Exemplo n.º 1
func (a *gcPermissionsEnforcement) Admit(attributes admission.Attributes) (err error) {
	// if we aren't changing owner references, then the edit is always allowed
	if !isChangingOwnerReference(attributes.GetObject(), attributes.GetOldObject()) {
		return nil

	deleteAttributes := authorizer.AttributesRecord{
		User:            attributes.GetUserInfo(),
		Verb:            "delete",
		Namespace:       attributes.GetNamespace(),
		APIGroup:        attributes.GetResource().Group,
		APIVersion:      attributes.GetResource().Version,
		Resource:        attributes.GetResource().Resource,
		Subresource:     attributes.GetSubresource(),
		Name:            attributes.GetName(),
		ResourceRequest: true,
		Path:            "",
	allowed, reason, err := a.authorizer.Authorize(deleteAttributes)
	if allowed {
		return nil

	return admission.NewForbidden(attributes, fmt.Errorf("cannot set an ownerRef on a resource you can't delete: %v, %v", reason, err))
Exemplo n.º 2
// Admit determines if the endpoints object should be admitted
func (r *restrictedEndpointsAdmission) Admit(a kadmission.Attributes) error {
	if a.GetResource().GroupResource() != kapi.Resource("endpoints") {
		return nil
	ep, ok := a.GetObject().(*kapi.Endpoints)
	if !ok {
		return nil
	old, ok := a.GetOldObject().(*kapi.Endpoints)
	if ok && reflect.DeepEqual(ep.Subsets, old.Subsets) {
		return nil

	restrictedIP := r.findRestrictedIP(ep)
	if restrictedIP == "" {
		return nil

	allow, err := r.checkAccess(a)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	if !allow {
		return kadmission.NewForbidden(a, fmt.Errorf("endpoint address %s is not allowed", restrictedIP))
	return nil
// Admit determines if the service should be admitted based on the configured network CIDR.
func (r *externalIPRanger) Admit(a kadmission.Attributes) error {
	if a.GetResource().GroupResource() != kapi.Resource("services") {
		return nil

	svc, ok := a.GetObject().(*kapi.Service)
	// if we can't convert then we don't handle this object so just return
	if !ok {
		return nil

	// Determine if an ingress ip address should be allowed as an
	// external ip by checking the loadbalancer status of the previous
	// object state. Only updates need to be validated against the
	// ingress ip since the loadbalancer status cannot be set on
	// create.
	ingressIP := ""
	retrieveIngressIP := a.GetOperation() == kadmission.Update &&
		r.allowIngressIP && svc.Spec.Type == kapi.ServiceTypeLoadBalancer
	if retrieveIngressIP {
		old, ok := a.GetOldObject().(*kapi.Service)
		ipPresent := ok && old != nil && len(old.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress) > 0
		if ipPresent {
			ingressIP = old.Status.LoadBalancer.Ingress[0].IP

	var errs field.ErrorList
	switch {
	// administrator disabled externalIPs
	case len(svc.Spec.ExternalIPs) > 0 && len(r.admit) == 0:
		onlyIngressIP := len(svc.Spec.ExternalIPs) == 1 && svc.Spec.ExternalIPs[0] == ingressIP
		if !onlyIngressIP {
			errs = append(errs, field.Forbidden(field.NewPath("spec", "externalIPs"), "externalIPs have been disabled"))
	// administrator has limited the range
	case len(svc.Spec.ExternalIPs) > 0 && len(r.admit) > 0:
		for i, s := range svc.Spec.ExternalIPs {
			ip := net.ParseIP(s)
			if ip == nil {
				errs = append(errs, field.Forbidden(field.NewPath("spec", "externalIPs").Index(i), "externalIPs must be a valid address"))
			notIngressIP := s != ingressIP
			if (NetworkSlice(r.reject).Contains(ip) || !NetworkSlice(r.admit).Contains(ip)) && notIngressIP {
				errs = append(errs, field.Forbidden(field.NewPath("spec", "externalIPs").Index(i), "externalIP is not allowed"))
	if len(errs) > 0 {
		return apierrs.NewInvalid(a.GetKind().GroupKind(), a.GetName(), errs)
	return nil
Exemplo n.º 4
// checkRequest verifies that the request does not exceed any quota constraint. it returns back a copy of quotas not yet persisted
// that capture what the usage would be if the request succeeded.  It return an error if the is insufficient quota to satisfy the request
func (e *quotaEvaluator) checkRequest(quotas []api.ResourceQuota, a admission.Attributes) ([]api.ResourceQuota, error) {
	namespace := a.GetNamespace()
	evaluators := e.registry.Evaluators()
	evaluator, found := evaluators[a.GetKind().GroupKind()]
	if !found {
		return quotas, nil

	op := a.GetOperation()
	operationResources := evaluator.OperationResources(op)
	if len(operationResources) == 0 {
		return quotas, nil

	// find the set of quotas that are pertinent to this request
	// reject if we match the quota, but usage is not calculated yet
	// reject if the input object does not satisfy quota constraints
	// if there are no pertinent quotas, we can just return
	inputObject := a.GetObject()
	interestingQuotaIndexes := []int{}
	for i := range quotas {
		resourceQuota := quotas[i]
		match := evaluator.Matches(&resourceQuota, inputObject)
		if !match {

		hardResources := quota.ResourceNames(resourceQuota.Status.Hard)
		evaluatorResources := evaluator.MatchesResources()
		requiredResources := quota.Intersection(hardResources, evaluatorResources)
		err := evaluator.Constraints(requiredResources, inputObject)
		if err != nil {
			return nil, admission.NewForbidden(a, fmt.Errorf("Failed quota: %s: %v", resourceQuota.Name, err))
		if !hasUsageStats(&resourceQuota) {
			return nil, admission.NewForbidden(a, fmt.Errorf("Status unknown for quota: %s", resourceQuota.Name))

		interestingQuotaIndexes = append(interestingQuotaIndexes, i)
	if len(interestingQuotaIndexes) == 0 {
		return quotas, nil

	// Usage of some resources cannot be counted in isolation. For example when
	// the resource represents a number of unique references to external
	// resource. In such a case an evaluator needs to process other objects in
	// the same namespace which needs to be known.
	if accessor, err := meta.Accessor(inputObject); namespace != "" && err == nil {
		if accessor.GetNamespace() == "" {

	// there is at least one quota that definitely matches our object
	// as a result, we need to measure the usage of this object for quota
	// on updates, we need to subtract the previous measured usage
	// if usage shows no change, just return since it has no impact on quota
	deltaUsage := evaluator.Usage(inputObject)
	if admission.Update == op {
		prevItem := a.GetOldObject()
		if prevItem == nil {
			return nil, admission.NewForbidden(a, fmt.Errorf("Unable to get previous usage since prior version of object was not found"))

		// if we can definitively determine that this is not a case of "create on update",
		// then charge based on the delta.  Otherwise, bill the maximum
		metadata, err := meta.Accessor(prevItem)
		if err == nil && len(metadata.GetResourceVersion()) > 0 {
			prevUsage := evaluator.Usage(prevItem)
			deltaUsage = quota.Subtract(deltaUsage, prevUsage)
	if quota.IsZero(deltaUsage) {
		return quotas, nil

	for _, index := range interestingQuotaIndexes {
		resourceQuota := quotas[index]

		hardResources := quota.ResourceNames(resourceQuota.Status.Hard)
		requestedUsage := quota.Mask(deltaUsage, hardResources)
		newUsage := quota.Add(resourceQuota.Status.Used, requestedUsage)
		maskedNewUsage := quota.Mask(newUsage, quota.ResourceNames(requestedUsage))

		if allowed, exceeded := quota.LessThanOrEqual(maskedNewUsage, resourceQuota.Status.Hard); !allowed {
			failedRequestedUsage := quota.Mask(requestedUsage, exceeded)
			failedUsed := quota.Mask(resourceQuota.Status.Used, exceeded)
			failedHard := quota.Mask(resourceQuota.Status.Hard, exceeded)
			return nil, admission.NewForbidden(a,
				fmt.Errorf("Exceeded quota: %s, requested: %s, used: %s, limited: %s",

		// update to the new usage number
		quotas[index].Status.Used = newUsage

	return quotas, nil
Exemplo n.º 5
// Admit makes admission decisions that enforce restrictions on adding
// project-scoped role-bindings.  In order for a role binding to be permitted,
// each subject in the binding must be matched by some rolebinding restriction
// in the namespace.
func (q *restrictUsersAdmission) Admit(a admission.Attributes) (err error) {
	// We only care about rolebindings and policybindings; ignore anything else.
	switch a.GetResource().GroupResource() {
	case authorizationapi.Resource("rolebindings"):
	case authorizationapi.Resource("policybindings"):
		return nil

	// Ignore all operations that correspond to subresource actions.
	if len(a.GetSubresource()) != 0 {
		return nil

	ns := a.GetNamespace()
	// Ignore cluster-level resources.
	if len(ns) == 0 {
		return nil

	var subjects, oldSubjects []kapi.ObjectReference

	obj, oldObj := a.GetObject(), a.GetOldObject()
	switch a.GetResource().GroupResource() {
	case authorizationapi.Resource("rolebindings"):
		rolebinding, ok := obj.(*authorizationapi.RoleBinding)
		if !ok {
			return admission.NewForbidden(a,
				fmt.Errorf("wrong object type for new rolebinding: %t", obj))

		subjects = rolebinding.Subjects
		if len(subjects) == 0 {
			return nil

		if oldObj != nil {
			oldrolebinding, ok := oldObj.(*authorizationapi.RoleBinding)
			if !ok {
				return admission.NewForbidden(a,
					fmt.Errorf("wrong object type for old rolebinding: %t", oldObj))

			oldSubjects = oldrolebinding.Subjects

		glog.V(4).Infof("Handling rolebinding %s/%s",
			rolebinding.Namespace, rolebinding.Name)

	case authorizationapi.Resource("policybindings"):
		policybinding, ok := obj.(*authorizationapi.PolicyBinding)
		if !ok {
			return admission.NewForbidden(a,
				fmt.Errorf("wrong object type for new policybinding: %t", obj))

		for _, rolebinding := range policybinding.RoleBindings {
			subjects = append(subjects, rolebinding.Subjects...)
		if len(subjects) == 0 {
			return nil

		if oldObj != nil {
			oldpolicybinding, ok := oldObj.(*authorizationapi.PolicyBinding)
			if !ok {
				return admission.NewForbidden(a,
					fmt.Errorf("wrong object type for old policybinding: %t", oldObj))

			for _, rolebinding := range oldpolicybinding.RoleBindings {
				oldSubjects = append(oldSubjects, rolebinding.Subjects...)

		glog.V(4).Infof("Handling policybinding %s/%s",
			policybinding.Namespace, policybinding.Name)

	newSubjects := objectReferenceDelta(oldSubjects, subjects)
	if len(newSubjects) == 0 {
		glog.V(4).Infof("No new subjects; admitting")
		return nil

	// TODO: Cache rolebinding restrictions.
	roleBindingRestrictionList, err := q.oclient.RoleBindingRestrictions(ns).
	if err != nil {
		return admission.NewForbidden(a, err)
	if len(roleBindingRestrictionList.Items) == 0 {
		glog.V(4).Infof("No rolebinding restrictions specified; admitting")
		return nil

	if !q.groupCache.Running() {
		return admission.NewForbidden(a, errors.New("groupCache not running"))

	checkers := []SubjectChecker{}
	for _, rbr := range roleBindingRestrictionList.Items {
		checker, err := NewSubjectChecker(&rbr.Spec)
		if err != nil {
			return admission.NewForbidden(a, err)
		checkers = append(checkers, checker)

	roleBindingRestrictionContext, err := NewRoleBindingRestrictionContext(ns,
		q.kclient, q.oclient, q.groupCache)
	if err != nil {
		return admission.NewForbidden(a, err)

	checker := NewUnionSubjectChecker(checkers)

	errs := []error{}
	for _, subject := range newSubjects {
		allowed, err := checker.Allowed(subject, roleBindingRestrictionContext)
		if err != nil {
			errs = append(errs, err)
		if !allowed {
			errs = append(errs,
				fmt.Errorf("rolebindings to %s %q are not allowed in project %q",
					subject.Kind, subject.Name, ns))
	if len(errs) != 0 {
		return admission.NewForbidden(a, kerrors.NewAggregate(errs))

	glog.V(4).Infof("All new subjects are allowed; admitting")

	return nil