Exemplo n.º 1
// GetDeploymentsForReplicaSet returns a list of deployments managing a replica set. Returns an error only if no matching deployments are found.
func (s *StoreToDeploymentLister) GetDeploymentsForReplicaSet(rs *extensions.ReplicaSet) (deployments []extensions.Deployment, err error) {
	if len(rs.Labels) == 0 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("no deployments found for ReplicaSet %v because it has no labels", rs.Name)

	// TODO: MODIFY THIS METHOD so that it checks for the podTemplateSpecHash label
	dList, err := s.Deployments(rs.Namespace).List(labels.Everything())
	if err != nil {
	for _, d := range dList {
		selector, err := unversioned.LabelSelectorAsSelector(d.Spec.Selector)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid label selector: %v", err)
		// If a deployment with a nil or empty selector creeps in, it should match nothing, not everything.
		if selector.Empty() || !selector.Matches(labels.Set(rs.Labels)) {
		deployments = append(deployments, d)
	if len(deployments) == 0 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("could not find deployments set for ReplicaSet %s in namespace %s with labels: %v", rs.Name, rs.Namespace, rs.Labels)
Exemplo n.º 2
// GetDeploymentsForPods returns a list of deployments managing a pod. Returns an error only if no matching deployments are found.
func (s *StoreToDeploymentLister) GetDeploymentsForPod(pod *api.Pod) (deployments []extensions.Deployment, err error) {
	if len(pod.Labels) == 0 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("no deployments found for Pod %v because it has no labels", pod.Name)

	if len(pod.Labels[extensions.DefaultDeploymentUniqueLabelKey]) == 0 {

	dList, err := s.Deployments(pod.Namespace).List(labels.Everything())
	if err != nil {
	for _, d := range dList {
		selector, err := unversioned.LabelSelectorAsSelector(d.Spec.Selector)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid label selector: %v", err)
		// If a deployment with a nil or empty selector creeps in, it should match nothing, not everything.
		if selector.Empty() || !selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) {
		deployments = append(deployments, d)
	if len(deployments) == 0 {
		err = fmt.Errorf("could not find deployments set for Pod %s in namespace %s with labels: %v", pod.Name, pod.Namespace, pod.Labels)
Exemplo n.º 3
func addDefaultingFuncs(scheme *runtime.Scheme) error {
	return scheme.AddDefaultingFuncs(
		func(obj *ListOptions) {
			if obj.LabelSelector == nil {
				obj.LabelSelector = labels.Everything()
			if obj.FieldSelector == nil {
				obj.FieldSelector = fields.Everything()
Exemplo n.º 4
func NewRootListAction(resource unversioned.GroupVersionResource, opts api.ListOptions) ListActionImpl {
	action := ListActionImpl{}
	action.Verb = "list"
	action.Resource = resource
	labelSelector := opts.LabelSelector
	if labelSelector == nil {
		labelSelector = labels.Everything()
	fieldSelector := opts.FieldSelector
	if fieldSelector == nil {
		fieldSelector = fields.Everything()
	action.ListRestrictions = ListRestrictions{labelSelector, fieldSelector}

	return action
Exemplo n.º 5
func NewRootWatchAction(resource unversioned.GroupVersionResource, opts api.ListOptions) WatchActionImpl {
	action := WatchActionImpl{}
	action.Verb = "watch"
	action.Resource = resource
	labelSelector := opts.LabelSelector
	if labelSelector == nil {
		labelSelector = labels.Everything()
	fieldSelector := opts.FieldSelector
	if fieldSelector == nil {
		fieldSelector = fields.Everything()
	action.WatchRestrictions = WatchRestrictions{labelSelector, fieldSelector, opts.ResourceVersion}

	return action
Exemplo n.º 6
func NewDeleteCollectionAction(resource unversioned.GroupVersionResource, namespace string, opts api.ListOptions) DeleteCollectionActionImpl {
	action := DeleteCollectionActionImpl{}
	action.Verb = "delete-collection"
	action.Resource = resource
	action.Namespace = namespace
	labelSelector := opts.LabelSelector
	if labelSelector == nil {
		labelSelector = labels.Everything()
	fieldSelector := opts.FieldSelector
	if fieldSelector == nil {
		fieldSelector = fields.Everything()
	action.ListRestrictions = ListRestrictions{labelSelector, fieldSelector}

	return action
Exemplo n.º 7
func (c *FakePodSecurityPolicies) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicyList, err error) {
	obj, err := c.Fake.
		Invokes(testing.NewRootListAction(podsecuritypoliciesResource, opts), &v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicyList{})
	if obj == nil {
		return nil, err

	label := opts.LabelSelector
	if label == nil {
		label = labels.Everything()
	list := &v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicyList{}
	for _, item := range obj.(*v1beta1.PodSecurityPolicyList).Items {
		if label.Matches(labels.Set(item.Labels)) {
			list.Items = append(list.Items, item)
	return list, err
Exemplo n.º 8
func (c *FakeComponentStatuses) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *v1.ComponentStatusList, err error) {
	obj, err := c.Fake.
		Invokes(testing.NewRootListAction(componentstatusesResource, opts), &v1.ComponentStatusList{})
	if obj == nil {
		return nil, err

	label := opts.LabelSelector
	if label == nil {
		label = labels.Everything()
	list := &v1.ComponentStatusList{}
	for _, item := range obj.(*v1.ComponentStatusList).Items {
		if label.Matches(labels.Set(item.Labels)) {
			list.Items = append(list.Items, item)
	return list, err
func (c *FakeCertificateSigningRequests) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *v1alpha1.CertificateSigningRequestList, err error) {
	obj, err := c.Fake.
		Invokes(testing.NewRootListAction(certificatesigningrequestsResource, opts), &v1alpha1.CertificateSigningRequestList{})
	if obj == nil {
		return nil, err

	label := opts.LabelSelector
	if label == nil {
		label = labels.Everything()
	list := &v1alpha1.CertificateSigningRequestList{}
	for _, item := range obj.(*v1alpha1.CertificateSigningRequestList).Items {
		if label.Matches(labels.Set(item.Labels)) {
			list.Items = append(list.Items, item)
	return list, err
Exemplo n.º 10
func (c *FakeReplicationControllers) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *v1.ReplicationControllerList, err error) {
	obj, err := c.Fake.
		Invokes(testing.NewListAction(replicationcontrollersResource, c.ns, opts), &v1.ReplicationControllerList{})

	if obj == nil {
		return nil, err

	label := opts.LabelSelector
	if label == nil {
		label = labels.Everything()
	list := &v1.ReplicationControllerList{}
	for _, item := range obj.(*v1.ReplicationControllerList).Items {
		if label.Matches(labels.Set(item.Labels)) {
			list.Items = append(list.Items, item)
	return list, err
Exemplo n.º 11
func (c *FakePodDisruptionBudgets) List(opts api.ListOptions) (result *v1alpha1.PodDisruptionBudgetList, err error) {
	obj, err := c.Fake.
		Invokes(testing.NewListAction(poddisruptionbudgetsResource, c.ns, opts), &v1alpha1.PodDisruptionBudgetList{})

	if obj == nil {
		return nil, err

	label := opts.LabelSelector
	if label == nil {
		label = labels.Everything()
	list := &v1alpha1.PodDisruptionBudgetList{}
	for _, item := range obj.(*v1alpha1.PodDisruptionBudgetList).Items {
		if label.Matches(labels.Set(item.Labels)) {
			list.Items = append(list.Items, item)
	return list, err
Exemplo n.º 12
// TODO: Move this back to scheduler as a helper function that takes a Store,
// rather than a method of StoreToServiceLister.
func (s *StoreToServiceLister) GetPodServices(pod *api.Pod) (services []*api.Service, err error) {
	allServices, err := s.Services(pod.Namespace).List(labels.Everything())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err

	for i := range allServices {
		service := allServices[i]
		if service.Spec.Selector == nil {
			// services with nil selectors match nothing, not everything.
		selector := labels.Set(service.Spec.Selector).AsSelectorPreValidated()
		if selector.Matches(labels.Set(pod.Labels)) {
			services = append(services, service)

	return services, nil
Exemplo n.º 13
// LabelSelectorAsSelector converts the LabelSelector api type into a struct that implements
// labels.Selector
// Note: This function should be kept in sync with the selector methods in pkg/labels/selector.go
func LabelSelectorAsSelector(ps *LabelSelector) (labels.Selector, error) {
	if ps == nil {
		return labels.Nothing(), nil
	if len(ps.MatchLabels)+len(ps.MatchExpressions) == 0 {
		return labels.Everything(), nil
	selector := labels.NewSelector()
	for k, v := range ps.MatchLabels {
		r, err := labels.NewRequirement(k, selection.Equals, sets.NewString(v))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		selector = selector.Add(*r)
	for _, expr := range ps.MatchExpressions {
		var op selection.Operator
		switch expr.Operator {
		case LabelSelectorOpIn:
			op = selection.In
		case LabelSelectorOpNotIn:
			op = selection.NotIn
		case LabelSelectorOpExists:
			op = selection.Exists
		case LabelSelectorOpDoesNotExist:
			op = selection.DoesNotExist
			return nil, fmt.Errorf("%q is not a valid pod selector operator", expr.Operator)
		r, err := labels.NewRequirement(expr.Key, op, sets.NewString(expr.Values...))
		if err != nil {
			return nil, err
		selector = selector.Add(*r)
	return selector, nil
Exemplo n.º 14
func TestStoreToReplicationControllerLister(t *testing.T) {
	testCases := []struct {
		description              string
		inRCs                    []*api.ReplicationController
		list                     func(StoreToReplicationControllerLister) ([]*api.ReplicationController, error)
		outRCNames               sets.String
		expectErr                bool
		onlyIfIndexedByNamespace bool
			description: "Verify we can search all namespaces",
			inRCs: []*api.ReplicationController{
					ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo", Namespace: "bar"},
					ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "hmm", Namespace: "hmm"},
			list: func(lister StoreToReplicationControllerLister) ([]*api.ReplicationController, error) {
				return lister.ReplicationControllers(api.NamespaceAll).List(labels.Set{}.AsSelectorPreValidated())
			outRCNames: sets.NewString("hmm", "foo"),
			description: "Verify we can search a specific namespace",
			inRCs: []*api.ReplicationController{
					ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo", Namespace: "bar"},
					ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "hmm", Namespace: "hmm"},
			list: func(lister StoreToReplicationControllerLister) ([]*api.ReplicationController, error) {
				return lister.ReplicationControllers("hmm").List(labels.Set{}.AsSelectorPreValidated())
			outRCNames: sets.NewString("hmm"),
			description: "Basic listing with all labels and no selectors",
			inRCs: []*api.ReplicationController{
				{ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "basic"}},
			list: func(lister StoreToReplicationControllerLister) ([]*api.ReplicationController, error) {
				return lister.List(labels.Everything())
			outRCNames: sets.NewString("basic"),
			description: "No pod labels",
			inRCs: []*api.ReplicationController{
					ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "basic", Namespace: "ns"},
					Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{
						Selector: map[string]string{"foo": "baz"},
			list: func(lister StoreToReplicationControllerLister) ([]*api.ReplicationController, error) {
				pod := &api.Pod{
					ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "pod1", Namespace: "ns"},
				return lister.GetPodControllers(pod)
			outRCNames: sets.NewString(),
			expectErr:  true,
			description: "No RC selectors",
			inRCs: []*api.ReplicationController{
					ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "basic", Namespace: "ns"},
			list: func(lister StoreToReplicationControllerLister) ([]*api.ReplicationController, error) {
				pod := &api.Pod{
					ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
						Name:      "pod1",
						Namespace: "ns",
						Labels:    map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
				return lister.GetPodControllers(pod)
			outRCNames: sets.NewString(),
			expectErr:  true,
			description: "Matching labels to selectors and namespace",
			inRCs: []*api.ReplicationController{
					ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "foo"},
					Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{
						Selector: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
					ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{Name: "bar", Namespace: "ns"},
					Spec: api.ReplicationControllerSpec{
						Selector: map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
			list: func(lister StoreToReplicationControllerLister) ([]*api.ReplicationController, error) {
				pod := &api.Pod{
					ObjectMeta: api.ObjectMeta{
						Name:      "pod1",
						Labels:    map[string]string{"foo": "bar"},
						Namespace: "ns",
				return lister.GetPodControllers(pod)
			outRCNames:               sets.NewString("bar"),
			onlyIfIndexedByNamespace: true,
	for _, c := range testCases {
		for _, withIndex := range []bool{true, false} {
			if c.onlyIfIndexedByNamespace && !withIndex {
			var store Indexer
			if withIndex {
				store = NewIndexer(MetaNamespaceKeyFunc, Indexers{NamespaceIndex: MetaNamespaceIndexFunc})
			} else {
				store = NewIndexer(MetaNamespaceKeyFunc, Indexers{})

			for _, r := range c.inRCs {

			gotControllers, err := c.list(StoreToReplicationControllerLister{store})
			if err != nil && c.expectErr {
			} else if c.expectErr {
				t.Errorf("(%q, withIndex=%v) Expected error, got none", c.description, withIndex)
			} else if err != nil {
				t.Errorf("(%q, withIndex=%v) Unexpected error %#v", c.description, withIndex, err)
			gotNames := make([]string, len(gotControllers))
			for ix := range gotControllers {
				gotNames[ix] = gotControllers[ix].Name
			if !c.outRCNames.HasAll(gotNames...) || len(gotNames) != len(c.outRCNames) {
				t.Errorf("(%q, withIndex=%v) Unexpected got controllers %+v expected %+v", c.description, withIndex, gotNames, c.outRCNames)