Exemplo n.º 1
// DefaultAPITokenMountPath is the path that ServiceAccountToken secrets are automounted to.
// The token file would then be accessible at /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount
const DefaultAPITokenMountPath = "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount"

// PluginName is the name of this admission plugin
const PluginName = "ServiceAccount"

func init() {
	admission.RegisterPlugin(PluginName, func(config io.Reader) (admission.Interface, error) {
		serviceAccountAdmission := NewServiceAccount()
		return serviceAccountAdmission, nil

var _ = admission.Interface(&serviceAccount{})

type serviceAccount struct {

	// LimitSecretReferences rejects pods that reference secrets their service accounts do not reference
	LimitSecretReferences bool
	// RequireAPIToken determines whether pod creation attempts are rejected if no API token exists for the pod's service account
	RequireAPIToken bool
	// MountServiceAccountToken creates Volume and VolumeMounts for the first referenced ServiceAccountToken for the pod's service account
	MountServiceAccountToken bool

	client internalclientset.Interface

	serviceAccounts cache.Indexer
	secrets         cache.Indexer
Exemplo n.º 2
	vol "k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/volume"

func init() {
	admission.RegisterPlugin("PersistentVolumeLabel", func(config io.Reader) (admission.Interface, error) {
		persistentVolumeLabelAdmission := NewPersistentVolumeLabel()
		return persistentVolumeLabelAdmission, nil

var _ = admission.Interface(&persistentVolumeLabel{})

type persistentVolumeLabel struct {

	mutex            sync.Mutex
	ebsVolumes       aws.Volumes
	gceCloudProvider *gce.GCECloud

// NewPersistentVolumeLabel returns an admission.Interface implementation which adds labels to PersistentVolume CREATE requests,
// based on the labels provided by the underlying cloud provider.
// As a side effect, the cloud provider may block invalid or non-existent volumes.
func NewPersistentVolumeLabel() *persistentVolumeLabel {
	return &persistentVolumeLabel{