else if y < ymin {
			ymin = y
	prevX, prevY := p[0], p[1]
	for i := 2; i < len(p); i += 2 {
		x, y = p[i], p[i+1]
		r.edge(prevX, prevY, x, y)
		prevX, prevY = x, y
	r.edge(x, y, p[0], p[1])

	if nonZeroWindingRule {
		r.scanNonZero(img, int(ymin), int(ymax+0.5))
	} else {
		r.scanEvenOdd(img, int(ymin), int(ymax+0.5))
Exemplo n.º 2
func (z *Rasterizer) rasterizeDstAlphaSrcOpaqueOpSrc(dst *image.Alpha, r image.Rectangle) {
	// TODO: non-zero vs even-odd winding?
	if r == dst.Bounds() && r == z.Bounds() {
		// We bypass the z.accumulateMask step and convert straight from
		// z.bufF32 or z.bufU32 to dst.Pix.
		if z.useFloatingPointMath {
			if haveFloatingAccumulateSIMD {
				floatingAccumulateOpSrcSIMD(dst.Pix, z.bufF32)
			} else {
				floatingAccumulateOpSrc(dst.Pix, z.bufF32)
		} else {
			if haveFixedAccumulateSIMD {
				fixedAccumulateOpSrcSIMD(dst.Pix, z.bufU32)
			} else {
				fixedAccumulateOpSrc(dst.Pix, z.bufU32)

	pix := dst.Pix[dst.PixOffset(r.Min.X, r.Min.Y):]
	for y, y1 := 0, r.Max.Y-r.Min.Y; y < y1; y++ {
		for x, x1 := 0, r.Max.X-r.Min.X; x < x1; x++ {
			ma := z.bufU32[y*z.size.X+x]

			// This formula is like rasterizeOpSrc's, simplified for the
			// concrete dst type and opaque src assumption.
			pix[y*dst.Stride+x] = uint8(ma >> 8)
Exemplo n.º 3
func (z *Rasterizer) rasterizeDstAlphaSrcOpaqueOpSrc(dst *image.Alpha, r image.Rectangle) {
	// TODO: add SIMD implementations.
	// TODO: add a fixed point math implementation.
	// TODO: non-zero vs even-odd winding?
	if r == dst.Bounds() && r == z.Bounds() {
		floatingAccumulate(dst.Pix, z.area)
	println("TODO: the general case")
Exemplo n.º 4
// checkCornersCenter checks that the corners of the image are all 0x00 and the
// center is 0xff.
func checkCornersCenter(m *image.Alpha) error {
	if err := checkCorners(m); err != nil {
		return err
	size := m.Bounds().Size()
	center := m.Pix[(size.Y/2)*m.Stride+(size.X/2)]
	if center != 0xff {
		return fmt.Errorf("center: got %#02x, want 0xff", center)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 5
// checkCorners checks that the corners of the image are all 0x00.
func checkCorners(m *image.Alpha) error {
	size := m.Bounds().Size()
	corners := [4]uint8{
	if corners != [4]uint8{} {
		return fmt.Errorf("corners were not all zero: %v", corners)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 6
func Context(dst *image.Alpha, bold bool) *freetype.Context {
	c := freetype.NewContext()
	if bold {
	} else {
	return c
Exemplo n.º 7
func bilinearAlpha(src *image.Alpha, x, y float32) color.Alpha {
	p := findLinearSrc(src.Bounds(), x, y)

	// Slice offsets for the surrounding pixels.
	off00 := src.PixOffset(p.low.X, p.low.Y)
	off01 := src.PixOffset(p.high.X, p.low.Y)
	off10 := src.PixOffset(p.low.X, p.high.Y)
	off11 := src.PixOffset(p.high.X, p.high.Y)

	fa := float32(src.Pix[off00]) * p.frac00
	fa += float32(src.Pix[off01]) * p.frac01
	fa += float32(src.Pix[off10]) * p.frac10
	fa += float32(src.Pix[off11]) * p.frac11

	return color.Alpha{A: uint8(fa + 0.5)}
Exemplo n.º 8
// Renders the mask to the canvas
func DrawSolidRGBA(dest *image.RGBA, mask *image.Alpha, rgba color.RGBA) {
	rect := dest.Bounds().Intersect(mask.Bounds())
	minX := uint32(rect.Min.X)
	minY := uint32(rect.Min.Y)
	maxX := uint32(rect.Max.X)
	maxY := uint32(rect.Max.Y)

	pixColor := *(*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&rgba))

	cs1 := pixColor & 0xff00ff
	cs2 := (pixColor >> 8) & 0xff00ff

	stride1 := uint32(dest.Stride)
	stride2 := uint32(mask.Stride)

	maxY *= stride1
	var pix, pixm []uint8
	var pixelx uint32
	var x, y1, y2 uint32
	for y1, y2 = minY*stride1, minY*stride2; y1 < maxY; y1, y2 = y1+stride1, y2+stride2 {
		pix = dest.Pix[y1:]
		pixm = mask.Pix[y2:]
		pixelx = minX * 4
		for x = minX; x < maxX; x++ {
			alpha := uint32(pixm[x])
			p := (*uint32)(unsafe.Pointer(&pix[pixelx]))
			if alpha != 0 {
				invAlpha := 0xff - alpha
				ct1 := (*p & 0xff00ff) * invAlpha
				ct2 := ((*p >> 8) & 0xff00ff) * invAlpha

				ct1 = ((ct1 + cs1*alpha) >> 8) & 0xff00ff
				ct2 = (ct2 + cs2*alpha) & 0xff00ff00
				*p = ct1 + ct2
			pixelx += 4
Exemplo n.º 9
func FindSDFAlpha(img *image.Alpha, x, y, maxRadius int) int {

	w := img.Bounds().Dx()
	distance := maxRadius*maxRadius + 1
	alpha := uint8(0)
	if (image.Point{x, y}.In(img.Bounds())) {
		alpha = img.Pix[y*w+x]

	a := uint8(0)
	for radius := 1; (radius <= maxRadius) && (radius*radius < distance); radius++ {
		for line := -radius; line <= radius; line++ {
			nx, ny := x+line, y+radius
			if (image.Point{nx, ny}.In(img.Bounds())) {
				a = img.Pix[ny*w+nx]
			} else {
				a = 0
			//fmt.Println(line, x, ny, a, alpha)
			if a != alpha {
				nx = x - nx
				ny = y - ny
				d := (nx * nx) + (ny * ny)
				if d < distance {
					distance = d

		for line := -radius; line <= radius; line++ {
			nx, ny := x+line, y-radius
			if (image.Point{nx, ny}.In(img.Bounds())) {
				a = img.Pix[ny*w+nx]
			} else {
				a = 0
			if a != alpha {
				nx = x - nx
				ny = y - ny
				d := (nx * nx) + (ny * ny)
				if d < distance {
					distance = d

		for line := -radius; line < radius; line++ {
			nx, ny := x+radius, y+line
			if (image.Point{nx, ny}.In(img.Bounds())) {
				a = img.Pix[ny*w+nx]
			} else {
				a = 0
			if a != alpha {
				nx = x - nx
				ny = y - ny
				d := (nx * nx) + (ny * ny)
				if d < distance {
					distance = d

		for line := -radius; line < radius; line++ {
			nx, ny := x-radius, y+line
			if (image.Point{nx, ny}.In(img.Bounds())) {
				a = img.Pix[ny*w+nx]
			} else {
				a = 0
			if a != alpha {
				nx = x - nx
				ny = y - ny
				d := (nx * nx) + (ny * ny)
				if d < distance {
					distance = d
	SDF := float32(math.Sqrt(float64(distance)))
	if alpha == 0 {
		SDF = -SDF
	SDF *= 127.5 / float32(maxRadius)
	SDF += 127.5
	if SDF < 0 {
		SDF = 0
	} else if SDF > 255 {
		SDF = 255
	return int(SDF + 0.5)
Exemplo n.º 10
func resizeAlpha(src *image.Alpha, size int) *image.Alpha {
	dst := image.NewAlpha(image.Rect(0, 0, size, size))
	draw.ApproxBiLinear.Scale(dst, dst.Bounds(), src, src.Bounds(), draw.Src, nil)
	return dst