Exemplo n.º 1
// WaitForADeployment waits for a Deployment to fulfill the isOK function
func WaitForADeployment(client kclient.ReplicationControllerInterface,
	name string,
	isOK, isFailed func(*kapi.ReplicationController) bool) error {
	for {
		requirement, err := labels.NewRequirement(deployapi.DeploymentConfigAnnotation, labels.EqualsOperator, kutil.NewStringSet(name))
		if err != nil {
			return fmt.Errorf("unexpected error generating label selector: %v", err)

		list, err := client.List(labels.LabelSelector{*requirement})
		if err != nil {
			return err
		for i := range list.Items {
			if isOK(&list.Items[i]) {
				return nil
			if isFailed(&list.Items[i]) {
				return fmt.Errorf("The deployment %q status is %q",
					name, list.Items[i].Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusAnnotation])

		rv := list.ResourceVersion
		w, err := client.Watch(labels.LabelSelector{*requirement}, fields.Everything(), rv)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		defer w.Stop()

		for {
			val, ok := <-w.ResultChan()
			if !ok {
				// reget and re-watch
			if e, ok := val.Object.(*kapi.ReplicationController); ok {
				if isOK(e) {
					return nil
				if isFailed(e) {
					return fmt.Errorf("The deployment %q status is %q",
						name, e.Annotations[deployapi.DeploymentStatusAnnotation])